Pelosi exclusive interview

Rock on, Nancy! Hope to see you back at your Speaker's desk next year.
The video isn't loading for me, darnit. I was looking forward to having something else to laugh at Pelosi about.
"Pelosi confused" is where I stopped reading.

Overstatement of the obvious. :lol:
Well, if anyone who saw the video would like to summarize what she said, that would be cool. :)
Well, if anyone who saw the video would like to summarize what she said, that would be cool. :)

I'm watching "Room 1408"
One horror movie is enough for me.

I sure Betty would love to fill you in, tho
:lol: thanks!

p.s., I did glean at least a part of her comments from another link ( :
Well, if anyone who saw the video would like to summarize what she said, that would be cool. :)
Herp-a-derp deee deedely-derp doo-dah dipitty-derp der herpitty-derp.

Hope that helps.

Add to that the image of her plastic face rolling around all the while her eye's kept crossing and you have it.

Ed's hair looked like she had just been in a sexual encounter with her (I can feel the bile rising).

Of course, if he's consistent....he'll clobber her afterwards.
Well, if anyone who saw the video would like to summarize what she said, that would be cool. :)

About Romney, she said that she was confused on his standing on the issue. Is he for the mandate, against it, for the ruling, against the ruling? She's playing to the dialogue that will dominate the election, Romney is a wind sock. It plays well though, because he does blow with the wind.

One thing that really pissed me off about her interview though, was that basically said that more people will come to like it as they realize what goodies they get from it. Sorry Nancy, but giving people goodies does not make up for passing an abortion of a bill.

Then she tried to say that this is what people wanted. Nope, democrats were voted in on the promise of Universal Healthcare, and many democrats were voted out for their participation in passing this piece of shit in place of UH.
she said all of those Democratic Congressmen who lost in 2010 were happy as larks. They all got in touch with her to say they loved her and Obama. something like that. :badgrin:
Well, if anyone who saw the video would like to summarize what she said, that would be cool. :)

About Romney, she said that she was confused on his standing on the issue. Is he for the mandate, against it, for the ruling, against the ruling? She's playing to the dialogue that will dominate the election, Romney is a wind sock. It plays well though, because he does blow with the wind.

One thing that really pissed me off about her interview though, was that basically said that more people will come to like it as they realize what goodies they get from it. Sorry Nancy, but giving people goodies does not make up for passing an abortion of a bill.

Then she tried to say that this is what people wanted. Nope, democrats were voted in on the promise of Universal Healthcare, and many democrats were voted out for their participation in passing this piece of shit in place of UH.

Correct....Ed pointed out that many dems fell on their swords to pass it...and then got sent packing.

How come, if the American people wanted it...they took such a huge bite out of the ass of the democratic party for passing it ?
she said all of those Democratic Congressmen who lost in 2010 were happy as larks. They all got in touch with her to say they loved her and Obama. something like that. :badgrin:

And she did the characteristic shaking up and down of her head as she babbled. If she didn't have skin on each side holding would slide right off.
Well, if anyone who saw the video would like to summarize what she said, that would be cool. :)

About Romney, she said that she was confused on his standing on the issue. Is he for the mandate, against it, for the ruling, against the ruling? She's playing to the dialogue that will dominate the election, Romney is a wind sock. It plays well though, because he does blow with the wind.

One thing that really pissed me off about her interview though, was that basically said that more people will come to like it as they realize what goodies they get from it. Sorry Nancy, but giving people goodies does not make up for passing an abortion of a bill.

Then she tried to say that this is what people wanted. Nope, democrats were voted in on the promise of Universal Healthcare, and many democrats were voted out for their participation in passing this piece of shit in place of UH.

Correct....Ed pointed out that many dems fell on their swords to pass it...and then got sent packing.

How come, if the American people wanted it...they took such a huge bite out of the ass of the democratic party for passing it ?

Many Democrats didn't want this bill. They realize it's a just a give-away to the insurance companies and washington forcing people to buy what they said we couldn't afford. Some democrats changed their mind though, as they were happy to see anything with "Healthcare" in the title.
Politics - Brett LoGiurato - Ginsburg Cites Romneycare in Opinion Upholding Obamacare - The Atlantic

Yeah, it's my thread and I don't feel like starting another one, SO:

Ginsburg, however, said it should have been upheld under the Commerce Clause, and explained how Congress followed Massachusetts' lead in preventing only sick people from signing up for health insurance:

Massachusetts, Congress was told, solved the adverse selection problem. By requiring most residents to obtain insurance ... the Commonwealth ensured that insurers would not be left with only the sick as customers. As a result, federal lawmakers observed, Massachusetts succeeded where other States had failed.

Ginsburg continued, citing briefs "noting the Commonwealth's reforms" and "noting the success of Massachusetts' reforms." She noted that the reforms reduced the number of uninsured to less than 2 percent, the lowest rate in the nation.

"In coupling the minimum coverage provision with guaranteed issue and community-rating prescriptions, Congress followed Massachusetts' lead," Ginsburg wrote.

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