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Pelosi won't rule out launching new impeachment inquiry to block Trump SCOTUS nominee

Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


Both sides do shit like that. Try to block the other side no matter what's at stake, just for the sake of blocking the other side. The GOP did it in the Senate for Trump's un-American activities with Ukraine.

Frivolous doesn't come close to defining what Pelosi is contemplating, so try to stay on topic.

She's just doing something that the GOP would also do in a heartbeat if the tables were turned. And you're totally delusional if you don't think that they would.

Did Republicans threaten to impeach Barry Hussein to keep him from carrying out his Constitutional duty of nominating a justice?
They would have had they had something on him. And you know they would have.
They didn't have anything on him last time and that didn't seem to matter.
I think they're afraid of being shown to be a bunch of dishonest criminals this time.
They don't have a legal leg to stand on when it comes to this.
Personally I think the Democrats have de-legitimized the House to the point they should be dissolved.
Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


So, she won't rule it out. Big deal. Would giving free rein for any crime that comes up or might occur make you feel better if it were a democrat in office. I don't think so. Quit whining.:boo_hoo14:
Um, impeachment is there to use in case a crime might occur, Stupid.

And please explain what crime would occur from President Trump nominating a SC justice as is spelled out in the Constitution.
Not at all inconceivable that a crime will occur with this president. Did anybody say there was anything illegal about nominating a Supreme. I missed it. Post us a link.
Once again, impeachment isn't used in case some future crime might occur, you raving lunatic.
Ruling out closes and option that could become necessary. Learn from 20 years combat operation, always leave options open until must be closed due to circumstance. Found the same thing true in business. Did you learn something different somewhere, or are you just whining because somebody wasn't easy to manipulate?
Meaningless drivel.

Learn what is required for impeachment. Nominating a SC justice as spelled out in the Constitution is not an impeachable offence you raving lunatic.
Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


So, she won't rule it out. Big deal. Would giving free rein for any crime that comes up or might occur make you feel better if it were a democrat in office. I don't think so. Quit whining.:boo_hoo14:
Um, impeachment is there to use in case a crime might occur, Stupid.

And please explain what crime would occur from President Trump nominating a SC justice as is spelled out in the Constitution.
Not at all inconceivable that a crime will occur with this president. Did anybody say there was anything illegal about nominating a Supreme. I missed it. Post us a link.
Not inconceivable that anyone could commit a crime.

If you want impeachment hearings how about
bringing Pelosi up on charges of obstructing the president of the nation from conducting his legal
constitutionally required duties and business and severely abusing her position as speaker of the house.

There is an impeachment I could get behind.
Go for it. I'll watch the show and enjoy. Benefits of being independent instead of party committed. Allows an open mind, until decision has to be made, by circumstance.
Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


So, she won't rule it out. Big deal. Would giving free rein for any crime that comes up or might occur make you feel better if it were a democrat in office. I don't think so. Quit whining.:boo_hoo14:
Um, impeachment is there to use in case a crime might occur, Stupid.

And please explain what crime would occur from President Trump nominating a SC justice as is spelled out in the Constitution.
Not at all inconceivable that a crime will occur with this president. Did anybody say there was anything illegal about nominating a Supreme. I missed it. Post us a link.
Not inconceivable that anyone could commit a crime.

If you want impeachment hearings how about
bringing Pelosi up on charges of obstructing the president of the nation from conducting his legal
constitutionally required duties and business and severely abusing her position as speaker of the house.

There is an impeachment I could get behind.

Too bad it doesn't work that way.

Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


So, she won't rule it out. Big deal. Would giving free rein for any crime that comes up or might occur make you feel better if it were a democrat in office. I don't think so. Quit whining.:boo_hoo14:
Um, impeachment is there to use in case a crime might occur, Stupid.

And please explain what crime would occur from President Trump nominating a SC justice as is spelled out in the Constitution.
Not at all inconceivable that a crime will occur with this president. Did anybody say there was anything illegal about nominating a Supreme. I missed it. Post us a link.
Once again, impeachment isn't used in case some future crime might occur, you raving lunatic.
Ruling out closes and option that could become necessary. Learn from 20 years combat operation, always leave options open until must be closed due to circumstance. Found the same thing true in business. Did you learn something different somewhere, or are you just whining because somebody wasn't easy to manipulate?
Thought you would like that, Nostra or at least see the humor. You are committed, but no blind fool. I have no problem with that in general, as it keeps my judgmental options open.;)
Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


Both sides do shit like that. Try to block the other side no matter what's at stake, just for the sake of blocking the other side. The GOP did it in the Senate for Trump's un-American activities with Ukraine.

Frivolous doesn't come close to defining what Pelosi is contemplating, so try to stay on topic.

She's just doing something that the GOP would also do in a heartbeat if the tables were turned. And you're totally delusional if you don't think that they would.

If the GOP were ever to become that petty, I wouldn't support it.

Swiping candy is illegal, what Pelosi is doing isn't. See the difference?
No. Not at all and like all shallow thinking literalists you miss the entire point and it is not at all "legal" for Pelosi to use impeachment to achieve her political ends (though she does and threatens to do so again).
Not one for conceptual thinking, are you.

Pelosi doesn't have one single ounce of legal or moral right and authority to impeach the president for
appointing someone to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Ruth Ginsburg.
Not one! That's what presidents do.
Whether you like it or approve is immaterial. Who tried to impeach Barry Obama for trying to get Merrick Garland on the court as a lame duck president?
Swiping candy is illegal, what Pelosi is doing isn't. See the difference?
No. Not at all and like all shallow thinking literalists you miss the entire point and it is not at all "legal" for Pelosi to use impeachment to achieve her political ends (though she does and threatens to do so again).
Not one for conceptual thinking, are you.

Pelosi doesn't have one single ounce of legal or moral right and authority to impeach the president for
appointing someone to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Ruth Ginsburg.
Not one! That's what presidents do.
Whether you like it or approve is immaterial. Who tried to impeach Barry Obama for trying to get Merrick Garland on the court as a lame duck president?
It would be a blatant abuse of power by Nazi Pelousy.
Go for it. I'll watch the show and enjoy. Benefits of being independent instead of party committed. Allows an open mind, until decision has to be made, by circumstance.
I'm not for impeaching, even someone as reptilian as Nancy Pelosi. I'm just saying if Pelosi tried to lob a nuclear bomb against Trump and the republicans for the "crime" of filling the vacancy left by Ginsburg then impeachment of Pelosi would be an appropriate response.

I think Pelosi had too much to drink and is barking reflexively. like the diplomatic statesperson that she is.
NOTHING should be ruled out. This rank hypocrisy must be stopped by just about any means.

In 2016 the commies said maobamas nomination must get a vote, today they're saying Trumps nominee must not get a vote. Yeah the rank hypocrisy is rampant.

Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


I think that launching fake impeachments should be punished.
Removal from office would be a good start....jail terms would be great.

It would take a 2/3rds vote in the house for removal, that won't happen. And congress can't be prosecuted for what they do on the floors of the respective houses.

Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


Both sides do shit like that. Try to block the other side no matter what's at stake, just for the sake of blocking the other side. The GOP did it in the Senate for Trump's un-American activities with Ukraine.

Frivolous doesn't come close to defining what Pelosi is contemplating, so try to stay on topic.

She's just doing something that the GOP would also do in a heartbeat if the tables were turned. And you're totally delusional if you don't think that they would.

Oh please, the Republicans are not such power hungry animals like the Democrats are. They would never do anything unethical to stop a justice from being nominated. Fight against it yes, but not to illegally use impeachment.
Trump tried to get Ukraine to help him win re-election. That's much, much worse than what Pelosi is doing.

How did Trump do that when he didn't even know who he'd be running against? And what law is there that a President cannot ask another world leader to look into a matter of impropriety?
I'm not even going there, you know what he did was wrong.
Go for it. I'll watch the show and enjoy. Benefits of being independent instead of party committed. Allows an open mind, until decision has to be made, by circumstance.
I'm not for impeaching, even someone as reptilian as Nancy Pelosi. I'm just saying if Pelosi tried to lob a nuclear bomb against Trump and the republicans for the "crime" of filling the vacancy left by Ginsburg then impeachment of Pelosi would be an appropriate response.

I think Pelosi had too much to drink and is barking reflexively. like the diplomatic statesperson that she is.

She didn't say she was going to do it, only that she wouldn't rule it out. Sort of like an indirect threat to the President. They already started in impeachment war with the last one they did, they don't want to make it worse by impeaching for anything even non-impeachable actions.
Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


Both sides do shit like that. Try to block the other side no matter what's at stake, just for the sake of blocking the other side. The GOP did it in the Senate for Trump's un-American activities with Ukraine.

Frivolous doesn't come close to defining what Pelosi is contemplating, so try to stay on topic.

She's just doing something that the GOP would also do in a heartbeat if the tables were turned. And you're totally delusional if you don't think that they would.

Did Republicans threaten to impeach Barry Hussein to keep him from carrying out his Constitutional duty of nominating a justice?
They would have had they had something on him. And you know they would have.
If Barry committed a high crime or misdemeanor, as spelled out in the Constitution, they might have impeached.

Nazi is threatening impeachment of Trump if he does his Constitutional duty. If you can't see how that is wrong you have the IQ of a retarded pencil.
I seem to remember the GOP blocking Obummer's court appointee at the end of his second term. Pot. Kettle. Black.
Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


Both sides do shit like that. Try to block the other side no matter what's at stake, just for the sake of blocking the other side. The GOP did it in the Senate for Trump's un-American activities with Ukraine.

Frivolous doesn't come close to defining what Pelosi is contemplating, so try to stay on topic.

She's just doing something that the GOP would also do in a heartbeat if the tables were turned. And you're totally delusional if you don't think that they would.

Oh please, the Republicans are not such power hungry animals like the Democrats are. They would never do anything unethical to stop a justice from being nominated. Fight against it yes, but not to illegally use impeachment.
Trump tried to get Ukraine to help him win re-election. That's much, much worse than what Pelosi is doing.

How did Trump do that when he didn't even know who he'd be running against? And what law is there that a President cannot ask another world leader to look into a matter of impropriety?
I'm not even going there, you know what he did was wrong.

He didn't do anything wrong. That's the problem.
I believe the Democrats think this couldn't possibly be a bigger disaster for them.

Their voters didn't come out when the Senate didn't hold a vote on Merrick.

Trump likely won due to the fact a Supreme Court seat was on the line.

Now, no matter what they do, they are fucked. This fight is going to take all the air out the room until the election.

I don't think that helps Biden...as it puts the focus on another Trump win...judicial appointments.

And whether the Republicans win or lose, the Democrats are dipped in shit. They either use underhanded tactics, obstruct a woman Supreme Court appointment...or most likely both.

And the don't have the power or leverage to win the Supreme Court Battle.

Collins likely loses her seat in Maine...so I guess that's a consolation prize. She's in the same no win situation as the Dems. No matter what she does it's going to hurt her politically.

Romney will cave in and vote yes, as will Murkowski.

Trump and the Republicans have the easy decisions. Either way...win or lose in this pre-election nomination battle, they win.

And if the Dems riot???

They lose the House and the Presidency.

Losing the Presidency was almost a forgone conclusion...Biden was always the wrong guy for that...but the house was a long shot. But that long shot it's getting shorter every day.
Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


Both sides do shit like that. Try to block the other side no matter what's at stake, just for the sake of blocking the other side. The GOP did it in the Senate for Trump's un-American activities with Ukraine.

Frivolous doesn't come close to defining what Pelosi is contemplating, so try to stay on topic.

She's just doing something that the GOP would also do in a heartbeat if the tables were turned. And you're totally delusional if you don't think that they would.

Did Republicans threaten to impeach Barry Hussein to keep him from carrying out his Constitutional duty of nominating a justice?
They would have had they had something on him. And you know they would have.
If Barry committed a high crime or misdemeanor, as spelled out in the Constitution, they might have impeached.

Nazi is threatening impeachment of Trump if he does his Constitutional duty. If you can't see how that is wrong you have the IQ of a retarded pencil.
I seem to remember the GOP blocking Obummer's court appointee at the end of his second term. Pot. Kettle. Black.
By impeaching Obama????
Unfreaking believable. Pelosi is threatening Trump with impeachment for doing his constitutional duty.

Pelosi, appearing in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, would not rule out launching impeachment proceedings in order to block the Senate from confirming a nominee from President Donald Trump.


Both sides do shit like that. Try to block the other side no matter what's at stake, just for the sake of blocking the other side. The GOP did it in the Senate for Trump's un-American activities with Ukraine.

Frivolous doesn't come close to defining what Pelosi is contemplating, so try to stay on topic.

She's just doing something that the GOP would also do in a heartbeat if the tables were turned. And you're totally delusional if you don't think that they would.

If the GOP were ever to become that petty, I wouldn't support it.

The GOP blocked Obummer's last scotus appointment until after Trump was elected.
Go for it, Ms. Nancy!

You may succeed in scuttling the Supreme Court nomination, and you will be the queen of the hill.

Or if you do start an impeachment, you may come to regard it as the biggest mistake of your career.

I'm hoping for the latter.

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