Pelosi: There Is No Requirement To Hold An Impeachment Inquiry Vote

Constitutional provisions
The House of Representatives ... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States; but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7
[The President] ... shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

Article II, Section 2
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Article II, Section 4
How an impeachment is conducted is contained in The Rules of the House. They call for a 2/3 vote to order the Judiciary Committee to hold hearings on whether Articles of Impeachment should be presented to the Senate.

Senate rules determine how a trial is to be held in the event it received the articles.

The Chief Justice presides over a senate trial.
Of course there is. But Democrats don’t want to go on record, they know it’s a quick trip out of DC.

FYI: The instant that Democrat vote for impeachment, REPUBLICANS GET TO SUBPOENA PEOPLE TOO!

THIS is why they won't have a vote. Democrats want a ONE-SIDED effort.

Of course there is?

State the statute, Show us the section of the Constitution that requires it
Of course there is. But Democrats don’t want to go on record, they know it’s a quick trip out of DC.

FYI: The instant that Democrat vote for impeachment, REPUBLICANS GET TO SUBPOENA PEOPLE TOO!

THIS is why they won't have a vote. Democrats want a ONE-SIDED effort.

Of course there is?

State the statute, Show us the section of the Constitution that requires it
Dufus thinks Congress just operates willy nilly without rules and Congress has never broached the subject of impeachment.

Article II, Section 4
How an impeachment is conducted is contained in The Rules of the House. They call for a 2/3 vote to order the Judiciary Committee to hold hearings on whether Articles of Impeachment should be presented to the Senate
All the Democrats want to do is TALK about impeachment. If they vote for articles of impeachment then it goes to the Senate, and then all the FACTS will come out which they don't want. Right now they can just make up stuff and lie without a rebuttal.
All the Democrats want to do is TALK about impeachment. If they vote for articles of impeachment then it goes to the Senate, and then all the FACTS will come out which they don't want. Right now they can just make up stuff and lie without a rebuttal.
Yep, it’s all show the crazies. They know they can’t beat Trump on policy.
The House conducts itself under its own rules. As Speaker, Pelosi can set those rules how she sees fit.

You don't like it?

WIn the House
The House conducts itself under its own rules. As Speaker, Pelosi can set those rules how she sees fit.

You don't like it?

WIn the House

Wrong! Pelosi needs to call together all Democrat representatives and ask them to change the House rules. She does not need republican votes unlless her caucus fails to give her a clean majority.
Of course there is. But Democrats don’t want to go on record, they know it’s a quick trip out of DC.

FYI: The instant that Democrat vote for impeachment, REPUBLICANS GET TO SUBPOENA PEOPLE TOO!

THIS is why they won't have a vote. Democrats want a ONE-SIDED effort.


The constituion is very clear on this... The power is vested in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, not Nancy Pelosie.. This means she must have consent of the full house to begin an Impeachment Inquiry or process.
The House conducts itself under its own rules. As Speaker, Pelosi can set those rules how she sees fit.

You don't like it?

WIn the House

Wrong! Pelosi needs to call together all Democrat representatives and ask them to change the House rules. She does not need republican votes unlless her caucus fails to give her a clean majority.
Changing house rules will not negate having to get consent of the full house to begin an inquiry or process of impeachment.
Of course there is. But Democrats don’t want to go on record, they know it’s a quick trip out of DC.

FYI: The instant that Democrat vote for impeachment, REPUBLICANS GET TO SUBPOENA PEOPLE TOO!

THIS is why they won't have a vote. Democrats want a ONE-SIDED effort.


The constituion is very clear on this... The power is vested in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, not Nancy Pelosie.. This means she must have consent of the full house to begin an Impeachment Inquiry or process.
Yep, and as soon as she notifies Congress Republicans have the right to put whoever they want to testify under sworn testimony before Congress.

That’s why they are terrified.
So Pelosi sets or changes the rules as she alone sees fit and she alone can give Trump the boot
She is demented
Bottom line - Democrats are terrified to go on record.
So what if they are? If this goes to a vote a lot of politicians in both parties will have to calculate their vote by what their conscience says vs. their wish to have a continued political career.
The fact Democrats are terrified to take an official position shows how this whole thing is fabricated BS.
Imagine what you like. Trump could save a lot of careers in both parties and the country a lot of turmoil if he just resigned. Nixon knew this but Trump? It is not in his nature to do anything for the good of the country.
No, you traitors need to let him do his job.
If you see someone really sucking badly at their job to the point that it is putting you at risk you don't just say "carry on".
First, if those suffering TDS would back off, we'd be far better able to judge how well he's doing the job. As it stands, despite all their totally insane, deranged, mentally deluded attempts to derail his presidency, he continues to achieve beneficial results for hard-working Americans.
Second, if there are no other qualified applicants, or the only other applicants are even more abysmally suited to the job, why "fire" the guy who's not doing so badly, despite the opposition, in favor of an unknown but suspect factor?
Of course there is. But Democrats don’t want to go on record, they know it’s a quick trip out of DC.

FYI: The instant that Democrat vote for impeachment, REPUBLICANS GET TO SUBPOENA PEOPLE TOO!

THIS is why they won't have a vote. Democrats want a ONE-SIDED effort.

Of course there is?

State the statute, Show us the section of the Constitution that requires it
Dufus thinks Congress just operates willy nilly without rules and Congress has never broached the subject of impeachment.

Article II, Section 4
How an impeachment is conducted is contained in The Rules of the House. They call for a 2/3 vote to order the Judiciary Committee to hold hearings on whether Articles of Impeachment should be presented to the Senate
No vote yet? I suppose it's all semantics at this point. What is the difference between a hearing and an inquiry?
All the Democrats want to do is TALK about impeachment. If they vote for articles of impeachment then it goes to the Senate, and then all the FACTS will come out which they don't want. Right now they can just make up stuff and lie without a rebuttal.
Yep, it’s all show the crazies. They know they can’t beat Trump on policy.
They know they can't beat him at the ballot box, either. Not with the current field of candidates.

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