Pelosi: "Democrats will proceed to find the Truth"

Right after we get to the truth about Pelosi disobeying the mask mandate while getting her hair done while businesses were forced closed.

Yeah, that certainly had the potential to overthrow the government.

About as much potential as a bunch of Trump supporters armed with flags and T shirts.

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.
Gotta love those stupid repugs. Now we have a committee that can move unobstructed. It will play out on national TV. When the repugs complain about non partisan the answer is always you did not want to be involved. We offered you refused.
The repubs have become a treasonous collection of trump Humping Cowards.
This country is based on the rule of law....not on the words from a man that has proven himself to be a serial lair.
This not about the truth and it never has been. It’s about partisan politics and always has been both sides would bring out there talking points to feed the extremes of there party and the truth would never factor into it.
So why did the repubs refuse a bipartisan investigation where both sides could have equal input on what is investigated?
You're delusional if you believe both sides would have equal input.
It's assured that the repubs didn't want, and won't have input now.
The Democrat Reich will not be able to claim falsely that the process was "bipartisan."
True, but only because the repubs refused to participate. It seems they know their congressional members were involved in the planning of the insurrection. If they participate in the investigation, it would be impossible to claim the facts uncovered by the investigation were made up. They would have to admit facts found were true. As usual, the right prefers to deny any wrongdoing no matter what the facts reveal.
This not about the truth and it never has been. It’s about partisan politics and always has been both sides would bring out there talking points to feed the extremes of there party and the truth would never factor into it.
So why did the repubs refuse a bipartisan investigation where both sides could have equal input on what is investigated?
Democrats and RINO'S are not bipartisan they are full criminal.
The commission would have been if the repubs weren't afraid to join.
Any Republican that trashes Trump is serving his/her last term. That could have something to do with it.
So they are cowards. We already knew that.
Will you stick your finger in a live light socket?
You think the facts won't be found just because the repubs don't participate? The truth will be found. This way, you can whine that all the facts are made up by the DEEP STATE, and the crazies will believe it just like they believe trump's big lie. The right couldn't afford to be any where near the investigation to make that claim. Neat trick, but how much longer do you think your party will survive when everything you do is based on lies?
We alrady know the facts, dumbass. They ain't what the Democrat Reich claims.
So that is the next big lie. Got it.
What I'll remember most this Memorial Day is the cowardice of Senate Republicans - especially that evil bastard Mitch McConnell. Other cowards like Joe Manchin share some of the blame.

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Memorial Day is about remembering American servicemen and -women who gave their lives for this nation, you ignorant twat, not your leftist butthurt.

I'd tell you to grow the hell up, but if you haven't by now, you're not going to.
This not about the truth and it never has been. It’s about partisan politics and always has been both sides would bring out there talking points to feed the extremes of there party and the truth would never factor into it.
So why did the repubs refuse a bipartisan investigation where both sides could have equal input on what is investigated?
You're delusional if you believe both sides would have equal input.
It's assured that the repubs didn't want, and won't have input now.
The Democrat Reich will not be able to claim falsely that the process was "bipartisan."
True, but only because the repubs refused to participate. It seems they know their congressional members were involved in the planning of the insurrection. If they participate in the investigation, it would be impossible to claim the facts uncovered by the investigation were made up. They would have to admit facts found were true. As usual, the right prefers to deny any wrongdoing no matter what the facts reveal.
The only purpose of the "investigation" is to keep the incident in the news as long as possible.

You're delusional of you believe it will uncover any facts. The fake news will lie about it constantly. That's all it will be: an opportunity for the fake news to lie about Republicans every night.

I've heard your talking points on this issue 1000 times. I've had my fill. To post to me about any longer.
This not about the truth and it never has been. It’s about partisan politics and always has been both sides would bring out there talking points to feed the extremes of there party and the truth would never factor into it.
So why did the repubs refuse a bipartisan investigation where both sides could have equal input on what is investigated?
Democrats and RINO'S are not bipartisan they are full criminal.
The commission would have been if the repubs weren't afraid to join.
Any Republican that trashes Trump is serving his/her last term. That could have something to do with it.
So they are cowards. We already knew that.
Will you stick your finger in a live light socket?
You think the facts won't be found just because the repubs don't participate? The truth will be found. This way, you can whine that all the facts are made up by the DEEP STATE, and the crazies will believe it just like they believe trump's big lie. The right couldn't afford to be any where near the investigation to make that claim. Neat trick, but how much longer do you think your party will survive when everything you do is based on lies?
We alrady know the facts, dumbass. They ain't what the Democrat Reich claims.
So that is the next big lie. Got it.
The democrat Reich is telling all the lies, fuck stick.

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.
Gotta love those stupid repugs. Now we have a committee that can move unobstructed. It will play out on national TV. When the repugs complain about non partisan the answer is always you did not want to be involved. We offered you refused.
The repubs have become a treasonous collection of trump Humping Cowards.
That's the myth you're trying to sell. Only the gullible are swallowing it. We all know who hates America.
Gotta love how Republicans can hold 10 Congressional hearings on Benghazi but won’t support one for the TRUMP Riot
When did Pelosi ever hold a hearing in Obama's crimes?

Trump called the shots for four years

Where were his indictments?
The deep state thwarted every move he made.
Bill Barr is Deep State?
No, he's just a coward. His dept is infested with leftwingers.
Trump is the coward

All that talk about Obama and Hillary being criminals and he does nothing

Could he be fibbing again?
I'm not sure why he didn't. Hillary should have gone to prison. But then, when do Democrats ever go to prison?

Very true

You need actual evidence to send someone to prison
Conspiracy theories don’t have much weight
There'a mountain of evidence, moron. Comey listed it when he testified before Congress.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!
You asssholes do nothing fair. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Not any more.

Gave you the chance to play fair.
Gave the GOP everything they asked for.
What could be more fair than that?

Answer: A committee hand selected by Pelosi using the GOP roadmap.

The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!
You asssholes do nothing fair. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Not any more.

Gave you the chance to play fair.
Gave the GOP everything they asked for.
What could be more fair than that?

Answer: A committee hand selected by Pelosi using the GOP roadmap.

The GOP has nothing to gain with this witch hunt, douchebag.
this twat needs to die a slow death...evil, vile, lying, piece of shit =PIG-lousi
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
This not about the truth and it never has been. It’s about partisan politics and always has been both sides would bring out there talking points to feed the extremes of there party and the truth would never factor into it.
So why did the repubs refuse a bipartisan investigation where both sides could have equal input on what is investigated?
You're delusional if you believe both sides would have equal input.
It's assured that the repubs didn't want, and won't have input now.
The Democrat Reich will not be able to claim falsely that the process was "bipartisan."
True, but only because the repubs refused to participate. It seems they know their congressional members were involved in the planning of the insurrection. If they participate in the investigation, it would be impossible to claim the facts uncovered by the investigation were made up. They would have to admit facts found were true. As usual, the right prefers to deny any wrongdoing no matter what the facts reveal.
The only purpose of the "investigation" is to keep the incident in the news as long as possible.

You're delusional of you believe it will uncover any facts. The fake news will lie about it constantly. That's all it will be: an opportunity for the fake news to lie about Republicans every night.

I've heard your talking points on this issue 1000 times. I've had my fill. To post to me about any longer.
If the right had chosen to join the investigation, they could have prevented that from happening. It's obvious you just want an excuse to deny the facts.

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