Pelosi "Connects The Dots!!!"

If the voters of California cannot do any better than this, or their other elected idiots, we should make war on mexico and demand they take california back.
She looks like she hasn't slept in weeks and is reduced to bitterly whining about Repubs obstructing her legislative agenda. If it wasn't so pathetic and ironic it would laughable.

And right on cue she just charged Barr with a crime.
Fug it ... it's hilarious. :laughing0301:
yea, i saw that. suddenly he's a liar cause he won't keep answering their stupid questions over and over and over again.
Please connect the dots with the OP and a source.
You people are hilarious. It's alright when republicans investigate, hold hearings and ask repetitive questions but when democrats do it you whine and cry like little milquetoast prats.
You people are hilarious. It's alright when republicans investigate, hold hearings and ask repetitive questions but when democrats do it you whine and cry like little milquetoast prats.
Stay tuned for the whining and crying from the left when Barr ramps up his machine.
Pelosi is trying to disable Barr from doing it, IMHO
She looks like she hasn't slept in weeks and is reduced to bitterly whining about Repubs obstructing her legislative agenda. If it wasn't so pathetic and ironic it would laughable.

And right on cue she just charged Barr with a crime.

Fug it ... it's hilarious. :laughing0301:

Speaker Pelosi accuses Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime: 'He lied to Congress'

She calls Barr a liar and in the next sentence she tells a lie herself about him not releasing the Mueller report . Lindsey Graham just stated yesterday that the Senate Judiciary Committee has the unredacted report.
You people are hilarious. It's alright when republicans investigate, hold hearings and ask repetitive questions but when democrats do it you whine and cry like little milquetoast prats.
Progs are bullies. They get away with all of this crap because if you do not say something in an exact way back, they will accuse of you of racism, hate, genderism and all the rest. The theatrics they do is old. Today... Holding a 4 page constitution. Eating chicken. A ceramic chicken. Repubs doing the chicken drama would be accused of racism for months. Harry Reid was one of the worst of the worst to me. The same script over and over and a dumb population that falls for it.
You people are hilarious. It's alright when republicans investigate, hold hearings and ask repetitive questions but when democrats do it you whine and cry like little milquetoast prats.
Progs are bullies. They get away with all of this crap because if you do not say something in an exact way back, they will accuse of you of racism, hate, genderism and all the rest. The theatrics they do is old. Today... Holding a 4 page constitution. Eating chicken. A ceramic chicken. Repubs doing the chicken drama would be accused of racism for months. Harry Reid was one of the worst of the worst to me. The same script over and over and a dumb population that falls for it.
Jesus, if anyone gets away with being a bully it is DJT. Get real.
Please connect the dots with the OP and a source.
Sorry ... she was live on PMSNBC.
If the voters of California cannot do any better than this, or their other elected idiots, we should make war on mexico and demand they take california back.
Consider for a moment that an aging woman from San Fran is the closest the 2019 Dems come to rationality.

Please connect the dots with the OP and a source.
Sorry ... she was live on PMSNBC.
If the voters of California cannot do any better than this, or their other elected idiots, we should make war on mexico and demand they take california back.
Consider for a moment that an aging woman from San Fran is the closest the 2019 Dems come to rationality.


It is so ridiculas it seems like the dems are colluding with the reps to lose, like that IS the plan....of someone somewhere.
She looks like she hasn't slept in weeks and is reduced to bitterly whining about Repubs obstructing her legislative agenda. If it wasn't so pathetic and ironic it would laughable.

And right on cue she just charged Barr with criminality.

Fug it ... it's hilarious. :laughing0301:

Speaker Pelosi accuses Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime: 'He lied to Congress'

It would be funny if she was just the crazy old bag lady shrieking on the street corner, but she is the Speaker of the House and 2nd in the line of succession.

You people are hilarious. It's alright when republicans investigate, hold hearings and ask repetitive questions but when democrats do it you whine and cry like little milquetoast prats.
It's even more stupid to whine the other side is doing something stupid then turn around and do it.

In this case, I want to know what spawned this investigation. If not valid then we can't allow this to be a 1 sided tactic.
She looks like she hasn't slept in weeks and is reduced to bitterly whining about Repubs obstructing her legislative agenda. If it wasn't so pathetic and ironic it would laughable.

And right on cue she just charged Barr with criminality.

Fug it ... it's hilarious. :laughing0301:

Speaker Pelosi accuses Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime: 'He lied to Congress'

It would be funny if she was just the crazy old bag lady shrieking on the street corner, but she is the Speaker of the House and 2nd in the line of succession.


But she has exposed herself as that crazy old bag lady shrieking on the street corner and what's more, most of her party and its lemmings are bat-shit crazier.

BTW, I wouldn't worry about Pelosi ever being POTUS I assure you anything that would take out Trump and Pence would get her also.
You people are hilarious. It's alright when republicans investigate, hold hearings and ask repetitive questions but when democrats do it you whine and cry like little milquetoast prats.
It's even more stupid to whine the other side is doing something stupid then turn around and do it. In this case, I want to know what spawned this investigation. If not valid then we can't allow this to be a 1 sided tactic.
There's not just the matter of what may have been an attempted coup but rather the damage done to some of our most powerful and important agencies, many individuals, and this country as a result of seditious, even treasonous behavior.

I'm a bit shocked but not surprised that some would have us ignore all that yet would have Hysterical House Dems continue Mueller's 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt.
If the voters of California cannot do any better than this, or their other elected idiots, we should make war on mexico and demand they take california back.
I think most of the voters of CA aren't Americans. This is why they keep sending these nut-cases to Washington.
If the voters of California cannot do any better than this, or their other elected idiots, we should make war on mexico and demand they take california back.
I am afraid to compel them to take back Calipornica, we would have to occupy the country for several generations....

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