Pelosi says Biden rape is closed issue

Sorry I don't believe anyone who waits 30 years to say they were raped. The only thing I disagree with it that the democrats have shown anyone watching what hypocrites they all are. They dragged Kavanaugh through the mud for weeks with his family and now these filthy traitor democrats give biden a free pass. Anyone voting for a democrat is an idiot.
Agreed. Cases like this should not see the light of day because someone feels like making an accusation. Trouble is the revenge factor is strong.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.


How the hell can it be a "closed issue", when Vice President Biden and Ms. Reade haven't even had a chance to testify before the Senate and give their respective sides of the story.

I can understand that Speaker Pelosi may have already made up her mind, but the people as a whole have a Right to determine their own opinions on this
There will be no Senate hearing over the matter, why should there be since the Senate is not a court of law...Plus the time to do anything about it legally ran out of time a long time go.
As it did for Kavanaugh yet...

You don't want to held hostage by stupidity, stop being stupid.
Liberals, it’s very simple.

Apply the same standards to Biden that you did to Kavanaugh.

Why the double standard?
The Democrat filth will give Biden a pass on his Ukraine and China corruption and his rape just like they gave Crooked Hillary a pass on her crimes and corruption. Hell that Obama sonofabitches even got Crooked Hillary off the hook by getting the FBI to say that she had "no intent". Can you imagine something as blatantly corrupt as that?

Democrats are the scum of this country.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?

Is yours?
Reade's accusation is pretty thin at this point.

This is an interesting article from this morning's CNN website:

It details the procedures that were in place in 1993 for the filing of complaints, and which office would have received the complaint that Reade said that she filed. There are specific procedures for such complaints. The supervisors whom she says she complained to have said that they never received any complaints about Biden from her or anyone else. The office's records are stored in the National Archives, which contends that the Senate controls them, and republicans have the majority in the Senate. The Senate Secretary contends that not even the existence of such a complaint may be disclosed, much less be released. Yet it was seem that finding her complaint would be the Holy Grail to republicans and they would run it up Constitution Avenue with sirens blaring.

Reade herself can't remember anything but that she filled out a form on a clipboard. Her friend has not said that she accompanied Reade to file the complaint, just that she told her that she did.

What's here? If there was a complaint, there's a paper trail if nothing else.

Besides, she was asking for it, right Hysteria?
Seriously think about this.

Trump joked about grabbing a woman by the pussy.

Biden did it.

What a sick MFer.

It’s not a trial. It’s a a job interview.
Trump raped a 13 year old with his buddy Epstein
What a sick MFer

You mean the Epstein he banned from Mar Lago in 1988 - while Clinton continued to fly to pedaphile island?

Did Rapey Quid Pro Joe ever fly over to try out Epstein's goods, like Bill Clinton did constantly? Or maybe he was like Bobby De Niro and preferred females with hooves?
Reade's accusation is pretty thin at this point.

This is an interesting article from this morning's CNN website:

It details the procedures that were in place in 1993 for the filing of complaints, and which office would have received the complaint that Reade said that she filed. There are specific procedures for such complaints. The supervisors whom she says she complained to have said that they never received any complaints about Biden from her or anyone else. The office's records are stored in the National Archives, which contends that the Senate controls them, and republicans have the majority in the Senate. The Senate Secretary contends that not even the existence of such a complaint may be disclosed, much less be released. Yet it was seem that finding her complaint would be the Holy Grail to republicans and they would run it up Constitution Avenue with sirens blaring.

Reade herself can't remember anything but that she filled out a form on a clipboard. Her friend has not said that she accompanied Reade to file the complaint, just that she told her that she did.

What's here? If there was a complaint, there's a paper trail if nothing else.

Did you believe Ford?

Yes. There was a lot more in terms of corroboration of her accusation. Moreover, in Reade's case there has to be a paper trail (see my post at #33) since she claims to have filed a written complaint, which the Senate Fair Employment Practices Office would have had to follow up on with an intake interview, notice to Biden, etc., so more than just her complaint has to be in her file at the Archives. Ford did not file anything, but she was backed up by people who knew her at the time. There was another complaint about Kavanaugh during his college days, and the whole book thing.
Sorry I don't believe anyone who waits 30 years to say they were raped. The only thing I disagree with it that the democrats have shown anyone watching what hypocrites they all are. They dragged Kavanaugh through the mud for weeks with his family and now these filthy traitor democrats give biden a free pass. Anyone voting for a democrat is an idiot.
why cant a reporter ask Mizz Pelosi what she thinks of all of those videos of Biden getting a bit finger friendly with much much younger female ladies?

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Yeah, act like the people that went after Kavanaugh it should serve yous well..There is no evidence and the story keeps changing the GOP operatives should have worked harder to give Biden the shaft.

Don’t be misogynist. It’s bad for liberals.
She should have been a housewife.
hey! where have you been? that was one hell of a long vacation!

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Yeah, act like the people that went after Kavanaugh it should serve yous well..There is no evidence and the story keeps changing the GOP operatives should have worked harder to give Biden the shaft.

You could do a better job giving Slow Joe the shaft.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Yeah, act like the people that went after Kavanaugh it should serve yous well..There is no evidence and the story keeps changing the GOP operatives should have worked harder to give Biden the shaft.

You could do a better job giving Slow Joe the shaft.
I have, now worry about number one.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Yeah, act like the people that went after Kavanaugh it should serve yous well..There is no evidence and the story keeps changing the GOP operatives should have worked harder to give Biden the shaft.

Don’t be misogynist. It’s bad for liberals.
She should have been a housewife.
hey! where have you been? that was one hell of a long vacation!
Finding places that are ran better.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Yeah, act like the people that went after Kavanaugh it should serve yous well..There is no evidence and the story keeps changing the GOP operatives should have worked harder to give Biden the shaft.

Don’t be misogynist. It’s bad for liberals.
She should have been a housewife.
hey! where have you been? that was one hell of a long vacation!
Finding places that are ran better.
well while u were gone,,,i tried to escape from Naples! well I did! Nov. to March,,,then the corolla virus came,,then had to move back here after making 3 trips to move there!! then, about 6? weeks ago,,,i moved back to Naples from Sarasota! two trips back for that!
God! I just cant win!...well...i will win after my place sells here,,,,and then I have to make 2 trips back to Sarasota!

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Yeah, act like the people that went after Kavanaugh it should serve yous well..There is no evidence and the story keeps changing the GOP operatives should have worked harder to give Biden the shaft.

Don’t be misogynist. It’s bad for liberals.
She should have been a housewife.
hey! where have you been? that was one hell of a long vacation!
Finding places that are ran better.
well while u were gone,,,i tried to escape from Naples! well I did! Nov. to March,,,then the corolla virus came,,then had to move back here after making 3 trips to move there!! then, about 6? weeks ago,,,i moved back to Naples from Sarasota! two trips back for that!
God! I just cant win!...well...i will win after my place sells here,,,,and then I have to make 2 trips back to Sarasota!
Move to SW Mizzouri and enjoy the entreating sights and sounds of a shithole in America..

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