Pelosi Stuffs Coronavirus Bill Full Of Unrelated Goodies For Democrats

Just give us our money back. Now if we have the virus can we go to stores and restaurants and spread the disease as retribution? From the walls of the prison on the lake we ride the miles and miles to the world of tomorrow. And at deaths door we stab at thee. There are people like that.I try to tell you.
I'm sure that there are some orange cultists who would think that way.....revenge.

  1. She's not serious because she knows this is a fake emergency
  2. She's trying to trick Trump into signing rubbish bills he normally wouldn't sign
  3. She's planning on blaming Trump for doing nothing when he refuses to sign her rubbish bill
  4. All of the above.
What were the unrelated goodies?

You tell us, you're a lot closer to Nancy. The better question is why would anyone bog down an emergency spending bill in a crisis with all kinds of unrelated crap? If it has nothing to do with Covid, it doesn't belong in there.
So you've got nothing. What a surprise. An entire thread based on a lie. Another trumpanzee thread...Another day that ends in "Y"
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems

Pelosi is playing a deadly game of political "chicken" with the lives of Americans here. Of course the Democrats are going to pack it full of funding for irrelevant projects. that's called a "poison pill."

They're hoping that Trump refuses to sign it, so then they can use that as a political leverage against him when people start dying by the thousands.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how those Democrats roll. They're not really the party of the "people."
What are those unrelated goodies that Speaker Pelosi is playing a "deadly game of political chicken" over?
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems
what exactly did the president and you apparently, object to that is in the bill?

Or are you just regurgitating Trump's vague, fruitless, comment.... like a good little Trumpster?? :D

The bill is an ideological wish list. It expands unemployment insurance by providing states with at least $1 billion, provides $500 million for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children to provide food assistance for low-income mothers who lose their jobs due to the coronavirus, as well as $400 million to help local food banks meet increased demand.

It also allows for emergency food stamps assistance for households with children who normally receive free or reduced-price meals at school, while suspending work and work training requirements for those food stamps. It requires all employers to let workers accrue at least seven days of paid sick leave as well as 14 additional days available immediately in a public health emergency.

It creates a federal emergency paid leave benefits program for people who must take extended time off work to be quarantined, receive medical treatment for coronavirus or care for a child affected by school or care facility closures due to the coronavirus.

Eligible individuals would receive two-thirds of their average monthly earnings up to $4,000 for up to three months. People must have worked in the 30 days before they were affected by the coronavirus in order to qualify.

The legislation also requires the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to require health care sector employers to develop a coronavirus exposure control plan to protect workers.

How are any of those things you listed "unrelated" to the corona virus crisis?
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems

Pelosi is playing a deadly game of political "chicken" with the lives of Americans here. Of course the Democrats are going to pack it full of funding for irrelevant projects. that's called a "poison pill."

They're hoping that Trump refuses to sign it, so then they can use that as a political leverage against him when people start dying by the thousands.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how those Democrats roll. They're not really the party of the "people."
What are those unrelated goodies that Speaker Pelosi is playing a "deadly game of political chicken" over?

Right here...
This is the crap that Pelosi attempted to put in the has just been released.

EXCLUSIVE: White House Officials Allege Speaker Pelosi Pushed To Include Hyde Amendment Loophole Into Coronavirus Stimulus Plan

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to include a potential way to guarantee federal funding for abortion into the coronavirus economic stimulus plan, according to multiple senior White House officials.

Speaking to the Daily Caller, those officials alleged that while negotiating the stimulus with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi tried to lobby for “several” provisions that stalled bipartisan commitment to the effort. One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.

The Hyde Amendment blocks clinics that perform abortions from receiving federal funding, and Democrats have pushed the Trump administration to end it since he was elected in 2016. (RELATED: Here’s What The $8.3 Billion Bill For Coronavirus Actually Does)

“A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented,” one White House official explained. “Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms.”

A second White House official referred to the provision as a “slush fund” and yet another questioned “what the Hyde Amendment and abortion have to do with protecting Americans from coronavirus?”"​

Prove that , because I do not believe that.
The article doesn’t even get the Hyde amendment right. The article claims it blocks clinics that perform abortions from receiving federal money. That’s false. It blocks federal money from funding actual abortions.

The provision was over lab testing, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with abortions.
You're a liar of course.
The problem with folks like you is you never read between the lines.
Nor can you see the obvious when you don't want to.

You assume that everyone follows the rules. That's never the case with Democrats.
And you cannot assume that clinics that perform abortions aren't the focus of the malfeasance by Pelosi. Not enough information has been released to be able to say that truthfully. So spare me the Bovine Scatology.
What are these "unrelated goodies" in the coronavirus bill?
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems
what exactly did the president and you apparently, object to that is in the bill?

Or are you just regurgitating Trump's vague, fruitless, comment.... like a good little Trumpster?? :D
Why don't you go back in the thread and try reading older posts instead of acting like a twat as usual.
punting, I see.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
So...what is the "massive pork" that has nothing to do with the corona virus? List those "massive pork" items for us...............................if they really exist outside the cult mind.
Pelosi also sat on the 8.5 billion until her henchmen and women could go on the weekend shows and bash you think Pelosi cares about you?....hahaha
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
So...what is the "massive pork" that has nothing to do with the corona virus? List those "massive pork" items for us...............................if they really exist outside the cult mind.
If there is you will find out. We know the over 8 billion dollars for the corona virus passed has something in it? Or maybe not. Just bury people in old station wagons or old mini vans while hanging a box of dry baby food in a supermarket plastic bag on the driver side mirror. All of this crying. A lot of people have payback on their mind. And we must humble up a bit.
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems
what exactly did the president and you apparently, object to that is in the bill?

Or are you just regurgitating Trump's vague, fruitless, comment.... like a good little Trumpster?? :D
Why don't you go back in the thread and try reading older posts instead of acting like a twat as usual.
punting, I see.
Nope...I don't like resubmitting the same posts again....that would be spamming....and considering the panic that even Faux Noise is shoveling to us...I've reached my BS tolerance for one day.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
So...what is the "massive pork" that has nothing to do with the corona virus? List those "massive pork" items for us...............................if they really exist outside the cult mind.

I asked you. You are the one who keeps asking for them implying it is all a lie. If you have no proof to back up your claim, you ought to shut up and get some facts. The only fact I have right now is Trump said the bill is full of unrelated pork. AFAIK, he's seen and read the bill and you HAVEN'T.
An entire thread based on a lie.

What lie? What is the lie? Trump said that there is massive pork in the bill as sent him and he won't sign it. Don't tell us that's a lie unless you know better! What's in the bill that we don't know about? What does it matter if its stuff Trump's unwilling to sign? If the House want to pass that bill, she better hurry up and fix it.
So...what is the "massive pork" that has nothing to do with the corona virus? List those "massive pork" items for us...............................if they really exist outside the cult mind.
If there is you will find out. We know the over 8 billion dollars for the corona virus passed has something in it? Or maybe not. Just bury people in old station wagons or old mini vans while hanging a box of dry baby food in a supermarket plastic bag on the driver side mirror. All of this crying. A lot of people have payback on their mind. And we must humble up a bit.
Wait...."if there is you will find out"? You mean no one knows? You might want to talk to the OP about that. He made a claim based on a Breitbart article.
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems
what exactly did the president and you apparently, object to that is in the bill?

Or are you just regurgitating Trump's vague, fruitless, comment.... like a good little Trumpster?? :D
Why don't you go back in the thread and try reading older posts instead of acting like a twat as usual.
punting, I see.
Nope...I don't like resubmitting the same posts again....that would be spamming....and considering the panic that even Faux Noise is shoveling to us...I've reached my BS tolerance for one day.
I read all your have listed NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING that shows what this list of "unrelated goodies" is. But you are a trumpanzee.....lies without any evidence is to be expected from you. It's like an Article of Faith in the Orange Cult.
Latest Democrat proposals. Read article in link.

Here’s what’s in Democrats’ proposal.

  • Emergency paid sick days: The bill would require all employers to accrue seven days of paid sick leave, and provide an additional 14 days to be available immediately during the coronavirus (many employers are asking employees to work from home for that amount of time). It ensures sick leave to those impacted by quarantine orders, or those who must stay home to care for their children. The bill reimburses small businesses (those with 50 or fewer employees) for the cost of the 14 additional days of leave.
  • Emergency paid leave: The bill would create a new federal emergency paid leave program for those unable to work because they either have Covid-19, are quarantined, are caring for someone with the disease, or are caring for a child due to coronavirus-related school closings. Eligible workers would receive benefits for a month (the program goes up to three months), and the benefit amount would be two-thirds of the individual’s average monthly earnings. Those receiving pay or unemployment compensation directly through their employers aren’t eligible. There is some precedent for this: Congress expanded unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks for Americans left unemployed by the 2008 financial crisis.
  • Expanding food security: The bill would direct $1 billion to expanding access to programs like WIC and the emergency food assistance program throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Progressive economists have long believed that expanding existing safety net programs is a highly effective way of stimulating the economy because the low-income people who benefit from them are highly likely to immediately spend any extra money they get — helping stabilize economy-wide demand. The 2009 stimulus bill featured many provisions along these lines. Conservatives, who are critical of those programs in general, tend to be highly skeptical of putting more money into them.
  • Free coronavirus testing: Democratic leaders propose making coronavirus testing free to increase access by requiring private health insurers (plus government programs like Medicare and Medicaid) to cover the cost of testing, including emergency room visits and doctor fees in the process. Free testing is being offered in a number of states, but there’s no federal regulation mandating it so far.
  • Increasing the capacity of the US medical system and ensuring affordable treatment: The bill also calls on insurance providers to reimburse coronavirus patients for any non-covered costs related to Covid-19. Again, they’re hoping this gets more people treated and makes it so people don’t put off going to the doctor because they are worried about costs.

Democrats have a new coronavirus relief package. Here’s what’s in it.
But as usual the Devil is in the details.
That's where the current administration decided to balk at this lame proposal.

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