Pelosi Should Let Hoyer Or Clyburn Ascend To Speakership!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
This writer is an independent Republican so it would be completely understandable if Democrats dismiss the following comments as partisan rhetoric. It would be better for the Democrat Party and the country if Nancy Pelosi took herself out of the running for Speaker of the House both the Democrats and the country would be better served if the current Democrat House caucuse's number two or three, Steny Hoyer or James Clyburn, were selected to fill the role. It is not that Nancy Pelosi is a bad person her character is in the realm of the other two it is that her reputation and her style isn't the best for the job. Because of her tenure as Speaker during the President Obama years to much of the Republican electorate she has the persona of the devil! During that time the central political issue was the Affordable Care Act and although that law did many great things like giving subsidies to lower and middle income Americans enabling them to buy insurance and requiring communal pricing so people with pre-existing conditions could get affordable insurance it was disastrous for America in that it was too generous with the coverage mandates (should have done an incremental approach) an abundance of experts warned these mandates were going to cause skyrocketing insurance premiums and they in fact did. During this time Nancy Pelosi behaved tone deaf on this issue refusing to recognize this shortcoming in the law and in many other ways refused to recognize the overreach in the law uttering her famous line "we have to pass the law so we can learn what's in it"! In matters of style as a leader Nancy Pelosi has a hard edge to her, she is really cutting and that tends to alienate people and incite them to oppose you. An example of this would be her criticism of the 2017 Republican tax law when she said the bonuses the workers were getting from the law were crumbs, her position was right the selling point of the law by the Republicans was that it was going to raise wages and the facts don't bare that out corporate America kept the vast vast majority of the tax cut savings for themselves America's low and middle income workers didn't see their fare share; Ms. Pelosi uttering that biting remark though caused Republicans to latch on to that and fueled partisanship on the issue. The next Speaker to accomplish anything significant is going to have to tact a centrist course and attract bipartisan support and a Speaker candidate who has a proclivity for stabbing her opponents directly in the center of their most sensitive wounds does not have desirable make-up for fulfilling such a role!
I don't want the Democrats to accomplish anything, since what they ultimately seek to accomplish is the demise of the Republic.
I really don't care who they pick, but it would be funny to watch RWNJ heads explode if they pick Pelosi.
I really don't care who they pick, but it would be funny to watch RWNJ heads explode if they pick Pelosi.
I agree. But if she chose to work behind the scenes and let somebody else be the visible head of the House caucus I think the party would be more effective.

Hoyer and Clyburn are still fossilized old swamp geezers....They're as dopey as Peloski without the name recognition.

I'n good with Nan's incoherent sputtering pie hole, if for nothing better than the comic relief.
I really don't care who they pick, but it would be funny to watch RWNJ heads explode if they pick Pelosi.
I agree. But if she chose to work behind the scenes and let somebody else be the visible head of the House caucus I think the party would be more effective.

You are correct BlackFlag. Because of all the demonization that Pelosi got caught up in when working with Obama, her political capital is pretty much spent.

Granted, she does have name recognition, but now, it is more of a problem than an asset, and if she did get named as Speaker, the GOP would rail against her even harder than they did when Obama was in office.

But now with Trump? The demagoguery will just get worse and worse, especially with Trump chiming in.
We masochists want Pelosi back as speaker for the same sort of reason we love having Hillary run for president.

Their unintended antics are so much fun to watch.

The ultimate kick would be watching Nan and Hil go up the hill and then fall down the hill. Again and again and again.
If the Dims want an old WWII era Speaker of the House let them. I think they're batshit nuts, but it's actually funnier than hell.
I really don't care who they pick, but it would be funny to watch RWNJ heads explode if they pick Pelosi.
I agree. But if she chose to work behind the scenes and let somebody else be the visible head of the House caucus I think the party would be more effective.

You are correct BlackFlag. Because of all the demonization that Pelosi got caught up in when working with Obama, her political capital is pretty much spent.

Granted, she does have name recognition, but now, it is more of a problem than an asset, and if she did get named as Speaker, the GOP would rail against her even harder than they did when Obama was in office.

But now with Trump? The demagoguery will just get worse and worse, especially with Trump chiming in.
I agree. They’ll just George Soros her and their sheep will eat it up.
I really don't care who they pick, but it would be funny to watch RWNJ heads explode if they pick Pelosi.

I think that's pretty much the expectation. Everyone is too cowardly to challenge her for fear of retaliation. The test will be to see if she gets enough votes and if the newly elected reps who ran and said they would not vote for her were lying or not.
Pelosi should let someone else be Speaker. Because of all the crap she took under Obama has pretty much made her politically radioactive.

If she's Speaker, then the GOP is going to go against everything she tries, and will say it's because she's still trying to enact Obama policies.

Nope, she's not a good pick anymore. She might know how things get done and how to do them, but I think she would be more effective in the background. If she's front and center as Speaker, the GOP and Trump will say that the Dems are actually part of the "deep state" controlled by Obama.

I can see the Trump rallies against her now......................
Pelosi should let someone else be Speaker. Because of all the crap she took under Obama has pretty much made her politically radioactive.

If she's Speaker, then the GOP is going to go against everything she tries, and will say it's because she's still trying to enact Obama policies.

Nope, she's not a good pick anymore. She might know how things get done and how to do them, but I think she would be more effective in the background. If she's front and center as Speaker, the GOP and Trump will say that the Dems are actually part of the "deep state" controlled by Obama.

I can see the Trump rallies against her now......................
Trump will be tweeting from prison how Nancy Pelosi is a criminal and it will work on his cultists
This writer is an independent Republican so it would be completely understandable if Democrats dismiss the following comments as partisan rhetoric. It would be better for the Democrat Party and the country if Nancy Pelosi took herself out of the running for Speaker of the House both the Democrats and the country would be better served if the current Democrat House caucuse's number two or three, Steny Hoyer or James Clyburn, were selected to fill the role. It is not that Nancy Pelosi is a bad person her character is in the realm of the other two it is that her reputation and her style isn't the best for the job. Because of her tenure as Speaker during the President Obama years to much of the Republican electorate she has the persona of the devil! During that time the central political issue was the Affordable Care Act and although that law did many great things like giving subsidies to lower and middle income Americans enabling them to buy insurance and requiring communal pricing so people with pre-existing conditions could get affordable insurance it was disastrous for America in that it was too generous with the coverage mandates (should have done an incremental approach) an abundance of experts warned these mandates were going to cause skyrocketing insurance premiums and they in fact did. During this time Nancy Pelosi behaved tone deaf on this issue refusing to recognize this shortcoming in the law and in many other ways refused to recognize the overreach in the law uttering her famous line "we have to pass the law so we can learn what's in it"! In matters of style as a leader Nancy Pelosi has a hard edge to her, she is really cutting and that tends to alienate people and incite them to oppose you. An example of this would be her criticism of the 2017 Republican tax law when she said the bonuses the workers were getting from the law were crumbs, her position was right the selling point of the law by the Republicans was that it was going to raise wages and the facts don't bare that out corporate America kept the vast vast majority of the tax cut savings for themselves America's low and middle income workers didn't see their fare share; Ms. Pelosi uttering that biting remark though caused Republicans to latch on to that and fueled partisanship on the issue. The next Speaker to accomplish anything significant is going to have to tact a centrist course and attract bipartisan support and a Speaker candidate who has a proclivity for stabbing her opponents directly in the center of their most sensitive wounds does not have desirable make-up for fulfilling such a role!
As the left is becoming increasingly Marxist, perhaps they can convince Kim Jung Un, to come over and be Speaker of the House.
I really don't care who they pick, but it would be funny to watch RWNJ heads explode if they pick Pelosi.
I agree. But if she chose to work behind the scenes and let somebody else be the visible head of the House caucus I think the party would be more effective.

You are correct BlackFlag. Because of all the demonization that Pelosi got caught up in when working with Obama, her political capital is pretty much spent.

Granted, she does have name recognition, but now, it is more of a problem than an asset, and if she did get named as Speaker, the GOP would rail against her even harder than they did when Obama was in office.

But now with Trump? The demagoguery will just get worse and worse, especially with Trump chiming in.

Right wingers will whine about the Speaker, no matter who it might be. They fear Pelosi.
I really don't care who they pick, but it would be funny to watch RWNJ heads explode if they pick Pelosi.
I agree. But if she chose to work behind the scenes and let somebody else be the visible head of the House caucus I think the party would be more effective.

You are correct BlackFlag. Because of all the demonization that Pelosi got caught up in when working with Obama, her political capital is pretty much spent.

Granted, she does have name recognition, but now, it is more of a problem than an asset, and if she did get named as Speaker, the GOP would rail against her even harder than they did when Obama was in office.

But now with Trump? The demagoguery will just get worse and worse, especially with Trump chiming in.

Right wingers will whine about the Speaker, no matter who it might be. They fear Pelosi.

Which is why she should be the speaker, the new ones need to learn the ropes. She has experience dealing the right wingers.
Pelosi may have the experience in dealing with the right wingers, but her name has been tarnished beyond repair because of the way the GOP tied her to Obama.

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