Pence finally tells the truth as to why the GOP wants to stay in Power

Because Nancy Pelosi needs a 3rd sub-zero fridge? Democrats are ruled by billionaires and millionaires and they dare even speak on this issue? :talk2hand:

Right....that is why the GOP is always handing the wealthy big tax cuts....right.....

Yep, as mentioned, Democrats are pushing to eliminate the SALT tax cap...that sure ought to help out all you poor folk, dumbass.

These morons on the left are clueless, no wonder the Dem leadership laughs at their naïve base.
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)

The Horse And Sparrow Theory

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith once dubbed trickle-down economics the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory:‭ “‬If you feed the horse enough oats,‭ ‬some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.‭”

All Republican politicians and way too many Democrats subscribe to this theory,‭ ‬and have had average Americans living on the horsesh!t the ruling billionaire class sh!ts out since Reagan first sold the average Americans his‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬snake oil.

Like the good,‭ ‬Reagan-loving sparrows they are,‭ ‬conservatives have enthusiastically lived on the horsesh!t billionaires have trickled down on them since the‭ ‬1980s.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the majority have known all along that‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬is exactly that...,‭ ‬horsesh!t.

As history has shown,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬any bandwagon the right-wingers leap onto,‭ ‬it’s certain to be a financial disaster for average Americans.‭ ‬And the right-wingers have been riding the‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬and living vicariously through the prosperity of ruling billionaire class for so long,‭ ‬they are terrified of finding themselves truly prosperous.

There are several reasons our politicians are unwilling to challenge this perception of the right-wingers,‭ ‬which is,‭ ‬sadly,‭ ‬shared by many centrists.‭ ‬One,‭ ‬promoting the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory maintains the ultra-wealthy political contributors‭’ ‬generosity.‭ ‬Two,‭ ‬many of the so-called‭ “‬progressives‭” ‬in Congress are corporate stooges,‭ ‬and regularly stab their constituents in the back,‭ ‬voting with the congressional Republicans to feed the greed of America’s‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires.‭ ‬Three,‭ ‬the honoraria for serving the financial interests of corporate America and those‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires is addictive,‭ ‬and makes the recipients‭’ ‬ethics increasingly flexible‭ ‬as time and reelections pass.‭

.‭ ‬

Raise taxes, government oats are yummy!!!

Your team has WAY enough oats (assuming you are a MAGA-millionaire which you are not ;-) to survive the winter :rolleyes-41:
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)

The Horse And Sparrow Theory

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith once dubbed trickle-down economics the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory:‭ “‬If you feed the horse enough oats,‭ ‬some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.‭”

All Republican politicians and way too many Democrats subscribe to this theory,‭ ‬and have had average Americans living on the horsesh!t the ruling billionaire class sh!ts out since Reagan first sold the average Americans his‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬snake oil.

Like the good,‭ ‬Reagan-loving sparrows they are,‭ ‬conservatives have enthusiastically lived on the horsesh!t billionaires have trickled down on them since the‭ ‬1980s.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the majority have known all along that‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬is exactly that...,‭ ‬horsesh!t.

As history has shown,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬any bandwagon the right-wingers leap onto,‭ ‬it’s certain to be a financial disaster for average Americans.‭ ‬And the right-wingers have been riding the‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬and living vicariously through the prosperity of ruling billionaire class for so long,‭ ‬they are terrified of finding themselves truly prosperous.

There are several reasons our politicians are unwilling to challenge this perception of the right-wingers,‭ ‬which is,‭ ‬sadly,‭ ‬shared by many centrists.‭ ‬One,‭ ‬promoting the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory maintains the ultra-wealthy political contributors‭’ ‬generosity.‭ ‬Two,‭ ‬many of the so-called‭ “‬progressives‭” ‬in Congress are corporate stooges,‭ ‬and regularly stab their constituents in the back,‭ ‬voting with the congressional Republicans to feed the greed of America’s‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires.‭ ‬Three,‭ ‬the honoraria for serving the financial interests of corporate America and those‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires is addictive,‭ ‬and makes the recipients‭’ ‬ethics increasingly flexible‭ ‬as time and reelections pass.‭

.‭ ‬

Yep, the mythical trickle-down enabled Paris Hilton to add a Sous-chef and an additional gardener.
Republicans say "well, that's TWO jobs created!"
Normal folks just laugh :laugh:

"Normal" folks don't walk around coveting another man's money.
How is taxing the uber-rich at the same true percentage as average Americans "coveting another man's money?"

You RWNJs truly believe Jeff Bezos pays his employees what their work for him is worth. If your beliefs are true, Bezos could do the work all by himself.


Calm down kid. Bezos is a Prog, you do know that? You don't have any idea what my "beliefs" are son.
Another RWNJ on the loose in the real world, trying to sell the RWNJs fantasy.


LOL, and yet.....I am not the one begging for someone else's money.........

Has it occurred you that Dear Leader from Hell is the self-proclaimed “King of Debt” and OPM?
Meh - Y’all don’t give a flying fuck. Sad:confused:
How many should the government employ? You have set yourself up as an expert, explain, using facts and numbers. These will be facts and numbers you have arrived at using logic and considering all factors. Not right-wing bullsh!t you pulled out of your a$$.
Don't take an expert to know that our gov't. is bloated and is wasting most of the money they steal, after they take their cut of course.

We could easily cut our gov't. in half and not miss a beat.

Agreed, cut military spending in half and invest in homeland infrastructure - You with me bro?
Pence's claim that he is a Christian is a damn lie:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Gospel of Matthew 5:3-10

No true Christian would follow the creed of Trumpism, to wit:

I'VE GOT MINE, FUCK THE REST OF YOU! ACTUALLY think taxing the rich can make you wealthier? Or is it that it just makes you "feel" better when the Gov takes more from people who have (unlike you) actually done/given what it takes to make their money?

You don't know anything about me and my assets. You know nothing about my ethos and opinions of the "rich".
Agreed, cut military spending in half and invest in homeland infrastructure - You with me bro?
Military spending is no longer the leader in gov't. spending. It's the things the left supports, you know, the "free stuff".

The problem with you and those who make comments about taxes and the economy is ignorance. We are a consumer driven economy, and military spending never trickles down to the enlisted men and women. Do you know how many military families need some of the "free stuff" jerks like you mock?

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.
jmo but putting Reagan in with this bunch of thieves doesn't help the dem argument. The marginal rate was 70%, we had stagnant growth and inflation. Even Carter was cutting cap gains taxes.

Todays gop argument is that the 1%'s taxes should not go up commensurate with their income gains, but you won't ever see those gains, even while your job loses its pension and healthcare
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I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.
When are the Dims going to tell the truth about why they want to gain power?
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)

The Horse And Sparrow Theory

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith once dubbed trickle-down economics the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory:‭ “‬If you feed the horse enough oats,‭ ‬some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.‭”

All Republican politicians and way too many Democrats subscribe to this theory,‭ ‬and have had average Americans living on the horsesh!t the ruling billionaire class sh!ts out since Reagan first sold the average Americans his‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬snake oil.

Like the good,‭ ‬Reagan-loving sparrows they are,‭ ‬conservatives have enthusiastically lived on the horsesh!t billionaires have trickled down on them since the‭ ‬1980s.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the majority have known all along that‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬is exactly that...,‭ ‬horsesh!t.

As history has shown,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬any bandwagon the right-wingers leap onto,‭ ‬it’s certain to be a financial disaster for average Americans.‭ ‬And the right-wingers have been riding the‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬and living vicariously through the prosperity of ruling billionaire class for so long,‭ ‬they are terrified of finding themselves truly prosperous.

There are several reasons our politicians are unwilling to challenge this perception of the right-wingers,‭ ‬which is,‭ ‬sadly,‭ ‬shared by many centrists.‭ ‬One,‭ ‬promoting the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory maintains the ultra-wealthy political contributors‭’ ‬generosity.‭ ‬Two,‭ ‬many of the so-called‭ “‬progressives‭” ‬in Congress are corporate stooges,‭ ‬and regularly stab their constituents in the back,‭ ‬voting with the congressional Republicans to feed the greed of America’s‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires.‭ ‬Three,‭ ‬the honoraria for serving the financial interests of corporate America and those‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires is addictive,‭ ‬and makes the recipients‭’ ‬ethics increasingly flexible‭ ‬as time and reelections pass.‭

.‭ ‬
What a giant boat load of communist propaganda.

BTW, the left coined the term "trickle down," not the right

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
They’re worse. They claim to be for the working class, but clearly aren’t. Both parties are controlled by the same people. The ultra wealthy.

Wrong, nobody and nothing is worse than the tRumplikkkons.


I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
They’re worse. They claim to be for the working class, but clearly aren’t. Both parties are controlled by the same people. The ultra wealthy.

Wrong, nobody and nothing is worse than the tRumplikkkons.

Democrats are 10,000 times worse, moron.

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
They’re worse. They claim to be for the working class, but clearly aren’t. Both parties are controlled by the same people. The ultra wealthy.

Wrong, nobody and nothing is worse than the tRumplikkkons.

Democrats are 10,000 times worse, moron.
Only an uninformed duped moron would believe that.

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
They’re worse. They claim to be for the working class, but clearly aren’t. Both parties are controlled by the same people. The ultra wealthy.

Wrong, nobody and nothing is worse than the tRumplikkkons.

Democrats are 10,000 times worse, moron.
Only an uninformed duped moron would believe that.
Everyone with a brain knows that it's true.

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
They’re worse. They claim to be for the working class, but clearly aren’t. Both parties are controlled by the same people. The ultra wealthy.

Wrong, nobody and nothing is worse than the tRumplikkkons.

Democrats are 10,000 times worse, moron.
Only an uninformed duped moron would believe that.
Everyone with a brain knows that it's true.
Little difference between Ds and Rs. Both are owned and controlled by the same people, the ultra rich.

I will grant you Ds are just slightly worse, because they claim to support the working class.

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