Pelosi Says The 4 Dead In Benghazi Doesn't Matter. Let's Talk About Jobs

I have a suggestion. Let's subpoena Mitt Romney, just for the fun of it. He seemed to know more about the situation than some. No harm in that, right? I have about half a dozen other suggestions for subpoena contestants while we're at it.
If that is the case, what is Obama doing?

He's been doing everything in his power to destroy jobs.

He was out there Wednesday chastising the GOP for not voting for another increase in the minimum-wage, which always destroys jobs, and he thinks he's helping?
No he hasn't and no it doesnt.

Obama says the economy is churning along.

So why did we lose over 800,000 workers? That many dropped out of the work-force. Only 62% of working age Americans have a job. The rest are on some sort of assistance, or permanently unemployed.
Welfare increase under Obama...can't be denied.
I have a suggestion. Let's subpoena Mitt Romney, just for the fun of it. He seemed to know more about the situation than some. No harm in that, right? I have about half a dozen other suggestions for subpoena contestants while we're at it.

No need.

Just bring him in and ask him some questions.

He'll tell us all we need to know.

Wouldn't that be refreshing?
I have a suggestion. Let's subpoena Mitt Romney, just for the fun of it. He seemed to know more about the situation than some. No harm in that, right? I have about half a dozen other suggestions for subpoena contestants while we're at it.

No need.

Just bring him in and ask him some questions.

He'll tell us all we need to know.

Wouldn't that be refreshing?

Yes it would. I am very much looking forward to it. (You think he is going in without a fight you're crazy.)
Maybe we can break out some more of the shovel-ready jobs.

Shovels will be hitting the ground and cranes will be dotting the sky.......only we're running out of Americans to handle those we need more Mexicans.
Don't worry, it will be front and center if Hilarious, er I mean Hillary runs.

I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job
Ya know, I honestly thought you'd not be the one here pulling a Jay Carney but I guess party loyalty is paramount. The latest memo release shows without a doubt the Obama administration fucked up royally and have been doing nothing except protecting their collective political asses since. Granted the Republicans are doing everything in their power to use it politically but I know for a fact that if this was done under the Bush or Reagan administrations you would personally be screaming bloody murder.
Don't hand me an orange and tell me it's an apple.........


How is this attack any worse than attacks we have had in the past 30 years?

Simple would you have rescued them?
I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job
Ya know, I honestly thought you'd not be the one here pulling a Jay Carney but I guess party loyalty is paramount. The latest memo release shows without a doubt the Obama administration fucked up royally and have been doing nothing except protecting their collective political asses since. Granted the Republicans are doing everything in their power to use it politically but I know for a fact that if this was done under the Bush or Reagan administrations you would personally be screaming bloody murder.
Don't hand me an orange and tell me it's an apple.........


How is this attack any worse than attacks we have had in the past 30 years?

Simple would you have rescued them?

It;s worse because the administration lied about it afterwards, even though they knew the truth. They did so for political gain.
Or did you miss that part?
Ya know, I honestly thought you'd not be the one here pulling a Jay Carney but I guess party loyalty is paramount. The latest memo release shows without a doubt the Obama administration fucked up royally and have been doing nothing except protecting their collective political asses since. Granted the Republicans are doing everything in their power to use it politically but I know for a fact that if this was done under the Bush or Reagan administrations you would personally be screaming bloody murder.
Don't hand me an orange and tell me it's an apple.........


How is this attack any worse than attacks we have had in the past 30 years?

Simple would you have rescued them?

It;s worse because the administration lied about it afterwards, even though they knew the truth. They did so for political gain.
Or did you miss that part?

Someone lied to the administration for political gain. You almost got that one right.
I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job
Ya know, I honestly thought you'd not be the one here pulling a Jay Carney but I guess party loyalty is paramount. The latest memo release shows without a doubt the Obama administration fucked up royally and have been doing nothing except protecting their collective political asses since. Granted the Republicans are doing everything in their power to use it politically but I know for a fact that if this was done under the Bush or Reagan administrations you would personally be screaming bloody murder.
Don't hand me an orange and tell me it's an apple.........


How is this attack any worse than attacks we have had in the past 30 years?

Simple would you have rescued them?

First, get a new president.....

Second, throw all of those dope-smoking faggots he hired outta here.....

Third, pull everyone out of Libya cause we shouldn't have been there in the first place.....

Remember when you fags said nobody died in the Libyan war?

Pelosi can talk about jobs till she's blue in the face, but the fact is she's trying to change the subject. After every scandal erupts, these liars always want to talk about jobs.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney repeated this nonsense today and the journalists in the gallery broke out in laughter when they heard it.

It's getting to the point that they need a laugh track whenever they hold a press-conference.

What was Harry Reid talking about today?

The Washington Redskins and Donald Sterling.

These people are nuts.

Pelosi on Benghazi 'Diversion': 'Why Aren't We Talking About Something Else?' - YouTube

Harry Reid - NFL Should Punish Redskins Owner Like NBA Did Donald Sterling - YouTube

Democrats always want to talk about jobs but not do anything about jobs. The policies they have pursued for 8 years have lead to the smallest labor participation rate since Carter. Why don't Pelosi and Co ever do something about jobs? How come jobs are such a low priority?
Dude...Like Benghazi is so like yesterday man...
I can't wrap my brain around ya know.
Don't hassle me about that.
I have a better idea

Lets see if we can keep the Beghazi story going until the 2016 elections

Don't worry, it will be front and center if Hilarious, er I mean Hillary runs.

I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job

It flopped because the Left wing of the GOP went after Benghazi with kid gloves on. They were afraid of what the media might say. Don't need Democrat Light in the GOP tent.
Pelosi can talk about jobs till she's blue in the face, but the fact is she's trying to change the subject. After every scandal erupts, these liars always want to talk about jobs.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney repeated this nonsense today and the journalists in the gallery broke out in laughter when they heard it.

It's getting to the point that they need a laugh track whenever they hold a press-conference.

What was Harry Reid talking about today?

The Washington Redskins and Donald Sterling.

These people are nuts.

Pelosi on Benghazi 'Diversion': 'Why Aren't We Talking About Something Else?' - YouTube

Harry Reid - NFL Should Punish Redskins Owner Like NBA Did Donald Sterling - YouTube

How has all this time spent on benghazi helped our country? 4 people died in what was/is a very dangerous place. It's really not that surprising.

So you think holding politicians accountable for their actions is of no benefit to the country?
Pelosi can talk about jobs till she's blue in the face, but the fact is she's trying to change the subject. After every scandal erupts, these liars always want to talk about jobs.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney repeated this nonsense today and the journalists in the gallery broke out in laughter when they heard it.

It's getting to the point that they need a laugh track whenever they hold a press-conference.

What was Harry Reid talking about today?

The Washington Redskins and Donald Sterling.

These people are nuts.

Pelosi on Benghazi 'Diversion': 'Why Aren't We Talking About Something Else?' - YouTube

Harry Reid - NFL Should Punish Redskins Owner Like NBA Did Donald Sterling - YouTube

Democrats always want to talk about jobs but not do anything about jobs. The policies they have pursued for 8 years have lead to the smallest labor participation rate since Carter. Why don't Pelosi and Co ever do something about jobs? How come jobs are such a low priority?

Hey, maybe Democrats could pass immigration reform, that would be good for the economy. Nope, Republicans blocked that. Wait, what about extending the unemployment insurance benefits, that will grow the economy. What? Republicans blocked that too. Well surely they will not stand in the raising the minimum wage. That too eh. Seems odd that Republicans seem to care so much for the dead but give a Damn about the living.
Pelosi can talk about jobs till she's blue in the face, but the fact is she's trying to change the subject. After every scandal erupts, these liars always want to talk about jobs.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney repeated this nonsense today and the journalists in the gallery broke out in laughter when they heard it.

It's getting to the point that they need a laugh track whenever they hold a press-conference.

What was Harry Reid talking about today?

The Washington Redskins and Donald Sterling.

These people are nuts.

Pelosi on Benghazi 'Diversion': 'Why Aren't We Talking About Something Else?' - YouTube

Harry Reid - NFL Should Punish Redskins Owner Like NBA Did Donald Sterling - YouTube

Democrats always want to talk about jobs but not do anything about jobs. The policies they have pursued for 8 years have lead to the smallest labor participation rate since Carter. Why don't Pelosi and Co ever do something about jobs? How come jobs are such a low priority?

Hey, maybe Democrats could pass immigration reform, that would be good for the economy. Nope, Republicans blocked that. Wait, what about extending the unemployment insurance benefits, that will grow the economy. What? Republicans blocked that too. Well surely they will not stand in the raising the minimum wage. That too eh. Seems odd that Republicans seem to care so much for the dead but give a Damn about the living.

It's not immigration reform, it's amnesty.

Amnesty has been tried.....and it led to more and more illegals coming here.

It doesn't solve the problem, it only makes it worse.
Let's explain this for the inbreds that can't understand this entire situation...

Obama caused a huge mess with his regime change in Libya, when Qadaffi was trying to work with us to fight the terrorists that in the end Obama helped take over Libya.

Obama trying to play up his "victory" sent in an Ambassador and staff to the terrorist haven without proper security. The Ambassador complained back to DC but they ignored him since the election was more important.

On 11 Sep 2012, a day each year that should raise your radar to terrorist danger especially in Libya....Obama and his goons didn't have a plan for any attack. When the attack took place, they shit their pants and went into cover up mode latching on to a bullshit movie that most Americans and muslims never saw on the internet.

They downplayed the entire situation while it happened to keep the media out of it, but once the Ambassador died they had to quickly sweep it under the rug and apologize to the muslim world about some fucking video.....great PR, blame some "kook" for making the movie on getting the Ambassador killed and keep the lie that Obama personally had killed off Al Qai'da and other terrorist groups.

For months and months Obama and his goons have hidden emails from Congress demanding answers, just like covering up obamacare, etc. The media is in on the cover up letting Obama read his one liners blaming the "GOP" for stirring up trouble and inventing "fake" conspiracies....yet Obama won't turn over all the documents to prove it is all bogus claims by the GOP.

When someone fights releasing information, they are hiding shit. Obama knows he and his goons should be in jail over this treason and manslaughter of 4 Americans.
Democrats always want to talk about jobs but not do anything about jobs. The policies they have pursued for 8 years have lead to the smallest labor participation rate since Carter. Why don't Pelosi and Co ever do something about jobs? How come jobs are such a low priority?

Hey, maybe Democrats could pass immigration reform, that would be good for the economy. Nope, Republicans blocked that. Wait, what about extending the unemployment insurance benefits, that will grow the economy. What? Republicans blocked that too. Well surely they will not stand in the raising the minimum wage. That too eh. Seems odd that Republicans seem to care so much for the dead but give a Damn about the living.

It's not immigration reform, it's amnesty.

Amnesty has been tried.....and it led to more and more illegals coming here.

It doesn't solve the problem, it only makes it worse.

And the House Republicans are not bring Immigration Reform to the Floor for a vote because it is amnesty? Odd. Because that is not the reason they are giving.
Let's explain this for the inbreds that can't understand this entire situation...

Obama caused a huge mess with his regime change in Libya, when Qadaffi was trying to work with us to fight the terrorists that in the end Obama helped take over Libya.

Obama trying to play up his "victory" sent in an Ambassador and staff to the terrorist haven without proper security. The Ambassador complained back to DC but they ignored him since the election was more important.

On 11 Sep 2012, a day each year that should raise your radar to terrorist danger especially in Libya....Obama and his goons didn't have a plan for any attack. When the attack took place, they shit their pants and went into cover up mode latching on to a bullshit movie that most Americans and muslims never saw on the internet.

They downplayed the entire situation while it happened to keep the media out of it, but once the Ambassador died they had to quickly sweep it under the rug and apologize to the muslim world about some fucking video.....great PR, blame some "kook" for making the movie on getting the Ambassador killed and keep the lie that Obama personally had killed off Al Qai'da and other terrorist groups.

For months and months Obama and his goons have hidden emails from Congress demanding answers, just like covering up obamacare, etc. The media is in on the cover up letting Obama read his one liners blaming the "GOP" for stirring up trouble and inventing "fake" conspiracies....yet Obama won't turn over all the documents to prove it is all bogus claims by the GOP.

When someone fights releasing information, they are hiding shit. Obama knows he and his goons should be in jail over this treason and manslaughter of 4 Americans.

Yes, of course. Obama sent Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi so he would be there on 9/11. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Now here's a real question. Why was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi on 9/11? Must have been a really important emergency. Who notified him of such an urgent matter? What was the matter actually was is of little consequence.

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