Pelosi Joins Holder, Hillary In Call For Escalation In Violent Intolerance & Lack of Civility

The rules are:

Only right-wingers are allowed to commit violence, since they have a hate agenda.

Left-wingers are supposed to be non-violent pacifists - no violence allowed. Love, Love. Love and kumbaya!

And dems da rules!
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

“So be it”

“And if there’s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,” Pelosi continued, “but it should not be our original purpose.”

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ‘collateral damage’ against those who disagree with Democrats

So, what are the tactics that Pelosi & the Democrats will be utilizing for this, "violence?"

Will they be body slamming reporters, maybe even kill a reporter?
If they follow Hillary's example, they will employ paid thugs to assault Trump supporters.

Remember this shit?






Why do so many Trumpbots keep punching themselves in the face?
Does it compare to directly encouraging your supporters to punch people in the face?
No, it is far worse. Leftist crazies have caused people to DIE.

56 of them in the LA riots, after leftist KTLA reporters deliberately misreported the Rodney King incident.

Dozens of US troops died in shot down helicopters, when leftist Muslims in the Pentagon tipped off the Taliban.

Steve Scalise and other Republican Congressmen came close to being killed by crazy leftist shooter, on a baseball field.

The Clintons have murdered dozens of people - most of whom were scheduled to testify in court against them (ex. Ron Brown, 2 Brown associates, Vince Foster, John Ashe, Mary Mahoney, Eric Butera, Danny Casalaro, Berta Cacaeres, William Colby, Suzanne Coleman, Klaus Eberwein. Kathy Ferguson, Carlos Ghigliotti, Judi Gibbs, Michael Hastings, Jon Hillyer, Stanley Huggins, Sandy Hume, Kevin Ives, Don Henry, John Jones, JFK Jr and his wife, Florence Martin, Lt. Gen. David McCloud, James McDougal, Ron Miller, John Millis, Neil Moody, Jwn Moore, Tony Moser, Steve Mostyn., Jerry Luther Parks, Monica Peterson, ..…...and many, many more.


It's beyond the Republicans to see the hypocrisy of a career mobster (Donald Trump, i.e. Trump’s résumé is rife with mob connections) calling the Democrats a "mob".

They're are just too fucking stupid or else they have severe short term memory loss.


When did Trump supporters ever participate in mob violence? The reality is that they were the constant targets of Soros and Hillary funded mobs.

Don’t act like your shit don’t stink.

Neo-Nazi pleads guilty after shoving black protester at Trump rally

Yeah, that's just as bad as the following a hundred times over:

Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

“So be it”

“And if there’s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,” Pelosi continued, “but it should not be our original purpose.”

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ‘collateral damage’ against those who disagree with Democrats

So, what are the tactics that Pelosi & the Democrats will be utilizing for this, "violence?"

Will they be body slamming reporters, maybe even kill a reporter?
If they follow Hillary's example, they will employ paid thugs to assault Trump supporters.

Remember this shit?






Why do so many Trumpbots keep punching themselves in the face?
You actually believe that's funny, don't you, moron?
The Republican Party is corrupt as well. I was proud to vote for Reagan twice, Reagan would have abandoned the TRUMP Republican Party. Unfortunately the only way to check the alt-right is to give Democrats a part of that power.
Democrats deserve no part of any power, They are insane, deviates, whose globalism makes them traitors to America.
You brought up the subject of what Democrat party leaders are doing so Trump is very germane as he has called for violence in his rallies.

You are the snowflake. A dirty, racist alt-right supporter.
Self-defense and security is not "violence"
The rules are:

Only right-wingers are allowed to commit violence, since they have a hate agenda.

Left-wingers are supposed to be non-violent pacifists - no violence allowed. Love, Love. Love and kumbaya!

And dems da rules!
The rules are actually the exact opposite of that, you fucking douchebag.
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

“So be it”

“And if there’s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,” Pelosi continued, “but it should not be our original purpose.”

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ‘collateral damage’ against those who disagree with Democrats

That didn't go so well for her in Miami. :eek:

THIS is a mob: Nancy Pelosi rushed into a doorway while mob attacks calling her a 'f*cking communist' (video)

WHOOPS: Nancy Pelosi finds out the hard way what happens when a Castro-praising Dem plans a visit to Miami

Pelosi touts gun control in Broward visit with Parkland parents
If you are participating and defending the morally indefensible position taking children away from their parents, and shipping children of tender years all over the country in an attempt to terrorize and traumatize refugees into staying at home, you deserve to be driven from public places where decent moral people congregate.

A lying Russian Bot such are yourself, who lacks any sort of decency or integrity, would of course, side with those whose behaviour is morally indefensible, because YOUR behaviour is morally indefensible.
Thousands of arrested Americans are separated from their children, every day, and have been for over 200 years. This is standard procedure, .

So what's the big outcry for ? Some are separated for LIFE. Some parents are executed. You say nothing about those kids.

So all your FAUX OUTRAGE is a laughingstock.
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

“So be it”

“And if there’s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,” Pelosi continued, “but it should not be our original purpose.”

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ‘collateral damage’ against those who disagree with Democrats

Wonder if Nancy still feels that way after getting shouted out of a restaurant in Miami by those who "disagree" with her views? I'm guessing that brought the problem home to Pelosi. She looked like she was about to soil her Depends when she and her party made a run for it. Not so much fun when it's YOU on the receiving end of the "collateral damage" it, Nancy?
Is there a link to that? I would love to see that.
What you Democrats brought around is coming around.


You're going to see more, much, much more.
Does it compare to directly encouraging your supporters to punch people in the face?
No, it is far worse. Leftist crazies have caused people to DIE.

56 of them in the LA riots, after leftist KTLA reporters deliberately misreported the Rodney King incident.

Dozens of US troops died in shot down helicopters, when leftist Muslims in the Pentagon tipped off the Taliban.

Steve Scalise and other Republican Congressmen came close to being killed by crazy leftist shooter, on a baseball field.

The Clintons have murdered dozens of people - most of whom were scheduled to testify in court against them (ex. Ron Brown, 2 Brown associates, Vince Foster, John Ashe, Mary Mahoney, Eric Butera, Danny Casalaro, Berta Cacaeres, William Colby, Suzanne Coleman, Klaus Eberwein. Kathy Ferguson, Carlos Ghigliotti, Judi Gibbs, Michael Hastings, Jon Hillyer, Stanley Huggins, Sandy Hume, Kevin Ives, Don Henry, John Jones, JFK Jr and his wife, Florence Martin, Lt. Gen. David McCloud, James McDougal, Ron Miller, John Millis, Neil Moody, Jwn Moore, Tony Moser, Steve Mostyn., Jerry Luther Parks, Monica Peterson, ..…...and many, many more.

Clinton body count gets a false rating, but today Trump is calling for violence.

You mean other than them assaulting protestors at a Trump rally?
You have it backwards. Thugs assaulted Trump's supporters. The people you call "protesters" were really just thugs planted there to disrupt Trump's rally. They had no right to protest at a private political rally.

One thing you douchebag snowflakes refuse to get is that no one had a right to protest against Trump at his rallies, especially those who weren't invited.
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

“So be it”

“And if there’s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,” Pelosi continued, “but it should not be our original purpose.”

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ‘collateral damage’ against those who disagree with Democrats
Do you have comprehension problems or are you just trying to fool the low IQ puppets into thinking these people were talking about actual violence??

Come on, anybody with a brain who listened to Holder or Pelosi’s full statements knows they weren’t talking about violence... I’m curious, if you are playing a game and somebody on your team says “Let’s go kick their ass!” Do you run out there and literally kick your opponents in the ass?

Grow up. Do better

Republicans are actually getting attacked and not allowed to go in public without getting harassed. Antifa has viciously attacked and hurt people, as have BLM. Mobs of angry protesters have destroyed businesses, sometimes entire neighborhoods. Cars have been set on fire. People have been harmed.

The leftist supporters are taking it quite seriously and have been for a number of years now. Still waiting for Pelosi, Waters, Hillary and other Dems to call for an end to violence.
You are talking about the actions of thugs and mentally ill people and trying to imply that it is the cause of an ideology. It is disingenuous. Let me ask you something. Do you believe there are smart and good hearted people who have liberal views?

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