Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

She didn't garner much praise even from the MSM.....her bread and butter. The optics looked bad even with MSNBCBut, I'm not surprised she's a gem with you, Daryl.

What about the optics of a trial with no witnesses and a president that refused to allow witnesses to testify or pertinent documents to be seen?

and what exactly happened in the house? witnesses from one side only, witnesses testifying in secret, depositions not released, vote on a partisan basis with not a single fact presented.

its over, you guys lose again, deal with it.

According to Rump, he's after revenge. He's not letting up and he's going to continue burning the place to the ground. That means that the Dems will have much more fodder in the future. Everyday, more information is coming in and most of it IS impeachable. I predict that in the next 5 months, Rump is right back in front of an impeachment panel. This time, maybe they will do it right. And they wont' need his cooperation or files.

much more likely that Schiff and Nadler are up for impeachment for lying to congrress and the american people and perpetrating a hoax that wasted millions of taxpayer money.

Barr and Durham are getting the facts on Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clapper, Brennan, and maybe even the kenyan messiah himself. You dems started this shit and Trump is going to finish it.

When the time for healing is in order Rump just wants to keep it stirred up. So as more information keeps coming in, he gets his wish and he's headed right back to another Impeachment.

Was Nancy trying to heal when she tore up his speech? Were Nadler and Schiff trying to heal when they said that there will be more impeachments?

The dems are unable to accept the 2016 election results, they started this impeachment BS before he was even sworn in and have been at it for 4 years. Every attempt has failed because they are based on lies.

We need just one dem senator or congressman to buck the party and work with Trump to get things done for the people. That person will be a national hero, but will also be a target to be suicided by the dems.

It looked like Mangin might be that guy, but Pelosi castrated him.
much more likely that Schiff and Nadler are up for impeachment for lying to congrress and the american people and perpetrating a hoax that wasted millions of taxpayer money.

Barr and Durham are getting the facts on Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clapper, Brennan, and maybe even the kenyan messiah himself. You dems started this shit and Trump is going to finish it.

When the time for healing is in order Rump just wants to keep it stirred up. So as more information keeps coming in, he gets his wish and he's headed right back to another Impeachment.
Healing? Really? The dems don't want healing, they want to win the 2020 election and know they can't because Trump's economy is strong.
And....they don't have anyone in their stable of mules to compete with him on policy. So quit spinning it and keep it real, Daryl.

I see. If the dirty tricks department is done by Rump it's good. Get ready. The Dirty Tricks Department has just begun by other Republicans that want Rump gone. And please, stop trying to pin what we do on the Democrats. That's insulting.
Weren't you talking about...."healing"? Well, the "healing" yarn didn't last very long for you. :auiqs.jpg:

it's all depended on Rump. His speech for revenge means that he's not for healing of America. So us Republicans that want him done will just help him get his revenge.......on himself. it's always been about rump so we make it all about rump.

If a group of people were trying to destroy you for years and you finally defeated them, would you not be celebrating and calling out their corruption?

Why should he pander to the dems who have done nothing positive for this country for 4 years (actually 12 if you include the 8 obozo years).?
Pelosi moved into damage control mode...


Nancy Pelosi Twitter
The dems are unable to accept the 2016 election results.

Just like the Repubs never accepted Clinton in 92 or Obama in 08....and on it goes...

there is a difference. The GOP worked with Clinton and tried to work with Obama. The dems have refused to work with Trump from day one. Hillary was supposed to win, the media told them so. She was going to take power and cover up all of the deep state corruption, the DNC corruption, and suicide anyone who did not comply.

going back, Newt and Clinton did work together and got a lot done.
Dimms should impeach again. It worked so well the first time.

Oh, it will happen again. Rump thinks he got away with it and he's going to have more, "Here Hold my Beer" moments. He can't help himself. I'll give him 5 months before he's impeached yet again.
and the end result will be the same. for a fucktard running around looking for 'healing' you're not even trying to do any yourself. like so many people these days, you demand life revolves around you and your wish.

if you want healing, you have to show it. asking for it and not giving it is just pure shithead.
Don't you first have to have a crime to be put on trial? :)

Read the impeachment articles.
that's what everyone says when they can't answer the question.

Is that what everyone says. :)

Maybe if everyone read the impeachment articles they wouldn't be asking stupid questions like what crime did Trump commit.... to get himself impeached!

Dumb ass.

maybe if the line in question existed, you could point it out -


Did you read the impeachment articles? :)

Never assume that someone's disagreement with you MUST be the result of them not knowing the facts, when the more likely explanation of them knowing the facts and still thinking you're a partisan dumbass is available.
you did EXACTLY what i said you losers fucking do.

someone asks for what evidence you have and you scream LOOK IN THAT HUGE STEAMING PILE OF CRAP and then get your jeremy clarkson smugface on as if you actually said something.


I understand your meltdown ice cube. Don’t feel bad. You’re not the first idiot I caught having not read the impeachment articles before talking out of Rushs ass.

I tell you what. Why don’t you POST THOSE ARTICLES so I know you read them and you show me what’s confusing you.

chortle :SMILEW~130:

It's a good thing you're ignorant enough to assume that any and all disagreement with and disdain for you can ONLY be because of your "incisive brilliance", since it's the only way in this lifetime that you will ever feel successful.

I like to see the differently-abled find ways around their handicaps.
I don't know exactly what you need but I imagine a nice vacation in the tropics drinking a Jose Cuervo would be helpful to you though.

Deflection is the refuge of the intellectually inadequate. As to the Jose, we'll be having Margarita's and tacos this afternoon.

While burning Jose at the stake, I imagine.

That didn't take long. From deflection to the race card. Too funny, Progs are as predictable as the sun rise.

LOL, you sure are a funny person. No wonder you are going to go completely nutz by November 3rd. Well, at least nuttier than you already are. It's going to be a very long 10 months for you.

C'mon, Daryl Klunt.......the two front runners are a is queer and the other is a card carrying commie that has staffers that believe in using gulags. Wanna make a bet the election??????

Even Joe Biden, in a rare moment of clarity, said that it was going to screw Democrat election chances all across the board to have a socialist at the head of the ticket. The gingko biloba must have kicked in.
there is a difference. The GOP worked with Clinton and tried to work with Obama. The dems have refused to work with Trump from day one. Hillary was supposed to win, the media told them so. She was going to take power and cover up all of the deep state corruption, the DNC corruption, and suicide anyone who did not comply.

going back, Newt and Clinton did work together and got a lot done.

The Repubs tried to work with Obama????
RATFLMAO!!!! RATFLMAO!!! I actually laughed out loud at this one.
I know you've been on this site for seven years. But I've been here since 2006, during the 2008 election and its aftermath. This site has a pretty good archive. Go and read posts and their links from about Nov 2008 to about April 2009 and after. Then tell me, with a straight face that was the case.

Also, Clinton tried to work with them too.

You know, you guys crack on about Warren and Sanders having image problems. You look at them as anomalies and they are crazy and if they were to be in the WH they would be disastrous. I don't think there is one neocon/conservative on this board that could imagine a GOPer working with either of them. Why would you expect the left to want to work with a grub like Trump? He is a pig of a man, he has no class, he's dumb as a sack of spuds, spits out tweets like a two-year old having a tantrum and he gives no dignity to the office of the PoTUS.

I'm not even going to go into conspiracy theories. They are not worthy of a response.
The dems are unable to accept the 2016 election results.

Just like the Repubs never accepted Clinton in 92 or Obama in 08....and on it goes...

there is a difference. The GOP worked with Clinton and tried to work with Obama. The dems have refused to work with Trump from day one. Hillary was supposed to win, the media told them so. She was going to take power and cover up all of the deep state corruption, the DNC corruption, and suicide anyone who did not comply.

going back, Newt and Clinton did work together and got a lot done.

Sure the republicans tried to work with obama:

During the Obama administration, McConnell worked to withhold Republican support for major presidential initiatives, made frequent use of the filibuster, and blocked many of Obama's judicial nominees.

Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia
The dems are unable to accept the 2016 election results.

Just like the Repubs never accepted Clinton in 92 or Obama in 08....and on it goes...

there is a difference. The GOP worked with Clinton and tried to work with Obama. The dems have refused to work with Trump from day one. Hillary was supposed to win, the media told them so. She was going to take power and cover up all of the deep state corruption, the DNC corruption, and suicide anyone who did not comply.

going back, Newt and Clinton did work together and got a lot done.

Sure the republicans tried to work with obama:

During the Obama administration, McConnell worked to withhold Republican support for major presidential initiatives, made frequent use of the filibuster, and blocked many of Obama's judicial nominees.

Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia

Wikipedia - when actually thinking is too much trouble.

Here, how about this instead?

Obama's Unsung Bipartisan Legacy | RealClearPolitics

Even considering that they want to give all the credit to Obama, you guys still need to get on the same page.
The dems are unable to accept the 2016 election results.

Just like the Repubs never accepted Clinton in 92 or Obama in 08....and on it goes...

there is a difference. The GOP worked with Clinton and tried to work with Obama. The dems have refused to work with Trump from day one. Hillary was supposed to win, the media told them so. She was going to take power and cover up all of the deep state corruption, the DNC corruption, and suicide anyone who did not comply.

going back, Newt and Clinton did work together and got a lot done.

Sure the republicans tried to work with obama:

During the Obama administration, McConnell worked to withhold Republican support for major presidential initiatives, made frequent use of the filibuster, and blocked many of Obama's judicial nominees.

Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia

Wikipedia - when actually thinking is too much trouble.

Here, how about this instead?

Obama's Unsung Bipartisan Legacy | RealClearPolitics

Even considering that they want to give all the credit to Obama, you guys still need to get on the same page.

The irony. An op-ed piece supercedes Wikipedia. Sure.... From your own link
"On the right, Obama’s ruthless partisanship is at fault -- jamming Obamacare through Congress without any Republican votes, then relying on what opponents deem unconstitutional executive orders when he could no longer cajole Congress. On the left, you hear the opposite critique: Obama was too naïve in his futile pursuit of bipartisanship, allowing Republican obstructionism to reign supreme, which prevented him from unifying the country around his agenda."

Debbie's point was on the money.

Dissing Wikipedia - when Neocon whackadoodles think they are smarter than everyone else...

You really need to read your links before posting drivel.

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