Pelosi: We will raise taxes if we retake house


Who's the dummy here...remains to be seen. Since you appear to have completely missed the point illustrated in the link..allow me to elaborate:

We have almost full fact, many say we do, for all intents. We have a huge deficit..and it is growing--despite raises in revenue. In simple terms..this means that maximum revenue is being taken in by the Govt. and it is not enough to pay the bills. Thus, a climbing deficit, that, in the future--will drag us down. We will have to borrow--and eventually..the interest on our debt will swamp us.

Usually..historically...when employment climbs..the deficit drops. For the first time since WW2---this is not the case. There is no more tax money to be had...unless we see the light...and end the corporate tax cuts.

This is the end result of Trump's Tax reform coupled with a huge budget that gave everyone what they wanted.
then why are there 5 million open jobs and 4% unemployment? The truth is that spending is what causes a deficit, not incoming revenue. you ain't got it, you don't spend it. Isn't that how your house functions?'s like you don't even read what I type!!

One more time..just for the hell of it--if your income does not match your have a deficit. Right now..the US income is at it's max--yet..the deficit is growing.

Yes, it's the spending...coupled with the loss of revenue caused by the tax cuts.

Usually, when the economy is doing as well as this one is..the deficit drops..yet this has not. A red flag if ever there was one.

It's took a pay cut...and went out and maxed your credit cards. Good times...until the interest on the bills pile up...and you have locked yourself into a contract that says you cannot get a raise.

You have yet to even begin to address how to fix a system that has increased its spending...while decreasing its revenue.

The GOP used to be all about responsible fiscal govt.--now---since Trump---they just don't care.

It's kind of like this:

If Trump and the Republicans didn't spend any money for the things we wanted, then Democrats got everything they wanted, then Republicans lose support for next election.

If Trump and the Republicans spend money on the things we want, and the things Democrats want, then the Republicans at least got something out of the deal.

If Republicans only spent money on the things we want, and little of what the Democrats want, then the Democrats shutdown the government and the MSM blames the Republicans.
Sad..but true. The only solution would be politicians who are willing to sacrifice their turn at the public trough..for the good of the nation.

What are the odds of that???
they call them term limits. And if there were actual term limits, then they would do the work of the people. Career politicians only look out for their careers and not the people. Hence, trump.

That's true, but term limits aren't the answer. What do you think these people do once voted out of office? They get a private "consulting" job for 250K a year. You and I both know that a Congressman or Senator didn't become that great of a consulter during their time in Washington, but they still have ties with their former coworkers that may come in handy for a company.

It's like the McCain Feingold act. Okay, you can't give money directly to the candidate. Instead, you can give as much as you want to one of their pacs. And if anybody believes these candidates don't play a role in these pacs, they have another thing coming.

It's almost impossible to take money out of politics. Even if you could, it only takes a few seconds to whisper in a Senators ear of an inside trading tip. assume my agreement. Well...I think that making the personal cuts permanent rather that letting them expire in 10 years is a good idea..and I think that letting the tax cuts on the 1% and corporations expire in 10 years is a good idea. Other than that...I worry about the deficit..and I'm amused at those who would take a few months worth of data and extrapolate continued growth and success...My post here was all about the blatant spin and dishonesty in Odium's post. He could have been 100% honest and still made a cogent point--yet he chose not to.

If you are really interested in what is going on..behind the curtain in our economy--

Goldman: Something strange is happening with the US economy that could cause interest rates to jump

"America's budget deficit and unemployment rate are heading in opposite directions — something that's never happened during post World War II peacetime and could cause a significant jump in interest rates.
Goldman Sachs projects, for instance, that the 10-year Treasury note could be yielding 3.6 percent next year.
The deficit increase is coming due to the recent barrage of fiscal stimulus from Congress, including a $1.5 trillion tax cut approved in December 2017 and a $1.3 trillion spending bill aimed at keeping the government operating through the end of the fiscal year.
Normally such moves would come as in the early stages of an economic recovery. The U.S. economy, though, is in the eighth year of its post-financial crisis expansion, middling as it has been.
The unemployment rate is now at 3.9 percent and falling, while the budget deficit was at $668 billion in 2017 and is expected, according to the Congressional Budget Office, to top $1 trillion by 2020. That's a dual phenomenon that is highly uncommon in the U.S., according to Goldman economists."
The GOP will revisit the expiration of the middle class cuts. Why do you wish to punish corporations? I still don't get why you hate them so much when they supply the paying jobs for people to pay taxes on. I don't get you.

As for the deficit, it's the spending dummy.

Who's the dummy here...remains to be seen. Since you appear to have completely missed the point illustrated in the link..allow me to elaborate:

We have almost full fact, many say we do, for all intents. We have a huge deficit..and it is growing--despite raises in revenue. In simple terms..this means that maximum revenue is being taken in by the Govt. and it is not enough to pay the bills. Thus, a climbing deficit, that, in the future--will drag us down. We will have to borrow--and eventually..the interest on our debt will swamp us.

Usually..historically...when employment climbs..the deficit drops. For the first time since WW2---this is not the case. There is no more tax money to be had...unless we see the light...and end the corporate tax cuts.

This is the end result of Trump's Tax reform coupled with a huge budget that gave everyone what they wanted.
then why are there 5 million open jobs and 4% unemployment? The truth is that spending is what causes a deficit, not incoming revenue. you ain't got it, you don't spend it. Isn't that how your house functions?'s like you don't even read what I type!!

One more time..just for the hell of it--if your income does not match your have a deficit. Right now..the US income is at it's max--yet..the deficit is growing.

Yes, it's the spending...coupled with the loss of revenue caused by the tax cuts.

Usually, when the economy is doing as well as this one is..the deficit drops..yet this has not. A red flag if ever there was one.

It's took a pay cut...and went out and maxed your credit cards. Good times...until the interest on the bills pile up...and you have locked yourself into a contract that says you cannot get a raise.

You have yet to even begin to address how to fix a system that has increased its spending...while decreasing its revenue.

The GOP used to be all about responsible fiscal govt.--now---since Trump---they just don't care.
damn when your income doesn't match your spending, you curb your spending dah!!!!!
And if you have fixed spending, you don’t voluntarily cut your revenue

Who's the dummy here...remains to be seen. Since you appear to have completely missed the point illustrated in the link..allow me to elaborate:

We have almost full fact, many say we do, for all intents. We have a huge deficit..and it is growing--despite raises in revenue. In simple terms..this means that maximum revenue is being taken in by the Govt. and it is not enough to pay the bills. Thus, a climbing deficit, that, in the future--will drag us down. We will have to borrow--and eventually..the interest on our debt will swamp us.

Usually..historically...when employment climbs..the deficit drops. For the first time since WW2---this is not the case. There is no more tax money to be had...unless we see the light...and end the corporate tax cuts.

This is the end result of Trump's Tax reform coupled with a huge budget that gave everyone what they wanted.
then why are there 5 million open jobs and 4% unemployment? The truth is that spending is what causes a deficit, not incoming revenue. you ain't got it, you don't spend it. Isn't that how your house functions?'s like you don't even read what I type!!

One more time..just for the hell of it--if your income does not match your have a deficit. Right now..the US income is at it's max--yet..the deficit is growing.

Yes, it's the spending...coupled with the loss of revenue caused by the tax cuts.

Usually, when the economy is doing as well as this one is..the deficit drops..yet this has not. A red flag if ever there was one.

It's took a pay cut...and went out and maxed your credit cards. Good times...until the interest on the bills pile up...and you have locked yourself into a contract that says you cannot get a raise.

You have yet to even begin to address how to fix a system that has increased its spending...while decreasing its revenue.

The GOP used to be all about responsible fiscal govt.--now---since Trump---they just don't care.

It's kind of like this:

If Trump and the Republicans didn't spend any money for the things we wanted, then Democrats got everything they wanted, then Republicans lose support for next election.

If Trump and the Republicans spend money on the things we want, and the things Democrats want, then the Republicans at least got something out of the deal.

If Republicans only spent money on the things we want, and little of what the Democrats want, then the Democrats shutdown the government and the MSM blames the Republicans.
Sad..but true. The only solution would be politicians who are willing to sacrifice their turn at the public trough..for the good of the nation.

What are the odds of that???
they call them term limits. And if there were actual term limits, then they would do the work of the people. Career politicians only look out for their careers and not the people. Hence, trump.
We the People are term limits
Pelosi is looking more and more like a Trumpian False Flag. Everything she says causes the Dems to lose voters.
The GOP will revisit the expiration of the middle class cuts. Why do you wish to punish corporations? I still don't get why you hate them so much when they supply the paying jobs for people to pay taxes on. I don't get you.

As for the deficit, it's the spending dummy.

Who's the dummy here...remains to be seen. Since you appear to have completely missed the point illustrated in the link..allow me to elaborate:

We have almost full fact, many say we do, for all intents. We have a huge deficit..and it is growing--despite raises in revenue. In simple terms..this means that maximum revenue is being taken in by the Govt. and it is not enough to pay the bills. Thus, a climbing deficit, that, in the future--will drag us down. We will have to borrow--and eventually..the interest on our debt will swamp us.

Usually..historically...when employment climbs..the deficit drops. For the first time since WW2---this is not the case. There is no more tax money to be had...unless we see the light...and end the corporate tax cuts.

This is the end result of Trump's Tax reform coupled with a huge budget that gave everyone what they wanted.
then why are there 5 million open jobs and 4% unemployment? The truth is that spending is what causes a deficit, not incoming revenue. you ain't got it, you don't spend it. Isn't that how your house functions?'s like you don't even read what I type!!

One more time..just for the hell of it--if your income does not match your have a deficit. Right now..the US income is at it's max--yet..the deficit is growing.

Yes, it's the spending...coupled with the loss of revenue caused by the tax cuts.

Usually, when the economy is doing as well as this one is..the deficit drops..yet this has not. A red flag if ever there was one.

It's took a pay cut...and went out and maxed your credit cards. Good times...until the interest on the bills pile up...and you have locked yourself into a contract that says you cannot get a raise.

You have yet to even begin to address how to fix a system that has increased its spending...while decreasing its revenue.

The GOP used to be all about responsible fiscal govt.--now---since Trump---they just don't care.

It's kind of like this:

If Trump and the Republicans didn't spend any money for the things we wanted, then Democrats got everything they wanted, then Republicans lose support for next election.

If Trump and the Republicans spend money on the things we want, and the things Democrats want, then the Republicans at least got something out of the deal.

If Republicans only spent money on the things we want, and little of what the Democrats want, then the Democrats shutdown the government and the MSM blames the Republicans.
Sad..but true. The only solution would be politicians who are willing to sacrifice their turn at the public trough..for the good of the nation.

What are the odds of that???

Trump would do it if he were the only one to be held responsible. But it's the entire Republican party that would get the blame. Trump could care less about a second term; I wouldn't doubt it if he's had enough BS already. Trump realizes that without a Rep House and Senate, he'll just be spinning his wheels for the next couple of years.

Who's the dummy here...remains to be seen. Since you appear to have completely missed the point illustrated in the link..allow me to elaborate:

We have almost full fact, many say we do, for all intents. We have a huge deficit..and it is growing--despite raises in revenue. In simple terms..this means that maximum revenue is being taken in by the Govt. and it is not enough to pay the bills. Thus, a climbing deficit, that, in the future--will drag us down. We will have to borrow--and eventually..the interest on our debt will swamp us.

Usually..historically...when employment climbs..the deficit drops. For the first time since WW2---this is not the case. There is no more tax money to be had...unless we see the light...and end the corporate tax cuts.

This is the end result of Trump's Tax reform coupled with a huge budget that gave everyone what they wanted.
then why are there 5 million open jobs and 4% unemployment? The truth is that spending is what causes a deficit, not incoming revenue. you ain't got it, you don't spend it. Isn't that how your house functions?'s like you don't even read what I type!!

One more time..just for the hell of it--if your income does not match your have a deficit. Right now..the US income is at it's max--yet..the deficit is growing.

Yes, it's the spending...coupled with the loss of revenue caused by the tax cuts.

Usually, when the economy is doing as well as this one is..the deficit drops..yet this has not. A red flag if ever there was one.

It's took a pay cut...and went out and maxed your credit cards. Good times...until the interest on the bills pile up...and you have locked yourself into a contract that says you cannot get a raise.

You have yet to even begin to address how to fix a system that has increased its spending...while decreasing its revenue.

The GOP used to be all about responsible fiscal govt.--now---since Trump---they just don't care.

It's kind of like this:

If Trump and the Republicans didn't spend any money for the things we wanted, then Democrats got everything they wanted, then Republicans lose support for next election.

If Trump and the Republicans spend money on the things we want, and the things Democrats want, then the Republicans at least got something out of the deal.

If Republicans only spent money on the things we want, and little of what the Democrats want, then the Democrats shutdown the government and the MSM blames the Republicans.
Sad..but true. The only solution would be politicians who are willing to sacrifice their turn at the public trough..for the good of the nation.

What are the odds of that???

Trump would do it if he were the only one to be held responsible. But it's the entire Republican party that would get the blame. Trump could care less about a second term; I wouldn't doubt it if he's had enough BS already. Trump realizes that without a Rep House and Senate, he'll just be spinning his wheels for the next couple of years.
I suspect Trump will pout big time when he doesn’t get re-elected
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay.... appears you forgot to tell the whole unusual for you!
Cancel tax cuts for the wealthy...keep the tax cuts for the middle class and the poor.

Agree or not...people that skew the news to suit their agenda are pieces of shit.

"The moment isn't quite as easily transferrable to GOP campaign ads as some might want it to be, given that the question was somewhat complex. And Pelosi may argue that her “that's accurate” comment was about rolling back certain tax cuts rather than "raise taxes." She added, “I do think we should revisit the tax legislation in … a bipartisan, transparent way.”

Her spokesman, Drew Hammill, pointed to Pelosi's previous comments looking to roll back specific aspects of the tax cuts while strengthening middle-class tax cuts: “Once again, Republicans are desperate to misrepresent any effort to roll back their debt-exploding tax giveaways for big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent as ‘raising taxes’ on middle class families.” He noted the that GOP tax plan would eventually raise taxes on individuals when those tax cuts expire in a decade. (Congress may renew those cuts before then.)

But that nuanced position was, for a moment, set aside. Most any politician knows that when you are asked whether you want to “raise taxes,” the next word out of your mouth probably shouldn't be “yes.” You talk around it. You massage it. Republicans passed this bill partially in the hope that Democrats would be baited into running against tax cuts and for raising taxes, and Pelosi seems to be obliging them."
They could have made the tax cuts for the middle class permanent if just 10 democraps had voted yes. They didn't because they don't give a shit about the middle class and never have.
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay.... appears you forgot to tell the whole unusual for you!
Cancel tax cuts for the wealthy...keep the tax cuts for the middle class and the poor.

Agree or not...people that skew the news to suit their agenda are pieces of shit.

"The moment isn't quite as easily transferrable to GOP campaign ads as some might want it to be, given that the question was somewhat complex. And Pelosi may argue that her “that's accurate” comment was about rolling back certain tax cuts rather than "raise taxes." She added, “I do think we should revisit the tax legislation in … a bipartisan, transparent way.”

Her spokesman, Drew Hammill, pointed to Pelosi's previous comments looking to roll back specific aspects of the tax cuts while strengthening middle-class tax cuts: “Once again, Republicans are desperate to misrepresent any effort to roll back their debt-exploding tax giveaways for big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent as ‘raising taxes’ on middle class families.” He noted the that GOP tax plan would eventually raise taxes on individuals when those tax cuts expire in a decade. (Congress may renew those cuts before then.)

But that nuanced position was, for a moment, set aside. Most any politician knows that when you are asked whether you want to “raise taxes,” the next word out of your mouth probably shouldn't be “yes.” You talk around it. You massage it. Republicans passed this bill partially in the hope that Democrats would be baited into running against tax cuts and for raising taxes, and Pelosi seems to be obliging them."
They could have made the tax cuts for the middle class permanent if just 10 democraps had voted yes. They didn't because they don't give a shit about the middle class and never have.
If it did not include massive tax cuts for the wealthy......they might have
Why didn’t Republicans dedicate more of the tax cut to the working class?
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay.... appears you forgot to tell the whole unusual for you!
Cancel tax cuts for the wealthy...keep the tax cuts for the middle class and the poor.

Agree or not...people that skew the news to suit their agenda are pieces of shit.

"The moment isn't quite as easily transferrable to GOP campaign ads as some might want it to be, given that the question was somewhat complex. And Pelosi may argue that her “that's accurate” comment was about rolling back certain tax cuts rather than "raise taxes." She added, “I do think we should revisit the tax legislation in … a bipartisan, transparent way.”

Her spokesman, Drew Hammill, pointed to Pelosi's previous comments looking to roll back specific aspects of the tax cuts while strengthening middle-class tax cuts: “Once again, Republicans are desperate to misrepresent any effort to roll back their debt-exploding tax giveaways for big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent as ‘raising taxes’ on middle class families.” He noted the that GOP tax plan would eventually raise taxes on individuals when those tax cuts expire in a decade. (Congress may renew those cuts before then.)

But that nuanced position was, for a moment, set aside. Most any politician knows that when you are asked whether you want to “raise taxes,” the next word out of your mouth probably shouldn't be “yes.” You talk around it. You massage it. Republicans passed this bill partially in the hope that Democrats would be baited into running against tax cuts and for raising taxes, and Pelosi seems to be obliging them."
They could have made the tax cuts for the middle class permanent if just 10 democraps had voted yes. They didn't because they don't give a shit about the middle class and never have.
If it did not include massive tax cuts for the wealthy......they might have
Why didn’t Republicans dedicate more of the tax cut to the working class?

Uhhhhh, because the wealthy pay most of the income tax in this country?
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay.... appears you forgot to tell the whole unusual for you!
Cancel tax cuts for the wealthy...keep the tax cuts for the middle class and the poor.

Agree or not...people that skew the news to suit their agenda are pieces of shit.

"The moment isn't quite as easily transferrable to GOP campaign ads as some might want it to be, given that the question was somewhat complex. And Pelosi may argue that her “that's accurate” comment was about rolling back certain tax cuts rather than "raise taxes." She added, “I do think we should revisit the tax legislation in … a bipartisan, transparent way.”

Her spokesman, Drew Hammill, pointed to Pelosi's previous comments looking to roll back specific aspects of the tax cuts while strengthening middle-class tax cuts: “Once again, Republicans are desperate to misrepresent any effort to roll back their debt-exploding tax giveaways for big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent as ‘raising taxes’ on middle class families.” He noted the that GOP tax plan would eventually raise taxes on individuals when those tax cuts expire in a decade. (Congress may renew those cuts before then.)

But that nuanced position was, for a moment, set aside. Most any politician knows that when you are asked whether you want to “raise taxes,” the next word out of your mouth probably shouldn't be “yes.” You talk around it. You massage it. Republicans passed this bill partially in the hope that Democrats would be baited into running against tax cuts and for raising taxes, and Pelosi seems to be obliging them."
They could have made the tax cuts for the middle class permanent if just 10 democraps had voted yes. They didn't because they don't give a shit about the middle class and never have.
If it did not include massive tax cuts for the wealthy......they might have
Why didn’t Republicans dedicate more of the tax cut to the working class?

Uhhhhh, because the wealthy pay most of the income tax in this country?
Rightfully so

More of the tax cut should have been directed at the middle class. Cut the rate below twenty percent

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