Pelosi "Connects The Dots!!!"

You people are hilarious. It's alright when republicans investigate, hold hearings and ask repetitive questions but when democrats do it you whine and cry like little milquetoast prats.
Progs are bullies. They get away with all of this crap because if you do not say something in an exact way back, they will accuse of you of racism, hate, genderism and all the rest. The theatrics they do is old. Today... Holding a 4 page constitution. Eating chicken. A ceramic chicken. Repubs doing the chicken drama would be accused of racism for months. Harry Reid was one of the worst of the worst to me. The same script over and over and a dumb population that falls for it.
Jesus, if anyone gets away with being a bully it is DJT. Get real.
When I connect the Dots, its Dots candy. Cherry is my favorite flavor.
You people are hilarious. It's alright when republicans investigate, hold hearings and ask repetitive questions but when democrats do it you whine and cry like little milquetoast prats.
Progs are bullies. They get away with all of this crap because if you do not say something in an exact way back, they will accuse of you of racism, hate, genderism and all the rest. The theatrics they do is old. Today... Holding a 4 page constitution. Eating chicken. A ceramic chicken. Repubs doing the chicken drama would be accused of racism for months. Harry Reid was one of the worst of the worst to me. The same script over and over and a dumb population that falls for it.
Jesus, if anyone gets away with being a bully it is DJT. Get real.
When I connect the Dots, its Dots candy. Cherry is my favorite flavor.

I always eat the red ones first! Orange a close second. There are times that the whole box is done and still a bunch of greens left. Always been that way with guess is that progressives eat all the flavors equally in fear of offending somebody!!:gay::gay:
Trump ran away in a panic because of infrastructure.

He’s got no plan.

Rather than present something to be laughed at, like his trade deals, he ran away screaming and having a tantrum.

Trump surrounded himself with a bunch of criminals and a bunch of grifters just like he is.

Trump will never be able to put together an infrastructure plan and he knows it.

So he says quit investigating me or I won’t work anymore.

Because he knows that he’s out classed.

There’s nothing he can do.

He doesn’t understand enough to write an infrastructure plan.

And he doesn’t even know how to find the people that would know how to do it.

So he ran away and had a tantrum.

What do you expect?
I expect you to think before posting but you long ago made clear you either can't or won't.

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