Pelosi Stuffs Coronavirus Bill Full Of Unrelated Goodies For Democrats

a payroll tax cut

What good does it do to give to workers, what about everyone else, like the aged, the disabled, the independent contractors. They need to extend Meals on Wheels, that is vitally important. Kids are home now with schools closed so they should account for that,

and what is you do not work to get a payroll tax cut, what if your off for 2 weeks. Only tramp would come out with that nonsense, anything to lower SS and Medicare payments.
What good is taxpayer funded abortions?

If Democrats succeed to scare everyone into shutting down businesses, people are going to suffer because of no income you fucking tool!!!

GOP uses emergency bill for coronavirus testing to fight about abortion

Just last month, House Republicans unsuccessfully tried to add anti-abortion language to legislation that bans vaping products for people under the age of 21.
Awe..............The Dems attempt to get the tax payers to pay for abortions got

drum roll please...............

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to include a potential way to guarantee federal funding for abortion into the coronavirus economic stimulus plan, according to multiple senior White House officials.

Speaking to the Daily Caller, those officials alleged that while negotiating the stimulus with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi tried to lobby for “several” provisions that stalled bipartisan commitment to the effort. One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.

EXCLUSIVE: White House Officials Allege Speaker Pelosi Pushed To Include Hyde Amendment Loophole Into Coronavirus Stimulus Plan
I heard this morning from one R Congressman, Dr. Michael Burgess, that all of this is being done by the speaker and then handed down to the floor. WTF does that mean? There isn't a committee it seems by his statement.

REPORT: Demon Pelosi Pushed to Include Federal
Funding For Abortion Into Coronavirus Response Bill

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed to include a way to guarantee federal funding for abortion into the Coronavirus response bill."

Dems seek to secure more money to kill the most vulnerable among us - babies - while claiming they want to save the elderly and vulnerable from Coronavirus.

This is an age-old tactic of sticking partisan bills into other critical bills no one would dare oppose, knowing rules right now do not allow these add-on partisan bills to be stripped out. The only option is to kill the entire Bill.

She should be admonished for pushing divisive partisan Liberal agenda into bi-partisan bill intended to address Coronavirus for all.

The entire Bill should be killed, and Trump and the GOP should broadcast to the country Pelosi is responsible because the tried to USE the National Emergency / Threat to her / the Democrats' partisan advantage...putting liberal agenda above the welfare of the country:

'Pelosi values killing babies more than she wants to save American lives!'

Furthermore, Pelosi should be officially admonished for this move.
a payroll tax cut

What good does it do to give to workers, what about everyone else, like the aged, the disabled, the independent contractors. They need to extend Meals on Wheels, that is vitally important. Kids are home now with schools closed so they should account for that,

and what is you do not work to get a payroll tax cut, what if your off for 2 weeks. Only tramp would come out with that nonsense, anything to lower SS and Medicare payments.
What good is taxpayer funded abortions?

If Democrats succeed to scare everyone into shutting down businesses, people are going to suffer because of no income you fucking tool!!!
Great argument. We have legal abortions so lets present reallty stupid plan to fikht economic effects from the virus.

The payroll tax cuts do nothing if your company shut down or you get laid off.
Did anyone notice that the OP, the article or Trump have all failed to mention what “goodies” they’re talking about?
Fake news. It's all right there. I saw it.
great, which elements do you object to if any?
it's called pork. you've never heard of that? now that doesn't surprise me at all. you are far too stupid to understand.
What was the pork?
I know you'll ignore this link....but try reading the article....and learn something.

Report: Pelosi attempted to sneak taxpayer-funded abortions into the coronavirus relief bill
Glenn Fucking Beck: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahnahahaha
You don't know any of that.
I know what exponential growth rates are.
I know that it is reported that COVID19 has a rate of doubling of 4 days. For the USA it went from 1.2 cases per million a few days ago to more than 5 cases per million.
I know it can stay in the air for more than three hours, while Measels can only do 30 minutes.
I know it is persistent on dry surfaces for 9 days.
I know that the mortality rates of RESOLVED CASES is 6% world wide, for the USA it is currently around 60%.
I know that experts are saying that this disease is a very frightening combination of distance to contract, and high mortality relative to most pandemics, of about 6% of resolved cases.
I also know that you are doing Trump a disservice by trying to play down the threat of this disease, and when it does cause large numbers of deaths, you bullshit will only make his efforts look incompetent because you are raising the bar of expectations to unrealistic levels.
I know the Dems are playing you guys, including Rush Limbaugh, like fiddles.

Truth is more useful than spin, dude.
We dont know what the mortality rate is for all cases of the virus since many people never show symptoms and never get reported

but in south korea its .6-.7%
South Korea has the best testing of the Virus on the planet.............they have drive through testing all over the country..............They inform the people being tested in about 6 hours...........Takes 24 hours here.

Since they are the only country performing SO MANY TESTS.........THEY HAVE THE BEST DATA on the MORTALITY RATE.................Which is Far Lower than the WHO rates of 3.4.

20 bucks a test.............they can do a million tests a week...........they have their SHIT TOGETHER........And THE MODEL for the WORLD TO FOLLOW.............
South korea is proving once again that American blood and treasure spilled to save S Korea from communism was well worth the cost
What gets me is that a country much smaller than the United kicking our butts with a fraction of spending on this situation.................They do the tests in 25% of the time of our labs............and don't have the MASSIVE funding our orgs have here from DADDY GOV'T.

Shows how ineffective our gov't can be.
Asians in general and the Japanese and S. Koreans in particular have a high civic awareness and discipline and don't have to contend with the kind of political showboating and demagoguery foisted upon us here, especially by our democrats whom I swear if Yellowstone erupted tomorrow, rather than trying to evacuate the region would be before the cameras holding up the buses as people died trying to find blame with the other party spinning their deaths as Trump's fault for not having 15,000 buses at the park all fueled up, engines running, in case the volcano blew.
a payroll tax cut

What good does it do to give to workers, what about everyone else, like the aged, the disabled, the independent contractors. They need to extend Meals on Wheels, that is vitally important. Kids are home now with schools closed so they should account for that,

and what is you do not work to get a payroll tax cut, what if your off for 2 weeks. Only tramp would come out with that nonsense, anything to lower SS and Medicare payments.
What good is taxpayer funded abortions?

If Democrats succeed to scare everyone into shutting down businesses, people are going to suffer because of no income you fucking tool!!!
Great argument. We have legal abortions so lets present reallty stupid plan to fikht economic effects from the virus.

The payroll tax cuts do nothing if your company shut down or you get laid off.
Payroll taxes fund Medicare and Social Security
Not something we should cut revenue off from
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to include a potential way to guarantee federal funding for abortion into the coronavirus economic stimulus plan, according to multiple senior White House officials.

Speaking to the Daily Caller, those officials alleged that while negotiating the stimulus with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi tried to lobby for “several” provisions that stalled bipartisan commitment to the effort. One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.

EXCLUSIVE: White House Officials Allege Speaker Pelosi Pushed To Include Hyde Amendment Loophole Into Coronavirus Stimulus Plan
I heard this morning from one R Congressman, Dr. Michael Burgess, that all of this is being done by the speaker and then handed down to the floor. WTF does that mean? There isn't a committee it seems by his statement.

Burgess is more than welcome to vote against it if he feels that’s best.
I know what exponential growth rates are.
I know that it is reported that COVID19 has a rate of doubling of 4 days. For the USA it went from 1.2 cases per million a few days ago to more than 5 cases per million.
I know it can stay in the air for more than three hours, while Measels can only do 30 minutes.
I know it is persistent on dry surfaces for 9 days.
I know that the mortality rates of RESOLVED CASES is 6% world wide, for the USA it is currently around 60%.
I know that experts are saying that this disease is a very frightening combination of distance to contract, and high mortality relative to most pandemics, of about 6% of resolved cases.
I also know that you are doing Trump a disservice by trying to play down the threat of this disease, and when it does cause large numbers of deaths, you bullshit will only make his efforts look incompetent because you are raising the bar of expectations to unrealistic levels.
I know the Dems are playing you guys, including Rush Limbaugh, like fiddles.

Truth is more useful than spin, dude.
We dont know what the mortality rate is for all cases of the virus since many people never show symptoms and never get reported

but in south korea its .6-.7%
South Korea has the best testing of the Virus on the planet.............they have drive through testing all over the country..............They inform the people being tested in about 6 hours...........Takes 24 hours here.

Since they are the only country performing SO MANY TESTS.........THEY HAVE THE BEST DATA on the MORTALITY RATE.................Which is Far Lower than the WHO rates of 3.4.

20 bucks a test.............they can do a million tests a week...........they have their SHIT TOGETHER........And THE MODEL for the WORLD TO FOLLOW.............
South korea is proving once again that American blood and treasure spilled to save S Korea from communism was well worth the cost
What gets me is that a country much smaller than the United kicking our butts with a fraction of spending on this situation.................They do the tests in 25% of the time of our labs............and don't have the MASSIVE funding our orgs have here from DADDY GOV'T.

Shows how ineffective our gov't can be.
Asians in general and the Japanese and S. Koreans in particular have a high civic awareness and discipline and don't have to contend with the kind of political showboating and demagoguery foisted upon us here, especially by our democrats whom I swear if Yellowstone erupted tomorrow, rather than trying to evacuate the region would be before the cameras holding up the buses as people died trying to find blame with the other party spinning their deaths as Trump's fault for not having 15,000 buses at the park all fueled up, engines running, in case the volcano blew.
They took the virus seriously

They did not have a President claiming it is nothing but the flu or telling people to go to work if they only felt “a little sick”
Fake news from the Fake News King

Like hell it's fake news!

If the filth can't have their way they will kill us all!

We STILL have no funding for the corona virus! How in the hell can people vote for democrat filth?
We dont know what the mortality rate is for all cases of the virus since many people never show symptoms and never get reported

but in south korea its .6-.7%
South Korea has the best testing of the Virus on the planet.............they have drive through testing all over the country..............They inform the people being tested in about 6 hours...........Takes 24 hours here.

Since they are the only country performing SO MANY TESTS.........THEY HAVE THE BEST DATA on the MORTALITY RATE.................Which is Far Lower than the WHO rates of 3.4.

20 bucks a test.............they can do a million tests a week...........they have their SHIT TOGETHER........And THE MODEL for the WORLD TO FOLLOW.............
South korea is proving once again that American blood and treasure spilled to save S Korea from communism was well worth the cost
What gets me is that a country much smaller than the United kicking our butts with a fraction of spending on this situation.................They do the tests in 25% of the time of our labs............and don't have the MASSIVE funding our orgs have here from DADDY GOV'T.

Shows how ineffective our gov't can be.

Waiting on private corporations to figure out how to make the most profit from producing tests & masks.
Of course............S. Korea offered to assist us getting set up...............but those test kits would have to be FDA approved..................and then we'd have to buy the automation systems for it...

Would be a fraction of the cost of what is about to happen..........Another PORK BILL for the virus..........when we could use the example of S. Korea to help us get a handle on this problem.
Of course............S. Korea offered to assist us getting set up...............but those test kits would have to be FDA approved..................and then we'd have to buy the automation systems for it...

Where did you hear that?

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