Pelosi's Attacker Was a "Friend"

No doubt with "gay" benefits

this story gets stranger and stranger............there was another person at the home at the time of the attack who has not been identified, and this individual actually opened the door for the police. The attacker did not hit pelosi until the police were actually in front of him and pelosi, that is when he hit pelosi with the hammer....

Something tells me this was some democrat party sex thing...........and they really, really want this story to go away....
this story gets stranger and stranger............there was another person at the home at the time of the attack who has not been identified, and this individual actually opened the door for the police. The attacker did not hit pelosi until the police were actually in front of him and pelosi, that is when he hit pelosi with the hammer....

Something tells me this was some democrat party sex thing...........and they really, really want this story to go away....

I love stories like this where things just go horribly, horribly wrong for democrats when they're indulging their immoral appetites and puerile whims.
Let's see the security video. Oh wait, they are Democrats the cameras weren't working.....Oh wait the video got deleted.....Oh wait.....

"They wont release thousands of hours of January 6th footage....they wont release the Epstein prision cell footage.....and they wont release the Paul Pelosi gay hammer attack footage"

No surprises there. :rolleyes:

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