Pelosi: "Democrats will proceed to find the Truth"

The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Republicans had their chance to do the right thing
They chose partisanship over values

That leaves it to Biden to pick his panel

We did the right thing. We declined to bend over for a Democrat witch hunt.

Republicans were given a chance to have equal representation on the panel and determine the procedures.
They unilaterally turned it down.

Looks like Biden will select a bipartisan panel
You must be joking.
The Republican party.....the party that defends thugs and police beaters.....the party of COWARDS.

Fuck off
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
"bipartisan" my butt!

I want this as partisan as Benghazi.
Except this time I expect ACTUAL criminal referrals.
Just in time for Memorial Day, the Republican Party turned its back on those who fought and died for our country. The Republican Party turned its back on our Constitution and our proud traditions.

There was an assault on our government and Republicans do not want Americans to learn why.

Many are puzzled by the decisions being made by McConnell and his colleagues. They are indeed strange.

We know the GOP leadership asks, "how high?" when Trump tells them to jump, but Trump has never been known as a political strategist. Is he making the decisions for the GOP leadership?

That would explain everything.

We also know the Republican Party has been captured at the grassroots level by intelligence challenged members of Trump's cult who shy away from reality.

Because of that, we know Republican candidates must have Trump's endorsement or they will not be nominated.

By its actions directed by Trump, the Republican Party has disgraced itself. What is the point of winning the nomination if the candidate can't win the general?

Already, under Trump's leadership, the party lost the House, Senate, and Presidency. Republicans do not seem to be making much sense.

It gets worse.

Following the dishonorable vote by Senate Republicans, Speaker Pelosi made this statement.

“Honoring our responsibility to the Congress in which we serve and the Country which we love, Democrats will proceed to find the truth.

This begs another question. Senate Republicans voted down a fully bipartisan commission. The Democrats bowed to every Republican demand in the formation of this commission.

Now it appears that Pelosi will create a select committee to investigate Jan. 6. Why is it Trump and the GOP leadership prefer a committee controlled by Democrats as opposed to a bipartisan commission?

Of course, the Republicans will label the committee partisan. Which, of course, is true because that was the choice they made, not the Democrats.

The main point, however, is that the House committee will provide facts to the American people concerning Jan. 6. Indisputable facts the GOP will be unable to question, which is why they voted down the commission in the first place.

Much like the facts in Trump's two impeachments. In each case he was exonerated by Senate Republicans who ignored the facts, not engaging and disputing the facts.
Just in time for Memorial Day, the Republican Party turned its back on those who fought and died for our country. The Republican Party turned its back on our Constitution and our proud traditions.

There was an assault on our government and Republicans do not want Americans to learn why.

Many are puzzled by the decisions being made by McConnell and his colleagues. They are indeed strange.

We know the GOP leadership asks, "how high?" when Trump tells them to jump, but Trump has never been known as a political strategist. Is he making the decisions for the GOP leadership?

That would explain everything.

We also know the Republican Party has been captured at the grassroots level by intelligence challenged members of Trump's cult who shy away from reality.

Because of that, we know Republican candidates must have Trump's endorsement or they will not be nominated.

By its actions directed by Trump, the Republican Party has disgraced itself. What is the point of winning the nomination if the candidate can't win the general?

Already, under Trump's leadership, the party lost the House, Senate, and Presidency. Republicans do not seem to be making much sense.

It gets worse.

Following the dishonorable vote by Senate Republicans, Speaker Pelosi made this statement.

“Honoring our responsibility to the Congress in which we serve and the Country which we love, Democrats will proceed to find the truth.

This begs another question. Senate Republicans voted down a fully bipartisan commission. The Democrats bowed to every Republican demand in the formation of this commission.

Now it appears that Pelosi will create a select committee to investigate Jan. 6. Why is it Trump and the GOP leadership prefer a committee controlled by Democrats as opposed to a bipartisan commission?

Of course, the Republicans will label the committee partisan. Which, of course, is true because that was the choice they made, not the Democrats.

The main point, however, is that the House committee will provide facts to the American people concerning Jan. 6. Indisputable facts the GOP will be unable to question, which is why they voted down the commission in the first place.

Much like the facts in Trump's two impeachments. In each case he was exonerated by Senate Republicans who ignored the facts, not engaging and disputing the facts.
No, let's get all of pelosi's records from that day. All of them, she was in charge of security that day.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
"bipartisan" my butt!

I want this as partisan as Benghazi.
Except this time I expect ACTUAL criminal referrals.
No doubt any right wingers on the panel will drag their feet and try to obstruct the investigation, but having both parties involved will make it harder for them to claim it's all made up.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
The Republican party.....the party that defends thugs and police beaters.....the party of COWARDS.
Pelosi was in charge of security that day. You agree with raiding her lawyers office, grabbing all her records to see what security measures she had in place?
Investigating Pelosi is a great idea, along with investigating any or all of our representatives who might have had a part in the insurrection. Let the facts lead where they lead.
The main point, however, is that the House committee will provide facts to the American people concerning Jan. 6. Indisputable facts the GOP will be unable to question, which is why they voted down the commission in the first place.

By way of review, a few questions were asked in the above report -- important questions.

Is Trump making the decisions for the GOP leadership?

The Republican Party has disgraced itself. What is the point of winning the nomination if the candidate can't win the general?

Now it appears that Pelosi will create a select committee to investigate Jan. 6. Why is it Trump and the GOP leadership prefer a committee controlled by Democrats as opposed to a bipartisan commission?

Now here is what's interesting. Senate Republicans are avoiding the media. They refuse to answer these questions and many others about their disgraceful vote. Nine of them didn't even vote.

I have this old fashion idea that these Senators represent us. They work for the people. The people hire them, and the people can fire them.

But I guess that is not true in the case of Republican lawmakers.

Or so they think. They are making very bad decisions with impunity. This will not continue.

Equally interesting, there are a large number of intelligence challenged Republicans on this forum. They will not answer these questions, either. In fact they have remained silent for months. They are unable to respond intelligently to defend their party or themselves.

What do you think of a person who is incapable of speaking for himself or herself?

Do we want them to choose our lawmakers, governors, and the President?

The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.
Gotta love those stupid repugs. Now we have a committee that can move unobstructed. It will play out on national TV. When the repugs complain about non partisan the answer is always you did not want to be involved. We offered you refused.
The repubs have become a treasonous collection of trump Humping Cowards.
That's the myth you're trying to sell. Only the gullible are swallowing it. We all know who hates America.
Democrats call disagreeing with them "treason".

During the Bush and Trump years: "DISSENT IS PATRIOTIC!!"

During the Obama and Biden years: 'DISSENT IS TREASON!!"

Democrats' sole loyalty is to the Party. Loyalty to America is viewed suspiciously.
Lol, what ever. A committee will be formed. The Invasion of the Capitol will be investigated and the traitors will be exposed.

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.
Gotta love those stupid repugs. Now we have a committee that can move unobstructed. It will play out on national TV. When the repugs complain about non partisan the answer is always you did not want to be involved. We offered you refused.
The repubs have become a treasonous collection of trump Humping Cowards.
That's the myth you're trying to sell. Only the gullible are swallowing it. We all know who hates America.
Democrats call disagreeing with them "treason".

During the Bush and Trump years: "DISSENT IS PATRIOTIC!!"

During the Obama and Biden years: 'DISSENT IS TREASON!!"

Democrats' sole loyalty is to the Party. Loyalty to America is viewed suspiciously.
Lol, what ever. A committee will be formed. The Invasion of the Capitol will be investigated and the traitors will be exposed.
There may even accidently be a few facts revealed...if they serve the Democrats' purpose, that is.
President Biden needs to name and empower a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the insurrection.

A key should be not bipartisanship but non-partisan with no current elected officials on the panel

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.


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