Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

Wow, creepy Neil Cavuto in that interview sounded like he had a late night with Don Lemon. :p The divisiveness is 100% a function of TDS wackjobs who really have no business in politics, which of course means all democrats.
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.
That was pretty shocking. I have mixed feelings about it. One on the hand it’s a sign of how divided we have become as a nation. It definitely doesn’t set a good example and likely to just make things worse in that regard. Americans also already mistrust congress. On the other hand, it probably pissed Trump off so that part is great lol

You think that pissed off Trump? Thats just something to laugh over after they have spent the past three years trying to destroy his presidency, insulted his wife and family for the past three years. No trump is not the kind of person that type of thing would get under the skin of, it was just a sign that Pelosi is getting desperate and ready to hit the bottle to wash down her medication.
Are you fucking kidding me? Lol. Trump is the whiniest, insecure little bitch to ever be elected to any public office. Of course it would get under his skin. What doesn’t get under his skin is the question lol
Whatever you pos say doesn't
Lol um okay.
Nancy-Pants got her Depends soiled. Time for her to go.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!


Loved the chanting "four more years, four more years", that had to kill that dismal pos.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

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The democrats, prompted by their utter scumbag voting base, are absolute enemies. If we cannot see it, then we we are blind.
You're right, precious owl. And the good book says we should pray for our enemies. I'm having a rather tough time of it considering their recent history of projecting Hillary Clinton's pandering to Putin upon the President's shoulders. I guess my best shot is praying that the President's enemies will not live to assassinate his character any more. What I saw Nancy Pelosi doing at the close of the speech is incite fringes to go after President Trump in the manner of the James Hodgkinson who shot a Republican House leader, Rep. Steve Scalise, U.S. Capitol Police officer Crystal Griner, congressional aide Zack Barth, and lobbyist Matt Mika. A ten-minute shootout took place between Hodgkinson and officers from the Capitol and Alexandria Police before officers fatally shot Hodgkinson, who died from his wounds later that day at the George Washington University Hospital. Steve Scalise underwent extensive surgery for his wounds. :(

It's on Nancy Pelosi now for her unconscionable destructive behavior. She just set back the advancement of women to the stone age. Men have never done petty shit like that, and I never care to see it again in public by a person who holds such a high office. She's imperiled the President.
I believe the Gospels also say that we should not toss our pearls before swine lest they rip us to pieces.

It also says we are to not associate ourselves with certain people. That we are to avoid them.

Now, I will be the first to admit about myself that I am no saint. Been pretty much a disgrace for the better part of my life. I only say that to make it clear that I do not want to be a hypocrite.

I do believe the left should be ignored. Engaging with them is utterly fruitless.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

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He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.
What did Newt have to say about the president not shaking the speakers hand? I guess we'll just ignore that.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

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He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.

And going forward whichever party controls the House can impeach the opposing party's President without sufficient cause or evidence. Great precedent. There will be many, many more than 3 going forward. Just imagine how many times Obama could have been impeached by the House given the precedent now set.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

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He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.

And going forward whichever party controls the House can impeach the opposing party's President without sufficient cause or evidence. Great precedent. There will be many, many more than 3 going forward. Just imagine how many times Obama could have been impeached by the House given the precedent now set.

For what?? What would Obama be impeached for?? Unlike Clinton he did not have a consensual affair.
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Democrats may very well be fucked. Trump has dragged them down to his level, and nobody can beat him at acting like a childish bully.
You have it backwards

Trump has not used lies to have pelosi and the democrats impeached and thrown out of office

But liberal never trumpsters have

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