Pelosi Stuffs Coronavirus Bill Full Of Unrelated Goodies For Democrats

Wow, you assfucks really like to make up shit.

Maybe Pelosi wanted to fund Dr Frankenstein in his lab. Maybe she wanted to fund the human cloning lab.
Go fuck yourself.

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweets about reports coronavirus spending bill included Hyde Amendment loophole

You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
Where does the proposed spending bill say anything about abortion?

I've read that it does not provide for protections under the Hyde Amendment. I'll leave it to you to look it up.
peloser pulled it back.
Full Transcript of “Smoking Gun” Bombshell Interview: Prof. Frances Boyle Exposes the Bioweapons Origins of the CoVid-19 Coronavirus

Biological warfare expert Prof. Frances Boyle appeared as a guest with Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show, sharing his “smoking gun” findings about the coronavirus being engineered as a weapon that’s designed, “for efficient spreading in the human population,” according to one of the science papers he references.

We confirmed Prof. Boyle’s findings by purchasing the full PDF of that paper and reviewing it in a detailed article we posted yesterday at this link.

What a bunch of whackos
funny, that the HIV vaccine is working against it. hmmmmmmm and that UNC is leading an effort for a vaccine, hmmmmmmmmm
Full Transcript of “Smoking Gun” Bombshell Interview: Prof. Frances Boyle Exposes the Bioweapons Origins of the CoVid-19 Coronavirus

Biological warfare expert Prof. Frances Boyle appeared as a guest with Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show, sharing his “smoking gun” findings about the coronavirus being engineered as a weapon that’s designed, “for efficient spreading in the human population,” according to one of the science papers he references.

We confirmed Prof. Boyle’s findings by purchasing the full PDF of that paper and reviewing it in a detailed article we posted yesterday at this link.

What a bunch of whackos
funny, that the HIV vaccine is working against it. hmmmmmmm and that UNC is leading an effort for a vaccine, hmmmmmmmmm

Stop listening to the nutters.
And -- you still haven't told us what are the "un-related goodies" in the bill....all of those I listed are related....would you have felt better if they bailed out some corporations??

Kind of reminds me of all of the games and bullshit Republicans tried to put into the 9/11 First Responders Bill -- and how they literally had to be shamed into doing the right thing....but yo bitch ass is mad that food stamps aren't being cut or somethig??

....shut yo stupid ass up...

Senate passes bill ensuring 9/11 victims fund will never run out of money

Chuck Schumer's part of the bill sends $750 million a month to his district in NY, for the Ka-ching virus. So how little of that Porkulus II will actually go where it's supposed to go?

If you're that much of a trusting individual, I have some swamp land I'll sell you, or maybe a bridge.
so what are the goodies in Pelosi's bill???? Schumer is in the Senate and the senate went o a 3 day weekend...

nancy is in the HOUSE..... the thread is about the HOUSE BILL..... so what is it that YOU claim are democratic goodies and that Trump doesnt like? the op link is useless and doesnt explain crud on it!

Check post 32 both you dumbasses.

What does the fucking Hyde amendment have to do with fighting the corona beer virus?
you dont really believe that bull crap do you?

it's made up.... just another republican lie....

the money allotted to medicaid, specifically states it is for corona virus lab testing.

abortions are NOT laboratory tests, silly one....

but your beloved fake news and partisan scummy republican congress critters on your FAUX NEWS tv channel, and Lyin' Cheatin' Don the Con has you Trump Bots repeating their LIES.... without any proof..... and you dummies lick it up like ice cream....

Just do a little research, so you're not simply parrots of fake news....
Pelosi is as bad as the Fake News folks who are trying to use this crisis to smear Republicans and President Donald Trump, legacy media figures have decided that referring to the coronavirus using any geographic term such as "Wuhan" or "Chinese" is insensitive and racist. Many have suggested that Trump's efforts to pause foreign travel are some sort of dog-whistle. Yet many of the same figures who condemn Trump and Republicans for using geographic terms to describe the virus did the very same thing themselves not so long ago.


Maybe Pelosi should go back to tearing up speeches and let the adults handle the work of the American People.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package.

She's deranged, driven and blood-thirsty.


Calling Pelosi out on her madness.
Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and Democrats for trying to ensure federal funding for abortion as part of the coronavirus economic stimulus plan.

“While schools are closing and hospitals are gearing up, Speaker Pelosi is waging unnecessary culture wars. Speaker Pelosi should be fighting the coronavirus pandemic, not politicizing emergency funding by fighting against the bipartisan Hyde Amendment,” Sasse told National Review in a statement. “We need to be ramping up our diagnostic testing, not waging culture wars at the behest of Planned Parenthood. Good grief.”​

Diabolical Pelosi attempted to secure a funding stream of up to $1 billion for reimbursing "laboratory" claims. That provision would establish a precedent under which health claims for all procedures, including abortion, could be reimbursed with federal funds. That precedent would render the Hyde Amendment, which blocks taxpayer funding for abortion clinics, obsolete.

Pelosi resisted efforts by Democrats to end the Hyde Amendment in recent months, with proregressives being forced to abandon an attempt to “ensure” abortion coverage for people using federal health programs as part of a $190 billion budget bill passed in July.

“It is the law of the land right now, and I don’t see that there’s an opportunity to get rid of it with the current occupant of the White House and this U.S. Senate,” Vile Pelosi said at the time, admitting that she does not support the Hyde Amendment.

Pelosi fought tooth and nail with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Thursday, with the crazed Speaker finally coming to her senses and dropping the matter.

Pelosi’s tactics were confirmed by Commie Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), who claimed in an interview on Fox News Thursday night that “right now we are hearing that some of the fights and some of the gridlock is because people are trying to put "pro-life" provisions into this.”

"Obviously there will be other bills.” Pelosi darkly warned after being forced to retreat by vigilant Republicans.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package

Wow, you assfucks really like to make up shit.

Maybe Pelosi wanted to fund Dr Frankenstein in his lab. Maybe she wanted to fund the human cloning lab.
When obama was president pelosi funded teaching african men how to clean their penis

so she is capable of anything
Pelosi is as bad as the Fake News folks who are trying to use this crisis to smear Republicans and President Donald Trump, legacy media figures have decided that referring to the coronavirus using any geographic term such as "Wuhan" or "Chinese" is insensitive and racist. Many have suggested that Trump's efforts to pause foreign travel are some sort of dog-whistle. Yet many of the same figures who condemn Trump and Republicans for using geographic terms to describe the virus did the very same thing themselves not so long ago.


Maybe Pelosi should go back to tearing up speeches and let the adults handle the work of the American People.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package.

She's deranged, driven and blood-thirsty.


Calling Pelosi out on her madness.
Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and Democrats for trying to ensure federal funding for abortion as part of the coronavirus economic stimulus plan.

“While schools are closing and hospitals are gearing up, Speaker Pelosi is waging unnecessary culture wars. Speaker Pelosi should be fighting the coronavirus pandemic, not politicizing emergency funding by fighting against the bipartisan Hyde Amendment,” Sasse told National Review in a statement. “We need to be ramping up our diagnostic testing, not waging culture wars at the behest of Planned Parenthood. Good grief.”​

Diabolical Pelosi attempted to secure a funding stream of up to $1 billion for reimbursing "laboratory" claims. That provision would establish a precedent under which health claims for all procedures, including abortion, could be reimbursed with federal funds. That precedent would render the Hyde Amendment, which blocks taxpayer funding for abortion clinics, obsolete.

Pelosi resisted efforts by Democrats to end the Hyde Amendment in recent months, with proregressives being forced to abandon an attempt to “ensure” abortion coverage for people using federal health programs as part of a $190 billion budget bill passed in July.

“It is the law of the land right now, and I don’t see that there’s an opportunity to get rid of it with the current occupant of the White House and this U.S. Senate,” Vile Pelosi said at the time, admitting that she does not support the Hyde Amendment.

Pelosi fought tooth and nail with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Thursday, with the crazed Speaker finally coming to her senses and dropping the matter.

Pelosi’s tactics were confirmed by Commie Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), who claimed in an interview on Fox News Thursday night that “right now we are hearing that some of the fights and some of the gridlock is because people are trying to put "pro-life" provisions into this.”

"Obviously there will be other bills.” Pelosi darkly warned after being forced to retreat by vigilant Republicans.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package

Wow, you assfucks really like to make up shit.

Maybe Pelosi wanted to fund Dr Frankenstein in his lab. Maybe she wanted to fund the human cloning lab.
Go fuck yourself.

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweets about reports coronavirus spending bill included Hyde Amendment loophole

You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
but she should have ask peloser.
Vigilant Republicans Insist On CLEAN Bill without Pelosi's dirty abortion funding.

COVID-19 is terrifying — as a weapon of political propaganda.

The Wuhan Panic is a textbook case of the Rahm Emanuel principle that you never want a good crisis to go to waste. Emanuel helped Barack Obama weaponize the government against freedom in the aftermath of the financial meltdown of 2008. The Dems and their megaphones in the media are trying to do the same thing now in the face of the spread of the Wuhan Virus. In about three weeks, maybe four, it will all be over and many people will feel sheepish about their overreaction. In the meantime, everyone seems to be signing up to be an extra in The Seventh Seal.

Wow, you assfucks really like to make up shit.

Maybe Pelosi wanted to fund Dr Frankenstein in his lab. Maybe she wanted to fund the human cloning lab.
Go fuck yourself.

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweets about reports coronavirus spending bill included Hyde Amendment loophole

You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
Where does the proposed spending bill say anything about abortion?

I've read that it does not provide for protections under the Hyde Amendment. I'll leave it to you to look it up.
The point is that it goes around the Hyde Amendment. It provides a backdoor for millions of taxpayer funds to dishonest politicians looking to help their Golden Goose...Planned-Parenthood.

Democrats love using emergencies to get their funding. That's what the Stimulus was all about. TARP was an excuse to take over Chrysler and GM.

Last edited:
South Korea has the best testing of the Virus on the planet.............they have drive through testing all over the country..............They inform the people being tested in about 6 hours...........Takes 24 hours here.

Since they are the only country performing SO MANY TESTS.........THEY HAVE THE BEST DATA on the MORTALITY RATE.................Which is Far Lower than the WHO rates of 3.4.

20 bucks a test.............they can do a million tests a week...........they have their SHIT TOGETHER........And THE MODEL for the WORLD TO FOLLOW.............
South korea is proving once again that American blood and treasure spilled to save S Korea from communism was well worth the cost
What gets me is that a country much smaller than the United kicking our butts with a fraction of spending on this situation.................They do the tests in 25% of the time of our labs............and don't have the MASSIVE funding our orgs have here from DADDY GOV'T.

Shows how ineffective our gov't can be.

Waiting on private corporations to figure out how to make the most profit from producing tests & masks.
Of course............S. Korea offered to assist us getting set up...............but those test kits would have to be FDA approved..................and then we'd have to buy the automation systems for it...

Would be a fraction of the cost of what is about to happen..........Another PORK BILL for the virus..........when we could use the example of S. Korea to help us get a handle on this problem.
Of course............S. Korea offered to assist us getting set up...............but those test kits would have to be FDA approved..................and then we'd have to buy the automation systems for it...

Where did you hear that?
Posted the article earlier
Report: Pelosi attempted to sneak taxpayer-funded abortions into the coronavirus relief bill

The officials claimed the California Democrat attempted to lobby for "several" provisions that slowed down a bipartisan working group in her talks with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Among Pelosi's demands, according to the Daily Caller, was $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims. White House officials told the publication that if approved, this would create a precedent of health spending that circumvents a federal ban on taxpayer-sponsored abortions.

'Slush fund' for abortions
The ban, known as the Hyde Amendment, does not allow clinics or medical centers that perform abortion services to receive federal dollars.

"A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented," a White House told the Daily Caller. "Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms."

Text - H.R.6201 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Families First Coronavirus Response Act
How does the funding for reimbursing laboratories for the lab tests for corona virus pay for abortions???

According to some legal the news and the does indeed......Via changing some of the wording and creating a loop hole.

Every law has a bunch of other laws being modified......and this is where they try to sneak it into the bill............The Senate isn't accepting this because of this........and the HYDE AMENDMENT.........No wording that isn't precise that CAN BE ABUSED LATER will be accepted.
Awe..............The Dems attempt to get the tax payers to pay for abortions got

drum roll please...............

Fake news
The Senate doesn't agree with you.............They saw through it............oops.
The Senate is run by Trump. Trump is a lying fuck just like you.

Your side has been lying it'\s asses off FOREVER..........Nothing new here.........and Nothing new here from you..........Your FAKE RAGE is expected.
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems

Looks like your blob will sign off on it. Another cave-in. He’s a bigger pussy than you are.

“Late Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a deal with the Trump administration for an aid package from Congress that would provide free tests, sick pay for workers and bolster food programs. “

“We are proud to have reached an agreement with the Administration to resolve outstanding challenges, and now will soon pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act,” Pelosi announced in a letter to colleauges. The House was poised to vote.
You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
Where does the proposed spending bill say anything about abortion?

I've read that it does not provide for protections under the Hyde Amendment. I'll leave it to you to look it up.
The point is that it goes around the Hyde Amendment. It provides a backdoor for millions of taxpayer funds to dishonest politicians looking to help their Golden Goose...Planned-Parenthood.

Democrats love using emergencies to get their funding. That's what the Stimulus was all about. TARP was an excuse to take over Chrysler and GM.

You assfucks are dumber than shit.

The Hyde Amendment is in effect on federal spending & would apply with this bill.

If you didn't like the stimulus you should not have elected the Republicans that created the need for it.

And I guess you think we should have just let our automakers go broke.
Awe..............The Dems attempt to get the tax payers to pay for abortions got

drum roll please...............

Fake news
The Senate doesn't agree with you.............They saw through it............oops.
The Senate is run by Trump. Trump is a lying fuck just like you.

Your side has been lying it'\s asses off FOREVER..........Nothing new here.........and Nothing new here from you..........Your FAKE RAGE is expected.
Oh please. Everyone knows that trump is a lying fuck.
And -- you still haven't told us what are the "un-related goodies" in the bill....all of those I listed are related....would you have felt better if they bailed out some corporations??

Kind of reminds me of all of the games and bullshit Republicans tried to put into the 9/11 First Responders Bill -- and how they literally had to be shamed into doing the right thing....but yo bitch ass is mad that food stamps aren't being cut or somethig??

....shut yo stupid ass up...

Senate passes bill ensuring 9/11 victims fund will never run out of money

so what are the goodies in Pelosi's bill???? Schumer is in the Senate and the senate went o a 3 day weekend...

nancy is in the HOUSE..... the thread is about the HOUSE BILL..... so what is it that YOU claim are democratic goodies and that Trump doesnt like? the op link is useless and doesnt explain crud on it!

Check post 32 both you dumbasses.

What does the fucking Hyde amendment have to do with fighting the corona beer virus?
you dont really believe that bull crap do you?

it's made up.... just another republican lie....

the money allotted to medicaid, specifically states it is for corona virus lab testing.

abortions are NOT laboratory tests, silly one....

but your beloved fake news and partisan scummy republican congress critters on your FAUX NEWS tv channel, and Lyin' Cheatin' Don the Con has you Trump Bots repeating their LIES.... without any proof..... and you dummies lick it up like ice cream....

Just do a little research, so you're not simply parrots of fake news....
Pelosi is as bad as the Fake News folks who are trying to use this crisis to smear Republicans and President Donald Trump, legacy media figures have decided that referring to the coronavirus using any geographic term such as "Wuhan" or "Chinese" is insensitive and racist. Many have suggested that Trump's efforts to pause foreign travel are some sort of dog-whistle. Yet many of the same figures who condemn Trump and Republicans for using geographic terms to describe the virus did the very same thing themselves not so long ago.


Maybe Pelosi should go back to tearing up speeches and let the adults handle the work of the American People.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package.

She's deranged, driven and blood-thirsty.


Calling Pelosi out on her madness.
Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and Democrats for trying to ensure federal funding for abortion as part of the coronavirus economic stimulus plan.

“While schools are closing and hospitals are gearing up, Speaker Pelosi is waging unnecessary culture wars. Speaker Pelosi should be fighting the coronavirus pandemic, not politicizing emergency funding by fighting against the bipartisan Hyde Amendment,” Sasse told National Review in a statement. “We need to be ramping up our diagnostic testing, not waging culture wars at the behest of Planned Parenthood. Good grief.”​

Diabolical Pelosi attempted to secure a funding stream of up to $1 billion for reimbursing "laboratory" claims. That provision would establish a precedent under which health claims for all procedures, including abortion, could be reimbursed with federal funds. That precedent would render the Hyde Amendment, which blocks taxpayer funding for abortion clinics, obsolete.

Pelosi resisted efforts by Democrats to end the Hyde Amendment in recent months, with proregressives being forced to abandon an attempt to “ensure” abortion coverage for people using federal health programs as part of a $190 billion budget bill passed in July.

“It is the law of the land right now, and I don’t see that there’s an opportunity to get rid of it with the current occupant of the White House and this U.S. Senate,” Vile Pelosi said at the time, admitting that she does not support the Hyde Amendment.

Pelosi fought tooth and nail with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Thursday, with the crazed Speaker finally coming to her senses and dropping the matter.

Pelosi’s tactics were confirmed by Commie Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), who claimed in an interview on Fox News Thursday night that “right now we are hearing that some of the fights and some of the gridlock is because people are trying to put "pro-life" provisions into this.”

"Obviously there will be other bills.” Pelosi darkly warned after being forced to retreat by vigilant Republicans.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package

Wow, you assfucks really like to make up shit.

Maybe Pelosi wanted to fund Dr Frankenstein in his lab. Maybe she wanted to fund the human cloning lab.
When obama was president pelosi funded teaching african men how to clean their penis

so she is capable of anything

Health programs in Africa. I guess you think we had never funded any health programs in Africa?

Part of any program included teaching hygiene. Somerthing your mother should have taught you.
Awe..............The Dems attempt to get the tax payers to pay for abortions got

drum roll please...............

Fake news
The Senate doesn't agree with you.............They saw through it............oops.
The Senate is run by Trump. Trump is a lying fuck just like you.

Your side has been lying it'\s asses off FOREVER..........Nothing new here.........and Nothing new here from you..........Your FAKE RAGE is expected.
Oh please. Everyone knows that trump is a lying fuck.
Who are these Everyone people.......Are they in California and New York.........

Like MSM and you bunch of pecker woods lying about how Trump told people to go to work with the virus........Out of context is a lie.

Did you agree with BIDEN when he bitched about the travel ban early on from China.............

Nope.....I didn't think so.
Wow, you assfucks really like to make up shit.

Maybe Pelosi wanted to fund Dr Frankenstein in his lab. Maybe she wanted to fund the human cloning lab.
Go fuck yourself.

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweets about reports coronavirus spending bill included Hyde Amendment loophole

You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
Where does the proposed spending bill say anything about abortion?

I've read that it does not provide for protections under the Hyde Amendment. I'll leave it to you to look it up.
You can read?
You might want to read that tweet again....she's asking what the Republicans are doing making up stuff about "issues related to abortion" in a COVID19 relief bill.....Wow, indeed.
She's asking what abortion has to do with COVID19.
The only reason she mentioned the Repugs is because they were the only ones to raise objections.
Where does the proposed spending bill say anything about abortion?

I've read that it does not provide for protections under the Hyde Amendment. I'll leave it to you to look it up.
You can read?

You don't even know what the Hyde Amendment is you illiterate animal. And it's a moot point anyway. Pelosi's bullshit has been pulled out of the bill.
South korea is proving once again that American blood and treasure spilled to save S Korea from communism was well worth the cost
What gets me is that a country much smaller than the United kicking our butts with a fraction of spending on this situation.................They do the tests in 25% of the time of our labs............and don't have the MASSIVE funding our orgs have here from DADDY GOV'T.

Shows how ineffective our gov't can be.

Waiting on private corporations to figure out how to make the most profit from producing tests & masks.
Of course............S. Korea offered to assist us getting set up...............but those test kits would have to be FDA approved..................and then we'd have to buy the automation systems for it...

Would be a fraction of the cost of what is about to happen..........Another PORK BILL for the virus..........when we could use the example of S. Korea to help us get a handle on this problem.
Of course............S. Korea offered to assist us getting set up...............but those test kits would have to be FDA approved..................and then we'd have to buy the automation systems for it...

Where did you hear that?
Posted the article earlier
You just made the claim again so post it again

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