Pelosi: There Is No Requirement To Hold An Impeachment Inquiry Vote

There are no detailed procedural rules on how to conduct a presidential impeachment in the house. It is assumed that it be conducted with due process similar to a criminal investigation before it is debated on the floor and voted on.
but there is not a crime to investigate
then why the HELL keep talking about it if you're NOT going to do it?

The Democrats are hoping that SOMETHING pops up that is damaging to Trump. And if nothing pops up, they'll invent something. From now until November 2020, we're going to see all manner of accusations and allegations against Trump, which so far have been totally baseless. Oh, he may have said or done a few things that were suspect, he is not afterall a career politician. But you don't imppeach a president for jaywalking.
Normal, mature adult people might not, but these are not normal people.
Of course there is. But Democrats don’t want to go on record, they know it’s a quick trip out of DC.

FYI: The instant that Democrat vote for impeachment, REPUBLICANS GET TO SUBPOENA PEOPLE TOO!

THIS is why they won't have a vote. Democrats want a ONE-SIDED effort.


Please state the law or where in the constitution that says they need a vote to start an impeachment inquiry.

You are a liar.
You Leftards are soooooo stupid.

So there is none. Those of us who have a proper education and knows what's in the constitution already knew that.

The fact that you insult me instead of giving me any law or where in the constitution backs up your lie shows that you know it's a lie. You have no real reply so you go the low road and insult.

That's what people like you do when you have easily been beaten in a debate by a properly educated and intelligent person.

Read the constitution. Stop lying and stop being so very ill informed.
Of course there is. But Democrats don’t want to go on record, they know it’s a quick trip out of DC.

FYI: The instant that Democrat vote for impeachment, REPUBLICANS GET TO SUBPOENA PEOPLE TOO!

THIS is why they won't have a vote. Democrats want a ONE-SIDED effort.


Please state the law or where in the constitution that says they need a vote to start an impeachment inquiry.

You are a liar.

Where in the law or Constitution does it state the President needs permission or any reason at all to fire an FBI Director? The Dems viewed that action as obstruction of justice. But, i don't see it spelled out in the Constitution.

Here is the truth. If Pelosi thought she could hold the vote without hurting the party, she would. But, she can't. Trump should do absolutely nothing to help her fishing expedition. Take a lesson from Eric Holder.

Also, American tradition is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Pelosi does not seem interested in that tradition. The Dems were not interested in that during the Kavanaugh hearings either. And, it cost them the Senate and is the reason any impeachment is dead on arrival there. The Dems did it to themselves.
then why the HELL keep talking about it if you're NOT going to do it?

Implication by accusation, and the Media repeats it and then repeats their lies and invents more. The Democrats know the Media will back them, so they can just keep making stuff up, and the Media will make the public think it is true. Nice, huh?

They will never vote on Articles of Impeachment.
they keep screaming WOLF and coming up empty. for this reason alone people will stop giving a shit what they accuse him of.

just makes zero sense.
You know, I think that most people have stopped giving a shit about this demented witch hunt and have gotten on with their lives. What bugs me most is, as long as Congress is wasting time, money, and effort on this bullshit, they are NOT getting the job done that they were hired to do. The shear malfeasance of their job performance should get them kicked to the curb.
Of course there is. But Democrats don’t want to go on record, they know it’s a quick trip out of DC.

FYI: The instant that Democrat vote for impeachment, REPUBLICANS GET TO SUBPOENA PEOPLE TOO!

THIS is why they won't have a vote. Democrats want a ONE-SIDED effort.

Weatherman2020's topic: "Pelosi: There Is No Requirement To Hold An Impeachment Inquiry Vote"
There doesn't seem to be a law to make the House of Representatives' majority to play fair. I never recall a Republican Congress that didn't include their opponents for important joint decisions.

I think the American people will reward the footshoot of Democrats on the phony impeachment deal with rotten egg gas in the form of never voting for another lying, bullcrapping Democrat for the duration of their voting life, which will be an average of about 60 years due to medical miracles being uncovered that Hillary hoped no one would ever discover, since older people vote more wisely unless youth refuses to be brainwashed by their left-leaning, communist-leaning professors who screwed up by following Jane Fonda into international whirlpools that take your ships of plenty and send them to the bottom. Just sayin'.

And Obama's follow through of this re-emphasized America's disenchantment with the leftist footshoots-by-the-dozens:

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then why the HELL keep talking about it if you're NOT going to do it?

Implication by accusation, and the Media repeats it and then repeats their lies and invents more. The Democrats know the Media will back them, so they can just keep making stuff up, and the Media will make the public think it is true. Nice, huh?

They will never vote on Articles of Impeachment.
they keep screaming WOLF and coming up empty. for this reason alone people will stop giving a shit what they accuse him of.

just makes zero sense.
You know, I think that most people have stopped giving a shit about this demented witch hunt and have gotten on with their lives. What bugs me most is, as long as Congress is wasting time, money, and effort on this bullshit, they are NOT getting the job done that they were hired to do. The shear malfeasance of their job performance should get them kicked to the curb.
They're trying to make the President suffer the big one with heartaches, misery, and a no-win situation when he can't do anything about their troublemaking that will bury freedom in the Western Hemisphere. Notice how the Democrats cozy up to the dictator in Venezuela who lost an election but strongarmed his opponent out of the win with military intervention and occupation of the Presidential Palace, and they favor the communist government in Cuba and making trouble between America and Mexico, and assorted other things that keep Soros wealthy and themselves well-paid.
There are no detailed procedural rules on how to conduct a presidential impeachment in the house. It is assumed that it be conducted with due process similar to a criminal investigation before it is debated on the floor and voted on.
but there is not a crime to investigate
Why don't you just say Trump is above the law like some emperor and have done with it? There is no crime he could possibly commit that would lead you to the conclusion that this man needs to go.
There are no detailed procedural rules on how to conduct a presidential impeachment in the house. It is assumed that it be conducted with due process similar to a criminal investigation before it is debated on the floor and voted on.
but there is not a crime to investigate
Why don't you just say Trump is above the law like some emperor and have done with it? There is no crime he could possibly commit that would lead you to the conclusion that this man needs to go.
Why don’t you just say you’re a fascist and shoot Trump without a trial?
There are no detailed procedural rules on how to conduct a presidential impeachment in the house. It is assumed that it be conducted with due process similar to a criminal investigation before it is debated on the floor and voted on.
but there is not a crime to investigate
Why don't you just say Trump is above the law like some emperor and have done with it? There is no crime he could possibly commit that would lead you to the conclusion that this man needs to go.
Why don’t you just say you’re a fascist and shoot Trump without a trial?
There are no detailed procedural rules on how to conduct a presidential impeachment in the house. It is assumed that it be conducted with due process similar to a criminal investigation before it is debated on the floor and voted on.
but there is not a crime to investigate
Why don't you just say Trump is above the law like some emperor and have done with it? There is no crime he could possibly commit that would lead you to the conclusion that this man needs to go.
Why don’t you just say you’re a fascist and shoot Trump without a trial?
Got a 16 page thread asking for the crime and evidence of such crime.

Be the FIRST to do it. :21:

So What Exactly Is the Crime Trump is Guilty Of?
There are no detailed procedural rules on how to conduct a presidential impeachment in the house. It is assumed that it be conducted with due process similar to a criminal investigation before it is debated on the floor and voted on.
but there is not a crime to investigate
Why don't you just say Trump is above the law like some emperor and have done with it? There is no crime he could possibly commit that would lead you to the conclusion that this man needs to go.
Good lord it's a drama queen convention.

They were the drama queens, talking shit, on the US forums...
then why the HELL keep talking about it if you're NOT going to do it?

Implication by accusation, and the Media repeats it and then repeats their lies and invents more. The Democrats know the Media will back them, so they can just keep making stuff up, and the Media will make the public think it is true. Nice, huh?

They will never vote on Articles of Impeachment.
they keep screaming WOLF and coming up empty. for this reason alone people will stop giving a shit what they accuse him of.

just makes zero sense.
You know, I think that most people have stopped giving a shit about this demented witch hunt and have gotten on with their lives. What bugs me most is, as long as Congress is wasting time, money, and effort on this bullshit, they are NOT getting the job done that they were hired to do. The shear malfeasance of their job performance should get them kicked to the curb.

I think the witch hunt should stop. Ten minutes from right now. The Democrats doing this out of TDS need to just stop and become American Citizens again. Tearing up the country because they lost an election three years ago is just plum looney tunes.
Every vote they do should be shown to all Americans. They work for us, not the other way around.
Yes Every one of the Republicans who support corruption, support Trump lying, Support Trump's stealing children, supporting Trumps obstruction of Justice should have their names on record.
what a drama queen.
Sorry, he doesn't have the tits to be a drama queen. Let's get creative with words about him., like "his words wreak of flatulence" if you wish to show your scatological side, and "he's lying" if you prefer Missionary Position. :lmao:
There are no detailed procedural rules on how to conduct a presidential impeachment in the house. It is assumed that it be conducted with due process similar to a criminal investigation before it is debated on the floor and voted on.
but there is not a crime to investigate
Why don't you just say Trump is above the law like some emperor and have done with it? There is no crime he could possibly commit that would lead you to the conclusion that this man needs to go.
Above the law? You mean like your (and my) Congressional "representatives"? Above the law, like most politicians and their big money contributors? They all need to go, too. How do you suggest we get them gone?
Is that why Democrats are too cowardly to make a vote and put their names on record?
225 of them have made it known they support impeachment.
Only 10 of them havent.
Why don't they take the vote, then? Time for them to shit or get off the pot.
Neither the Constitution nor House rules require that Pelosi hold a floor vote to proceed with an impeachment inquiry.

The reason republicans want a formal vote on inquiry is that it can give them the possibility to subpoena their own witnesses or information.
In theory, the GOP could subpoena Joe Biden and/or Hunter, or steer inquiry into another direction.

Dubya's chief of staff supports impeachment inquiry.
No reason to oppose it, unless youre a Trump ballwasher.

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