Pelosi tape released

It has everything to do with Democrats' sick and twisted priorities.

Endless whining about a domestic quarrel turned violent as so many of the do, and won't even discuss P.P.'s getting drunk and running over kids.
Burglars aren't part of your household. Making your 'domestic quarrel' fantasy more meaningless gibberish.
Nope. Voted in by conservatives and promptly given committee assignments.

Priests molesting children, cross dressing senators.

Be proud of your party and own it.
Real Republicans can’t win in filthy, weird, diverse, multicultural shitholes…sadly the GOP has to enter the circus freak game in order to win the game of politics.
I’m pretty sure we both know Catholics / brown people ALL vote for free shit and for the Hate Real America party of filth.
Yes, because you're promoting hate and lies which is how and why Paul Pelosi was attacked in the first place.
No, it isn't. That is crazy.

Anyone looking at that bodycam footage with any brains sees a lover's spat gone wrong. I wouldn't care about it at all, if not for this phonied up attempt to blame me.
You're giving permission for this kind of behaviour, which is far more dangerous than a drunk driver.
No, it is not.


I am always skeptical of what I'm being told, but Republicans went straight to mocking the Pelosi's and making jokes while Paul Pelosi was in intensive care.
Not until after they invented the story about it being a raging Trumper instead of a butt buddy.
Nobody was making jokes about the Republican baseball team being attacked, or accusing Republicans of having "staged the assault". Democratic leaders soundly condemned the attack, notably Bernie Sanders,
Nor did the Republicans immediately blame the Democrats' exercising of free speech for the attack.
In this case, who has the best reason to lie about what happened???? Republicans that's who. They're trying to divest themselves of the "party of terrorism" label they picked up while Trump was in office. Around the world, we all consider the Republican Party a fascist anti-democratic party willing to violently overthrow the government.
They Republicans would have been happy to have been left out of it. A gay nudist Canadian illegal immigrant attacking his older lover with a hammer and being handled by the Capitol Police and the San Fran PD? That is pure Democratic Party business, nothing for the GOP to be concerned with until Nancy desperately tried to deflect.
The last thing Republicans want is another terrorist attack on a Democratic leader. They have the most to lose if the attacker is a MAGA Trump supporter, as every week, more and more of the Capitol Insurrectionist are sent to jail for their attempt to overthrow the government. Republicans are the ones desperately promoting the idea that this was NOT a terrorist attack.
That a yuuuge "if." There is no evidence for that, other than "trust us" from the Nancy's Capitol Police and Nancy's SFPD>
Last but not least, why do you believe Republicans, who have lied to the American people deliberately and endless for the past 40 years. Republicans will SAY anything, with no regard to the facts, and the Trump Administration was and continues to be the most dishonest Republican Party in the history of the nation?????
Republicans lie, but I don't believe that Republicans lie more than Democrats. It's a stretch to say that they even lie as much as Democrats.
Real Republicans can’t win in filthy, weird, diverse, multicultural shitholes…sadly the GOP has to enter the circus freak game in order to win the game of politics.
I’m pretty sure we both know Catholics / brown people ALL vote for free shit and for the Hate Real America party of filth.

Is this where you start to rant about brown people again, Stormfront?
Burglars aren't part of your household. Making your 'domestic quarrel' fantasy more meaningless gibberish.
Suppose it was a burglary though there is no valid evidence for that.

How is one burglary with one person hit with a hammer worse than getting drunk and running over children?
And by 'left wing story', you mean that the attacker broke in and attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer, looking to kidnap and assault Nancy Pelosi?

The attacker confessed to it. You can listen to the recording of his confession yourself. There is video of it. Both the break in and the attack.

I don't think 'left wing' means what you think it means.
No, by left wing story I mean, whatever the left wing media said, you would believe it, no questions asked, even though there are a couple of questions that need answering , things that just don’t make sense, things that are odd.
No, it isn't. That is crazy.

Anyone looking at that bodycam footage with any brains sees a lover's spat gone wrong. I wouldn't care about it at all, if not for this phonied up attempt to blame me.

No, it is not.

View attachment 752351

Not until after they invented the story about it being a raging Trumper instead of a butt buddy.

Nor did the Republicans immediately blame the Democrats' exercising of free speech for the attack.

They Republicans would have been happy to have been left out of it. A gay nudist Canadian illegal immigrant attacking his older lover with a hammer and being handled by the Capitol Police and the San Fran PD? That is pure Democratic Party business, nothing for the GOP to be concerned with until Nancy desperately tried to deflect.

That a yuuuge "if." There is no evidence for that, other than "trust us" from the Nancy's Capitol Police and Nancy's SFPD>

Republicans lie, but I don't believe that Republicans lie more than Democrats. It's a stretch to say that they even lie as much as Democrats.

Oh, my poor, deluded little winger. You've let your politics drive you quite mad.

Back in reality, DePape already confessed to everything. There's video of him breaking in. And there's video of him attacking an 84 year old.

You ignore it all to cling to an imaginary fantasy backed by jackshit. As your ilk did with Ray Epps. The Birther conspiracy. The Big Lie.
No, by left wing story I mean, whatever the left wing media said, you would believe it, no questions asked, even though there are a couple of questions that need answering , things that just don’t make sense, things that are odd.

And what the 'left wing media' said was that Paul Pelosi's home was broken into, Paul was attacked and the attacker was looking to kidnap and attack Nancy?

All backed by the police reports, the videos of the break in, the video of the attack and the attacker confessing to everything.

That's not 'left wing'. That's just called evidence.
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That's just foolish and worse, twisting my words. Grow up!

Making any claim that an 82 year old man is having a gay affair is just as foolish and childish.

I've heard that he is a pretty decent guy. That doesn't mean he hasn't taken advantage of his position as the husband of the House Speaker for so many years and used it to greatly enrich himself and Nancy. He most certainly has.

That doesn't make him prey for clowns with anything better to do.
"Pretty decent guys" don't liquor up and drive in a community with children until they finally plow into an innocent person's SUV. I'm shocked that you are more concerned about the gay affair than the drunk driving. Are you actually that homophobic that a gay affair is a worse accusation than murder?
Nope, he has the maturity of a 12 year old, definately a lefty, he just needs the nosering and pink hair.


Yeah, cause it's folks on the left who want to kidnap and torture Nancy Pelosi, Spew conspiracies, spew about Q, and call on "patriots" (dog whistle meaning 'conservative') to attack government officials like he did. Sounds like he was holding his own personal January 6th. And the biggest tell he's on the right -- he's mentally deranged.
It has everything to do with Democrats' sick and twisted priorities.

Endless whining about a domestic quarrel turned violent as so many of the do, and won't even discuss P.P.'s getting drunk and running over kids.
It has everything to do with Democrats' sick and twisted priorities. WTF does that have to do with this case? You are out of touch with critical thinking totally. That's so embarrassing. Your problem is, you don't understand your limitations. You circle jerk around the same old homophobia, and invented lies. Does Polly want a cracker?
The circumstances were strange because a nutcase broke into Pelosi's house with the intent of taking her hostage and torturing her.

And I'm not getting that from "left wing talking heads." The fucking perp himself proudly announced his intentions as though that made him a patriot. And I believe him because his actions matched his words.

But that is what it is. Trying to raise doubt about what actually happened by questioning irrelevant events is absurd.

And no, I don't believe the claims about Trump and prostitutes peeing on a bed. As far as raping anyone, that remains to be seen.
No, the circumstances were strange because of all the things I listed. Alarm just happened to be disarmed that night? Why? Depape must have known it was disarmed, otherwise breaking into the home would have tripped it. Depape allowed Pelosi to call the police, and was even there while Pelosi was on the phone with them, depape even spoke to the 911 dispatcher. Pelosi doesn’t do anything to help secure the hammer from depape, having his left hand occupied with a beverage rather than trying to assist in controlling the hammer, which would have allowed him to tell the police he needed help when they opened the door, before depape would have pried it out of pelosis hands. The police, knowing this was the pelosis residence, they get a call from Paul who says there is someone in his home, a strange call, show up, see there is a hammer involved, don’t immediately move to separate the two.

Just some weird things, that don’t make sense.
Remember they also claim Paul was asleep. If so, why is his phone in the bathroom and not on his nightstand? In his bedroom. Just more stuff that doesn’t add up. That of course the usual suspects here don’t dare question...
The part about "charging the phone in the bathroom," never made sense. Nor that DePape, a deranged burglar, hostage taker and would be kidnapper just lets P.P. walk into the bathroom and call 911 with DePape helping him report Depape being in the home.

It's the kind of story only the willingly credulous could swallow.
They've invested in this stupid fucking conspiracy theory, based on nothing.

They didn't use a spot of evidence to make up their fantasy. Evidence isn't going to convince them to set their fantasy aside.

Ask Ray Epps.
What conspiracy am I invested in? I’ve not made any statements as to the motive, the reason, I’ve not said anything about sex or what the two of them might have been doing, I’m just simply asking questions….for the….8th time now. You all are the ones flying off the handle, being defensive. I’ve just asked a few questions, that any reasonable person would ask after watching the video and hearing the calls. You all just want to ignore that stuff and go with whatever they tell you. Odd how you all don’t seem that easily swayed when its trump, or Cruz, or jordan or …. who is involved.

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