Pelosi Announces Impeachment Vote

To draft articles of impeachment.
Do you think the senile old coot has the votes?
Thank God Republicans are the sane people in the house could you imagine America run by democrats
Source: CNN.COM

The latest on the Trump impeachment inquiry - CNNPolitics

"Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced moments ago that she is asking House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler to proceed with articles of impeachment.

She began her statement my referencing some of the founders of the US.

"Another founder, Governor Morris, feared that a president may be bribed by a greater interest to betray his trust. He emphasized that this magistrate is not a king. The people are the king. They, therefore, created a constitutional remedy to protect against a dangerous or corrupt leader: Impeachment," Pelosi said.
She added, "In America, no one is above the law."

She then said Trump has "abused his power" as President.

"The President abused his power for his own personal political benefit at the expense of our national security," Pelosi said.

Let the bread and circuses begin....
It is amusing that she is quoting Founding Fathers who in the past, they [Democrats] have denounced as racists.
Democrats have nothing in common with average Americans if you listen to the three Democrat witnesses yesterday they are all elitist hate filled Democrats who hate common Americans
Democrats have nothing in common with average Americans if you listen to the three Democrat witnesses yesterday they are all elitist hate filled Democrats who hate common Americans
They were not witnesses.
They were giving opinions on the situation.
It is amusing that she is quoting Founding Fathers who in the past, they [Democrats] have denounced as racists.

Unable to get through the nuance, eh? Let me try to help.

To say that people a few hundred years ago would not be considered racist by today's standards would be a tad dishonest. They owned human beings for the sake of their skin color, they were a tad racist. However that is not why we hold them in high regard, they like anyone else is not perfect (Trump supporters more than anyone should understand this). Their legacy is not that of racism but of being the founders of a great democratic society. We have since improved on that concept to be more inclusive of race and sex and if you're at least somewhat normal (this is where some Trump supporters will get lost) we don't want to devolve back into the 1700s. Our country has been able, at least up until now to evolve and overcome obstacles such as slavery, segregation and the Jim Crow south and built upon the civil rights for all of our citizens. It started with the founding fathers, it finishes long after we are gone.
"A majority of Americans (57 percent) still think Trump committed an impeachable offense, which is essentially identical to the share who said so in mid-November when we first asked the question."

The Impeachment Hearings Just Confirmed Voters’ Preexisting Opinions

I watched the hearings by the "Constitutional Scholars" . We have (9) Constitutional scholars already, they are the only one who count everyone else's "opinions" are just that. These are the fucktards who think they get to decide what is and isn't legal based on their Political beliefs. You won't see any of them appointed to a Federal Judgeship" because everyone already knows they are political hacks, I'd bet my car Noah Feldman is a queer. Just sayin'. And everyone knows Karlan is. Sorry I don't want "Sexual deviants" anywhere near the Judiciary. It's bad enough Congress is loaded with them!
So after trump gets impeached, will republicans finally be able to call people to testify in the senate?
Will they show up?

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