Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

Gingrich is a slime that has no moral standing to criticize anyone.
He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.
without a single republican vote in the house or senate. Ya that will look real good for who
btw, even us most ardent clinton haters never look upon him as an impeached president.
We look at him as just another dem who used his office to get rich.

Republicans were complicit in the cover up of trumps corruption. They are about to pay a heavy price.
Is it true in that hokey muslim religion you can lie like hell and not be held accountable for it

I'm Baptist, so I don't know. So ask trump because he's the one with 16,000 lies that you support and excuse.
So which lies have hurt you personally

All of them. It hurts me that people in this country voted for such a scumbag to be our president. It hurt me to see that dead little girl floating in the rio grande with her father. It hurt me to see all those men who are still cramped into those cages. It hurt me that a fellow American drove overnight to go look for Mexicans to slaughter because of this presidents lies. I can keep going. Don't ask that kind of question you low life asshole. This is our president and he is not supposed to lie about everything. We all know presidents lie but none have lied like this piece of shit. Not even Nixon.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

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He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.

No one today cares that Bill Clinton was impeached, and just like Clinton, Trump's presidency will go on.
What Pelosi did was tacky as hell....”
Yep...not to mention illegal as hell too. That was an official, Constitutionally-mandated government document. It was not her’s to destroy. That was the House of the Peoples’ original copy required by law. $2000 fine and/or 3-years in a federal slammer for doing that. The vile, demonic Botoxian should be arrested and locked up.

Naw, what's tacky is having a cheap game show host in the White House.

"And Rush Limbaugh, you win the Medal of Freedom!!!"
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.

Lol, keep clinging to that, meanwhile four more years, four more years.

There won't be 4 me years of this.

Yes it will.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.

Lol, keep clinging to that, meanwhile four more years, four more years.

There won't be 4 me years of this.

If the economy remains strong, Trump could easily be reelected.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be censured for ripping up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.

“As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech,” Gingrich wrote. “She isn’t clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.”

Pelosi made the spectacle of tearing up the speech at the conclusion of the president’s remarks as he received applause from lawmakers. In addition to tearing up his speech, the speaker snubbed the president by introducing him into the House chamber as the “The President of the United States.” It is customary for the speaker to welcome the president with the language: “I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.” Following the slight, the president appeared to snub an attempt by the speaker to shake his hand.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What Pelosi did was tacky as hell....”
Yep...not to mention illegal as hell too. That was an official, Constitutionally-mandated government document. It was not her’s to destroy. That was the House of the Peoples’ original copy required by law. $2000 fine and/or 3-years in a federal slammer for doing that. The vile, demonic Botoxian should be arrested and locked up.

The optics are terrible. Any dignity left she had as Speaker of the House went out the door with her ripping up the President’s speech on the House floor. She got her ass licked with Impeachment and looked like a petulant child that did not get her way.

Censure would be a waste of time. She screwed herself and her Party with that act.
What did Newt have to say about the president not shaking the speakers hand? I guess we'll just ignore that.
The black guys would put up with that! Up to 80% single parents. There must be a reason.

No we don't.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

First, there are a growing number of people who live together but don’t marry. Those mothers are still single, even though the child’s father may be in the home. And, as
The Washington Post reported last year:

“The share of unmarried couples who opted to have ‘shotgun cohabitations’ — moving in together after a pregnancy — surpassed ‘shotgun marriages’ for the first time during the last decade, according to a forthcoming paper from the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

Opinion | Black Dads Are Doing Best of All

Now when the subject is not about race don't make it about race. I'm tired of whites like you doing this here. Furthermore, I have been in way too many relationships with white females with white children who haven't seen daddy in years. So drop it.
without a single republican vote in the house or senate. Ya that will look real good for who
btw, even us most ardent clinton haters never look upon him as an impeached president.
We look at him as just another dem who used his office to get rich.

Republicans were complicit in the cover up of trumps corruption. They are about to pay a heavy price.
Is it true in that hokey muslim religion you can lie like hell and not be held accountable for it

I'm Baptist, so I don't know. So ask trump because he's the one with 16,000 lies that you support and excuse.
So which lies have hurt you personally

All of them. It hurts me that people in this country voted for such a scumbag to be our president. It hurt me to see that dead little girl floating in the rio grande with her father. It hurt me to see all those men who are still cramped into those cages. It hurt me that a fellow American drove overnight to go look for Mexicans to slaughter because of this presidents lies. I can keep going. Don't ask that kind of question you low life asshole. This is our president and he is not supposed to lie about everything. We all know presidents lie but none have lied like this piece of shit. Not even Nixon.

I guess I'll be a "low life asshole" next election cycle also. Cheers.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be censured for ripping up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.

“As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech,” Gingrich wrote. “She isn’t clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.”

Pelosi made the spectacle of tearing up the speech at the conclusion of the president’s remarks as he received applause from lawmakers. In addition to tearing up his speech, the speaker snubbed the president by introducing him into the House chamber as the “The President of the United States.” It is customary for the speaker to welcome the president with the language: “I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.” Following the slight, the president appeared to snub an attempt by the speaker to shake his hand.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What Pelosi did was tacky as hell....”
Yep...not to mention illegal as hell too. That was an official, Constitutionally-mandated government document. It was not her’s to destroy. That was the House of the Peoples’ original copy required by law. $2000 fine and/or 3-years in a federal slammer for doing that. The vile, demonic Botoxian should be arrested and locked up.

The optics are terrible. Any dignity left she had as Speaker of the House went out the door with her ripping up the President’s speech on the House floor. She got her ass licked with Impeachment and looked like a petulant child that did not get her way.

Censure would be a waste of time. She screwed herself and her Party with that act.

No she didn't. We don't like trump. She made herself even greater by doing that.
without a single republican vote in the house or senate. Ya that will look real good for who
btw, even us most ardent clinton haters never look upon him as an impeached president.
We look at him as just another dem who used his office to get rich.

Republicans were complicit in the cover up of trumps corruption. They are about to pay a heavy price.
Is it true in that hokey muslim religion you can lie like hell and not be held accountable for it

I'm Baptist, so I don't know. So ask trump because he's the one with 16,000 lies that you support and excuse.
So which lies have hurt you personally

All of them. It hurts me that people in this country voted for such a scumbag to be our president. It hurt me to see that dead little girl floating in the rio grande with her father. It hurt me to see all those men who are still cramped into those cages. It hurt me that a fellow American drove overnight to go look for Mexicans to slaughter because of this presidents lies. I can keep going. Don't ask that kind of question you low life asshole. This is our president and he is not supposed to lie about everything. We all know presidents lie but none have lied like this piece of shit. Not even Nixon.
The Pelosi stunt was kinda predictable. Think about it.....being home in her mansion with a giant bumpy cucumber inserted would have been preferred over having to sit there for 90 minutes as the biggest loser in the chamber. And.....AND.....having to think about today's proceedings! Snapping like that was quite predictable!:113:
Republicans were complicit in the cover up of trumps corruption. They are about to pay a heavy price.
Is it true in that hokey muslim religion you can lie like hell and not be held accountable for it

I'm Baptist, so I don't know. So ask trump because he's the one with 16,000 lies that you support and excuse.
So which lies have hurt you personally

All of them. It hurts me that people in this country voted for such a scumbag to be our president. It hurt me to see that dead little girl floating in the rio grande with her father. It hurt me to see all those men who are still cramped into those cages. It hurt me that a fellow American drove overnight to go look for Mexicans to slaughter because of this presidents lies. I can keep going. Don't ask that kind of question you low life asshole. This is our president and he is not supposed to lie about everything. We all know presidents lie but none have lied like this piece of shit. Not even Nixon.

I guess I'll be a "low life asshole" next election cycle also. Cheers.

That is what you will be. A low life loser who voted for trump.
Was Bill Clintons impeachment invalidated?

Has nothing to do with the topic.

You're an awesome troll!!

Sure it does, he will go down as the 3rd impeached Potus, and never exonerated.
Was Bill Clintons impeachment invalidated?

Has nothing to do with the topic.

You're an awesome troll!!

Sure it does, he will go down as the 3rd impeached Potus, and never exonerated.
Still off topic.
This is about Nancy acting like a 5 year old.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be censured for ripping up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.

“As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech,” Gingrich wrote. “She isn’t clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.”

Pelosi made the spectacle of tearing up the speech at the conclusion of the president’s remarks as he received applause from lawmakers. In addition to tearing up his speech, the speaker snubbed the president by introducing him into the House chamber as the “The President of the United States.” It is customary for the speaker to welcome the president with the language: “I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.” Following the slight, the president appeared to snub an attempt by the speaker to shake his hand.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What Pelosi did was tacky as hell....”
Yep...not to mention illegal as hell too. That was an official, Constitutionally-mandated government document. It was not her’s to destroy. That was the House of the Peoples’ original copy required by law. $2000 fine and/or 3-years in a federal slammer for doing that. The vile, demonic Botoxian should be arrested and locked up.

The optics are terrible. Any dignity left she had as Speaker of the House went out the door with her ripping up the President’s speech on the House floor. She got her ass licked with Impeachment and looked like a petulant child that did not get her way.

Censure would be a waste of time. She screwed herself and her Party with that act.

When he refused to shake her hand, it showed what a nasty vindication person he is, he stooped really low with all his lies, it was a show.

The 4 more years at the start, was all set up. Rush coming out and stating he had cancer was all planned, the military man coming home was all planned, he was probably wounded or was sent home, I infer that the spouse of the man knew he was coming home.

It was all a show.

like the Apprentice.

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