Pelosi says Biden rape is closed issue

Reade's accusation is pretty thin at this point.

This is an interesting article from this morning's CNN website:

It details the procedures that were in place in 1993 for the filing of complaints, and which office would have received the complaint that Reade said that she filed. There are specific procedures for such complaints. The supervisors whom she says she complained to have said that they never received any complaints about Biden from her or anyone else. The office's records are stored in the National Archives, which contends that the Senate controls them, and republicans have the majority in the Senate. The Senate Secretary contends that not even the existence of such a complaint may be disclosed, much less be released. Yet it was seem that finding her complaint would be the Holy Grail to republicans and they would run it up Constitution Avenue with sirens blaring.

Reade herself can't remember anything but that she filled out a form on a clipboard. Her friend has not said that she accompanied Reade to file the complaint, just that she told her that she did.

What's here? If there was a complaint, there's a paper trail if nothing else.

The supervisors whom she says she complained to have said that they never received any complaints about Biden from her or anyone else.

They must have fantastic memories

Do you imply that their memories are all faulty? Do you know any of them? This is pretty weak.

Do you imply that their memories are all faulty?

after 27 years?

Yes, I would 'imply' that their memories are faulty.

I would 'imply' that ANYONES memory is faulty after that length of time.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?
Not seeing a link??

Among the lurid details of the lawsuit, Jane Doe alleged Trump tied her to a bed, "forcibly raped" her and threatened her and her family with physical harm, if not death, if she told anyone about the assault. "I understood that Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old," Jane Doe wrote in an affidavit.
But, but, but, TRUMP!!! Didn't take you long.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?
Not seeing a link??

Among the lurid details of the lawsuit, Jane Doe alleged Trump tied her to a bed, "forcibly raped" her and threatened her and her family with physical harm, if not death, if she told anyone about the assault. "I understood that Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old," Jane Doe wrote in an affidavit.

1994? Is that all you have? A RAPE? Really? Jane Doe yet???
The statute of limitations and believability expired on that shit. David Pecker again?! Good luck.
Trump raped a 13 year old with his buddy Epstein
What a sick MFer

You're the sick MFer, MFer.
The accusation is out there

While we are investigating Joe Biden, we need to investigate Trump
Sure, hire a PI and go for it. Let us know how it goes. In the meantime, Trump's accusers had their time in the spotlight 4 years ago. This is Biden's turn, your efforts to tie the two together not withstanding.
How do you liberal fucks look in the mirror and not vomit?

You know you are hypocrites.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.


The fact that Biden says that he doesn't remember is irrelevant. Biden doesn't remember who his wife is nowadays, relying on his recollections from almost 30 years ago is pretty stupid.

Biden can't remember he's running for president but we're supposed to take Bidens claim that he doesn't remember the sexual assault from 30 years ago as proof it didn't happen?

To what ?
Pelosi also said she would not proceed with Impeachment without 1) undeniable evidence of a crime committed by the president and 2) bipartisan support for impeachment. She had neither when she held the House vote to Impeach the president.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?

He was convicted of rape ?

Or did you purposely mislead like you are prone to do ?

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?
Not seeing a link??

Among the lurid details of the lawsuit, Jane Doe alleged Trump tied her to a bed, "forcibly raped" her and threatened her and her family with physical harm, if not death, if she told anyone about the assault. "I understood that Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old," Jane Doe wrote in an affidavit.

1994? Is that all you have? A RAPE? Really? Jane Doe yet???
The statute of limitations and believability expired on that shit. David Pecker again?! Good luck.
About the same time period as Biden’s allegations

How about we do this......public testimony on Biden fingering a woman after we complete the investigation of Trump raping a 13 year old.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?

He was convicted of rape ?

Or did you purposely mislead like you are prone to do ?
Biden has not been convicted either
Let’s investigate both and see where t goes

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?
Not seeing a link??

Among the lurid details of the lawsuit, Jane Doe alleged Trump tied her to a bed, "forcibly raped" her and threatened her and her family with physical harm, if not death, if she told anyone about the assault. "I understood that Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old," Jane Doe wrote in an affidavit.

1994? Is that all you have? A RAPE? Really? Jane Doe yet???
The statute of limitations and believability expired on that shit. David Pecker again! Good luck.
About the same time period as Biden’s allegations

How about we do this......public testimony on Biden fingering a woman after we complete the investigation of Trump raping a 13 year old.

How about we do Biden first? Considering Trump's already been elected president so he's obviously been vetted.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

The old witch !

View attachment 332686
Pelosi performed her stunt right after the president warned us about the Chinese virus. That's how important it is to democommiecrats.
Sorry I don't believe anyone who waits 30 years to say they were raped. The only thing I disagree with it that the democrats have shown anyone watching what hypocrites they all are. They dragged Kavanaugh through the mud for weeks with his family and now these filthy traitor democrats give biden a free pass. Anyone voting for a democrat is an idiot.

She didn't wait 30 years. She told at least 5 people back in 1993-1994 with corroborating witnesses.
Don't count, she didn't tell the police.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?
Not seeing a link??

Among the lurid details of the lawsuit, Jane Doe alleged Trump tied her to a bed, "forcibly raped" her and threatened her and her family with physical harm, if not death, if she told anyone about the assault. "I understood that Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old," Jane Doe wrote in an affidavit.

1994? Is that all you have? A RAPE? Really? Jane Doe yet???
The statute of limitations and believability expired on that shit. David Pecker again! Good luck.
About the same time period as Biden’s allegations

How about we do this......public testimony on Biden fingering a woman after we complete the investigation of Trump raping a 13 year old.

How about we do Biden first? Considering Trump's already been elected president so he's obviously been vetted.

Trump is a sitting president accused of raping a child
Much more severe
The republicans have a majority of the Senate and have control of the records, including the document at issue, if it actually exists. The Secretary of the Senate did not cite to any confidentiality law that specifically precludes any and all discussion of it. The Senate secretary should and must give specific cites to this law.

As I mentioned before, it would be in the republicans' best interest to produce this document, and Biden, who would be cast in a bad light through any disclosure, says that he doesn't mind.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?
Not seeing a link??

Among the lurid details of the lawsuit, Jane Doe alleged Trump tied her to a bed, "forcibly raped" her and threatened her and her family with physical harm, if not death, if she told anyone about the assault. "I understood that Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old," Jane Doe wrote in an affidavit.

1994? Is that all you have? A RAPE? Really? Jane Doe yet???
The statute of limitations and believability expired on that shit. David Pecker again?! Good luck.
About the same time period as Biden’s allegations

How about we do this......public testimony on Biden fingering a woman after we complete the investigation of Trump raping a 13 year old.
Trump never raped a 13 year old. That's why a judge told her to stop filing frivolous complaints.
after 27 years? Yes, I would 'imply' that their memories are faulty. I would 'imply' that ANYONES memory is faulty after that length of time.

Biden is a CONFIRMED liar I don't think its a memory issue. NONE of the following claims he made when running for president are true,

"I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship," Biden says in the clip, in which he also says he finished in the top half of his graduating class and "was the outstanding student in the political science department" in college and earned three degrees."
Sorry I don't believe anyone who waits 30 years to say they were raped. The only thing I disagree with it that the democrats have shown anyone watching what hypocrites they all are. They dragged Kavanaugh through the mud for weeks with his family and now these filthy traitor democrats give biden a free pass. Anyone voting for a democrat is an idiot.

She didn't wait 30 years. She told at least 5 people back in 1993-1994 with corroborating witnesses.
Don't count, she didn't tell the police.

Doesn't mean it didn't happen. Many rape victims don't report the crimes. In fact, 91.6% of rapes go unreported.


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