Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

The dems are unable to accept the 2016 election results.

Just like the Repubs never accepted Clinton in 92 or Obama in 08....and on it goes...

there is a difference. The GOP worked with Clinton and tried to work with Obama. The dems have refused to work with Trump from day one. Hillary was supposed to win, the media told them so. She was going to take power and cover up all of the deep state corruption, the DNC corruption, and suicide anyone who did not comply.

going back, Newt and Clinton did work together and got a lot done.

Sure the republicans tried to work with obama:

During the Obama administration, McConnell worked to withhold Republican support for major presidential initiatives, made frequent use of the filibuster, and blocked many of Obama's judicial nominees.

Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia

Wikipedia - when actually thinking is too much trouble.

Here, how about this instead?

Obama's Unsung Bipartisan Legacy | RealClearPolitics

Even considering that they want to give all the credit to Obama, you guys still need to get on the same page.

The irony. An op-ed piece supercedes Wikipedia. Sure.... From your own link
"On the right, Obama’s ruthless partisanship is at fault -- jamming Obamacare through Congress without any Republican votes, then relying on what opponents deem unconstitutional executive orders when he could no longer cajole Congress. On the left, you hear the opposite critique: Obama was too naïve in his futile pursuit of bipartisanship, allowing Republican obstructionism to reign supreme, which prevented him from unifying the country around his agenda."

Debbie's point was on the money.

Dissing Wikipedia - when Neocon whackadoodles think they are smarter than everyone else...

You really need to read your links before posting drivel.

Barrypuppet was a marxist sack of shit that was a CIA plant. His momma was a amateur porn actress with Frank Marshall Davis (unabashed commie POS) as the director. His SS# actually belonged to some old geezer that died in Connecticut. Somehow, the Sandy Hook Hoax and their change in record releasing helped to protect his cover. Barrypuppetcare was a joke from the "git-go". 2,700 pages of pork-filled legislation aka "bribery" to get enough leftards to vote for it with no repub support.

Guess what, Grumpy? I never complied with the mandates of Barrypuppetcare. Wanna steal from me? Be a man and do it in person instead of trying to hide behind the collection arm of the IMF also known as the IRS that is incorporated in a USA.INC territory which is Puerto Rico.

You really are an ignorant little douche-bag......
Just like the Repubs never accepted Clinton in 92 or Obama in 08....and on it goes...

there is a difference. The GOP worked with Clinton and tried to work with Obama. The dems have refused to work with Trump from day one. Hillary was supposed to win, the media told them so. She was going to take power and cover up all of the deep state corruption, the DNC corruption, and suicide anyone who did not comply.

going back, Newt and Clinton did work together and got a lot done.

Sure the republicans tried to work with obama:

During the Obama administration, McConnell worked to withhold Republican support for major presidential initiatives, made frequent use of the filibuster, and blocked many of Obama's judicial nominees.

Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia

Wikipedia - when actually thinking is too much trouble.

Here, how about this instead?

Obama's Unsung Bipartisan Legacy | RealClearPolitics

Even considering that they want to give all the credit to Obama, you guys still need to get on the same page.

The irony. An op-ed piece supercedes Wikipedia. Sure.... From your own link
"On the right, Obama’s ruthless partisanship is at fault -- jamming Obamacare through Congress without any Republican votes, then relying on what opponents deem unconstitutional executive orders when he could no longer cajole Congress. On the left, you hear the opposite critique: Obama was too naïve in his futile pursuit of bipartisanship, allowing Republican obstructionism to reign supreme, which prevented him from unifying the country around his agenda."

Debbie's point was on the money.

Dissing Wikipedia - when Neocon whackadoodles think they are smarter than everyone else...

You really need to read your links before posting drivel.

Barrypuppet was a marxist sack of shit that was a CIA plant. His momma was a amateur porn actress with Frank Marshall Davis (unabashed commie POS) as the director. His SS# actually belonged to some old geezer that died in Connecticut. Somehow, the Sandy Hook Hoax and their change in record releasing helped to protect his cover. Barrypuppetcare was a joke from the "git-go". 2,700 pages of pork-filled legislation aka "bribery" to get enough leftards to vote for it with no repub support.

Guess what, Grumpy? I never complied with the mandates of Barrypuppetcare. Wanna steal from me? Be a man and do it in person instead of trying to hide behind the collection arm of the IMF also known as the IRS that is incorporated in a USA.INC territory which is Puerto Rico.

You really are an ignorant little douche-bag......

Suddenly and without warning the thread turned into a conspiracy theory diatribe...
there is a difference. The GOP worked with Clinton and tried to work with Obama. The dems have refused to work with Trump from day one. Hillary was supposed to win, the media told them so. She was going to take power and cover up all of the deep state corruption, the DNC corruption, and suicide anyone who did not comply.

going back, Newt and Clinton did work together and got a lot done.

The Repubs tried to work with Obama????
RATFLMAO!!!! RATFLMAO!!! I actually laughed out loud at this one.
I know you've been on this site for seven years. But I've been here since 2006, during the 2008 election and its aftermath. This site has a pretty good archive. Go and read posts and their links from about Nov 2008 to about April 2009 and after. Then tell me, with a straight face that was the case.

Also, Clinton tried to work with them too.

You know, you guys crack on about Warren and Sanders having image problems. You look at them as anomalies and they are crazy and if they were to be in the WH they would be disastrous. I don't think there is one neocon/conservative on this board that could imagine a GOPer working with either of them. Why would you expect the left to want to work with a grub like Trump? He is a pig of a man, he has no class, he's dumb as a sack of spuds, spits out tweets like a two-year old having a tantrum and he gives no dignity to the office of the PoTUS.

I'm not even going to go into conspiracy theories. They are not worthy of a response.

you are a very confused and angry person, I won't waste my time trying to educate you, your left wing indoctrination is complete. you are exactly what the socialist, globalist, america hating, democrats want their followers to be.
you are a very confused and angry person, I won't waste my time trying to educate you, your left wing indoctrination is complete. you are exactly what the socialist, globalist, america hating, democrats want their followers to be.

I was not angry with you. I was laughing at you. However, having read the past two posts to me I realise I'm dealing with someone who has mental issues, so now I'm feeling bad...
you are a very confused and angry person, I won't waste my time trying to educate you, your left wing indoctrination is complete. you are exactly what the socialist, globalist, america hating, democrats want their followers to be.

I was not angry with you. I was laughing at you. However, having read the past two posts to me I realise I'm dealing with someone who has mental issues, so now I'm feeling bad...

funny how all lefties accuse others of doing exactly what they do. Sorry, dude, but the mental issues here are yours. You are not sharp enough mentally to realize that you are being lied to, brainwashed, and used as a useful idiot by your democrat masters. You are nothing to them but a vote they can count on because you are unable to think for yourself and are led like a lamb to the slaughter by them while you look up to them with big eyes of worship.
During the Obama administration, McConnell worked to withhold Republican support for major presidential initiatives, made frequent use of the filibuster, and blocked many of Obama's judicial nominees.
Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia
Of course he did - that's what we elected the GOP to Congress in 2010 to do.

And of course that's what EVERY majority party does when the WH is held by the opposing party. It's called "politics".
funny how all lefties accuse others of doing exactly what they do. Sorry, dude, but the mental issues here are yours. You are not sharp enough mentally to realize that you are being lied to, brainwashed, and used as a useful idiot by your democrat masters. You are nothing to them but a vote they can count on because you are unable to think for yourself and are led like a lamb to the slaughter by them while you look up to them with big eyes of worship.

The thing I find most amazing about you Red is that you have time to post on here. You know, between you looking for the 'real' moon landing site in Arizona and hunting for the shooter on the grassy knoll, I don't know where you find time....
"If you look closely in Nancy Pelosi's eyes when she's pretending to think, they look like rotating beach balls on your computer monitor."


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