Pelosi's Jan 6 Show exposed again doctoring evidence.


The showed a video of MAGA rioters breaking into the Capitol in total disgrace.
Then they played sound of a cop announcing the Capitol has been breached.

You people are really reaching here and desperate as fuck to try and excuse the disgraceful Jan 6th Insurrection.

The problem is there are 10000+ videos all with sound all repeatedly showing MAGA trash attacking and beating cops, and breaking into the Capitol, and beating cops some more, and playing dress up running around in combat vest like wanna be bad asses.

Its laughable to think that playing that audio clip somehow excuses or negates the Jan 6th Insurrection. Obviously you are desperate to try and dismiss the shameful and disgraceful behavior of the MAGA republicans.

Talk about desperation

It must be lovely going through life only believing what your owners want to to believe.

A good slave.

Simple is a good thing.

Do you need audio to comprehend that a slew of Trump's thugs were on a rampage at the Capital beating cops with flagpoles, ass breath?

You asshats for Trump need it explained to you in crayon using block letters?
Seek help soon. :itsok:
Boy, somebody better tell all those insurrectionists who pleaded guilty!
Which ones plead guilty and which ones were actually “insurrectionists” as opposed to “protestors?” There is a difference. Which ones went through the Constitutionally guaranteed “due process?”

Which ones plead guilty and which ones were actually “insurrectionists” as opposed to “protestors?” There is a difference. Which ones went through the Constitutionally guaranteed “due process?”


The only ones who were "insurrectionists" were the ones hired by the DNC.

Why was Pelosi's daughter there filming?

Why is the onus on me? I didn't produce the "evidence." They show two sets of videos, one with sound, one without. So what? What does that prove? How do you know the source they got the silent video from didn't scrub the sound? You don't know where it came from. You assume it's true because it fits your bias. How do you know the video with the sound hasn't been doctored by someone else and being used to fool you?

I've lost count of how many January 6th "bombshells" you and Cult 45 have come up with to somehow prove the whole thing was staged by the left and yet despite all of it you're still left high and dry. The Marmalade Messiah won't even help you people. Where are all the other media outlets at covering this damning discovery? Why is it just some third party Web site nobody has heard of?
Ill be happy to give you more, as soon as I get them.
Why was Pelosi's daughter there filming?

On the day of the Insurrection, Pelosi's daughter was filming this documentary:

Now you know. You're welcome.
On the day of the Insurrection, Pelosi's daughter was filming this documentary:

Now you know. You're welcome.
I'm sure tens of people will line up to watch that.

It must be lovely going through life only believing what your owners want to to believe.

A good slave.

Simple is a good thing.

Say what
What does that even mean? You people can never debate any issue, you just regurgitate pathetic attempts at quips, that are so cliche.

Its all on video MAGA trash breaking into the Capitol, and beating cops, and rioting at the Capitol.

What is the point of this thread, to cry like pussies again?

Are you trying to say, that playing audio of a cop yelling "They breached the Capitol" over the no audio video of a bunch of MAGA trash breaking into the Capitol, like total trash criminals, somehow demininshes the disgraceful Jan 6th Insurrection?

What is the point?
Its all on video, MAGA trash rioting and beating cops repeatedly.
Say what
What does that even mean? You people can never debate any issue, you just regurgitate pathetic attempts at quips, that are so cliche.

Its all on video MAGA trash breaking into the Capitol, and beating cops, and rioting at the Capitol.

What is the point of this thread, to cry like pussies again?

Are you trying to say, that playing audio of a cop yelling "They breached the Capitol" over the no audio video of a bunch of MAGA trash breaking into the Capitol, like total trash criminals, somehow demininshes the disgraceful Jan 6th Insurrection?

What is the point?
Its all on video, MAGA trash rioting and beating cops repeatedly.
Why did Piglosi alter and manufacture fake evidence?
Why did Piglosi alter and manufacture fake evidence?
That didn't happen?

Obviously you are so ashamed and disgraced by the behavior of the MAGA trash rioting and beating cops like traitorous garbage that you need to lie yet again.

You people look so bad and so stupid, what is the point of this thread and all your crying? The audio somehow means the video is fake??

There are 100000+ videos of all the disgracefull MAGA trash rioting and beating cops, like pure shit. Pure MAGA trash. All 100% republicans.
Republican trash

Your pathetic desperate attempt to lie and excuse the disgraceful behavior of Trump and his underlings has failed, like always.
That didn't happen?

Obviously you are so ashamed and disgraced by the behavior of the MAGA trash rioting and beating cops like traitorous garbage that you need to lie yet again.

You people look so bad and so stupid, what is the point of this thread and all your crying? The audio somehow means the video is fake??

There are 100000+ videos of all the disgracefull MAGA trash rioting and beating cops, like pure shit. Pure MAGA trash. All 100% republicans.
Republican trash

Your pathetic desperate attempt to lie and excuse the disgraceful behavior of Trump and his underlings has failed, like always.
It did happen. That is documented in the OP.

And this isn't the only example, Simp.

Bleating "Nuh-uh" doesn't change that fact.

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