Pelosi refuses to release her tax returns as Democrats try to illegally gain Trump's

Trump shouldn't show his tax returns until Obama shows releases his college admissions from Occidental and Columbia University along with releasing his ORIGINAL 1961 long form birth certificate with the raised state seal.
Why doesn’t Trump release his college admissions into Wharton so we can see what strings were pulled to get him in?

Then Trump can release what he did to get sent off to military school

The New York Times reported that President Trump was First in his class at Wharton.

He was an outstanding leader during his time at the New York Military Academy. Mr. Trump wasn't "sent to" military school, he and his parents decided it was a tremendous opportunity for him and they were exactly right.

The Education of Donald Trump | Vista College
Alternative facts
Trump shouldn't show his tax returns until Obama shows releases his college admissions from Occidental and Columbia University along with releasing his ORIGINAL 1961 long form birth certificate with the raised state seal.
Why doesn’t Trump release his college admissions into Wharton so we can see what strings were pulled to get him in?

Then Trump can release what he did to get sent off to military school

The New York Times reported that President Trump was First in his class at Wharton.

He was an outstanding leader during his time at the New York Military Academy. Mr. Trump wasn't "sent to" military school, he and his parents decided it was a tremendous opportunity for him and they were exactly right.

The Education of Donald Trump | Vista College

The New York Times may be fake news.
What is Trump's real record at Wharton?
Below is the 1968 commencement program from The Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. Trump wasn't even listed as graduating Cum Laude.
View attachment 247527
Facts, speak from themselves. Try it sometime.
Trump cheated
Only way he could graduate. He is barely literate
Trump shouldn't show his tax returns until Obama shows releases his college admissions from Occidental and Columbia University along with releasing his ORIGINAL 1961 long form birth certificate with the raised state seal.
Why doesn’t Trump release his college admissions into Wharton so we can see what strings were pulled to get him in?

Then Trump can release what he did to get sent off to military school

The New York Times reported that President Trump was First in his class at Wharton.

He was an outstanding leader during his time at the New York Military Academy. Mr. Trump wasn't "sent to" military school, he and his parents decided it was a tremendous opportunity for him and they were exactly right.

The Education of Donald Trump | Vista College

The New York Times may be fake news.
What is Trump's real record at Wharton?
Below is the 1968 commencement program from The Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. Trump wasn't even listed as graduating Cum Laude.
View attachment 247527
Facts, speak from themselves. Try it sometime.

The New York Times could be fake news. The President has only said he did Tremendously Well in college and had almost unbelievably excellent grades.
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
So Pelosi is running for president? Is that what Republicans are saying? Because I don’t think that’s right.
On its face, that is absolutely stupid. People who are elected to office are elected to serve us, not their special interests. We should know where every penny goes, so we keep a check on their off the reservation pursuits when it comes to their own financial interests. You either enter office for the people or for yourself. It's that simple. Using the office for your own financial enrichment is a private business, not an elected position.

Your ideological naivete aside, the fact that she and many other elected officials end up embarrassingly rich after coming into office is far more investigation worthy than someone who comes to the office already wealthy.

To think that people elected into office do so to help others - particularly a progressive - is the epitome of someone with blinders on.
Quite the contrary. Someone with a history of working with the mob, multiple lawsuits stealing money from others, and bankruptcies, should have never had a platform to begin with. But we have a political party that is complicit in criminal activity, while supporting the take down of the rule of law and the Constitution.

If you are going to build in Manhattan New York, you have to be willing to work with Organized Labor which is controlled by the La Cosa Rostra. Otherwise the buildings don't get erected. Obama palled around with Jimmy Freaking Hoffa, and he didn't need to for business- he just needed the Mafia's blessing for political ambitions.
The moral of that story is, "you tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are." If Trump was willing to hang around with organized crime, then we know who he is. It tells us even more about who you are. You hang with shit, you are shit. And if you support that shit, you are nothing but diarrhea.

Obama hung out with Big Labor bosses as well,begging for support from the Men of Respect.

But Obama did it for crass political purposes, not to get his home built.
"Big labor bosses?" Like "mob bosses?" Be careful with your answer.
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
So Pelosi is running for president? Is that what Republicans are saying? Because I don’t think that’s right.
They seem to be going off the reservation about that, because their argument about Pelosi releasing her tax returns wilted on the vine.
Your ideological naivete aside, the fact that she and many other elected officials end up embarrassingly rich after coming into office is far more investigation worthy than someone who comes to the office already wealthy.

To think that people elected into office do so to help others - particularly a progressive - is the epitome of someone with blinders on.
Quite the contrary. Someone with a history of working with the mob, multiple lawsuits stealing money from others, and bankruptcies, should have never had a platform to begin with. But we have a political party that is complicit in criminal activity, while supporting the take down of the rule of law and the Constitution.

If you are going to build in Manhattan New York, you have to be willing to work with Organized Labor which is controlled by the La Cosa Rostra. Otherwise the buildings don't get erected. Obama palled around with Jimmy Freaking Hoffa, and he didn't need to for business- he just needed the Mafia's blessing for political ambitions.
The moral of that story is, "you tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are." If Trump was willing to hang around with organized crime, then we know who he is. It tells us even more about who you are. You hang with shit, you are shit. And if you support that shit, you are nothing but diarrhea.

Obama hung out with Big Labor bosses as well,begging for support from the Men of Respect.

But Obama did it for crass political purposes, not to get his home built.
"Big labor bosses?" Like "mob bosses? Be careful with your answer.

the marriage between Big Labor and the La Cosa Nostra has been known for a long time. Jimmy Hoffa didn't bury himself under the goal posts in East Rutherford.
Trump shouldn't show his tax returns until Obama shows releases his college admissions from Occidental and Columbia University along with releasing his ORIGINAL 1961 long form birth certificate with the raised state seal.
Why doesn’t Trump release his college admissions into Wharton so we can see what strings were pulled to get him in?

Then Trump can release what he did to get sent off to military school

The New York Times reported that President Trump was First in his class at Wharton.

He was an outstanding leader during his time at the New York Military Academy. Mr. Trump wasn't "sent to" military school, he and his parents decided it was a tremendous opportunity for him and they were exactly right.

The Education of Donald Trump | Vista College

The New York Times may be fake news.
What is Trump's real record at Wharton?
Below is the 1968 commencement program from The Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. Trump wasn't even listed as graduating Cum Laude.
View attachment 247527
Facts, speak from themselves. Try it sometime.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump is a fake and a fraud.
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
So Pelosi is running for president? Is that what Republicans are saying? Because I don’t think that’s right.
They seem to be going off the reservation about that, because their argument about Pelosi releasing her tax returns wilted on the vine.

Regardless of what Pelosi does or doesn't do, President Trump isn't going to release his tax returns. The gentleman knows history.

The left successfully cajoled Mitt Romney into releasing his, and Romney was successfully crucified by the media over them. Even though, Romney actually PAID MORE than he was supposed to.

Trump refuses to repeat the mistakes of history.

But still, Pelosi shouldn't even ask someone to do, something she refuses to do.
Quite the contrary. Someone with a history of working with the mob, multiple lawsuits stealing money from others, and bankruptcies, should have never had a platform to begin with. But we have a political party that is complicit in criminal activity, while supporting the take down of the rule of law and the Constitution.

If you are going to build in Manhattan New York, you have to be willing to work with Organized Labor which is controlled by the La Cosa Rostra. Otherwise the buildings don't get erected. Obama palled around with Jimmy Freaking Hoffa, and he didn't need to for business- he just needed the Mafia's blessing for political ambitions.
The moral of that story is, "you tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are." If Trump was willing to hang around with organized crime, then we know who he is. It tells us even more about who you are. You hang with shit, you are shit. And if you support that shit, you are nothing but diarrhea.

Obama hung out with Big Labor bosses as well,begging for support from the Men of Respect.

But Obama did it for crass political purposes, not to get his home built.
"Big labor bosses?" Like "mob bosses? Be careful with your answer.

the marriage between Big Labor and the La Cosa Nostra has been known for a long time. Jimmy Hoffa didn't bury himself under the goal posts in East Rutherford.
That tells us absolutely nothing about the difference between who Trump was working for and with, as opposed to Obama and his motivations. It's more than abundantly clear the two took entirely different paths in life.; Obama has not faced, or is facing lawsuits involving money theft, illegal universities, paying off porn stars, multiple bankruptcies, Emoluments violations, charitable contribution theft, and the like.

Lumping the two together is insulting to Obama. They are universes apart.
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
So Pelosi is running for president? Is that what Republicans are saying? Because I don’t think that’s right.
They seem to be going off the reservation about that, because their argument about Pelosi releasing her tax returns wilted on the vine.

Regardless of what Pelosi does or doesn't do, President Trump isn't going to release his tax returns. The gentleman knows history.

The left successfully cajoled Mitt Romney into releasing his, and Romney was successfully crucified by the media over them. Even though, Romney actually PAID MORE than he was supposed to.

Trump refuses to repeat the mistakes of history.

But still, Pelosi shouldn't even ask someone to do, something she refuses to do.
She is not running for president, so there is nothing to refuse.
Trump shouldn't show his tax returns until Obama shows releases his college admissions from Occidental and Columbia University along with releasing his ORIGINAL 1961 long form birth certificate with the raised state seal.
Why doesn’t Trump release his college admissions into Wharton so we can see what strings were pulled to get him in?

Then Trump can release what he did to get sent off to military school

The New York Times reported that President Trump was First in his class at Wharton.

He was an outstanding leader during his time at the New York Military Academy. Mr. Trump wasn't "sent to" military school, he and his parents decided it was a tremendous opportunity for him and they were exactly right.

The Education of Donald Trump | Vista College

The New York Times may be fake news.
What is Trump's real record at Wharton?
Below is the 1968 commencement program from The Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. Trump wasn't even listed as graduating Cum Laude.
View attachment 247527
Facts, speak from themselves. Try it sometime.

The New York Times could be fake news. The President has only said he did Tremendously Well in college and had almost unbelievably excellent grades.
The only fake news here is you, for failing to back up your lies about Pelosi and her tax evasion, corruption, and conflicts of interest.
Trump shouldn't show his tax returns until Obama shows releases his college admissions from Occidental and Columbia University along with releasing his ORIGINAL 1961 long form birth certificate with the raised state seal.
Why doesn’t Trump release his college admissions into Wharton so we can see what strings were pulled to get him in?

Then Trump can release what he did to get sent off to military school

The New York Times reported that President Trump was First in his class at Wharton.

He was an outstanding leader during his time at the New York Military Academy. Mr. Trump wasn't "sent to" military school, he and his parents decided it was a tremendous opportunity for him and they were exactly right.

The Education of Donald Trump | Vista College
Was that before or after the bone spur con?

I haven't seen any proof of any "bone spur con" at all.

I know our President did have problems with the bone spurs which didn't allow him to serve in the military. But no proof that any army doctor committed a war crime by unlawfully declaring a fit person 4F.
You know he had problems with bone spurs? With "Don the Con" being the kind of person he is, this claim comes as no surprise; Podiatrist's daughters say bone spur diagnosis that helped Trump avoid Vietnam draft was 'favor'

And when are you going to prove your claims about Pelosi? :auiqs.jpg:
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
I don't think she should....until she does run for President. Why should she? Give us the reason.
I don't think she should. But if I were to hazard a guess as to why then consider this.

I would rather investigate a politician who became wealthy than a wealthy person who became a politician.

Hard to imagine a 'legitimate' way someone like Pelosi can become rich to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars on a 175k a year gig.
On its face, that is absolutely stupid. People who are elected to office are elected to serve us, not their special interests. We should know where every penny goes, so we keep a check on their off the reservation pursuits when it comes to their own financial interests. You either enter office for the people or for yourself. It's that simple. Using the office for your own financial enrichment is a private business, not an elected position.

Your ideological naivete aside, the fact that she and many other elected officials end up embarrassingly rich after coming into office is far more investigation worthy than someone who comes to the office already wealthy.

To think that people elected into office do so to help others - particularly a progressive - is the epitome of someone with blinders on.
Quite the contrary. Someone with a history of working with the mob, multiple lawsuits stealing money from others, and bankruptcies, should have never had a platform to begin with. But we have a political party that is complicit in criminal activity, while supporting the take down of the rule of law and the Constitution.
We sure do, but the Democrats are not currently in the Whitehouse.
I don't think she should....until she does run for President. Why should she? Give us the reason.
I don't think she should. But if I were to hazard a guess as to why then consider this.

I would rather investigate a politician who became wealthy than a wealthy person who became a politician.

Hard to imagine a 'legitimate' way someone like Pelosi can become rich to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars on a 175k a year gig.
On its face, that is absolutely stupid. People who are elected to office are elected to serve us, not their special interests. We should know where every penny goes, so we keep a check on their off the reservation pursuits when it comes to their own financial interests. You either enter office for the people or for yourself. It's that simple. Using the office for your own financial enrichment is a private business, not an elected position.

Your ideological naivete aside, the fact that she and many other elected officials end up embarrassingly rich after coming into office is far more investigation worthy than someone who comes to the office already wealthy.

To think that people elected into office do so to help others - particularly a progressive - is the epitome of someone with blinders on.
Quite the contrary. Someone with a history of working with the mob, multiple lawsuits stealing money from others, and bankruptcies, should have never had a platform to begin with. But we have a political party that is complicit in criminal activity, while supporting the take down of the rule of law and the Constitution.
We sure do, but the Democrats are not currently in the Whitehouse.
Too bad you got that backwards. Trump is the one with criminal liability, not the Democrats.
Trump shouldn't show his tax returns until Obama shows releases his college admissions from Occidental and Columbia University along with releasing his ORIGINAL 1961 long form birth certificate with the raised state seal.
Why doesn’t Trump release his college admissions into Wharton so we can see what strings were pulled to get him in?

Then Trump can release what he did to get sent off to military school

The New York Times reported that President Trump was First in his class at Wharton.

He was an outstanding leader during his time at the New York Military Academy. Mr. Trump wasn't "sent to" military school, he and his parents decided it was a tremendous opportunity for him and they were exactly right.

The Education of Donald Trump | Vista College
Was that before or after the bone spur con?

I haven't seen any proof of any "bone spur con" at all.

I know our President did have problems with the bone spurs which didn't allow him to serve in the military. But no proof that any army doctor committed a war crime by unlawfully declaring a fit person 4F.
You know he had problems with bone spurs? With "Don the Con" being the kind of person he is, this claim comes as no surprise; Podiatrist's daughters say bone spur diagnosis that helped Trump avoid Vietnam draft was 'favor'

And when are you going to prove your claims about Pelosi? :auiqs.jpg:

Those women have not backed up their claims with any evidence whatsoever. No x-rays, no nothing, no documents.

It would be a violation of the podiatry profession to talk about a patient to your children like this you know
It would be a violation of the podiatry profession to talk about a patient to your children like this you know
...but an even more egregious violation to lie and make fake diagnoses to curry favor with people.

Indeed it would be.

And the doctor involved has been deceased for a long time, so it is unfair at the very least for the libs to make accusations against the doctor without documentary evidence or without the man being given a chance to answer the questions and restore his reputation.

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