Pence Reportedly Sent A Letter To Congress Shutting Down GOP Attempt To Stop Certification of Election

You people cheering on the theft of the election are in for a rude awakening. If you get president Commie Harris you'll get exactly what you deserve
How would we get president Harris? I thought Trump was staying in for another 4. I do recall you saying that, didn’t you?
This was likely the last straw.

This movement is real:

Texas Independence Movement

It's real goofy.
You forget it was the LEFT talking succession before you figured out how to steal an election. How soon we forget

No it wasn't dumb ass.
Moron doesnt even know it's own political party

Fox News just read a letter Pence reportedly sent to Congress just minutes after 1pm stating he will not support / facilitate a GOP attempt to certify the election results.

That means it is OVER - no matter how many objections are made it looks like Biden will be certified President.

No link att due to this report being made on Fox News Live. I'll post asap.



Pence breaks with Trump moments before Electoral College certification. Read his statement.

Vice President Mike Pence just released a statement on his role at today's joint session of congress, where lawmakers will certify the electoral results of the presidential election.

Anyone who believes that the VP has the authority to reject a state's election results is an ignorant idiot.
Capital on lockdown after protests get out of control and reports of suspicious packages get reported. Trump flags, American flags and confederate flags wave in the air above the crowd outside.
How hilariously embarrassing for ya'll that you needed until today to come to this conclusion. :lol:
'Yall'? Who the f* are you talking to? Your pathetic generalizations, your attempt to lump everyone under one self-defined group is unprofessional, inappropriate, and pathetically self-serving.

It is obvious that your emotions are getting ahead of your brain in this post. Please try to act like a Mod and not an emotional partisan posting member.

Is this part where we pretend that this place hasn't been riddled with posters in denial about whom was going to be the next president? lol. There is only one person here being emotional and it isn't me. I know this loss stings and all, but I have no doubt you'll land your knees again.

I am another one who long ago accepted Biden's win, started to argue with Trump supporters around 3-4 or so weeks ago over their losing stolen election argument.
Tear gassing the capital. Awesome

Is that really happening?
Tear gas was an hour ago. Now the capital is on full lockdown as crowds have broken police barriers. Shelter in place and avoid windows and doors is the order for those inside the capital

reports of suspicious packages are coming in.

this crowd literally left trumps rally and walked to the capital
Fox News just read a letter Pence reportedly sent to Congress just minutes after 1pm stating he will not support / facilitate a GOP attempt to certify the election results.

That means it is OVER - no matter how many objections are made it looks like Biden will be certified President.

No link att due to this report being made on Fox News Live. I'll post asap.



Pence breaks with Trump moments before Electoral College certification. Read his statement.

Vice President Mike Pence just released a statement on his role at today's joint session of congress, where lawmakers will certify the electoral results of the presidential election.

No shit. Most of us knew it was over in early November. You’ve been duped by a conman. There’s a reason why I’ve been calling y’all fools.
Slade, thank you for demonstrating you completely SUCK at false accusations and attempting to speak for me. I have been duped by no one. I have acknowledged this election was over the moment it was announced Joe Biden won the election. I knew the election was over when Chief justice Roberts acknowledged there was election fraud but stated the USSC wanted no part in this mess and chose not to get involved.

When I said 'IT' is over I meant the last gasp for all die-hards who clung to hope of some miracle that would result in Trump remaining President. I am not one of those, despite your best effort to paint me as such.
Odd.. at the loser rally he said he would back the Ted Cruz gang's attempt to throw out the results..At Georgia rally, Pence says America will 'hear the evidence' of election fraud on Jan. 6
Fox News just read a letter Pence reportedly sent to Congress just minutes after 1pm stating he will not support / facilitate a GOP attempt to certify the election results.

That means it is OVER - no matter how many objections are made it looks like Biden will be certified President.

No link att due to this report being made on Fox News Live. I'll post asap.



Pence breaks with Trump moments before Electoral College certification. Read his statement.

Vice President Mike Pence just released a statement on his role at today's joint session of congress, where lawmakers will certify the electoral results of the presidential election.

No shit. Most of us knew it was over in early November. You’ve been duped by a conman. There’s a reason why I’ve been calling y’all fools.
Slade, thank you for demonstrating you completely SUCK at false accusations and attempting to speak for me. I have been duped by no one. I have acknowledged this election was over the moment it was announced Joe Biden won the election. I knew the election was over when Chief justice Roberts acknowledged there was election fraud but stated the USSC wanted no part in this mess and chose not to get involved.

When I said 'IT' is over I meant the last gasp for all die-hards who clung to hope of some miracle that would result in Trump remaining President. I am not one of those, despite your best effort to paint me as such.
Odd.. at the loser rally he said he would back the Ted Cruz gang's attempt to throw out the results..At Georgia rally, Pence says America will 'hear the evidence' of election fraud on Jan. 6

Nah, you need to read what he actually said.

I hope you’re right, but I see Trump taking over the T party movement plus the conspiracy nuts and the disenfranchised government haters, Nationalist and hate groups. This is a dangerous team and Trump is surly going to roll his rage into his new media venture and continue to rally and feed these fires of hate and resentment. I hope to god I’m wrong and he just gets smothered out because if he doesn’t then we are playing with fire, not moving towards a more civil future but a more volatile one

Trump has lost. He just declared war on members f his own party and his VP by pressuring them to do what they need to do for him to 'stop the steal'. He is hurting himself and is helping to widen the division in this country to a dangerous level.

In Senate discussions, R-Tx Ted Cruz just made a great suggestion that could diffuse all of this:

Cruz brought up the election of 1877 during which Congress created an 'Emergency Election Board' consisting of something like 5 Democrats, 5 Republicans, and 5 USSC Justices who were charged with addressing Americans' concerns of election fraud, to look at all the major claims and evidence either way, and make a decision on the election.

Cruz stated doing this would NOT be about invalidating / wiping out the election results but would be a demonstration by Congress that Congress does care about US citizens concerns of election fraud, that they would / did look at it, and they would look at it appropriately before certifying the election.

If it takes a 15-member board 10-Days to address the concerns of millions of Americans regarding election fraud and put an end to claims the election was stolen, to head off potential future violence, and restore confidence in our election, I am thinking this would be a great move.

If you want to unite people again, restore confidence in our elections, don't ignore millions of Americans' concerns, Americans who say without an official look at claims of election fraud they will never accept Biden as president, address them. Don't leave claims hanging - completely debunk them. The Emergency Election Board might just be political theatrics but if it will eliminate the division and 'conspiracy theories', why not do it?

I am not sold on the idea, but Cruz did site precedence and it sounds like an option. I dunno.
Protestors are now in the capital building. Chambers have been locked down
Tear gassing the capital. Awesome

Is that really happening?
Tear gas was an hour ago. Now the capital is on full lockdown as crowds have broken police barriers.

reports of suspicious packages are coming in
Fox News just read a letter Pence reportedly sent to Congress just minutes after 1pm stating he will not support / facilitate a GOP attempt to certify the election results.

That means it is OVER - no matter how many objections are made it looks like Biden will be certified President.

No link att due to this report being made on Fox News Live. I'll post asap.



Pence breaks with Trump moments before Electoral College certification. Read his statement.

Vice President Mike Pence just released a statement on his role at today's joint session of congress, where lawmakers will certify the electoral results of the presidential election.

No shit. Most of us knew it was over in early November. You’ve been duped by a conman. There’s a reason why I’ve been calling y’all fools.
Slade, thank you for demonstrating you completely SUCK at false accusations and attempting to speak for me. I have been duped by no one. I have acknowledged this election was over the moment it was announced Joe Biden won the election. I knew the election was over when Chief justice Roberts acknowledged there was election fraud but stated the USSC wanted no part in this mess and chose not to get involved.

When I said 'IT' is over I meant the last gasp for all die-hards who clung to hope of some miracle that would result in Trump remaining President. I am not one of those, despite your best effort to paint me as such.
Odd.. at the loser rally he said he would back the Ted Cruz gang's attempt to throw out the results..At Georgia rally, Pence says America will 'hear the evidence' of election fraud on Jan. 6

No the Challengers are allow by the rules to make challenges to any of the EC votes, that is why Pence supported it. It is spelled out in the 12 Amendment.

Pence makes clear that he understands his role in all this, which is why due to the nonsense spewed out by Trump and others had to post a letter saying he will follow the Constitution, which means he will follow the long running rules, thus dashing Trumps lie.

Vice-President Mike Pence Announces: “The Constitution Restrains Me From Claiming Unilateral Authority To Determine Which Electoral Votes Should Be Counted”…

As I predicted, despite how loyal he has been to President Trump in the past, VP Pence is showing he is more loyal to the US Constitution.

Kudos to the VP.
Hey, we agree! There we go!

The parting of the seas has come. Trumpnis about to steamroll Pence and his supporters will need to make a choice. Trump and Trump fantasyland or reality and the constitution. The two can’t not and have not coexisted

Conspiracies are like Pringles.....once you've had one, you're likely eating to the bottom of the can. And the GOP is riddled with conspiracy batshit like fat through a juicy roast. Its why their ilk make up most of the covid conspiracy theorists and mask conspiracy theorists too.

Trump is a symptom of the sickness that afflicts the conservative moment as a whole.

And then there's the other half: the GOP's hopeless reliance on greivance as their sole unifying ideology. Trump is the master of whining. He'll be able to fan the flames of victimhood that stands as the core identity of the modern day conservatives.

In short, the GOP and conservatives as a political movement are fucked.

Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that's infected the Republican Party for decades.

And that disease is conservatism.
I hope you’re right, but I see Trump taking over the T party movement plus the conspiracy nuts and the disenfranchised government haters, Nationalist and hate groups. This is a dangerous team and Trump is surly going to roll his rage into his new media venture and continue to rally and feed these fires of hate and resentment. I hope to god I’m wrong and he just gets smothered out because if he doesn’t then we are playing with fire, not moving towards a more civil future but a more volatile one

Trump has lost. He just declared war on members f his own party and his VP by pressuring them to do what they need to do for him to 'stop the steal'. He is hurting himself and is helping to widen the division in this country to a dangerous level.

In Senate discussions, R-Tx Ted Cruz just made a great suggestion that could diffuse all of this:

Cruz brought up the election of 1877 during which Congress created an 'Emergency Election Board' consisting of something like 5 Democrats, 5 Republicans, and 5 USSC Justices who were charged with addressing Americans' concerns of election fraud, to look at all the major claims and evidence either way, and make a decision on the election.

Cruz stated doing this would NOT be about invalidating / wiping out the election results but would be a demonstration by Congress that Congress does care about US citizens concerns of election fraud, that they would / did look at it, and they would look at it appropriately before certifying the election.

If it takes a 15-member board 10-Days to address the concerns of millions of Americans regarding election fraud and put an end to claims the election was stolen, to head off potential future violence, and restore confidence in our election, I am thinking this would be a great move.

If you want to unite people again, restore confidence in our elections, don't ignore millions of Americans' concerns, Americans who say without an official look at claims of election fraud they will never accept Biden as president, address them. Don't leave claims hanging - completely debunk them. The Emergency Election Board might just be political theatrics but if it will eliminate the division and 'conspiracy theories', why not do it?

I am not sold on the idea, but Cruz did site precedence and it sounds like an option. I dunno.
Cruz has been saying this for days. It’s a publicity stunt to capture support from the Trump base. Nothing more. People think the election was rigged because Trump and these politicians have been lying to them and telling them it was rigged! You get that right? All these claims Cruz wants to review have been reviewed and debunked, by courts, by elections boards, by trumps own DOJ. Trump just lies and ignores the truth. What Cruz wants to do with his panel is give a small group the power to override the certified results of the election. Do you understand what kind of precedent that sets?
I hope you’re right, but I see Trump taking over the T party movement plus the conspiracy nuts and the disenfranchised government haters, Nationalist and hate groups. This is a dangerous team and Trump is surly going to roll his rage into his new media venture and continue to rally and feed these fires of hate and resentment. I hope to god I’m wrong and he just gets smothered out because if he doesn’t then we are playing with fire, not moving towards a more civil future but a more volatile one

Trump has lost. He just declared war on members f his own party and his VP by pressuring them to do what they need to do for him to 'stop the steal'. He is hurting himself and is helping to widen the division in this country to a dangerous level.

In Senate discussions, R-Tx Ted Cruz just made a great suggestion that could diffuse all of this:

Cruz brought up the election of 1877 during which Congress created an 'Emergency Election Board' consisting of something like 5 Democrats, 5 Republicans, and 5 USSC Justices who were charged with addressing Americans' concerns of election fraud, to look at all the major claims and evidence either way, and make a decision on the election.

Cruz stated doing this would NOT be about invalidating / wiping out the election results but would be a demonstration by Congress that Congress does care about US citizens concerns of election fraud, that they would / did look at it, and they would look at it appropriately before certifying the election.

If it takes a 15-member board 10-Days to address the concerns of millions of Americans regarding election fraud and put an end to claims the election was stolen, to head off potential future violence, and restore confidence in our election, I am thinking this would be a great move.

If you want to unite people again, restore confidence in our elections, don't ignore millions of Americans' concerns, Americans who say without an official look at claims of election fraud they will never accept Biden as president, address them. Don't leave claims hanging - completely debunk them. The Emergency Election Board might just be political theatrics but if it will eliminate the division and 'conspiracy theories', why not do it?

I am not sold on the idea, but Cruz did site precedence and it sounds like an option. I dunno.
If Cruzes panel decides to send the electoral votes back to the states which isn’t even constitutional but if they did that then the cases and ultimately the election would then be decided by SCOTUS. That’s the play. Rudy has been promoting this plan for a while. It’s disgusting
Tear gas being thrown inside the capital and senators/house members given gas masks to wear

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