Pelosi / House Democrats Want to Add Another $2 TRILLION in Less Than A Month After Last Massive Deficit Spending - Senate Pumps Brakes


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
House hits gas, Senate pumps brakes on $2T more in relief

House hits gas, Senate pumps brakes on $2T more in relief

After already adding $3 Trillion in debt for 'CARES 1' legislation in March, Pelosi and the House are feverishly working on adding another $2.2 TRILLION in relief on 'CARES 2' legislation, before assessing how successful the 1st relief package is.

Congress is under the gun to pass yet another massive round of coronavirus relief, as small-business funds dry up, state budgets are ravaged and unemployment claims soar to record highs.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Democrats are planning to unveil an enormous CARES 2 package in the coming days, with a possible floor vote as early as next week — a blistering pace for a proposal expected to rival the size of the initial CARES Act, which topped $2.2 trillion and was signed into law March 27.

Both Democrats and Republicans, as Pelosi admits, acknowledge the collapsed economy resulting from the mandated shutdown due to COVID-19 has caused a lot of suffering and need.

“This has not been a partisan issue at all"
-- Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi

Where the Democrats and major majority of Republicans disagree is in the pace of spending. Democrats under Pelosi want to keep spending, spending, spending without assessing how successful what they are doing is, if the money is being spent where it will truly do the most good to help people and jump-start the economy.

One area of disagreement is raising the amount of unemployment benefits AGAIN. Many politicians don't want to raise the amount so high that it becomes an incentive NOT to go back to work when the economy re-opens - getting the country opened back up, the economy running again, and people back to work will be better for the country than adding Trillions and Trillions of more dollars in debt for short-term relief.

When exactly Congress could sends the relief package to President Trump is unclear. McConnell, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy(Calif.) and other GOP leaders are pumping the brakes on CARES 2, saying lawmakers should monitor the impact of the $3 trillion in coronavirus relief that’s already been approved.
Part of the 'Relief Oversight' the Democrats claim they want is to ensure the money is spent wisely, achieves the most benefit, and how the money is spent is modified based on results of current spending.)

“There will be another one. ... I just don’t think we need to act quite as urgently as we did last time,” Sen. John Cornyn(R-Texas) told reporters in the Capitol. “It doesn’t mean we don’t need to act; it just means we have time to think.”

Really? Nancy and her House Representative are non essential personnel by their own admission since they refuse to come back to DC. So they can't demand shit.
Of course every dime in additional Debt Democrats can add (for funding of things like abortions, the Green New Deal, the Kennedy Center, etc...) the Democrats will declare is 'President Trump's Debt'...



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