Pelosi: We will raise taxes if we retake house

Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....

The fact is that the Republican tax reform needs to be reformed. It was passed in a partisan manner unlike Reagan's 1986 tax reform which was a bipartisan reform.

These are the changes I would make.
End the carried interest deduction.
End the pass-through rate.
End the special tax break for real estate trusts.
Restore deductibility for SALT.
Use the standard deduction and bring back the personal exemption, index both to inflation.
index tax brackets to the regular CPI rather than the chained CPI.
Set the business rate at 25% or find other business tax breaks to keep the lower rate.

The fact is that the working class do not see it as a windfall for them. That is why the Republican message on tax cuts is not working. Also the unemployment reports have not seen a huge uptick in workers pay. Workers are not seeing much of the windfall businesses are seeing. As a matter of fact, a number of companies who have raised pay have also laid people off. Some of that increased pay is coming from companies cutting workers.
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....

Just like last time

Keep the tax cuts for working Americans, raise them on the wealthy
LMAO...small business BENEFITING from the tax cuts ARE working Americans dipshit! Business that benefit from this in turn give bonuses to their workers,raise wages and HIRE MORE PEOPLE! They also expand their companies!

You are the dipshit!! Businesses do not hire more people or expand unless there is a business need for it. They do not do it just because they get more money. Also many of the companies have cut workers as well.
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
what giveaway? still waiting on that explanation. still got crickets.

you need to understand the language you use. give away implies handing someone something you have. when did the government get the rich folks money?

Come now Robin.

The carried interest deduction that even Trump admits is a giveaway to Wall Street.
The pass-through rate which the rich are figuring out how to game.
The special rate for real estate trusts that benefits Trump and Paul Ryan.
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
what giveaway? still waiting on that explanation. still got crickets.

you need to understand the language you use. give away implies handing someone something you have. when did the government get the rich folks money?

Come now Robin.

The carried interest deduction that even Trump admits is a giveaway to Wall Street.
The pass-through rate which the rich are figuring out how to game.
The special rate for real estate trusts that benefits Trump and Paul Ryan.
you still didn't explain what the giveaway is. keeping their money isn't a giveaway. you know this right? tell me you aren't stupid.

Oh and the IRS took in the most revenue for an April Month last month. huh you say?
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....

The fact is that the Republican tax reform needs to be reformed. It was passed in a partisan manner unlike Reagan's 1986 tax reform which was a bipartisan reform.

These are the changes I would make.
End the carried interest deduction.
End the pass-through rate.
End the special tax break for real estate trusts.
Restore deductibility for SALT.
Use the standard deduction and bring back the personal exemption, index both to inflation.
index tax brackets to the regular CPI rather than the chained CPI.
Set the business rate at 25% or find other business tax breaks to keep the lower rate.

The fact is that the working class do not see it as a windfall for them. That is why the Republican message on tax cuts is not working. Also the unemployment reports have not seen a huge uptick in workers pay. Workers are not seeing much of the windfall businesses are seeing. As a matter of fact, a number of companies who have raised pay have also laid people off. Some of that increased pay is coming from companies cutting workers.

They may not see it now for a number of reasons. In many cases, people don't work the same hours all the time so their net pay fluctuates. We're steadily becoming a workforce that only gets pay stubs instead of paychecks due to direct deposit. So workers don't focus on what they actually take home like they used to. According to my tax preparer, I am in for a windfall when I file my 2018 returns. That's when more people will take a notice in what they pay in taxes.
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?

Who the hell is paying for Democrats giveaways
to the lazy, the irresponsible and the illegals?

Money doesn't grow on trees... NOTHING is free!
Who is going to pay for Republicans $1.5 trillion give away to the wealthy?
Why don't people like yourself give up your tax cut in protest ?
I would gladly go back to my old tax rate and deductions

Trump fucked me over big time

Did it to me as well, but at least the corporations and uber wealthy got to keep their expenditures. Whooow dodged a bullet there.
you used the correct term there. kept their expenditures. when did the government ever own it?

Who the hell is paying for Democrats giveaways
to the lazy, the irresponsible and the illegals?

Money doesn't grow on trees... NOTHING is free!
Who is going to pay for Republicans $1.5 trillion give away to the wealthy?
Why don't people like yourself give up your tax cut in protest ?
I would gladly go back to my old tax rate and deductions

Trump fucked me over big time

Did it to me as well, but at least the corporations and uber wealthy got to keep their expenditures. Whooow dodged a bullet there.
you used the correct term there. kept their expenditures. when did the government ever own it?

Where are my expenditures, why did they take mine away?
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
what giveaway? still waiting on that explanation. still got crickets.

you need to understand the language you use. give away implies handing someone something you have. when did the government get the rich folks money?

Come now Robin.
Just a few months ago, they call it a middle class tax cut, but that was a lie.
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
what giveaway? still waiting on that explanation. still got crickets.

you need to understand the language you use. give away implies handing someone something you have. when did the government get the rich folks money?

Come now Robin.
Just a few months ago, they call it a middle class tax cut, but that was a lie.

It was? I'm middle-class, and I got a tax break. According to my tax preparer, I'm getting a hell of a refund check from my 2018 return as well. Until then, I'm enjoying the extra few bucks in my check every week.
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
what giveaway? still waiting on that explanation. still got crickets.

you need to understand the language you use. give away implies handing someone something you have. when did the government get the rich folks money?

Come now Robin.
Just a few months ago, they call it a middle class tax cut, but that was a lie.

It was? I'm middle-class, and I got a tax break. According to my tax preparer, I'm getting a hell of a refund check from my 2018 return as well. Until then, I'm enjoying the extra few bucks in my check every week.
Well, that makes 1......
Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
what giveaway? still waiting on that explanation. still got crickets.

you need to understand the language you use. give away implies handing someone something you have. when did the government get the rich folks money?

Come now Robin.
Just a few months ago, they call it a middle class tax cut, but that was a lie.

It was? I'm middle-class, and I got a tax break. According to my tax preparer, I'm getting a hell of a refund check from my 2018 return as well. Until then, I'm enjoying the extra few bucks in my check every week.
Well, that makes 1......


Today is Tax Day. It’s the day where the Internal Revenue Service takes their yearly pound of flesh to the government. And for 80 percent of Americans, they’ll be getting relief thanks to President Trump and the Republican Congress passing the most extensive tax reform since the Reagan administration (via NTK Network):

That estimate comes not from the GOP, or even from a right-leaning outlet, but from the Tax Policy Center (TPC), a left-leaning think tank.

According to TPC’s December 2017 estimates, 80.4 percent of tax units will receive a tax cut in 2018, averaging $2,140.

Happy Tax Day: 80 Percent Of Americans Will Be Getting A Cut Thanks To Trump Tax Bill
Sorry bout that,

1. But Nancy you just handed the entire election to the Republicans, your party has *NO CHANCE* of winning even a highly contested worm race!
2. But I am sure the media like CNN will say the democrats can't lose,!!!
3. You go out screaming, ole gal, .... when the men in white suits, come to gather you up for your place in the LOONY BIN!!! bye bye sweet!
4. Crazy Bitch!

Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?

Who the hell is paying for Democrats giveaways
to the lazy, the irresponsible and the illegals?

Money doesn't grow on trees... NOTHING is free!
Hey smart guy! Who's budget is this? Are you saying that even with the house, the Senate, and the executive you guys are still our bitches? That the big bad democratic kinormin to too much for you?

LMAO! Conservatives are always the victim.
Hey smart guy! Who's budget is this? Are you saying that even with the house, the Senate, and the executive you guys are still our bitches? That the big bad democratic kinormin to too much for you?

LMAO! Conservatives are always the victim.
First off...I'm not a guy

Secondly, besides jack shit....
what does your gibberish have to do with,
my reply, or the post I was addressing?

I'm a casualty, of this pathetic sea of human complacency,
I am forced to stay afloat in...that is what I'm a victim of!
You were deflecting, trying to change the topic to your Obama obsession. I merely set you back on the track set by the OP by asking who's budget we were discussing in this thre
You were deflecting, trying to change the topic to your Obama obsession. I merely set you back on the track set by the OP by asking who's budget we were discussing in this thre

You were deflecting, trying to change the topic to your Obama obsession.
It's a shame I can not use crayons.....
You, definitely, are NOT, smarter than a 5th grader...
despite the fact, you think you are all that, then some!

All I did was, 'turn the tables', on your comment

And, your response, is to accuse me of deflecting,
by not addressing my comment (deflecting)....

Claiming, I was attempting to change the topic,
because of 'my obsession with Obama'...whom I NEVER mentioned
(changing topic/subject, completely)
I merely set you back on the track set by the OP by asking who's budget we were discussing in this thre
Yet, it gets better....

You are so deceived, by your own ego,
you are smug enough to believe, 'you set me back on track'....

Back on the road, set by the OP, which you deflected from,
when you didn't address the topic of the thread, to begin with

If I wanted to kill myself,
I could climb up your ego and jump to your IQ

Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?

Who the hell is paying for Democrats giveaways
to the lazy, the irresponsible and the illegals?

Money doesn't grow on trees... NOTHING is free!
Hey smart guy! Who's budget is this? Are you saying that even with the house, the Senate, and the executive you guys are still our bitches? That the big bad democratic kinormin to too much for you?

LMAO! Conservatives are always the victim.
Hey smart guy! Who's budget is this? Are you saying that even with the house, the Senate, and the executive you guys are still our bitches? That the big bad democratic kinormin to too much for you?

LMAO! Conservatives are always the victim.
First off...I'm not a guy

Secondly, besides jack shit....
what does your gibberish have to do with,
my reply, or the post I was addressing?

I'm a casualty, of this pathetic sea of human complacency,
I am forced to stay afloat in...that is what I'm a victim of!
First off, "smart guy" is pretty generic and was not intended to offend. If you only wanna be identified as female you will have to make it obvious in your screen name or some other way or just get used to it. Second, if you don't see the relevance I don't see any way to explain it to you. How do you go about describing "red" to a blue and person?
Since you know it all, you should know when to shut the fuck up.

Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?

Who the hell is paying for Democrats giveaways
to the lazy, the irresponsible and the illegals?

Money doesn't grow on trees... NOTHING is free!
Who is going to pay for Republicans $1.5 trillion give away to the wealthy?
Why don't people like yourself give up your tax cut in protest ?
I would gladly go back to my old tax rate and deductions

Trump fucked me over big time
I would gladly go back to my old tax rate and deductions

Trump fucked me over big time
The only ones fucking us over, are ourselves!

They do what we allow them to do

Tax rates and deductions may change,
but, them, being fiscally irresponsible, doesn't!
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?

Who the hell is paying for Democrats giveaways
to the lazy, the irresponsible and the illegals?

Money doesn't grow on trees... NOTHING is free!
Hey smart guy! Who's budget is this? Are you saying that even with the house, the Senate, and the executive you guys are still our bitches? That the big bad democratic kinormin to too much for you?

LMAO! Conservatives are always the victim.
Hey smart guy! Who's budget is this? Are you saying that even with the house, the Senate, and the executive you guys are still our bitches? That the big bad democratic kinormin to too much for you?

LMAO! Conservatives are always the victim.
First off...I'm not a guy

Secondly, besides jack shit....
what does your gibberish have to do with,
my reply, or the post I was addressing?

I'm a casualty, of this pathetic sea of human complacency,
I am forced to stay afloat in...that is what I'm a victim of!
You were deflecting, trying to change the topic to your Obama obsession. I merely set you back on the track set by the OP by asking who's budget we were discussing in this thre
You were deflecting, trying to change the topic to your Obama obsession. I merely set you back on the track set by the OP by asking who's budget we were discussing in this thre

You were deflecting, trying to change the topic to your Obama obsession.
It's a shame I can not use crayons.....
You, definitely, are NOT, smarter than a 5th grader...
despite the fact, you think you are all that, then some!

All I did was, 'turn the tables', on your comment

And, your response, is to accuse me of deflecting,
by not addressing my comment (deflecting)....

Claiming, I was attempting to change the topic,
because of 'my obsession with Obama'...whom I NEVER mentioned
(changing topic/subject, completely)
I merely set you back on the track set by the OP by asking who's budget we were discussing in this thre
Yet, it gets better....

You are so deceived, by your own ego,
you are smug enough to believe, 'you set me back on track'....

Back on the road, set by the OP, which you deflected from,
when you didn't address the topic of the thread, to begin with

If I wanted to kill myself,
I could climb up your ego and jump to your IQ

Pelosi: Why Yes–Democrats Are Going To Raise Taxes If We Retake The House

My oh my the gift that keeps giving! How many idiots on the fence will vote for HIGHER taxes ESPECIALLY the working class that the dems lost in 2016? NOT MANY! These are the people the tax cuts are helping the most with bonuses and higher pay....
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?
Somebody has to pay for the republicans giveaway to the rich and their drunken sailor budget. You think money grows on trees?

Who the hell is paying for Democrats giveaways
to the lazy, the irresponsible and the illegals?

Money doesn't grow on trees... NOTHING is free!
Hey smart guy! Who's budget is this? Are you saying that even with the house, the Senate, and the executive you guys are still our bitches? That the big bad democratic kinormin to too much for you?

LMAO! Conservatives are always the victim.
Hey smart guy! Who's budget is this? Are you saying that even with the house, the Senate, and the executive you guys are still our bitches? That the big bad democratic kinormin to too much for you?

LMAO! Conservatives are always the victim.
First off...I'm not a guy

Secondly, besides jack shit....
what does your gibberish have to do with,
my reply, or the post I was addressing?

I'm a casualty, of this pathetic sea of human complacency,
I am forced to stay afloat in...that is what I'm a victim of!
First off, "smart guy" is pretty generic and was not intended to offend. If you only wanna be identified as female you will have to make it obvious in your screen name or some other way or just get used to it. Second, if you don't see the relevance I don't see any way to explain it to you. How do you go about describing "red" to a blue and person?
Since you know it all, you should know when to shut the fuck up.

That is one seriously confused, angry post. Would you care to translate it when you've cooled off? ''Cause all I'm getting out of it is that you are pissed off.
It goes beyond taking the House

But what happens as soon as Trump is voted out of office?

Repeal the tax cuts on billionaires and corporations
Repair Obamacare
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accord
Rejoin the Iran nuclear deal
Take the Embassy out of Jerusalem

Tear down the wall

Should take about a week to destroy the Trump legacy

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