Pelosi: "Democrats will proceed to find the Truth"

The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
A strong second to your winning ignorant post but falls short.
Try again.
I'm sure your Tiny Brain can do worse than this.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
A strong second to your winning ignorant post but falls short.
Try again.
I'm sure your Tiny Brain can do worse than this.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.
Never happened except in your Tiny "conservative" brain.
You know, where you keep your lies.

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.

View attachment 495241
Amazing how just 35 Senators can block legislation
The bit I can't get when these GOP senators voted not to investigate... This was not to investigate... This means we don't want to know what happened...

This was an attack on the Capital Police who were protecting their asses...

How do you go to work the next day and look these guys in the eyes... You have just basically said that you don't give a fuck about them. You won't even ask why they were attacked. The Capital Police ae professionals and still protect them but it must leave them with some sour taste..

And they did this all because they were scared of a Former President who got one of thee largest rejections as President in Modern history. He is under a number of investigations some criminal and everyone knows he is looking like he has some serious trouble ahead...
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
A strong second to your winning ignorant post but falls short.
Try again.
I'm sure your Tiny Brain can do worse than this.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.
Never happened except in your Tiny "conservative" brain.
You know, where you keep your lies.
I cant agree. Democrat fascist brains are tiny, except they are filled with hate and vomit.
The bit I can't get when these GOP senators voted not to investigate... This was not to investigate... This means we don't want to know what happened...
What's to investigate? It was a protest just like your BLM people do.
is that the House committee will provide facts to the American people concerning Jan. 6.

A key should be not bipartisanship but non-partisan with no current elected officials on the panel

I agree with the sentiments expressed by both 'Shanks' and 'rightwinger'.

Set up a House Committee with subpoena power.
And have reporting to them a "non"-partisan body of experts, retired judges, or police, or politicians, who carry with them a solid reputation for due diligence, probity, and fair-mindedness. Ala' the 9/11 Commission.

But, Nancy & Chuck, let's get going. You heard what you heard on Friday with the Republican Senators rejecting a Committee where they had equal say in which Senators would be on the Commission. So the GOP had the opportunity to participate equally. They declined.

So, move on......and let's get this job done. Time is a wasting.
And they did this all because they were scared of a Former President who got one of thee largest rejections as President in Modern history.

I think Mitch hates Trump but blocked an investigation because he thought it would hurt Republicans in the 2022 elections
He knows the hearing will place blame not just on Trump but several key Republicans who were complicit.
And they did this all because they were scared of a Former President who got one of thee largest rejections as President in Modern history.

I think Mitch hates Trump but blocked an investigation because he thought it would hurt Republicans in the 2022 elections
He knows the hearing will place blame not just on Trump but several key Republicans who were complicit.
In post 51 of the below thread, the Trumpster characterizes Jan 6 as "scuffling over placement of bike racks".

I wish I could laugh, but this is getting a little scary.

This not about the truth and it never has been. It’s about partisan politics and always has been both sides would bring out there talking points to feed the extremes of there party and the truth would never factor into it.
So why did the repubs refuse a bipartisan investigation where both sides could have equal input on what is investigated?
You're delusional if you believe both sides would have equal input.
It's assured that the repubs didn't want, and won't have input now.
The Democrat Reich will not be able to claim falsely that the process was "bipartisan."
True, but only because the repubs refused to participate. It seems they know their congressional members were involved in the planning of the insurrection. If they participate in the investigation, it would be impossible to claim the facts uncovered by the investigation were made up. They would have to admit facts found were true. As usual, the right prefers to deny any wrongdoing no matter what the facts reveal.
The only purpose of the "investigation" is to keep the incident in the news as long as possible.

You're delusional of you believe it will uncover any facts. The fake news will lie about it constantly. That's all it will be: an opportunity for the fake news to lie about Republicans every night.

I've heard your talking points on this issue 1000 times. I've had my fill. To post to me about any longer.
We need Nancy's communication with the Capitol police

How did she prepare for the event?

What did she tell the Capitol police and when?
A 1/6 Commission would "expose" that. Glad you're on board. Mitch and McCarthy are terrified of it. I wonder why...
Amazing how just 35 Senators can block legislation
By using the filibuster. If there was ever a good reason for doing away with that obstructionist tool...this is it

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.
hahaa they aren’t interested in the truth

we have had hearings, we know what happened. So we know this is nothing but a political stunt to divert from their failed, horrible policies

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