Pelosi says Biden rape is closed issue

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?
Not seeing a link??

Among the lurid details of the lawsuit, Jane Doe alleged Trump tied her to a bed, "forcibly raped" her and threatened her and her family with physical harm, if not death, if she told anyone about the assault. "I understood that Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old," Jane Doe wrote in an affidavit.

1994? Is that all you have? A RAPE? Really? Jane Doe yet???
The statute of limitations and believability expired on that shit. David Pecker again?! Good luck.
About the same time period as Biden’s allegations

How about we do this......public testimony on Biden fingering a woman after we complete the investigation of Trump raping a 13 year old.
Trump never raped a 13 year old. That's why a judge told her to stop filing frivolous complaints.

The democrat's desperation is showing. Its going to be one "Hail Mary" accusation after another until November.
How desperate would you be if Joe Biden was your nominee????

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?

He was convicted of rape ?

Or did you purposely mislead like you are prone to do ?
Biden has not been convicted either
Let’s investigate both and see where t goes

Sure....but I never said he raped her.

You said trump raped a 13-year-old. You didn't imply it was an investigation.
How drunk was Nanzi? Sometimes they catch her when she's completely snotted and would blow a .25 (or blow the arresting officer, whichever was more convenient), and the dentures, the botox, the 80-year old parts just aren't functioning and she says some kooky things.

Hang on..... I withdraw my question. I was just reminded she hasn't been sober in over 30 years.

Where is a dry cough when you need one?
That old $30 a qt ice cream eating bitch is going to drag that old perverted kid sniffer across the finish line.... :lol:

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?

He was convicted of rape ?

Or did you purposely mislead like you are prone to do ?
Biden has not been convicted either
Let’s investigate both and see where t goes

Sure....but I never said he raped her.

You said trump raped a 13-year-old. You didn't imply it was an investigation.
Biden forced his finger into her vagina against her will...that qualifies as rape in my opinion...Trump has never been accused of rape or forced anything....not once....

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?
Not seeing a link??

Among the lurid details of the lawsuit, Jane Doe alleged Trump tied her to a bed, "forcibly raped" her and threatened her and her family with physical harm, if not death, if she told anyone about the assault. "I understood that Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old," Jane Doe wrote in an affidavit.

1994? Is that all you have? A RAPE? Really? Jane Doe yet???
The statute of limitations and believability expired on that shit. David Pecker again?! Good luck.
About the same time period as Biden’s allegations

How about we do this......public testimony on Biden fingering a woman after we complete the investigation of Trump raping a 13 year old.
Trump never raped a 13 year old. That's why a judge told her to stop filing frivolous complaints.
Let’s hear what the woman has to say?
Let Trump testify under oath and Biden can do the same

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Is Trumps rape of a 13 year old a closed issue?

He was convicted of rape ?

Or did you purposely mislead like you are prone to do ?
Biden has not been convicted either
Let’s investigate both and see where t goes

Sure....but I never said he raped her.

You said trump raped a 13-year-old. You didn't imply it was an investigation.
Biden forced his finger into her vagina against her will...that qualifies as rape in my opinion...Trump has never been accused of rape or forced anything....not once....
Trump is accused of raping a 13 year old....much worse

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.


I suppose it is closed issue, Biden raped.
Let the republican majority in the Senate produce the complaint, any notes of an intake interview, any follow up with Biden, and any other records that are routine. I'm more familiar with EEOC procedures and state FEP complaints, but the Senate Office of Fair Employment Practices cannot have that many customers in a given year. And I seriously doubt that anyone in that office filed her complaint in the wastebasket, somehow knowing that Biden was going to run for president 27 years later, after serving for eight years as vice president.

Moreover, Reade's identity and accusations are already public knowledge, including the most egregious, and if this friend of her's is mentioned on any form, and she wishes to remain anonymous, information relating to her can be swiftly redacted by anyone with a black sharpee.

This is too, too fishy.
Political Cartoons by AF Branco

'Nuff Said.


Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Yeah, act like the people that went after Kavanaugh it should serve yous well..There is no evidence and the story keeps changing the GOP operatives should have worked harder to give Biden the shaft.
Turnabout is fair play. I don't think they should really pursue this anywhere near the bullshit on Kavanaugh.

It is a very effective tool for exposing Democrat hypocrisy, won't you agree?


Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Isn't he accused of grabbing her by the pussy? Is that something no presidential candidate ever EVER do?

I'm shocked, SHOCKED that there is gambling going on here!
Kavanaugh took the bench.

Name one woman who hasn’t been able to kill a baby since.

Just asking. Name a woman who hasn’t been able to kill her baby. Anyone.
Isn't he accused of grabbing her by the pussy? Is that something no presidential candidate ever EVER do?

OK, that is funny as HELL!

I, for whatever reason, had not thought about that.

US Citizen Trump appeared on a talk show and told how there are some women who are so impressed by wealthy guys that they will let those guys do anything to them, even 'grab them by the p@$$y'....

...but, according to Tara Reade, Senator Joe Biden actually DID 'grab a woman by the p@$$y'.....

And Democrats are completely ignoring it / protecting Joe from the repercussions of doing it.

The hypocrisy is >EPIC<!

Liberals. Why not put the same standards on BIDEN as Kavanaugh?

You guys are showing your butts.

It’s all bullshit, isn’t it lefties?

Just admit it.

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Isn't he accused of grabbing her by the pussy? Is that something no presidential candidate ever EVER do?

I'm shocked, SHOCKED that there is gambling going on here!

Great movie.

Trump joked abut rape.

Biden raped.

These sick liberal fucks.
Liberals, why are you void of character?

Why won’t you apply the same standards to Biden as you did Kavanaugh?

What is Mazie talking about?l

Come on you liberal hypocrites. Apply the same standard

Who is this bitch to tell us it’s a closed issue?

We will decide.

She is out of line and she is a misogynist. How dare she not believe Tara.

Per their own actions that's not how, this works. That's not how any of this works.

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