Pelosi Stuffs Coronavirus Bill Full Of Unrelated Goodies For Democrats

Latest Democrat proposals. Read article in link.

Here’s what’s in Democrats’ proposal.

  • Emergency paid sick days: The bill would require all employers to accrue seven days of paid sick leave, and provide an additional 14 days to be available immediately during the coronavirus (many employers are asking employees to work from home for that amount of time). It ensures sick leave to those impacted by quarantine orders, or those who must stay home to care for their children. The bill reimburses small businesses (those with 50 or fewer employees) for the cost of the 14 additional days of leave.
  • Emergency paid leave: The bill would create a new federal emergency paid leave program for those unable to work because they either have Covid-19, are quarantined, are caring for someone with the disease, or are caring for a child due to coronavirus-related school closings. Eligible workers would receive benefits for a month (the program goes up to three months), and the benefit amount would be two-thirds of the individual’s average monthly earnings. Those receiving pay or unemployment compensation directly through their employers aren’t eligible. There is some precedent for this: Congress expanded unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks for Americans left unemployed by the 2008 financial crisis.
  • Expanding food security: The bill would direct $1 billion to expanding access to programs like WIC and the emergency food assistance program throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Progressive economists have long believed that expanding existing safety net programs is a highly effective way of stimulating the economy because the low-income people who benefit from them are highly likely to immediately spend any extra money they get — helping stabilize economy-wide demand. The 2009 stimulus bill featured many provisions along these lines. Conservatives, who are critical of those programs in general, tend to be highly skeptical of putting more money into them.
  • Free coronavirus testing: Democratic leaders propose making coronavirus testing free to increase access by requiring private health insurers (plus government programs like Medicare and Medicaid) to cover the cost of testing, including emergency room visits and doctor fees in the process. Free testing is being offered in a number of states, but there’s no federal regulation mandating it so far.
  • Increasing the capacity of the US medical system and ensuring affordable treatment: The bill also calls on insurance providers to reimburse coronavirus patients for any non-covered costs related to Covid-19. Again, they’re hoping this gets more people treated and makes it so people don’t put off going to the doctor because they are worried about costs.

Democrats have a new coronavirus relief package. Here’s what’s in it.
Actually they want to make the paid sick leave permanent, not just for the crisis. -
McCarthy says Republicans won't support Democrats' coronavirus bill
“There's a couple major problems with it. Here's one glaring problem: Under [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi's bill, the Social Security Administration will be set up to administer the paid sick leave program. Now this will take more than six months, so it won't work in time. It will also hamper the administration from putting out Social Security for those who need it right now that are in harm's way," he added.

"This will hurt the very population it's supposed to be helping. It forces permanent paid sick leave for all businesses without exemptions and no sunsets.”

Full Transcript of “Smoking Gun” Bombshell Interview: Prof. Frances Boyle Exposes the Bioweapons Origins of the CoVid-19 Coronavirus

Biological warfare expert Prof. Frances Boyle appeared as a guest with Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show, sharing his “smoking gun” findings about the coronavirus being engineered as a weapon that’s designed, “for efficient spreading in the human population,” according to one of the science papers he references.

We confirmed Prof. Boyle’s findings by purchasing the full PDF of that paper and reviewing it in a detailed article we posted yesterday at this link.
Latest Democrat proposals. Read article in link.

Here’s what’s in Democrats’ proposal.

  • Emergency paid sick days: The bill would require all employers to accrue seven days of paid sick leave, and provide an additional 14 days to be available immediately during the coronavirus (many employers are asking employees to work from home for that amount of time). It ensures sick leave to those impacted by quarantine orders, or those who must stay home to care for their children. The bill reimburses small businesses (those with 50 or fewer employees) for the cost of the 14 additional days of leave.
  • Emergency paid leave: The bill would create a new federal emergency paid leave program for those unable to work because they either have Covid-19, are quarantined, are caring for someone with the disease, or are caring for a child due to coronavirus-related school closings. Eligible workers would receive benefits for a month (the program goes up to three months), and the benefit amount would be two-thirds of the individual’s average monthly earnings. Those receiving pay or unemployment compensation directly through their employers aren’t eligible. There is some precedent for this: Congress expanded unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks for Americans left unemployed by the 2008 financial crisis.
  • Expanding food security: The bill would direct $1 billion to expanding access to programs like WIC and the emergency food assistance program throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Progressive economists have long believed that expanding existing safety net programs is a highly effective way of stimulating the economy because the low-income people who benefit from them are highly likely to immediately spend any extra money they get — helping stabilize economy-wide demand. The 2009 stimulus bill featured many provisions along these lines. Conservatives, who are critical of those programs in general, tend to be highly skeptical of putting more money into them.
  • Free coronavirus testing: Democratic leaders propose making coronavirus testing free to increase access by requiring private health insurers (plus government programs like Medicare and Medicaid) to cover the cost of testing, including emergency room visits and doctor fees in the process. Free testing is being offered in a number of states, but there’s no federal regulation mandating it so far.
  • Increasing the capacity of the US medical system and ensuring affordable treatment: The bill also calls on insurance providers to reimburse coronavirus patients for any non-covered costs related to Covid-19. Again, they’re hoping this gets more people treated and makes it so people don’t put off going to the doctor because they are worried about costs.

Democrats have a new coronavirus relief package. Here’s what’s in it.
Actually they want to make the paid sick leave permanent, not just for the crisis. -
McCarthy says Republicans won't support Democrats' coronavirus bill
“There's a couple major problems with it. Here's one glaring problem: Under [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi's bill, the Social Security Administration will be set up to administer the paid sick leave program. Now this will take more than six months, so it won't work in time. It will also hamper the administration from putting out Social Security for those who need it right now that are in harm's way," he added.

"This will hurt the very population it's supposed to be helping. It forces permanent paid sick leave for all businesses without exemptions and no sunsets.”

of course it will. Peloser and her kind hate americans
Latest Democrat proposals. Read article in link.

Here’s what’s in Democrats’ proposal.

  • Emergency paid sick days: The bill would require all employers to accrue seven days of paid sick leave, and provide an additional 14 days to be available immediately during the coronavirus (many employers are asking employees to work from home for that amount of time). It ensures sick leave to those impacted by quarantine orders, or those who must stay home to care for their children. The bill reimburses small businesses (those with 50 or fewer employees) for the cost of the 14 additional days of leave.
  • Emergency paid leave: The bill would create a new federal emergency paid leave program for those unable to work because they either have Covid-19, are quarantined, are caring for someone with the disease, or are caring for a child due to coronavirus-related school closings. Eligible workers would receive benefits for a month (the program goes up to three months), and the benefit amount would be two-thirds of the individual’s average monthly earnings. Those receiving pay or unemployment compensation directly through their employers aren’t eligible. There is some precedent for this: Congress expanded unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks for Americans left unemployed by the 2008 financial crisis.
  • Expanding food security: The bill would direct $1 billion to expanding access to programs like WIC and the emergency food assistance program throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Progressive economists have long believed that expanding existing safety net programs is a highly effective way of stimulating the economy because the low-income people who benefit from them are highly likely to immediately spend any extra money they get — helping stabilize economy-wide demand. The 2009 stimulus bill featured many provisions along these lines. Conservatives, who are critical of those programs in general, tend to be highly skeptical of putting more money into them.
  • Free coronavirus testing: Democratic leaders propose making coronavirus testing free to increase access by requiring private health insurers (plus government programs like Medicare and Medicaid) to cover the cost of testing, including emergency room visits and doctor fees in the process. Free testing is being offered in a number of states, but there’s no federal regulation mandating it so far.
  • Increasing the capacity of the US medical system and ensuring affordable treatment: The bill also calls on insurance providers to reimburse coronavirus patients for any non-covered costs related to Covid-19. Again, they’re hoping this gets more people treated and makes it so people don’t put off going to the doctor because they are worried about costs.

Democrats have a new coronavirus relief package. Here’s what’s in it.
Actually they want to make the paid sick leave permanent, not just for the crisis. -
McCarthy says Republicans won't support Democrats' coronavirus bill
“There's a couple major problems with it. Here's one glaring problem: Under [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi's bill, the Social Security Administration will be set up to administer the paid sick leave program. Now this will take more than six months, so it won't work in time. It will also hamper the administration from putting out Social Security for those who need it right now that are in harm's way," he added.

"This will hurt the very population it's supposed to be helping. It forces permanent paid sick leave for all businesses without exemptions and no sunsets.”

of course it will. Peloser and her kind hate americans

Peloser and company want the babies all dead and the old farts. wow.
Go fuck yourself.

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweets about reports coronavirus spending bill included Hyde Amendment loophole

You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
Where does the proposed spending bill say anything about abortion?

No problem:

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweets about reports coronavirus spending bill included Hyde Amendment loophole

The Daily Caller reported on Thursday that Pelosi sought funding as what was described as a "loophole" around the Hyde Amendment, which outlaws taxpayer-funded abortions, among other things included in the bill.

"One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment," Daily Caller senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc reported.

Others joined Reid in tweeting about the alleged funding.

"This pretty much sums everything up: @realDonaldTrump is moving quickly to protect Americans from coronavirus and its economic impact... Democrats are spending their time trying to create an abortion slush fund!" Donald Trump Jr. reacted.

One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment," Daily Caller senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc reported.

WTF is the matter with you guys?
Is EVERYTHING about abortion?

It funds laboratory testing of Coronavirus
Republican spin machine......It is a backdoor funding of abortion
I think the type of laboratories that will be allowed to file claims should be specified.
Say for example some Planned-Parenthood labs that test for STDs wants to be reimbursed thru the bill. This will free up $1 billion dollars for them to do whatever they want with it....a backdoor to federal funding for abortion clinics.
Wow, you assfucks really like to make up shit.

Maybe Pelosi wanted to fund Dr Frankenstein in his lab. Maybe she wanted to fund the human cloning lab.
Go fuck yourself.

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweets about reports coronavirus spending bill included Hyde Amendment loophole

You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
Where does the proposed spending bill say anything about abortion?
Grown up adults took it out
it was NEVER in it, fooled one!
We dont know what the mortality rate is for all cases of the virus since many people never show symptoms and never get reported
but in south korea its .6-.7%
The SKorea percentage you are using is #dead/#afflicted, not #dead/#recovered. The latter ration comes to 12.2%

Since the Skoreans have plenty of test kits (they make them) they test a higher percentage of people and get more cases.

But mortality rates are calculated on historical pandemics using #deaths/#cases since it is an historical disease where #cases =#resolved.
With an ongoing pandemic in its early stages that is not an accurate way of getting the mortality rate. In this case you should use #deaths/#resolved.

I read a report though that said if you do not have some kind of complication, your mortality rate is 1%. But if you have any kind of complication with your lungs, heart or kidneys, it goes way up to like 14% in the case of cardiovascular issues. COVID19 binds quickly with a certain kind of blood vessel lining cell, I dont remember the name, so the heart lungs and kidneys are very vulnerable to it.
Un recovered but not dead is not a number that can be compared

total number of dead is the only number that matters
They took the virus seriously

They did not have a President claiming it is nothing but the flu or telling people to go to work if they only felt “a little sick”
You are misinformed

trump took the commie virus seriously
When? 5 days ago?
Have you noticed that Fox News is no longer mocking the virus?
Fox never did mock the virus
They mocked it continuously. They mocked how serious it really was, they mocked those who proposed serious preventive measures, they mocked it as a media and Democratic hoax.

They owe their viewers an apology

they mocked the insane panic generated by the lib news media

do you know how many people died of the swine flu in2009-2010?
Full Transcript of “Smoking Gun” Bombshell Interview: Prof. Frances Boyle Exposes the Bioweapons Origins of the CoVid-19 Coronavirus

Biological warfare expert Prof. Frances Boyle appeared as a guest with Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show, sharing his “smoking gun” findings about the coronavirus being engineered as a weapon that’s designed, “for efficient spreading in the human population,” according to one of the science papers he references.

We confirmed Prof. Boyle’s findings by purchasing the full PDF of that paper and reviewing it in a detailed article we posted yesterday at this link.

What a bunch of whackos
Latest Democrat proposals. Read article in link.

Here’s what’s in Democrats’ proposal.

  • Emergency paid sick days: The bill would require all employers to accrue seven days of paid sick leave, and provide an additional 14 days to be available immediately during the coronavirus (many employers are asking employees to work from home for that amount of time). It ensures sick leave to those impacted by quarantine orders, or those who must stay home to care for their children. The bill reimburses small businesses (those with 50 or fewer employees) for the cost of the 14 additional days of leave.
  • Emergency paid leave: The bill would create a new federal emergency paid leave program for those unable to work because they either have Covid-19, are quarantined, are caring for someone with the disease, or are caring for a child due to coronavirus-related school closings. Eligible workers would receive benefits for a month (the program goes up to three months), and the benefit amount would be two-thirds of the individual’s average monthly earnings. Those receiving pay or unemployment compensation directly through their employers aren’t eligible. There is some precedent for this: Congress expanded unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks for Americans left unemployed by the 2008 financial crisis.
  • Expanding food security: The bill would direct $1 billion to expanding access to programs like WIC and the emergency food assistance program throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Progressive economists have long believed that expanding existing safety net programs is a highly effective way of stimulating the economy because the low-income people who benefit from them are highly likely to immediately spend any extra money they get — helping stabilize economy-wide demand. The 2009 stimulus bill featured many provisions along these lines. Conservatives, who are critical of those programs in general, tend to be highly skeptical of putting more money into them.
  • Free coronavirus testing: Democratic leaders propose making coronavirus testing free to increase access by requiring private health insurers (plus government programs like Medicare and Medicaid) to cover the cost of testing, including emergency room visits and doctor fees in the process. Free testing is being offered in a number of states, but there’s no federal regulation mandating it so far.
  • Increasing the capacity of the US medical system and ensuring affordable treatment: The bill also calls on insurance providers to reimburse coronavirus patients for any non-covered costs related to Covid-19. Again, they’re hoping this gets more people treated and makes it so people don’t put off going to the doctor because they are worried about costs.

Democrats have a new coronavirus relief package. Here’s what’s in it.
Actually they want to make the paid sick leave permanent, not just for the crisis. -
McCarthy says Republicans won't support Democrats' coronavirus bill
“There's a couple major problems with it. Here's one glaring problem: Under [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi's bill, the Social Security Administration will be set up to administer the paid sick leave program. Now this will take more than six months, so it won't work in time. It will also hamper the administration from putting out Social Security for those who need it right now that are in harm's way," he added.

"This will hurt the very population it's supposed to be helping. It forces permanent paid sick leave for all businesses without exemptions and no sunsets.”

of course it will. Peloser and her kind hate americans

You cultists are so easily led.....:71:
What will most likely happen is this.....

Republicans in the House will look to Trump and see if he will publicly support the House bill....and if Daddy gives them a wink and says you have my permission, that will be the cover they need to vote with the Democrats on the House side...

As for all of the fearmongering and demonizing about abortions and other made up bullshit -- they will say "Pelosi agreed to Trump's demands and took that part out" -- and Trumpers will believe it...
They are making up stuff against the Democrats right now because their Orange Lard & Master is mucking up the corona virus response SO badly. It had to have just KILLED them to see Biden act 100% more Presidential over this.

He read from a pre-written script that someone else wrote. All that proves is that like Obama, he knows how to read.

You didn't notice his lack of fuckups when he spoke yesterday?
You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
Where does the proposed spending bill say anything about abortion?
Grown up adults took it out
it was NEVER in it, fooled one!
Yea because we control that shit ! Kicked it out
you dont really believe that bull crap do you?

it's made up.... just another republican lie....

the money allotted to medicaid, specifically states it is for corona virus lab testing.

abortions are NOT laboratory tests, silly one....

but your beloved fake news and partisan scummy republican congress critters on your FAUX NEWS tv channel, and Lyin' Cheatin' Don the Con has you Trump Bots repeating their LIES.... without any proof..... and you dummies lick it up like ice cream....

Just do a little research, so you're not simply parrots of fake news....
Pelosi is as bad as the Fake News folks who are trying to use this crisis to smear Republicans and President Donald Trump, legacy media figures have decided that referring to the coronavirus using any geographic term such as "Wuhan" or "Chinese" is insensitive and racist. Many have suggested that Trump's efforts to pause foreign travel are some sort of dog-whistle. Yet many of the same figures who condemn Trump and Republicans for using geographic terms to describe the virus did the very same thing themselves not so long ago.


Maybe Pelosi should go back to tearing up speeches and let the adults handle the work of the American People.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package.

She's deranged, driven and blood-thirsty.


Calling Pelosi out on her madness.
Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and Democrats for trying to ensure federal funding for abortion as part of the coronavirus economic stimulus plan.

“While schools are closing and hospitals are gearing up, Speaker Pelosi is waging unnecessary culture wars. Speaker Pelosi should be fighting the coronavirus pandemic, not politicizing emergency funding by fighting against the bipartisan Hyde Amendment,” Sasse told National Review in a statement. “We need to be ramping up our diagnostic testing, not waging culture wars at the behest of Planned Parenthood. Good grief.”​

Diabolical Pelosi attempted to secure a funding stream of up to $1 billion for reimbursing "laboratory" claims. That provision would establish a precedent under which health claims for all procedures, including abortion, could be reimbursed with federal funds. That precedent would render the Hyde Amendment, which blocks taxpayer funding for abortion clinics, obsolete.

Pelosi resisted efforts by Democrats to end the Hyde Amendment in recent months, with proregressives being forced to abandon an attempt to “ensure” abortion coverage for people using federal health programs as part of a $190 billion budget bill passed in July.

“It is the law of the land right now, and I don’t see that there’s an opportunity to get rid of it with the current occupant of the White House and this U.S. Senate,” Vile Pelosi said at the time, admitting that she does not support the Hyde Amendment.

Pelosi fought tooth and nail with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Thursday, with the crazed Speaker finally coming to her senses and dropping the matter.

Pelosi’s tactics were confirmed by Commie Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), who claimed in an interview on Fox News Thursday night that “right now we are hearing that some of the fights and some of the gridlock is because people are trying to put "pro-life" provisions into this.”

"Obviously there will be other bills.” Pelosi darkly warned after being forced to retreat by vigilant Republicans.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package

Wow, you assfucks really like to make up shit.

Maybe Pelosi wanted to fund Dr Frankenstein in his lab. Maybe she wanted to fund the human cloning lab.
Go fuck yourself.

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweets about reports coronavirus spending bill included Hyde Amendment loophole

You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
but she should have ask peloser.
Pelosi is as bad as the Fake News folks who are trying to use this crisis to smear Republicans and President Donald Trump, legacy media figures have decided that referring to the coronavirus using any geographic term such as "Wuhan" or "Chinese" is insensitive and racist. Many have suggested that Trump's efforts to pause foreign travel are some sort of dog-whistle. Yet many of the same figures who condemn Trump and Republicans for using geographic terms to describe the virus did the very same thing themselves not so long ago.


Maybe Pelosi should go back to tearing up speeches and let the adults handle the work of the American People.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package.

She's deranged, driven and blood-thirsty.


Calling Pelosi out on her madness.
Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and Democrats for trying to ensure federal funding for abortion as part of the coronavirus economic stimulus plan.

“While schools are closing and hospitals are gearing up, Speaker Pelosi is waging unnecessary culture wars. Speaker Pelosi should be fighting the coronavirus pandemic, not politicizing emergency funding by fighting against the bipartisan Hyde Amendment,” Sasse told National Review in a statement. “We need to be ramping up our diagnostic testing, not waging culture wars at the behest of Planned Parenthood. Good grief.”​

Diabolical Pelosi attempted to secure a funding stream of up to $1 billion for reimbursing "laboratory" claims. That provision would establish a precedent under which health claims for all procedures, including abortion, could be reimbursed with federal funds. That precedent would render the Hyde Amendment, which blocks taxpayer funding for abortion clinics, obsolete.

Pelosi resisted efforts by Democrats to end the Hyde Amendment in recent months, with proregressives being forced to abandon an attempt to “ensure” abortion coverage for people using federal health programs as part of a $190 billion budget bill passed in July.

“It is the law of the land right now, and I don’t see that there’s an opportunity to get rid of it with the current occupant of the White House and this U.S. Senate,” Vile Pelosi said at the time, admitting that she does not support the Hyde Amendment.

Pelosi fought tooth and nail with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Thursday, with the crazed Speaker finally coming to her senses and dropping the matter.

Pelosi’s tactics were confirmed by Commie Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), who claimed in an interview on Fox News Thursday night that “right now we are hearing that some of the fights and some of the gridlock is because people are trying to put "pro-life" provisions into this.”

"Obviously there will be other bills.” Pelosi darkly warned after being forced to retreat by vigilant Republicans.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package

Wow, you assfucks really like to make up shit.

Maybe Pelosi wanted to fund Dr Frankenstein in his lab. Maybe she wanted to fund the human cloning lab.
Go fuck yourself.

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweets about reports coronavirus spending bill included Hyde Amendment loophole

You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
Where does the proposed spending bill say anything about abortion?

I've read that it does not provide for protections under the Hyde Amendment. I'll leave it to you to look it up.
Latest Democrat proposals. Read article in link.

Here’s what’s in Democrats’ proposal.

  • Emergency paid sick days: The bill would require all employers to accrue seven days of paid sick leave, and provide an additional 14 days to be available immediately during the coronavirus (many employers are asking employees to work from home for that amount of time). It ensures sick leave to those impacted by quarantine orders, or those who must stay home to care for their children. The bill reimburses small businesses (those with 50 or fewer employees) for the cost of the 14 additional days of leave.
  • Emergency paid leave: The bill would create a new federal emergency paid leave program for those unable to work because they either have Covid-19, are quarantined, are caring for someone with the disease, or are caring for a child due to coronavirus-related school closings. Eligible workers would receive benefits for a month (the program goes up to three months), and the benefit amount would be two-thirds of the individual’s average monthly earnings. Those receiving pay or unemployment compensation directly through their employers aren’t eligible. There is some precedent for this: Congress expanded unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks for Americans left unemployed by the 2008 financial crisis.
  • Expanding food security: The bill would direct $1 billion to expanding access to programs like WIC and the emergency food assistance program throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Progressive economists have long believed that expanding existing safety net programs is a highly effective way of stimulating the economy because the low-income people who benefit from them are highly likely to immediately spend any extra money they get — helping stabilize economy-wide demand. The 2009 stimulus bill featured many provisions along these lines. Conservatives, who are critical of those programs in general, tend to be highly skeptical of putting more money into them.
  • Free coronavirus testing: Democratic leaders propose making coronavirus testing free to increase access by requiring private health insurers (plus government programs like Medicare and Medicaid) to cover the cost of testing, including emergency room visits and doctor fees in the process. Free testing is being offered in a number of states, but there’s no federal regulation mandating it so far.
  • Increasing the capacity of the US medical system and ensuring affordable treatment: The bill also calls on insurance providers to reimburse coronavirus patients for any non-covered costs related to Covid-19. Again, they’re hoping this gets more people treated and makes it so people don’t put off going to the doctor because they are worried about costs.

Democrats have a new coronavirus relief package. Here’s what’s in it.
Actually they want to make the paid sick leave permanent, not just for the crisis. -
McCarthy says Republicans won't support Democrats' coronavirus bill
“There's a couple major problems with it. Here's one glaring problem: Under [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi's bill, the Social Security Administration will be set up to administer the paid sick leave program. Now this will take more than six months, so it won't work in time. It will also hamper the administration from putting out Social Security for those who need it right now that are in harm's way," he added.

"This will hurt the very population it's supposed to be helping. It forces permanent paid sick leave for all businesses without exemptions and no sunsets.”

of course it will. Peloser and her kind hate americans

You cultists are so easily led.....:71:

When you have nothing, deflect with insults. Got it.
Last edited:
Latest Democrat proposals. Read article in link.

Here’s what’s in Democrats’ proposal.

  • Emergency paid sick days: The bill would require all employers to accrue seven days of paid sick leave, and provide an additional 14 days to be available immediately during the coronavirus (many employers are asking employees to work from home for that amount of time). It ensures sick leave to those impacted by quarantine orders, or those who must stay home to care for their children. The bill reimburses small businesses (those with 50 or fewer employees) for the cost of the 14 additional days of leave.
  • Emergency paid leave: The bill would create a new federal emergency paid leave program for those unable to work because they either have Covid-19, are quarantined, are caring for someone with the disease, or are caring for a child due to coronavirus-related school closings. Eligible workers would receive benefits for a month (the program goes up to three months), and the benefit amount would be two-thirds of the individual’s average monthly earnings. Those receiving pay or unemployment compensation directly through their employers aren’t eligible. There is some precedent for this: Congress expanded unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks for Americans left unemployed by the 2008 financial crisis.
  • Expanding food security: The bill would direct $1 billion to expanding access to programs like WIC and the emergency food assistance program throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Progressive economists have long believed that expanding existing safety net programs is a highly effective way of stimulating the economy because the low-income people who benefit from them are highly likely to immediately spend any extra money they get — helping stabilize economy-wide demand. The 2009 stimulus bill featured many provisions along these lines. Conservatives, who are critical of those programs in general, tend to be highly skeptical of putting more money into them.
  • Free coronavirus testing: Democratic leaders propose making coronavirus testing free to increase access by requiring private health insurers (plus government programs like Medicare and Medicaid) to cover the cost of testing, including emergency room visits and doctor fees in the process. Free testing is being offered in a number of states, but there’s no federal regulation mandating it so far.
  • Increasing the capacity of the US medical system and ensuring affordable treatment: The bill also calls on insurance providers to reimburse coronavirus patients for any non-covered costs related to Covid-19. Again, they’re hoping this gets more people treated and makes it so people don’t put off going to the doctor because they are worried about costs.

Democrats have a new coronavirus relief package. Here’s what’s in it.
Actually they want to make the paid sick leave permanent, not just for the crisis. -
McCarthy says Republicans won't support Democrats' coronavirus bill
“There's a couple major problems with it. Here's one glaring problem: Under [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi's bill, the Social Security Administration will be set up to administer the paid sick leave program. Now this will take more than six months, so it won't work in time. It will also hamper the administration from putting out Social Security for those who need it right now that are in harm's way," he added.

"This will hurt the very population it's supposed to be helping. It forces permanent paid sick leave for all businesses without exemptions and no sunsets.”

of course it will. Peloser and her kind hate americans

You cultists are so easily led.....:71:

yep, when we see it writing, we question it. seems logical to me. I understand logic escapes you, but what the fk, you are a leftist.

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