Pelosi To GOP: A Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency On Guns


The House speaker warned Republicans about the precedent Trump could set by declaring a national emergency to secure border wall funding.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday warned about the dangerous precedent President Donald Trump could set if he declares a national emergency to secure funding for his border wall.

“I know the Republicans have some unease about it, no matter what they say,” Pelosi told reporters at the Capitol. “Because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people.”

Pelosi said the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border doesn’t constitute an “emergency,” as Trump has framed it, but rather a “humanitarian challenge.”

“You want to talk about a national emergency?” Pelosi said. “Let’s talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America. That’s a national emergency.”

Pelosi was referring to the Feb. 14, 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. She noted that a Democratic president could declare a national emergency on gun violence and warned Republicans to carefully consider the precedent Trump would set by using his executive power to override Congress.

“Democratic presidents can declare emergencies as well,” Pelosi said. “So the precedent that the president is setting here is something that should be met with great unease and dismay by the Republicans.”

More: Pelosi To GOP: A Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency On Guns

What goes around comes around. Go Nancy!

Imagine the green new deal on steroids. Starting with a moratorium on all new oil drilling leases. Followed by a moratorium on any new pipe line being built. Then completely eliminating all subsidies to oil companies, and redistributing that money plus some to the mandatory building of commercial solar farms, and windmill farms, and new subsides to home owners for residential solar.

followed by new laws requiring all state and private utility companies that lease right of ways to the state to incorporate the new generated current onto existing infrastructure, and to purchase any net current generated from home owners.

New regulations requiring fuel mileage on all new vehicles of a minimum of 40 miles per gallon, and laws requiring infrastructure for electric vehicles to be charged at any business that sells gasoline. Ending export tariffs on any electric vehicle manufacturer any where in the world freely export their vehicles into the US, which will force US manufacturers to make new electric vehicles here if they wish to remain solvent.

And that's just the short list for the new plan to crush the fossil fuel industry within 20 years of the declaration of the national emergency.

Don't think that can't happen?

Go for it.

One more time: you can't declare a national emergency on theories, only real threats to this country. Global Warming is not a threat except to the puppets that dance to that tune.
Can anyone answer this?


Because you can kill at a distance with a firearm; something your attacker likely has.
So then they aren't as lethal as the AR.

If you can get close enough, yes they are. But in a self-defense situation, you're not going to get your car and run over your armed attackers in your kitchen.

Houston Man Defends Home, Shoots 5 Attackers With AK-47
You're weaseling but what you are saying is "no, they aren't".
Arizona did just that, and Hussein took it to court and stopped them. Immigration is not a state issue unfortunately.
At this point, it's time to take the power away from the federal government.

By force, if necessary.

Like I said, this union is already dead. It's time to start preparing for the fallout.

Before we do that, I say we divide this country right down the middle from north to south, and simply have two countries. On the right side of the country will be the conservative side. On the left, the liberal side where most of the border is.

Imagine how great it would be never to have to put up with liberal BS ever again. It's a perfect solution to all of our political problems. At least where I live, my property value would double if all the liberals had to move out. My taxes would decrease and my suburb could rebuild again. God that would be so great.
Can anyone answer this?


Because you can kill at a distance with a firearm; something your attacker likely has.
So then they aren't as lethal as the AR.

If you can get close enough, yes they are. But in a self-defense situation, you're not going to get your car and run over your armed attackers in your kitchen.

Houston Man Defends Home, Shoots 5 Attackers With AK-47
You're weaseling but what you are saying is "no, they aren't".

Comprehension problems? One more time: I said yes they can be.
Can anyone answer this?


Because you can kill at a distance with a firearm; something your attacker likely has.
So then they aren't as lethal as the AR.

If you can get close enough, yes they are. But in a self-defense situation, you're not going to get your car and run over your armed attackers in your kitchen.

Houston Man Defends Home, Shoots 5 Attackers With AK-47
You're weaseling but what you are saying is "no, they aren't".

Comprehension problems? One more time: I said yes they can be.
That's what I meant by "weaseling". You are saying they are, but admitting they aren't in the same post.
Because you can kill at a distance with a firearm; something your attacker likely has.
So then they aren't as lethal as the AR.

If you can get close enough, yes they are. But in a self-defense situation, you're not going to get your car and run over your armed attackers in your kitchen.

Houston Man Defends Home, Shoots 5 Attackers With AK-47
You're weaseling but what you are saying is "no, they aren't".

Comprehension problems? One more time: I said yes they can be.
That's what I meant by "weaseling". You are saying they are, but admitting they aren't in the same post.

No, I said they are. How many times do I have to write it?

They may not be as effective as a gun, but can do just as much damage. Why do you think trucks and cars are being used by terrorists where guns are harder to get? They kill just as many people if not more than guns. The difference is the element of surprise on a disarmed public.
You're weaseling but what you are saying is "no, they aren't".
I will say it.

No they aren't. A hammer is a tool designed for a particular purpose of driving nails. It can be used for an improper purpose, like driving nails into a person's skull, or it can be used for a proper purpose, like nailing wood to wood in building a house.

Remove that tool from the toolbox, and people have less-effective ways of doing what a hammer can do...BUT they can still do the job, so you are not stopping anyone from hammering a nail into another's dome. What you are doing is making it much more difficult and even dangerous for those who would use a hammer for a proper purpose.

I don't expect you to EVER be reasonable about this issue. I know I am wasting my time, but taking the time to explain will make me feel much better about this Union being dissolved.

You're weaseling but what you are saying is "no, they aren't".
I will say it.

No they aren't. A hammer is a tool designed for a particular purpose of driving nails. It can be used for an improper purpose, like driving nails into a person's skull, or it can be used for a proper purpose, like nailing wood to wood in building a house.

Remove that tool from the toolbox, and people have less-effective ways of doing what a hammer can do...BUT they can still do the job, so you are not stopping anyone from hammering a nail into another's dome. What you are doing is making it much more difficult and even dangerous for those who would use a hammer for a proper purpose.

I don't expect you to EVER be reasonable about this issue. I know I am wasting my time, but taking the time to explain will make me feel much better about this Union being dissolved.

And what purpose was the 1911 Colt .45 designed for?
You're weaseling but what you are saying is "no, they aren't".
I will say it.

No they aren't. A hammer is a tool designed for a particular purpose of driving nails. It can be used for an improper purpose, like driving nails into a person's skull, or it can be used for a proper purpose, like nailing wood to wood in building a house.

Remove that tool from the toolbox, and people have less-effective ways of doing what a hammer can do...BUT they can still do the job, so you are not stopping anyone from hammering a nail into another's dome. What you are doing is making it much more difficult and even dangerous for those who would use a hammer for a proper purpose.

I don't expect you to EVER be reasonable about this issue. I know I am wasting my time, but taking the time to explain will make me feel much better about this Union being dissolved.


You can defend yourself from an attacker with a hammer, but not multiple attackers. You can defend yourself from an attacker with a hammer provided you are younger and physically fit enough to reasonably challenge the ability of an attacker.

If you are elderly or a female who obviously is not equal strength of your attacker, you will lose and perhaps even die. However a female or elderly person can use a firearm and have equal protection of an attacker of any size.
And what purpose was the 1911 Colt .45 designed for?
A side arm is strictly for close-quarters defense (unless you're a tunnel rat in Vietnam). No one ever attempts an armed assault with a side arm. Nor would anyone with a brain attempt to defend a position with just a fucking side-arm.

So, I guess I am not seeing how your question is relevant.
And what purpose was the 1911 Colt .45 designed for?
A side arm is strictly for close-quarters defense (unless you're a tunnel rat in Vietnam). No one ever attempt an armed assault with a side arm. Nor would anyone with a brain attempt to defend a position with just a fucking side-arm.

So, I guess I am not seeing how your question is relevant.
I kinda figured that would be the case.

You have a nice night.

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