Pelosi: Enforcing Immigration Law Is Similar To Interment Of Japanese

The Japs [sic] had to be rounded up. We couldn't take a chance ....

The word is "Japanese," you scumbag. More to the point, the proper term for many, many of the innocents thrown into FDR's concentration camps is "AMERICAN," a term that most certainly does NOT apply to YOU.

Look, there's one thing you need to understand about America "back then". ...

No there isn't. I understand it just fine, thanks.
And what a surprise that McGutless would try to defend that scumbag FDR's concentration camps.

The Japs [sic] had to be rounded up. We couldn't take a chance ....

The word is "Japanese," you scumbag.

No, they were called Japs and they still are Japs as far as I'm concerned.




I believe FDR interred Japanese-Americans as much for THEIR safety as he did for National Security reasons. ...

Yeah, and the democrats fought a civil war to preserve slavery, initiated the Black Codes, Jim Crowe, the KKK, and conducted the Tuskegee experiments out of love and concern for black Americans, right? :rolleyes:

FDR's concentration camps were built with so much love that they had to have barbed wire and armed guard towers to make sure none of the 'love' might escape.
I believe FDR interred Japanese-Americans as much for THEIR safety as he did for National Security reasons. ...

FDR's concentration camps were built with so much love that they had to have barbed wire and armed guard towers to make sure none of the 'love' might escape.
Which was a good thing.

Fuck you, asshole. You are not worthy to so much as speak of your betters; those who fought and died to protect even the rights and freedoms an un-American scumbag like you relies on but does not deserve.
You mad bro? Gonna give him some bad rep? I'm sure that will teach him fer shure yo.

You running out of places to demonstrate what a hypocritical, idiotic little pussy you are, R.eally't be a Christian? Add something to the OP or go be scared and weak somewhere else. It's all you ever do anyway.
And what a surprise that McGutless would try to defend that scumbag FDR's concentration camps.

The Japs [sic] had to be rounded up. We couldn't take a chance ....

The word is "Japanese," you scumbag. More to the point, the proper term for many, many of the innocents thrown into FDR's concentration camps is "AMERICAN," a term that most certainly does NOT apply to YOU.

Nobody cares about your pathetic sensibilities. My uncle is 100 years and fought those dirty bastards at Pearl. He has no hate and neither do I toward them I but I'll be damned if some Jap American or whatever it is you think you are will lecture us on PC bullshit. You gotta problem? PM me or shut up. I'll even give you my address so you can come on down and cut my head off or something Mr. Sulu. Now chill out and go worship your dead relatives or something. Fucking moron.
You mad bro? Gonna give him some bad rep? I'm sure that will teach him fer shure yo.

You running out of places to demonstrate what a hypocritical, idiotic little pussy you are, R.eally't be a Christian? Add something to the OP or go be scared and weak somewhere else. It's all you ever do anyway.

I'm not going anywhere and I never stated once that my user name had anything to do whatsoever with Christianity which I have stated many times. As far as pussy goes, come find out. Plenty of dykes down here.
The word is "Japanese," you scumbag. More to the point, the proper term for many, many of the innocents thrown into FDR's concentration camps is "AMERICAN," a term that most certainly does NOT apply to YOU.

Look, there's one thing you need to understand about America "back then". ...

No there isn't. I understand it just fine, thanks.

Pardner, that giant chip on your shoulder makes you look foolish. You remind me of friends of mine. They still bitch about the "white man" and how bad slavery was (like they were ever slaves).

How long were YOU held in one of the camps? That's what I thought. The only tangible advice I can offer you (and it's the same that I offer my friends) is that, if you can't put the past behind you - a past that I doubt you were a part of - then perhaps you should renounce your citizenship and move on.

All that supposed "hate" will eat you up.
When is Princess Nancy going to realize that she is better off not speaking so much.
We just want her to wear tight tops and walk around looking pretty.

At least that's pretty much all I want her around for.

I wonder when Pelosi will be reminded it was democrats and a democratic president that started and signed Japanense internement camps into law?
You gotta problem? PM me or shut up.

You have been told - TOLD, like a little child - not to send PMs because you lack self-control. You'll have to save your empty, make-pretend threats for another venue, pussy.

Now, about the OP...
CaféAuLait;8929171 said:
When is Princess Nancy going to realize that she is better off not speaking so much.
We just want her to wear tight tops and walk around looking pretty.

At least that's pretty much all I want her around for.

I wonder when Pelosi will be reminded it was democrats and a democratic president that started and signed Japanense internement camps into law?

FDR's concentration camps fit the democrat M.O. perfectly.

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