Pelosi Says The 4 Dead In Benghazi Doesn't Matter. Let's Talk About Jobs

Pelosi can talk about jobs till she's blue in the face, but the fact is she's trying to change the subject. After every scandal erupts, these liars always want to talk about jobs.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney repeated this nonsense today and the journalists in the gallery broke out in laughter when they heard it.

It's getting to the point that they need a laugh track whenever they hold a press-conference.

What was Harry Reid talking about today?

The Washington Redskins and Donald Sterling.

These people are nuts.

Pelosi on Benghazi 'Diversion': 'Why Aren't We Talking About Something Else?' - YouTube

Harry Reid - NFL Should Punish Redskins Owner Like NBA Did Donald Sterling - YouTube

Interestingly, the witch isn't really interested about creating jobs either. She simply shows up for the paycheck while doing NOTHING about solving America's problems. Of course she wants to sweep Benghazi under the rug. It's nearing election time.
I have a better idea

Lets see if we can keep the Beghazi story going until the 2016 elections

Don't worry, it will be front and center if Hilarious, er I mean Hillary runs.

I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job
I have a better idea

Lets see if we can keep the Beghazi story going until the 2016 elections

Don't worry, it will be front and center if Hilarious, er I mean Hillary runs.

I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job

I'm sure if you (or one of your family members) were the victim of a terrorist attack you would want justice. Especially if your government dropped the ball.
I have a better idea

Lets see if we can keep the Beghazi story going until the 2016 elections

Don't worry, it will be front and center if Hilarious, er I mean Hillary runs.

I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job

it's hilarious watching left-wing losers make up their own narrative.

the facts are this Administration has been covering up a REAL scandal; but at this point the truth is finally coming out

all this moron can do is continue the same idiotic charges that this isnt something that needs to be investigated; and pray obama got rid of enough evidence
Don't worry, it will be front and center if Hilarious, er I mean Hillary runs.

I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job

I'm sure if you (or one of your family members) were the victim of a terrorist attack you would want justice. Especially if your government dropped the ball.


Because we never suffer from terrorist attacks
"Diversion subterfuge". :lol:

Yes, Benghazi has been diversion subterfuge since it occurred, but the only ones paying attention anymore are Fox.

the Fox with millions of viewers?

the #1 in cable news Fox?

that Fox?

so you're saying millions are still paying attention

what idiots libs are; too stupid to realize their petty insults say more than they thing they are saying
Don't worry, it will be front and center if Hilarious, er I mean Hillary runs.

I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job

I'm sure if you (or one of your family members) were the victim of a terrorist attack you would want justice. Especially if your government dropped the ball.
He doesn't wasn't him...
I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job

I'm sure if you (or one of your family members) were the victim of a terrorist attack you would want justice. Especially if your government dropped the ball.


Because we never suffer from terrorist attacks


this leftard just gave us another "what difference does it make?"

a true patriot this moron!
"Diversion subterfuge". :lol:

Yes, Benghazi has been diversion subterfuge since it occurred, but the only ones paying attention anymore are Fox.

the Fox with millions of viewers?

the #1 in cable news Fox?

that Fox?

so you're saying millions are still paying attention

what idiots libs are; too stupid to realize their petty insults say more than they thing they are saying

More people are watching Sponge Bob.
"Diversion subterfuge". :lol:

Yes, Benghazi has been diversion subterfuge since it occurred, but the only ones paying attention anymore are Fox.

You're not outraged your government knowingly lied to you?
Oh yeah, you knowingly lied to them so it's no biggie.

This is the essence of the issue: Liberals are big fucking liars. So they project and assume that everyone else is lying too. So when their government is caught lying, it's no big deal to them because they assume everyone lies.
Conservatives actually have scruples so dont quite see it that way.
Yes, Benghazi has been diversion subterfuge since it occurred, but the only ones paying attention anymore are Fox.

the Fox with millions of viewers?

the #1 in cable news Fox?

that Fox?

so you're saying millions are still paying attention

what idiots libs are; too stupid to realize their petty insults say more than they thing they are saying

More people are watching Sponge Bob.
April 2014 Ratings: Fox News Marks 148 Straight Months At No. 1 - TVNewser
Fox News: 1.6M viewers.
SpongeBob: 1.5M viewers.

Fox is the top news show, btw.
I have a better idea

Lets see if we can keep the Beghazi story going until the 2016 elections

Don't worry, it will be front and center if Hilarious, er I mean Hillary runs.

I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job
Ya know, I honestly thought you'd not be the one here pulling a Jay Carney but I guess party loyalty is paramount. The latest memo release shows without a doubt the Obama administration fucked up royally and have been doing nothing except protecting their collective political asses since. Granted the Republicans are doing everything in their power to use it politically but I know for a fact that if this was done under the Bush or Reagan administrations you would personally be screaming bloody murder.
Don't hand me an orange and tell me it's an apple.........
I have a better idea

Lets see if we can keep the Beghazi story going until the 2016 elections

Don't worry, it will be front and center if Hilarious, er I mean Hillary runs.

I think we can make this work

The rightwing Benghazi outrage flopped in the 2012 election but if we keep it in the headlines for four years people just gotta think it is a scandal

I'm sure Issa is up to the job

It flopped because the truth was concealed. Now the truth is revealed and we now know the Whitehouse lied to the American people for political gain.
Jobs are more important. .whether or not they would do anything Is another story.

If that is the case, what is Obama doing?

He's been doing everything in his power to destroy jobs.

He was out there Wednesday chastising the GOP for not voting for another increase in the minimum-wage, which always destroys jobs, and he thinks he's helping?
No he hasn't and no it doesnt.
Jobs are more important. .whether or not they would do anything Is another story.

If that is the case, what is Obama doing?

He's been doing everything in his power to destroy jobs.

He was out there Wednesday chastising the GOP for not voting for another increase in the minimum-wage, which always destroys jobs, and he thinks he's helping?
No he hasn't and no it doesnt.

That's about the extent of your ability to reason. Come back when you can post something with substance.
Jobs are more important. .whether or not they would do anything Is another story.

If that is the case, what is Obama doing?

He's been doing everything in his power to destroy jobs.

He was out there Wednesday chastising the GOP for not voting for another increase in the minimum-wage, which always destroys jobs, and he thinks he's helping?
No he hasn't and no it doesnt.

Obama says the economy is churning along.

So why did we lose over 800,000 workers? That many dropped out of the work-force. Only 62% of working age Americans have a job. The rest are on some sort of assistance, or permanently unemployed.

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