Pelosi Stuffs Coronavirus Bill Full Of Unrelated Goodies For Democrats

That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems
what exactly did the president and you apparently, object to that is in the bill?

Or are you just regurgitating Trump's vague, fruitless, comment.... like a good little Trumpster?? :D
Why don't you go back in the thread and try reading older posts instead of acting like a twat as usual.
punting, I see.
Nope...I don't like resubmitting the same posts again....that would be spamming....and considering the panic that even Faux Noise is shoveling to us...I've reached my BS tolerance for one day.
I read all your have listed NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING that shows what this list of "unrelated goodies" is. But you are a trumpanzee.....lies without any evidence is to be expected from you. It's like an Article of Faith in the Orange Cult.
As're a lying C**t.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
No one has any idea what Trump or anyone else is referring to. No one has said anything about what is so objectionable about the bill.

Trump said it is, so his supporters believe it without thinking. That’s the point.
what exactly did the president and you apparently, object to that is in the bill?

Or are you just regurgitating Trump's vague, fruitless, comment.... like a good little Trumpster?? :D
Why don't you go back in the thread and try reading older posts instead of acting like a twat as usual.
punting, I see.
Nope...I don't like resubmitting the same posts again....that would be spamming....and considering the panic that even Faux Noise is shoveling to us...I've reached my BS tolerance for one day.
I read all your have listed NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING that shows what this list of "unrelated goodies" is. But you are a trumpanzee.....lies without any evidence is to be expected from you. It's like an Article of Faith in the Orange Cult.
As're a lying C**t.
And now....because of your own lies, your own failings, you give up on the topic and throw out misogynist personal attacks only. Doesn't take much to strip away any veneer of maturity/civilization/decency with you, does it?
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
No one has any idea what Trump or anyone else is referring to. No one has said anything about what is so objectionable about the bill.

Trump said it is, so his supporters believe it without thinking. That’s the point.
It was just an unsubstantiated Breitbart article....claiming there were "unrelated goodies" and yet no one....NO ONE...can point out what those unrelated goodies are. Trumpanzees are so easily led.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
No one has any idea what Trump or anyone else is referring to. No one has said anything about what is so objectionable about the bill.

Trump said it is, so his supporters believe it without thinking. That’s the point.
It was just an unsubstantiated Breitbart article....claiming there were "unrelated goodies" and yet no one....NO ONE...can point out what those unrelated goodies are. Trumpanzees are so easily led.
It’s just Breitbart blindly parroting what Trump says and then Trump supporter blindly parroting it back.

There’s not room for free thought in the cult.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
No one has any idea what Trump or anyone else is referring to. No one has said anything about what is so objectionable about the bill.

Trump said it is, so his supporters believe it without thinking. That’s the point.

No one has any idea? You mean no one but Trump has seen it in the entire world? How do you know that? What is objectionable in the bill? Obviously, something, and the CEO of the country said its a bill stopper. I'm sure we'll find out more details. You seem to think Trump is making it up. You know something we don't? You question every bill Obama refused to sign?

Frankly I DON'T CARE. I have no interest in the virus and no need for anything in the bill. It is a non-factor in my life. If the virus spreads out of control, it'll hit California, New York City and Seattle hardest and that is fine with me. Tell Gavin Newsom and Andy Cuomo you want help.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
No one has any idea what Trump or anyone else is referring to. No one has said anything about what is so objectionable about the bill.

Trump said it is, so his supporters believe it without thinking. That’s the point.
It was just an unsubstantiated Breitbart article....claiming there were "unrelated goodies" and yet no one....NO ONE...can point out what those unrelated goodies are. Trumpanzees are so easily led.
It’s just Breitbart blindly parroting what Trump says and then Trump supporter blindly parroting it back.

There’s not room for free thought in the cult.
And then, they get all shrill and pissy when asked to back their copied claim up with facts.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
No one has any idea what Trump or anyone else is referring to. No one has said anything about what is so objectionable about the bill.

Trump said it is, so his supporters believe it without thinking. That’s the point.

No one has any idea? You mean no one but Trump has seen it in the entire world? How do you know that? What is objectionable in the bill? Obviously, something, and the CEO of the country said its a bill stopper. I'm sure we'll find out more details. You seem to think Trump is making it up. You know something we don't? You question every bill Obama refused to sign?

Frankly I DON'T CARE. I have no interest in the virus and no need for anything in the bill. It is a non-factor in my life. If the virus spreads out of control, it'll hit California, New York City and Seattle hardest and that is fine with me. Tell Gavin Newsom and Andy Cuomo you want help.

It’s been asked many times in this thread but no one seems to know what he’s been talking about. Y’all just repeating it like good little cult members.
I don't care what's in it...just pass it as normal working people deserve not to be penalized if they cannot go to work.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
No one has any idea what Trump or anyone else is referring to. No one has said anything about what is so objectionable about the bill.

Trump said it is, so his supporters believe it without thinking. That’s the point.

No one has any idea? You mean no one but Trump has seen it in the entire world? How do you know that? What is objectionable in the bill? Obviously, something, and the CEO of the country said its a bill stopper. I'm sure we'll find out more details. You seem to think Trump is making it up. You know something we don't? You question every bill Obama refused to sign?

Frankly I DON'T CARE. I have no interest in the virus and no need for anything in the bill. It is a non-factor in my life. If the virus spreads out of control, it'll hit California, New York City and Seattle hardest and that is fine with me. Tell Gavin Newsom and Andy Cuomo you want help.

It’s been asked many times in this thread but no one seems to know what he’s been talking about. Y’all just repeating it like good little cult members.
What am I repeating, that you're an ass? A dozen people a year die just from falling into the Grand Canyon. 3,000 a year die from texting. And you are splitting a lung because 38 died from a flu bug?
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems
what exactly did the president and you apparently, object to that is in the bill?

Or are you just regurgitating Trump's vague, fruitless, comment.... like a good little Trumpster?? :D
Why don't you go back in the thread and try reading older posts instead of acting like a twat as usual.
punting, I see.
Nope...I don't like resubmitting the same posts again....that would be spamming....and considering the panic that even Faux Noise is shoveling to us...I've reached my BS tolerance for one day.
I read all your have listed NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING that shows what this list of "unrelated goodies" is. But you are a trumpanzee.....lies without any evidence is to be expected from you. It's like an Article of Faith in the Orange Cult.
Remember Apollo 13 when the launch director still thought they were going to the moon to land when he was told that if they performed a certain manuver after the explosion in the service module ended it? Well Pelosi and the congress need to throw water on their faces and for once work for the people. She is still thinking of November. In a worse case scenario, there may not be a November.
Pelosi also sat on the 8.5 billion until her henchmen and women could go on the weekend shows and bash you think Pelosi cares about you?....hahaha
What is this "massive pork" in the coronavirus bill? What are the "unrelated goodies" referred to in the OP title?
Ask the OP dummy...
Whatever the disagreement, it seems Nancy agrees. As per the OP article:

But negotiations continue, as Pelosi said that she was continuing to speak to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

She noted that the White House requests for changes to the bill were “all very reasonable.”
I hear Trumpers bring up the 8.3 billion that the House and Senate passed...

But I never heard Trumpers tell us what is in it -- its almost like since Trump didn't tell them to complain about it -- they just accepted that there were no "un-related goodies" in that 8.3 billion dollars -- and it was an emergency spending bill too -- surely Pelosi stuffed lots of pork in it....

* 3 billion for vaccine research
* 2.2 billion to preparedness and prevention efforts
* 1 billion to purchase medical supplies

And...2.1 billion was personally sent to George Soros by Pelosi as payment for creating the Coronavirus and this summer's migrant caravan

Trump signs $8.3 billion emergency coronavirus aid package
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems

Pelosi is playing a deadly game of political "chicken" with the lives of Americans here. Of course the Democrats are going to pack it full of funding for irrelevant projects. that's called a "poison pill."

They're hoping that Trump refuses to sign it, so then they can use that as a political leverage against him when people start dying by the thousands.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how those Democrats roll. They're not really the party of the "people."

There is not a bit of evidence to support the claim. Trump and his acolytes are lying as usual to cover their asses. The Republican plan is even more tax cuts for big corporations/.

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