Pelosi Stuffs Coronavirus Bill Full Of Unrelated Goodies For Democrats

This is the crap that Pelosi attempted to put in the has just been released.

EXCLUSIVE: White House Officials Allege Speaker Pelosi Pushed To Include Hyde Amendment Loophole Into Coronavirus Stimulus Plan

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to include a potential way to guarantee federal funding for abortion into the coronavirus economic stimulus plan, according to multiple senior White House officials.

Speaking to the Daily Caller, those officials alleged that while negotiating the stimulus with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi tried to lobby for “several” provisions that stalled bipartisan commitment to the effort. One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.

The Hyde Amendment blocks clinics that perform abortions from receiving federal funding, and Democrats have pushed the Trump administration to end it since he was elected in 2016. (RELATED: Here’s What The $8.3 Billion Bill For Coronavirus Actually Does)

“A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented,” one White House official explained. “Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms.”

A second White House official referred to the provision as a “slush fund” and yet another questioned “what the Hyde Amendment and abortion have to do with protecting Americans from coronavirus?”"​

Prove that , because I do not believe that.
The article doesn’t even get the Hyde amendment right. The article claims it blocks clinics that perform abortions from receiving federal money. That’s false. It blocks federal money from funding actual abortions.

The provision was over lab testing, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with abortions.
You're a liar of course.
The problem with folks like you is you never read between the lines.
Nor can you see the obvious when you don't want to.

You assume that everyone follows the rules. That's never the case with Democrats.
And you cannot assume that clinics that perform abortions aren't the focus of the malfeasance by Pelosi. Not enough information has been released to be able to say that truthfully. So spare me the Bovine Scatology.

You are the liar. There is not a bit of evidence to support your claim. WHAT IS THE UNRELATED PROVISION? ANSWER THE QU$ESTION OR SHUT UP.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.

We know Trump is a congenital liar as are his supporters.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.

We know Trump is a congenital liar as are his supporters.

Amazing that you can "know" that when you totally missed how Hillary and Barry lied to you 10X more, about SERIOUS stuff! :auiqs.jpg:

  1. She's not serious because she knows this is a fake emergency
  2. She's trying to trick Trump into signing rubbish bills he normally wouldn't sign
  3. She's planning on blaming Trump for doing nothing when he refuses to sign her rubbish bill
  4. All of the above.
This is standard procedure for Federali Hall Establishment political whores.

They always use legislation that is "too needed to be vetoed" to load up with pork and expe3ct have it signed anyway.

I dont think Trump will fall for this bullshit, but I guess we will see.
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.
Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems
Pelosi is playing a deadly game of political "chicken" with the lives of Americans here. Of course the Democrats are going to pack it full of funding for irrelevant projects. that's called a "poison pill."
They're hoping that Trump refuses to sign it, so then they can use that as a political leverage against him when people start dying by the thousands.
The Senate can clean the bill up and then get it all rejected in reconciliation conference.

McTurtle can shield the President from this bullshit if he wants to.
I say the article is BS. Most of the articles that come from Breibart are BS.
Obviously you dont read Breitbart.

Most of their articles are simply references with summations of OTHER ARTICLES from around the internet news.

They have some opinion articles, but they are clearly designated as such unlike CNN.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
No one has any idea what Trump or anyone else is referring to. No one has said anything about what is so objectionable about the bill.

Trump said it is, so his supporters believe it without thinking. That’s the point.

No one has any idea? You mean no one but Trump has seen it in the entire world? How do you know that? What is objectionable in the bill? Obviously, something, and the CEO of the country said its a bill stopper. I'm sure we'll find out more details. You seem to think Trump is making it up. You know something we don't? You question every bill Obama refused to sign?

Frankly I DON'T CARE. I have no interest in the virus and no need for anything in the bill. It is a non-factor in my life. If the virus spreads out of control, it'll hit California, New York City and Seattle hardest and that is fine with me. Tell Gavin Newsom and Andy Cuomo you want help.

It’s been asked many times in this thread but no one seems to know what he’s been talking about. Y’all just repeating it like good little cult members.
What am I repeating, that you're an ass? A dozen people a year die just from falling into the Grand Canyon. 3,000 a year die from texting. And you are splitting a lung because 38 died from a flu bug?
Trumpanzee logid: "A dozen people a year die just from falling into the Grand Canyon. 3,000 a year die from texting"....ergo, nothing to see here. Ignore the corona virus and it will go away.
I say the article is BS. Most of the articles that come from Breibart are BS.
Obviously you dont read Breitbart.

Most of their articles are simply references with summations of OTHER ARTICLES from around the internet news.

They have some opinion articles, but they are clearly designated as such unlike CNN.

It the headlines they use and the wording. Where is the link to this article. All it says some of the admin said this, no reference to any article. When they do give a referral, it doesn't say what they said. That is why I don't read Breibart except if someone links to it.

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