Pelosi: "Democrats will proceed to find the Truth"

Funny since Biden voters literally attacked and murdered police in the streets all summer.

Biden voters?
Ummm, how you know that?
Black Lives Matter activists took credit for putting Biden in office via support,activism and getting out voters. BLM was also the terrorists organization attacking and murdering cops all summer.
Trump put Biden in office through his inept leadership during COVID
Black Lives Matter founder says they did.
Funny since Biden voters literally attacked and murdered police in the streets all summer.

Biden voters?
Ummm, how you know that?
Black Lives Matter activists took credit for putting Biden in office via support,activism and getting out voters. BLM was also the terrorists organization attacking and murdering cops all summer.
Trump put Biden in office through his inept leadership during COVID
Black Lives Matter founder says they did.
Why do you need me to give you a link? I thought you were all knowing? You are such a useless troll.


The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.
Gotta love those stupid repugs. Now we have a committee that can move unobstructed. It will play out on national TV. When the repugs complain about non partisan the answer is always you did not want to be involved. We offered you refused.
Right after we get to the truth about Pelosi disobeying the mask mandate while getting her hair done while businesses were forced closed.
It always amazes me how badly Republicans suck at equivalencies

I can’t figure why you guys suck so much with....You do the same

Is it lack of education or just inbreeding?
We are mocking the Dems shameless double standards and hypocrisy, you will learn about this when you reach junior high.
This is what the GOP wanted. The facts we’re going to come out either from an independent probe or party based investigation.

The former provides no ability to call it a partisan witch-hunt while the latter does…
Funny since Biden voters literally attacked and murdered police in the streets all summer.

Biden voters?
Ummm, how you know that?
Black Lives Matter activists took credit for putting Biden in office via support,activism and getting out voters. BLM was also the terrorists organization attacking and murdering cops all summer.
Trump put Biden in office through his inept leadership during COVID
Black Lives Matter founder says they did.
Pelosi does not believe what she spouts.
Right after we get to the truth about Pelosi disobeying the mask mandate while getting her hair done while businesses were forced closed.
It always amazes me how badly Republicans suck at equivalencies

I can’t figure why you guys suck so much with....You do the same

Is it lack of education or just inbreeding?
We are mocking the Dems shameless double standards and hypocrisy, you will learn about this when you reach junior high.
Double standard like not filling a SCOTUS vacancy for a year because it was an election year under Obama but filling one a week before the election when Trump was President?
This not about the truth and it never has been. It’s about partisan politics and always has been both sides would bring out there talking points to feed the extremes of there party and the truth would never factor into it.
So why did the repubs refuse a bipartisan investigation where both sides could have equal input on what is investigated?
You're delusional if you believe both sides would have equal input.
It's assured that the repubs didn't want, and won't have input now.
The Democrat Reich will not be able to claim falsely that the process was "bipartisan."
Funny since Biden voters literally attacked and murdered police in the streets all summer.

Biden voters?
Ummm, how you know that?
Black Lives Matter activists took credit for putting Biden in office via support,activism and getting out voters. BLM was also the terrorists organization attacking and murdering cops all summer.
Trump put Biden in office through his inept leadership during COVID
Wrong. Massive fraud put Biden in office.
They've been going after Trump even before he took office. They are still going after Trump, be it NY AG, your fed government, or CNN. Politics 24/7, and it serves the sole purpose of power based on fear of the arguments of a businessman.

When the wold sees this, do they see a nation looking for truth, or a nation of politicians looking to maintain their power and lacking the confidence to confront the challenges from outsiders through better policy? Does this assist the U.S in any manner when trying to expand global influence?

Go on youtube and look at all the Westerners who are living in China, posting videos and suggesting that they are better off there than in their home country It's astounding. The comments under their video stating "we are a mess in (Country A, B or C). You do what you must, there is nothing but division and strife at home". Some of it surely funded by the CCP, much of it not, or, just done by someone who is naive or unconcerned about the geo-politics. Why should they care really?

Whether Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Africans or what have you, the CCP is winning the propaganda war via the Wests former citizens and our own leaders are helping them out when citizens ask "how does ANY of _____ policy help me"?

Common sense and patriotism is gone, replaced by politics and a thirst for absolute personal power and dominance. I know which nation will win under such circumstances...
Prosecutors go after criminals like Trump every single day. Haven't figured that out yet, right?
What crime did he commit?
This not about the truth and it never has been. It’s about partisan politics and always has been both sides would bring out there talking points to feed the extremes of there party and the truth would never factor into it.
So why did the repubs refuse a bipartisan investigation where both sides could have equal input on what is investigated?
Democrats and RINO'S are not bipartisan they are full criminal.
The commission would have been if the repubs weren't afraid to join.
Any Republican that trashes Trump is serving his/her last term. That could have something to do with it.
So they are cowards. We already knew that.
Will you stick your finger in a live light socket?
You think the facts won't be found just because the repubs don't participate? The truth will be found. This way, you can whine that all the facts are made up by the DEEP STATE, and the crazies will believe it just like they believe trump's big lie. The right couldn't afford to be any where near the investigation to make that claim. Neat trick, but how much longer do you think your party will survive when everything you do is based on lies?
We alrady know the facts, dumbass. They ain't what the Democrat Reich claims.
They've been going after Trump even before he took office. They are still going after Trump, be it NY AG, your fed government, or CNN. Politics 24/7, and it serves the sole purpose of power based on fear of the arguments of a businessman.

When the wold sees this, do they see a nation looking for truth, or a nation of politicians looking to maintain their power and lacking the confidence to confront the challenges from outsiders through better policy? Does this assist the U.S in any manner when trying to expand global influence?

Go on youtube and look at all the Westerners who are living in China, posting videos and suggesting that they are better off there than in their home country It's astounding. The comments under their video stating "we are a mess in (Country A, B or C). You do what you must, there is nothing but division and strife at home". Some of it surely funded by the CCP, much of it not, or, just done by someone who is naive or unconcerned about the geo-politics. Why should they care really?

Whether Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Africans or what have you, the CCP is winning the propaganda war via the Wests former citizens and our own leaders are helping them out when citizens ask "how does ANY of _____ policy help me"?

Common sense and patriotism is gone, replaced by politics and a thirst for absolute personal power and dominance. I know which nation will win under such circumstances...
I saw a leader of this country incite his supporters to an insurrection of the Capital building. Full stop. No partisan woo woo horse shit, no deflection to leftist whataboutism is going to change what I saw. Your constant squawking about how the world's stage sees the US is a fruitless endeavor on your part.
Show the videos you lying Democrat pieces of shit. That is the only next step.
Show the video of Trump hiding in his bunker during the riot, MAGA assclown. Now raaaaaaaaaaaaant!

He sure as hell wasn’t marching down Pennsylvania Avenue with his mob like he promised
What's your point?
He is a liar and a coward
Nope. Biden is.

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