Pelosi tape released

I’m sure you think you said something. But you didn’t.

I'm sure you think that. But you'd be wrong.

As usual.

Next time I'll make sure to have my English to Stupid dictionary in tow.

Don't say I don't ever accomodate you.

Or discriminate against the mentally challenged...

DePape was working as a pimp and was supposed to be supplying Pelosi with an underage prostitute.

Observations on the Paul Pelosi/David DePape Videos – What Looks Weird and What’s Missing?​

Sure you do. Living an incel life in your moms basement leads me to call BS on that.
Listen carefully sewer rat you will need to do better than name calling to defend an old pervert and a male prostitute that got caught in a lovers spat. Remember it is your side that lives on lies and that has been proven by the Twitter files.
Everyone can easily see you have no argument or facts so you take the low road of personal insults. Is Nancy your aunt?
Bullshit. I linked 4 videos. The break in, the 911 call, the police captured assault, and the police interview of the criminal. All you did was post homophobic nonsense which led me to call you stupid, which you clearly are.

Break in:

911 call


Interview with criminal assailant

I'm sure you think that. But you'd be wrong.

As usual.

Next time I'll make sure to have my English to Stupid dictionary in tow.

Don't say I don't ever accomodate you.

Or discriminate against the mentally challenged...
You idiots talk cryptically like there is more to your statement but there isn’t. You’re just an angry poor uneducated sad man. That is the bulk of you on here who are celebrating 80 year old Paul’s beating and assault by a self admitted member of the Trump fan club as evident in minutes 5:30 a 6:00 of his interview with the cops linked above.

You have no idea how to click on the link and move forward to that time stamp so let’s just admit you’re hopeless.
When you hear the term/acronym "TDS" do you pretend it isn't true? What does "Trump" have to do with this? [I beg you, please do not go off on some endless mindless rant about the "orange man"]

Without him their lives would have no meaning or purpose.

I'd pity them if they didn't insist on dragging everyone else down with them.

Deranged lemmings.

With the corporate media as their Pied Piper.
When you hear the term/acronym "TDS" do you pretend it isn't true? What does "Trump" have to do with this? [I beg you, please do not go off on some endless mindless rant about the "orange man"]
I will type S L O W for you.

- You brought up Hilary.
- You said Paul deserves this as retribution for how liberals acted when Hilary lost
- I said no one took a hammer to Hilary’s opponents (Trump) spouse’s head in reaction to Hilary losing
- Your dumb ass wondered how we got here cuz you didn’t pass HS and can’t follow a 4 line argument.
- You therefore saw the word “Trump” and in an instant moronic reflex typed TDS not realizing you brought that shit up. Moron.
Bullshit. I linked 4 videos. The break in, the 911 call, the police captured assault, and the police interview of the criminal. All you did was post homophobic nonsense which led me to call you stupid, which you clearly are.

Break in:

911 call


Interview with criminal assailant

Homophobic? What makes you think that I'm afraid of queers?
Without him their lives would have no meaning or purpose.

I'd pity them if they didn't insist on dragging everyone else down with them.

Deranged lemmings.

With the corporate media as their Pied Piper.
Trump got booted out after two years and has been Pelos’s cuck since then. If you knuckle-draggers weren’t still blowing him he’d be gone. As it is now the epic loser of the 2018 midterm the landslide loser of the 2020 election and the loser of the 2022 crashed no-red wave midterm is your favorite for the Republican candidacy. Bwahahahahah
I will type S L O W for you.-
I would bet good money you are doing just that
- You brought up Hilary.
never in doubt, I notice you didn't claim I was the one who brought up trump
- You said Paul deserves this as retribution for how liberals acted when Hilary lost
please post that accusation alongside my quote
- I said no one took a hammer to Hilary’s opponents (Trump) spouse’s head in reaction to Hilary losing
and I asked you if you "pretended not to have TDS" when trump isn't/wasn't even a part of the conversation
- Your dumb ass wondered how we got here cuz you didn’t pass HS and can’t follow a 4 line argument.
this is what happens when ya have "TDS" and can't invoke trumps name into every conversation, you get crazier than a spithouse rat, can ya show me where I said I "wondered" that?...and try to calm down a bit, it's obvious you are upset...take a moment to regain your composure.
- You therefore saw the word “Trump” and in an instant moronic reflex typed TDS not realizing you brought that shit up. Moron.
...try and re-post ^this^ in the part of your response where you are going to deny being upset:abgg2q.jpg:
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DePape was working as a pimp and was supposed to be supplying Pelosi with an underage prostitute.

Observations on the Paul Pelosi/David DePape Videos – What Looks Weird and What’s Missing?​

Watch the cop video dumdum. Pelosi is there with a drink in one hand, holding the hammer that the other guy is holding in the other, and it's like as soon as the cops break in and are watching, the guy takes a swing at Pelosi with the hammer. The most bizarre thing.
the cops broke in?
I wanted to take the profiles of a few haters here and do a thread about a Hall of Shame, in celebrating a vicious attack on an 82 year old man, and in disrespecting and dishonoring every rule of civil discourse and behavior...but, this site has become so disgusting, it's incredible. But I guess after Trump, the world of wingnuts and haters has become to think of acting terribly as a badge of honor.

This nation has become seriously ill. The proof is in this thread. Many here deserve no respect or civility in return. It's horrible -- such a large group of people becoming so brainwashed as to believe acting like they've done here is somehow acceptable, or warranted

Biden holy glare.jpg

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