Pelosi Says The 4 Dead In Benghazi Doesn't Matter. Let's Talk About Jobs


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Pelosi can talk about jobs till she's blue in the face, but the fact is she's trying to change the subject. After every scandal erupts, these liars always want to talk about jobs.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney repeated this nonsense today and the journalists in the gallery broke out in laughter when they heard it.

It's getting to the point that they need a laugh track whenever they hold a press-conference.

What was Harry Reid talking about today?

The Washington Redskins and Donald Sterling.

These people are nuts.

[ame=]Pelosi on Benghazi 'Diversion': 'Why Aren't We Talking About Something Else?' - YouTube[/ame]

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They're desperate to change the subject. But wherever they turn it's dark. Economy? Nope, sucks. Foreign policy? Nope, sucks. Obamacare? Nope, sucks.
They're reduced to talking about rich guys and hope that somehow fires everyone else up.
They're desperate to change the subject. But wherever they turn it's dark. Economy? Nope, sucks. Foreign policy? Nope, sucks. Obamacare? Nope, sucks.
They're reduced to talking about rich guys and hope that somehow fires everyone else up.

Speaking of jobs.....the economy is totally stagnant.

They had to monkey with the inflationary adjustments to get any positive growth at all, otherwise the economy actually shrunk in the first quarter.
Jay Carney said during a press conference over a year ago only one word was changed in Susan Rice's talking points.

The word "attack" was changed to "demonstration" by somebody.

Tom Veiter, the NSC spokesman, who seemed barely old enough to be in college, said he was in the situation room during the "attack", and Brett Baier of Fox News asked him who changed that word from attack to demonstration.

His response was; "Dude, it was, like, two years ago!"

Dude, this is like, what difference does it make, dude.

Well, it's clear they are purposely trying to forget who was responsible for the change, and they are attempting to distance the president from the decision by claiming they didn't know where he was because the little twerp said; "We didn't have a tracking device on him." It was unnecessary for him to be so smarmy about it. These assholes claim this is all just a phony scandal. If so, why are they still hiding the truth?

My first question after this interview to Tommy would be how could you forget about the one thing you guys have been dealing with for the last 20 months? Why the selective memory?

NSC Spokesman On Benghazi: Dude, That Was Two Years Ago - Business Insider

[ame=]Tommy Vietor on Benghazi: 'Dude...That Was Two Years Ago' - YouTube[/ame]
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Jobs are more important. .whether or not they would do anything Is another story.
Pelosi is such a skanking whore.

Only way she could of ever got pregnant was to cum in her shoes and let the flies do the rest

Jobs are more important. .whether or not they would do anything Is another story.

If that is the case, what is Obama doing?

He's been doing everything in his power to destroy jobs.

He was out there Wednesday chastising the GOP for not voting for another increase in the minimum-wage, which always destroys jobs, and he thinks he's helping?
Pelosi can talk about jobs till she's blue in the face, but the fact is she's trying to change the subject. After every scandal erupts, these liars always want to talk about jobs.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney repeated this nonsense today and the journalists in the gallery broke out in laughter when they heard it.

It's getting to the point that they need a laugh track whenever they hold a press-conference.

What was Harry Reid talking about today?

The Washington Redskins and Donald Sterling.

These people are nuts.

Pelosi on Benghazi 'Diversion': 'Why Aren't We Talking About Something Else?' - YouTube

Harry Reid - NFL Should Punish Redskins Owner Like NBA Did Donald Sterling - YouTube

How has all this time spent on benghazi helped our country? 4 people died in what was/is a very dangerous place. It's really not that surprising.
Yes, ignore all of this silly nonsense....let's talk about jobs, or racism, or the Washington Redskins.

Well 20 kids get killed in school right here in the US and nothing gets done. But you guys are up in arms about 4 deaths in a very dangerous foreign country? Interesting priorities.
Yes, ignore all of this silly nonsense....let's talk about jobs, or racism, or the Washington Redskins.

Well 20 kids get killed in school right here in the US and nothing gets done. But you guys are up in arms about 4 deaths in a very dangerous foreign country? Interesting priorities.


The perp is dead. What else do you want?

Obama changed the regulations on background checks. Every time someone tries to put armed guards in schools the Democrats raise all holy hell. They refuse to allow us to do anything because they want to set up another one apparently.
Yes, ignore all of this silly nonsense....let's talk about jobs, or racism, or the Washington Redskins.

Well 20 kids get killed in school right here in the US and nothing gets done. But you guys are up in arms about 4 deaths in a very dangerous foreign country? Interesting priorities.


The perp is dead. What else do you want?

Obama changed the regulations on background checks. Every time someone tries to put armed guards in schools the Democrats raise all holy hell. They refuse to allow us to do anything because they want to set up another one apparently.
What else do they want? Our guns turned in...
I have a better idea

Lets see if we can keep the Beghazi story going until the 2016 elections
Pelosi can talk about jobs till she's blue in the face, but the fact is she's trying to change the subject. After every scandal erupts, these liars always want to talk about jobs.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney repeated this nonsense today and the journalists in the gallery broke out in laughter when they heard it.

It's getting to the point that they need a laugh track whenever they hold a press-conference.

What was Harry Reid talking about today?

The Washington Redskins and Donald Sterling.

These people are nuts.

Pelosi on Benghazi 'Diversion': 'Why Aren't We Talking About Something Else?' - YouTube

Harry Reid - NFL Should Punish Redskins Owner Like NBA Did Donald Sterling - YouTube
Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate, Distract...It's what these criminals do.

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