Pence: Condoms are "too modern and too liberal"

the real problem is condoms often break...and nobody knows why! we're in 2016 that's incredible :shock:
'Often break'??? You've got to stop re-using the ones you find down behind the bicycle shed, idiot!
If youre being hyperbolic, I withdraw the sarcasm...
Pence: Condoms are "too modern and too liberal"

Mike Pence: Condoms Are Too Modern
"Donald Trump’s running mate is a dangerous Christian extremist who wants creationism taught in public schools and believes the government should pay for gay conversion therapy.

In addition, in 2015, as Governor of Indiana, Pence allowed an HIV outbreak to spread, choosing prayer over a clean needle exchange.

But perhaps one of the most idiotic claims made by Pence is that condoms are too “modern,” too “liberal,” and offer a poor defense against sexually transmitted infections and diseases.

Pence’s bizarre and unsubstantiated claims concerning condoms came in 2002, in response to then-Secretary of State Colin Powell saying in an MTV forum that sexually active young people should protect themselves with condoms." (more at link)

Pence is insane religious fascist that sounds like someone from Saudi arabia.
He's nuts. But it's not that condoms are too modern. He's right that they aren't foolproof. But kids will have sex. Hopefully they use condoms and something else (pill IUD) and hopefully they don't get STD
It baffles me why an evangelical has hitched his wagon to a horse bound for hell. It really does.

It is going to be a very cringe-inducing and sad spectacle to watch him defend the indefensible huckster's character tomorrow night.

It reveals much of Pence's own character that he has crawled into Trump's sleeping bag.

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