Pelosi Stuffs Coronavirus Bill Full Of Unrelated Goodies For Democrats

She's a very smart Lady, a woman on a mission, and knows when and how to get things done for the American people in this crisis...

I can see how she scares you....:rolleyes:

3 Cheers for the Speaker! And for Mnuchin! This is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their Country!
Her and the MEDIA MOB MACHINE has done FAR GREATER DAMAGE to America than the virus.

They have POLITICIZED THIS..............under OBAMA..........THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN........because we that DIDN'T LIKE OBAMA............knew that was NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THIS COUNTRY.

Your side, and the Media...........should be tarred and feathered for HYPING THIS VIRUS..............Trump did more than Obama EVER DID EARLY ON in this virus...................The Travel Ban alone was a big step to minimizing the initial virus......Will it expand..........YES........but he bought us a little time .......

Europe was so danged Smart listening to the WHO.........look where they are at now.........They should have done the travel ban to China when Trump did it........and lessoned the damage.
Obama was not an imbecile, self centered, me, me, me, ignorant blundering idiot, as this President has been every time he's opened his mouth on this virus...
Trump's been so awesome, his prompt closure of travel from China is likely why our infection rates, 9.1/M are the world's lowest for nations with at least a 1,000 cases.

Other European nations didn't control travel like Trump did and Italy has 350/M; Norway 205/M; Switzerland 159/M; Denmark 144/M; Spain 137/M; Sweden 95/M; France 69/M; Belgium 59/M and so forth. Terrible infection rates, yet not a peep of disapproval about their national leaders out of you!
... HE, AND ONLY HE has destabilized this nation.... and done some big damage with his handling of this...he's a complete idiot... and has been an idiot, from day one re: this virus....
You are talking about the PM of Italy with over 38 TIMES the US infection rate?
... , with one exception... a couple of weeks after our first case here in January, he semi cut off China travel.... that was very good, but also too late.... the virus was already here spreading like wildfie throughout the nation...
Really? Do you check anything before you puke it out all over the board? Trump curbed travel from China on Jan 30. On Feb 15, we had 15 cases. In a nation of over 331M that's "spreading like wildfire?"

In Feb he curbed travel from Iran. Iran has an infection rate of 152/M nearly 17 TIMES our infection rate, but you don't seem to have a bad word to say about the Ayatollahs that run that country. Curious!
... , but we didn't know by how much, because we didn't test regions for it, and are still not testing in the numbers necessary to contain it.... that is not President Trump's personal fault that I know of imho, it's his staff's and dept heads overseeing pandemics and things like this.... but, the buck does stop with him, as with all presidents, he does not get a 'pass' because he says he should get one...
Our infection rate is half the World infection rate, you sure want to blame him, does he get any credit for that?

Coronavirus Update (Live): 156,800 Cases and 5,839 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
... president trump has not been reassuring that he has a handle on this and what to do, something citizens and businesses needed at this time...
And yet his approval has improved throughout this crisis, nearly as much as it improved while you dummies were trying to impeach him on obviously trumped up charges.

When your tactics constantly fail, do you ever consider changing tactics? Have you considered trying to narrow down your front runners to two old fossil fools?


No Zorro. You may want to remove that mask and stop playing with your Swiss knife.

Prompt closure of China? Did the problem went away.. Americans are getting sick and dying.
La La La.............In relation to Europe........we are doing a hell of a lot better..........but it's coming from there now so you can get your pom poms out and root for death here......Rah Rah...

It's here with a couple thousand I think.....and that will exponentially spread now......Just like all the other viruses in history...........Buckle up lib............gonna be hell of a Ride........and we will here you DAILY SAY if ONLY YOU HAD BEEN IN CHARGE.


She's a very smart Lady, a woman on a mission, and knows when and how to get things done for the American people in this crisis...

I can see how she scares you....:rolleyes:

3 Cheers for the Speaker! And for Mnuchin! This is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their Country!
Her and the MEDIA MOB MACHINE has done FAR GREATER DAMAGE to America than the virus.

They have POLITICIZED THIS..............under OBAMA..........THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN........because we that DIDN'T LIKE OBAMA............knew that was NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THIS COUNTRY.

Your side, and the Media...........should be tarred and feathered for HYPING THIS VIRUS..............Trump did more than Obama EVER DID EARLY ON in this virus...................The Travel Ban alone was a big step to minimizing the initial virus......Will it expand..........YES........but he bought us a little time .......

Europe was so danged Smart listening to the WHO.........look where they are at now.........They should have done the travel ban to China when Trump did it........and lessoned the damage.
Obama was not an imbecile, self centered, me, me, me, ignorant blundering idiot, as this President has been every time he's opened his mouth on this virus...
Trump's been so awesome, his prompt closure of travel from China is likely why our infection rates, 9.1/M are the world's lowest for nations with at least a 1,000 cases.

Other European nations didn't control travel like Trump did and Italy has 350/M; Norway 205/M; Switzerland 159/M; Denmark 144/M; Spain 137/M; Sweden 95/M; France 69/M; Belgium 59/M and so forth. Terrible infection rates, yet not a peep of disapproval about their national leaders out of you!
... HE, AND ONLY HE has destabilized this nation.... and done some big damage with his handling of this...he's a complete idiot... and has been an idiot, from day one re: this virus....
You are talking about the PM of Italy with over 38 TIMES the US infection rate?
... , with one exception... a couple of weeks after our first case here in January, he semi cut off China travel.... that was very good, but also too late.... the virus was already here spreading like wildfie throughout the nation...
Really? Do you check anything before you puke it out all over the board? Trump curbed travel from China on Jan 30. On Feb 15, we had 15 cases. In a nation of over 331M that's "spreading like wildfire?"

In Feb he curbed travel from Iran. Iran has an infection rate of 152/M nearly 17 TIMES our infection rate, but you don't seem to have a bad word to say about the Ayatollahs that run that country. Curious!
... , but we didn't know by how much, because we didn't test regions for it, and are still not testing in the numbers necessary to contain it.... that is not President Trump's personal fault that I know of imho, it's his staff's and dept heads overseeing pandemics and things like this.... but, the buck does stop with him, as with all presidents, he does not get a 'pass' because he says he should get one...
Our infection rate is half the World infection rate, you sure want to blame him, does he get any credit for that?

Coronavirus Update (Live): 156,800 Cases and 5,839 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
... president trump has not been reassuring that he has a handle on this and what to do, something citizens and businesses needed at this time...
And yet his approval has improved throughout this crisis, nearly as much as it improved while you dummies were trying to impeach him on obviously trumped up charges.

When your tactics constantly fail, do you ever consider changing tactics? Have you considered trying to narrow down your front runners to two old fossil fools?


No Zorro. You may want to remove that mask and stop playing with your Swiss knife.

Prompt closure of China? Did the problem went away.. Americans are getting sick and dying.
La La La.............In relation to Europe........we are doing a hell of a lot better..........but it's coming from there now so you can get your pom poms out and root for death here......Rah Rah...

It's here with a couple thousand I think.....and that will exponentially spread now......Just like all the other viruses in history...........Buckle up lib............gonna be hell of a Ride........and we will here you DAILY SAY if ONLY YOU HAD BEEN IN CHARGE.


Why should I be talking of Europe when we have our own problems here?
Knock it off both of you.

Trump administration is ill prepared handling this pandemic. Very poorly.

Maybe you have forgotten most or all of his speech at his rallies. Lots of lies. The Democrats the democrats the democrats. Since when you see a leader talking bad against his own people? Do you honestly expect us to give him credits. Trump do NOT have credibility. Period.

Handling this pandemic is extremely very poor and ill prepared starting from scratch. Why?
In May 2018 Trump eliminated the NSC Global Health Unit that deal with pandemic. Created by Obama. It’s similar to FEMA. Designed to handle in the event of pandemic. That includes proactive thinking, advanced warning and action. Fauci just said it could have been nice if that was in place not eliminated.

When it hit US Trump was scrambling started from scratch. So whatever you see right now how Trump is handling these crisis is not acceptable.
GROW THE FUCK UP............hold your nose..........blow real hard ......and dislodge your head.......

We are tired of the ENDLESS TDS from you IDIOTS.
Her and the MEDIA MOB MACHINE has done FAR GREATER DAMAGE to America than the virus.

They have POLITICIZED THIS..............under OBAMA..........THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN........because we that DIDN'T LIKE OBAMA............knew that was NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THIS COUNTRY.

Your side, and the Media...........should be tarred and feathered for HYPING THIS VIRUS..............Trump did more than Obama EVER DID EARLY ON in this virus...................The Travel Ban alone was a big step to minimizing the initial virus......Will it expand..........YES........but he bought us a little time .......

Europe was so danged Smart listening to the WHO.........look where they are at now.........They should have done the travel ban to China when Trump did it........and lessoned the damage.
Obama was not an imbecile, self centered, me, me, me, ignorant blundering idiot, as this President has been every time he's opened his mouth on this virus...
Trump's been so awesome, his prompt closure of travel from China is likely why our infection rates, 9.1/M are the world's lowest for nations with at least a 1,000 cases.

Other European nations didn't control travel like Trump did and Italy has 350/M; Norway 205/M; Switzerland 159/M; Denmark 144/M; Spain 137/M; Sweden 95/M; France 69/M; Belgium 59/M and so forth. Terrible infection rates, yet not a peep of disapproval about their national leaders out of you!
... HE, AND ONLY HE has destabilized this nation.... and done some big damage with his handling of this...he's a complete idiot... and has been an idiot, from day one re: this virus....
You are talking about the PM of Italy with over 38 TIMES the US infection rate?
... , with one exception... a couple of weeks after our first case here in January, he semi cut off China travel.... that was very good, but also too late.... the virus was already here spreading like wildfie throughout the nation...
Really? Do you check anything before you puke it out all over the board? Trump curbed travel from China on Jan 30. On Feb 15, we had 15 cases. In a nation of over 331M that's "spreading like wildfire?"

In Feb he curbed travel from Iran. Iran has an infection rate of 152/M nearly 17 TIMES our infection rate, but you don't seem to have a bad word to say about the Ayatollahs that run that country. Curious!
... , but we didn't know by how much, because we didn't test regions for it, and are still not testing in the numbers necessary to contain it.... that is not President Trump's personal fault that I know of imho, it's his staff's and dept heads overseeing pandemics and things like this.... but, the buck does stop with him, as with all presidents, he does not get a 'pass' because he says he should get one...
Our infection rate is half the World infection rate, you sure want to blame him, does he get any credit for that?

Coronavirus Update (Live): 156,800 Cases and 5,839 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
... president trump has not been reassuring that he has a handle on this and what to do, something citizens and businesses needed at this time...
And yet his approval has improved throughout this crisis, nearly as much as it improved while you dummies were trying to impeach him on obviously trumped up charges.

When your tactics constantly fail, do you ever consider changing tactics? Have you considered trying to narrow down your front runners to two old fossil fools?


No Zorro. You may want to remove that mask and stop playing with your Swiss knife.

Prompt closure of China? Did the problem went away.. Americans are getting sick and dying.
La La La.............In relation to Europe........we are doing a hell of a lot better..........but it's coming from there now so you can get your pom poms out and root for death here......Rah Rah...

It's here with a couple thousand I think.....and that will exponentially spread now......Just like all the other viruses in history...........Buckle up lib............gonna be hell of a Ride........and we will here you DAILY SAY if ONLY YOU HAD BEEN IN CHARGE.


Her and the MEDIA MOB MACHINE has done FAR GREATER DAMAGE to America than the virus.

They have POLITICIZED THIS..............under OBAMA..........THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN........because we that DIDN'T LIKE OBAMA............knew that was NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THIS COUNTRY.

Your side, and the Media...........should be tarred and feathered for HYPING THIS VIRUS..............Trump did more than Obama EVER DID EARLY ON in this virus...................The Travel Ban alone was a big step to minimizing the initial virus......Will it expand..........YES........but he bought us a little time .......

Europe was so danged Smart listening to the WHO.........look where they are at now.........They should have done the travel ban to China when Trump did it........and lessoned the damage.
Obama was not an imbecile, self centered, me, me, me, ignorant blundering idiot, as this President has been every time he's opened his mouth on this virus...
Trump's been so awesome, his prompt closure of travel from China is likely why our infection rates, 9.1/M are the world's lowest for nations with at least a 1,000 cases.

Other European nations didn't control travel like Trump did and Italy has 350/M; Norway 205/M; Switzerland 159/M; Denmark 144/M; Spain 137/M; Sweden 95/M; France 69/M; Belgium 59/M and so forth. Terrible infection rates, yet not a peep of disapproval about their national leaders out of you!
... HE, AND ONLY HE has destabilized this nation.... and done some big damage with his handling of this...he's a complete idiot... and has been an idiot, from day one re: this virus....
You are talking about the PM of Italy with over 38 TIMES the US infection rate?
... , with one exception... a couple of weeks after our first case here in January, he semi cut off China travel.... that was very good, but also too late.... the virus was already here spreading like wildfie throughout the nation...
Really? Do you check anything before you puke it out all over the board? Trump curbed travel from China on Jan 30. On Feb 15, we had 15 cases. In a nation of over 331M that's "spreading like wildfire?"

In Feb he curbed travel from Iran. Iran has an infection rate of 152/M nearly 17 TIMES our infection rate, but you don't seem to have a bad word to say about the Ayatollahs that run that country. Curious!
... , but we didn't know by how much, because we didn't test regions for it, and are still not testing in the numbers necessary to contain it.... that is not President Trump's personal fault that I know of imho, it's his staff's and dept heads overseeing pandemics and things like this.... but, the buck does stop with him, as with all presidents, he does not get a 'pass' because he says he should get one...
Our infection rate is half the World infection rate, you sure want to blame him, does he get any credit for that?

Coronavirus Update (Live): 156,800 Cases and 5,839 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
... president trump has not been reassuring that he has a handle on this and what to do, something citizens and businesses needed at this time...
And yet his approval has improved throughout this crisis, nearly as much as it improved while you dummies were trying to impeach him on obviously trumped up charges.

When your tactics constantly fail, do you ever consider changing tactics? Have you considered trying to narrow down your front runners to two old fossil fools?


No Zorro. You may want to remove that mask and stop playing with your Swiss knife.

Prompt closure of China? Did the problem went away.. Americans are getting sick and dying.
La La La.............In relation to Europe........we are doing a hell of a lot better..........but it's coming from there now so you can get your pom poms out and root for death here......Rah Rah...

It's here with a couple thousand I think.....and that will exponentially spread now......Just like all the other viruses in history...........Buckle up lib............gonna be hell of a Ride........and we will here you DAILY SAY if ONLY YOU HAD BEEN IN CHARGE.


Why should I be talking of Europe when we have our own problems here?
Screws up your Narrative doesn't it...............They became the epicenter and we didn't......of course that may very well change as it came here from Europe after.

Buckle the hell up.........and practice your I HATE TRUMP RANTS.......that is all you have......We didn't do this in 2009.......
Her and the MEDIA MOB MACHINE has done FAR GREATER DAMAGE to America than the virus.

They have POLITICIZED THIS..............under OBAMA..........THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN........because we that DIDN'T LIKE OBAMA............knew that was NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THIS COUNTRY.

Your side, and the Media...........should be tarred and feathered for HYPING THIS VIRUS..............Trump did more than Obama EVER DID EARLY ON in this virus...................The Travel Ban alone was a big step to minimizing the initial virus......Will it expand..........YES........but he bought us a little time .......

Europe was so danged Smart listening to the WHO.........look where they are at now.........They should have done the travel ban to China when Trump did it........and lessoned the damage.
Obama was not an imbecile, self centered, me, me, me, ignorant blundering idiot, as this President has been every time he's opened his mouth on this virus...
Trump's been so awesome, his prompt closure of travel from China is likely why our infection rates, 9.1/M are the world's lowest for nations with at least a 1,000 cases.

Other European nations didn't control travel like Trump did and Italy has 350/M; Norway 205/M; Switzerland 159/M; Denmark 144/M; Spain 137/M; Sweden 95/M; France 69/M; Belgium 59/M and so forth. Terrible infection rates, yet not a peep of disapproval about their national leaders out of you!
... HE, AND ONLY HE has destabilized this nation.... and done some big damage with his handling of this...he's a complete idiot... and has been an idiot, from day one re: this virus....
You are talking about the PM of Italy with over 38 TIMES the US infection rate?
... , with one exception... a couple of weeks after our first case here in January, he semi cut off China travel.... that was very good, but also too late.... the virus was already here spreading like wildfie throughout the nation...
Really? Do you check anything before you puke it out all over the board? Trump curbed travel from China on Jan 30. On Feb 15, we had 15 cases. In a nation of over 331M that's "spreading like wildfire?"

In Feb he curbed travel from Iran. Iran has an infection rate of 152/M nearly 17 TIMES our infection rate, but you don't seem to have a bad word to say about the Ayatollahs that run that country. Curious!
... , but we didn't know by how much, because we didn't test regions for it, and are still not testing in the numbers necessary to contain it.... that is not President Trump's personal fault that I know of imho, it's his staff's and dept heads overseeing pandemics and things like this.... but, the buck does stop with him, as with all presidents, he does not get a 'pass' because he says he should get one...
Our infection rate is half the World infection rate, you sure want to blame him, does he get any credit for that?

Coronavirus Update (Live): 156,800 Cases and 5,839 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
... president trump has not been reassuring that he has a handle on this and what to do, something citizens and businesses needed at this time...
And yet his approval has improved throughout this crisis, nearly as much as it improved while you dummies were trying to impeach him on obviously trumped up charges.

When your tactics constantly fail, do you ever consider changing tactics? Have you considered trying to narrow down your front runners to two old fossil fools?


No Zorro. You may want to remove that mask and stop playing with your Swiss knife.

Prompt closure of China? Did the problem went away.. Americans are getting sick and dying.
La La La.............In relation to Europe........we are doing a hell of a lot better..........but it's coming from there now so you can get your pom poms out and root for death here......Rah Rah...

It's here with a couple thousand I think.....and that will exponentially spread now......Just like all the other viruses in history...........Buckle up lib............gonna be hell of a Ride........and we will here you DAILY SAY if ONLY YOU HAD BEEN IN CHARGE.

I agree. We are getting the "rosy scenario." The stat you want is "completed cases" - what percent recovered compared to dead.

The stats that include brand new cases that haven't had an outcome yet are misleadingly "cheerful" with a 3% fatality rate.

Italy's fatality rate for completed cases is 44% fatalities, and that's with a sample size of over 4,000.

Italy Coronavirus: 24,747 Cases and 1,809 Deaths - Worldometer
Those estimates don't take into account those that got it and aren't being reported........And the best Stats for that on the planet are from S. Korea......They set up mobile test sites and could do a million tests a week............When they got hit they got their Shit together....

That rate with the best data is 0.7%..........
Knock it off both of you.

Trump administration is ill prepared handling this pandemic. Very poorly.

Maybe you have forgotten most or all of his speech at his rallies. Lots of lies. The Democrats the democrats the democrats. Since when you see a leader talking bad against his own people? Do you honestly expect us to give him credits. Trump do NOT have credibility. Period.

Handling this pandemic is extremely very poor and ill prepared starting from scratch. Why?
In May 2018 Trump eliminated the NSC Global Health Unit that deal with pandemic. Created by Obama. It’s similar to FEMA. Designed to handle in the event of pandemic. That includes proactive thinking, advanced warning and action. Fauci just said it could have been nice if that was in place not eliminated.

When it hit US Trump was scrambling started from scratch. So whatever you see right now how Trump is handling these crisis is not acceptable.
GROW THE FUCK UP............hold your nose..........blow real hard ......and dislodge your head.......

We are tired of the ENDLESS TDS from you IDIOTS.
Panicking? You're panicking.
2019 2020 budget Trump tried to cut funding for CDC but Pelosi blocked it.

For 2021 budget plan before the pandemic CDC cuts still there.
Knock it off both of you.

Trump administration is ill prepared handling this pandemic. Very poorly.

Maybe you have forgotten most or all of his speech at his rallies. Lots of lies. The Democrats the democrats the democrats. Since when you see a leader talking bad against his own people? Do you honestly expect us to give him credits. Trump do NOT have credibility. Period.

Handling this pandemic is extremely very poor and ill prepared starting from scratch. Why?
In May 2018 Trump eliminated the NSC Global Health Unit that deal with pandemic. Created by Obama. It’s similar to FEMA. Designed to handle in the event of pandemic. That includes proactive thinking, advanced warning and action. Fauci just said it could have been nice if that was in place not eliminated.

When it hit US Trump was scrambling started from scratch. So whatever you see right now how Trump is handling these crisis is not acceptable.
GROW THE FUCK UP............hold your nose..........blow real hard ......and dislodge your head.......

We are tired of the ENDLESS TDS from you IDIOTS.

Did I hurt your feelings my dear?

All I’m telling you are straight facts and reality. I’m not surprised Trumpits weakling weakness are truth.

You don’t have any to counter act TDS.

Is that mean?

One of the above or all of the above.
2019 2020 budget Trump tried to cut funding for CDC but Pelosi blocked it.

For 2021 budget plan before the pandemic CDC cuts still there.
So...........the money was cuts.....did he try to cut .........YUP.......and who is bailing us out now.......Private Labs.........because the CDC screwed up the test kits.
Knock it off both of you.

Trump administration is ill prepared handling this pandemic. Very poorly.

Maybe you have forgotten most or all of his speech at his rallies. Lots of lies. The Democrats the democrats the democrats. Since when you see a leader talking bad against his own people? Do you honestly expect us to give him credits. Trump do NOT have credibility. Period.

Handling this pandemic is extremely very poor and ill prepared starting from scratch. Why?
In May 2018 Trump eliminated the NSC Global Health Unit that deal with pandemic. Created by Obama. It’s similar to FEMA. Designed to handle in the event of pandemic. That includes proactive thinking, advanced warning and action. Fauci just said it could have been nice if that was in place not eliminated.

When it hit US Trump was scrambling started from scratch. So whatever you see right now how Trump is handling these crisis is not acceptable.
GROW THE FUCK UP............hold your nose..........blow real hard ......and dislodge your head.......

We are tired of the ENDLESS TDS from you IDIOTS.

Did I hurt your feelings my dear?

All I’m telling you are straight facts and reality. I’m not surprised Trumpits weakling weakness are truth.

You don’t have any to counter act TDS.

Is that mean?

One of the above or all of the above.
I'm sick of you liberal Fucks..........You NEVER STOP...non stop TDS for 3 Years.

So rather than say what I really think about are a Waste of my time.
Obama was not an imbecile, self centered, me, me, me, ignorant blundering idiot, as this President has been every time he's opened his mouth on this virus...
Trump's been so awesome, his prompt closure of travel from China is likely why our infection rates, 9.1/M are the world's lowest for nations with at least a 1,000 cases.

Other European nations didn't control travel like Trump did and Italy has 350/M; Norway 205/M; Switzerland 159/M; Denmark 144/M; Spain 137/M; Sweden 95/M; France 69/M; Belgium 59/M and so forth. Terrible infection rates, yet not a peep of disapproval about their national leaders out of you!
... HE, AND ONLY HE has destabilized this nation.... and done some big damage with his handling of this...he's a complete idiot... and has been an idiot, from day one re: this virus....
You are talking about the PM of Italy with over 38 TIMES the US infection rate?
... , with one exception... a couple of weeks after our first case here in January, he semi cut off China travel.... that was very good, but also too late.... the virus was already here spreading like wildfie throughout the nation...
Really? Do you check anything before you puke it out all over the board? Trump curbed travel from China on Jan 30. On Feb 15, we had 15 cases. In a nation of over 331M that's "spreading like wildfire?"

In Feb he curbed travel from Iran. Iran has an infection rate of 152/M nearly 17 TIMES our infection rate, but you don't seem to have a bad word to say about the Ayatollahs that run that country. Curious!
... , but we didn't know by how much, because we didn't test regions for it, and are still not testing in the numbers necessary to contain it.... that is not President Trump's personal fault that I know of imho, it's his staff's and dept heads overseeing pandemics and things like this.... but, the buck does stop with him, as with all presidents, he does not get a 'pass' because he says he should get one...
Our infection rate is half the World infection rate, you sure want to blame him, does he get any credit for that?

Coronavirus Update (Live): 156,800 Cases and 5,839 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
... president trump has not been reassuring that he has a handle on this and what to do, something citizens and businesses needed at this time...
And yet his approval has improved throughout this crisis, nearly as much as it improved while you dummies were trying to impeach him on obviously trumped up charges.

When your tactics constantly fail, do you ever consider changing tactics? Have you considered trying to narrow down your front runners to two old fossil fools?


No Zorro. You may want to remove that mask and stop playing with your Swiss knife.

Prompt closure of China? Did the problem went away.. Americans are getting sick and dying.
La La La.............In relation to Europe........we are doing a hell of a lot better..........but it's coming from there now so you can get your pom poms out and root for death here......Rah Rah...

It's here with a couple thousand I think.....and that will exponentially spread now......Just like all the other viruses in history...........Buckle up lib............gonna be hell of a Ride........and we will here you DAILY SAY if ONLY YOU HAD BEEN IN CHARGE.


Obama was not an imbecile, self centered, me, me, me, ignorant blundering idiot, as this President has been every time he's opened his mouth on this virus...
Trump's been so awesome, his prompt closure of travel from China is likely why our infection rates, 9.1/M are the world's lowest for nations with at least a 1,000 cases.

Other European nations didn't control travel like Trump did and Italy has 350/M; Norway 205/M; Switzerland 159/M; Denmark 144/M; Spain 137/M; Sweden 95/M; France 69/M; Belgium 59/M and so forth. Terrible infection rates, yet not a peep of disapproval about their national leaders out of you!
... HE, AND ONLY HE has destabilized this nation.... and done some big damage with his handling of this...he's a complete idiot... and has been an idiot, from day one re: this virus....
You are talking about the PM of Italy with over 38 TIMES the US infection rate?
... , with one exception... a couple of weeks after our first case here in January, he semi cut off China travel.... that was very good, but also too late.... the virus was already here spreading like wildfie throughout the nation...
Really? Do you check anything before you puke it out all over the board? Trump curbed travel from China on Jan 30. On Feb 15, we had 15 cases. In a nation of over 331M that's "spreading like wildfire?"

In Feb he curbed travel from Iran. Iran has an infection rate of 152/M nearly 17 TIMES our infection rate, but you don't seem to have a bad word to say about the Ayatollahs that run that country. Curious!
... , but we didn't know by how much, because we didn't test regions for it, and are still not testing in the numbers necessary to contain it.... that is not President Trump's personal fault that I know of imho, it's his staff's and dept heads overseeing pandemics and things like this.... but, the buck does stop with him, as with all presidents, he does not get a 'pass' because he says he should get one...
Our infection rate is half the World infection rate, you sure want to blame him, does he get any credit for that?

Coronavirus Update (Live): 156,800 Cases and 5,839 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
... president trump has not been reassuring that he has a handle on this and what to do, something citizens and businesses needed at this time...
And yet his approval has improved throughout this crisis, nearly as much as it improved while you dummies were trying to impeach him on obviously trumped up charges.

When your tactics constantly fail, do you ever consider changing tactics? Have you considered trying to narrow down your front runners to two old fossil fools?


No Zorro. You may want to remove that mask and stop playing with your Swiss knife.

Prompt closure of China? Did the problem went away.. Americans are getting sick and dying.
La La La.............In relation to Europe........we are doing a hell of a lot better..........but it's coming from there now so you can get your pom poms out and root for death here......Rah Rah...

It's here with a couple thousand I think.....and that will exponentially spread now......Just like all the other viruses in history...........Buckle up lib............gonna be hell of a Ride........and we will here you DAILY SAY if ONLY YOU HAD BEEN IN CHARGE.


Why should I be talking of Europe when we have our own problems here?
Screws up your Narrative doesn't it...............They became the epicenter and we didn't......of course that may very well change as it came here from Europe after.

Buckle the hell up.........and practice your I HATE TRUMP RANTS.......that is all you have......We didn't do this in 2009.......

Son. Tell Donny to act like the leader of US not just for the weaklings and stop the blaming games.

Then maybe we might give him the credit why he hired his son in law ( Jared’s )uncle a doctor as part of the team for this crisis.
2019 2020 budget Trump tried to cut funding for CDC but Pelosi blocked it.

For 2021 budget plan before the pandemic CDC cuts still there.
So...........the money was cuts.....did he try to cut .........YUP.......and who is bailing us out now.......Private Labs.........because the CDC screwed up the test kits.

You still in limbo kid. Turn your flashlight on and you might know what you are talking about.
Knock it off both of you.

Trump administration is ill prepared handling this pandemic. Very poorly.

Maybe you have forgotten most or all of his speech at his rallies. Lots of lies. The Democrats the democrats the democrats. Since when you see a leader talking bad against his own people? Do you honestly expect us to give him credits. Trump do NOT have credibility. Period.

Handling this pandemic is extremely very poor and ill prepared starting from scratch. Why?
In May 2018 Trump eliminated the NSC Global Health Unit that deal with pandemic. Created by Obama. It’s similar to FEMA. Designed to handle in the event of pandemic. That includes proactive thinking, advanced warning and action. Fauci just said it could have been nice if that was in place not eliminated.

When it hit US Trump was scrambling started from scratch. So whatever you see right now how Trump is handling these crisis is not acceptable.
GROW THE FUCK UP............hold your nose..........blow real hard ......and dislodge your head.......

We are tired of the ENDLESS TDS from you IDIOTS.

Did I hurt your feelings my dear?

All I’m telling you are straight facts and reality. I’m not surprised Trumpits weakling weakness are truth.

You don’t have any to counter act TDS.

Is that mean?

One of the above or all of the above.
I'm sick of you liberal Fucks..........You NEVER STOP...non stop TDS for 3 Years.

So rather than say what I really think about are a Waste of my time.

Dang eagle i thought you are tough. You are scared
Knock it off both of you.

Trump administration is ill prepared handling this pandemic. Very poorly.

Maybe you have forgotten most or all of his speech at his rallies. Lots of lies. The Democrats the democrats the democrats. Since when you see a leader talking bad against his own people? Do you honestly expect us to give him credits. Trump do NOT have credibility. Period.

Handling this pandemic is extremely very poor and ill prepared starting from scratch. Why?
In May 2018 Trump eliminated the NSC Global Health Unit that deal with pandemic. Created by Obama. It’s similar to FEMA. Designed to handle in the event of pandemic. That includes proactive thinking, advanced warning and action. Fauci just said it could have been nice if that was in place not eliminated.

When it hit US Trump was scrambling started from scratch. So whatever you see right now how Trump is handling these crisis is not acceptable.
GROW THE FUCK UP............hold your nose..........blow real hard ......and dislodge your head.......

We are tired of the ENDLESS TDS from you IDIOTS.
Panicking? You're panicking.
LOL..............I'm sick of your BS and TDS .........

It NEVER ENDS........I really think we need another civil war here........
Knock it off both of you.

Trump administration is ill prepared handling this pandemic. Very poorly.

Maybe you have forgotten most or all of his speech at his rallies. Lots of lies. The Democrats the democrats the democrats. Since when you see a leader talking bad against his own people? Do you honestly expect us to give him credits. Trump do NOT have credibility. Period.

Handling this pandemic is extremely very poor and ill prepared starting from scratch. Why?
In May 2018 Trump eliminated the NSC Global Health Unit that deal with pandemic. Created by Obama. It’s similar to FEMA. Designed to handle in the event of pandemic. That includes proactive thinking, advanced warning and action. Fauci just said it could have been nice if that was in place not eliminated.

When it hit US Trump was scrambling started from scratch. So whatever you see right now how Trump is handling these crisis is not acceptable.
GROW THE FUCK UP............hold your nose..........blow real hard ......and dislodge your head.......

We are tired of the ENDLESS TDS from you IDIOTS.
Panicking? You're panicking.
LOL..............I'm sick of your BS and TDS .........

It NEVER ENDS........I really think we need another civil war here........

I thought you already flew and left.
Knock it off both of you.

Trump administration is ill prepared handling this pandemic. Very poorly.

Maybe you have forgotten most or all of his speech at his rallies. Lots of lies. The Democrats the democrats the democrats. Since when you see a leader talking bad against his own people? Do you honestly expect us to give him credits. Trump do NOT have credibility. Period.

Handling this pandemic is extremely very poor and ill prepared starting from scratch. Why?
In May 2018 Trump eliminated the NSC Global Health Unit that deal with pandemic. Created by Obama. It’s similar to FEMA. Designed to handle in the event of pandemic. That includes proactive thinking, advanced warning and action. Fauci just said it could have been nice if that was in place not eliminated.

When it hit US Trump was scrambling started from scratch. So whatever you see right now how Trump is handling these crisis is not acceptable.
GROW THE FUCK UP............hold your nose..........blow real hard ......and dislodge your head.......

We are tired of the ENDLESS TDS from you IDIOTS.

Did I hurt your feelings my dear?

All I’m telling you are straight facts and reality. I’m not surprised Trumpits weakling weakness are truth.

You don’t have any to counter act TDS.

Is that mean?

One of the above or all of the above.
I'm sick of you liberal Fucks..........You NEVER STOP...non stop TDS for 3 Years.

So rather than say what I really think about are a Waste of my time.
Definitely panicking.
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems

I read the package and I didn’t see anything wrong as what you and Breitbart portrayed.

The bill was crafted by Pelosi and Mhuchin without trump. Trump said he will sign it. Saving Trump.
You didn't see anything wrong because you didn't want to see anything wrong.

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