Pennsylvania Ballot Drop Box Issues

Plus ballots are not mailed out Willy nilly, the registered voter has to individually request an absentee ballot be sent to them.
In 2020, my state mailed out ballots to every registered voter.
More people voted than any time in history
If you read the contents of it, Pennsylvania's 2019 Act 77 specifically enforces voter ID mechanisms, including for absentee ballots. It further enforces the procedure a voter must use for depositing a ballot at the polling place. The bulk of the changes have to do with clarifying the deadlines for voter registration (<= making voting easier). Nowhere in that legislation does it provide for the anonymous drop boxes that were used in 2020; nor does it provide for the mass-mailing of ballots to everyone on the voter a matter of fact, it practically prohibits that practice (see Section 5 which adds subsections to the original Section 1302: "Applications for Official Absentee Ballots").

But, I'm sure you're too busy being told what to think and say by your puppet masters to be bothered by any real facts.
What difference did it make in the final results?
If you read the contents of it, Pennsylvania's 2019 Act 77 specifically enforces voter ID mechanisms, including for absentee ballots. It further enforces the procedure a voter must use for depositing a ballot at the polling place. The bulk of the changes have to do with clarifying the deadlines for voter registration (<= making voting easier). Nowhere in that legislation does it provide for the anonymous drop boxes that were used in 2020; nor does it provide for the mass-mailing of ballots to everyone on the voter a matter of fact, it practically prohibits that practice (see Section 5 which adds subsections to the original Section 1302: "Applications for Official Absentee Ballots").

But, I'm sure you're too busy being told what to think and say by your puppet masters to be bothered by any real facts.
The fact is that the Loser's lies in Pennsylvania concerning voter fraud, like those across the nation, have not been sustained by any recount, audit, court appeal, or partisan investigation.

The induced partisan paranoia to delegitimate democratic elections requires no credible evidence, apparently.

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. This outlandish claim offers none.

A federal judge in Pittsburgh appointed by former President Donald Trump added drop boxes “do not significantly burden any right to vote…they align with the Commonwealth’s elaborate election-security measures. They do not run afoul of the United States Constitution. They will not otherwise be second-guessed by this Court.”
The reality is that, in the most secure election in U.S. history, no evidence to support the loser lie of a an imaginary vast conspiracy has been contrived anywhere, nor a single suspect in such a vast conspiracy identified.

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So true.
...any real facts.
Please list your "facts" concerning any official findings, based upon actual evidence, in any court or legislative investigation that validates the baseless claim of massive voter fraud by mail-in ballot or drop box, and/or the names of suspects in any such vast conspiracy.
My mother didn't vote in '16. When the '20 election rolled around, she decided she wanted to vote at 90 years of age. She went to the polls and was told she had already cast a mail in ballot, even though she didn't. It took a long time but they finally let her vote in person. So what happened? Maybe interested people saw she didn't vote in 16 and decided to take a chance and vote via mail for her in '20? Anyone who doesn't think voter fraud is happening is sleepwalking
Please list your "facts" concerning any official findings, based upon actual evidence, in any court or legislative investigation that validates the baseless claim of massive voter fraud by mail-in ballot or drop box, and/or the names of suspects in any such vast conspiracy.
The list of names is truly overwhelming. Most of the names are fictitious names inserted into the voter rolls by nameless people who control the software companies that control voter rolls. Those nameless ones are protected by several layers of the state bureaucracy. The voter roll names mysteriously disappear after the election, as proven by independent canvassers in several states. This we have proven and can prove beyond any reasonable doubt. Your request for a "court" investigation is baseless because the courts have no jurisdiction, let alone investigative capacity, in this civil matter. Only the legislatures who appointed the software companies, to begin with, have the jurisdiction to delve into this matter. No legislature would be stupid enough to incriminate themselves to that level.

The "facts" I was referring to have nothing to do with this. What I was talking about was your misquoting of Pennsylvania's Act 77 in your earlier post. You're too lazy to read what that bill actually says, but instead, make some outlandish claim that the bill somehow makes fraudulent voter roll manipulation and ballot harvesting ok. The majority of the act was clearly intended to tighten security and increase voting integrity. The one thing they got wrong was to expand mail-in voting, as evidenced by the court's decision that the Act violated the Pennsylvania constitution, which may have invalidated the election:

If I was going to drop names, I would have to drop Hillary Clinton, as she is claiming that the GOP is going to use similar methods (legislative control of the voting system) to steal the 2024 election:

The list of names is truly overwhelming. Most of the names are fictitious names inserted into the voter rolls by nameless people who control the software companies that control voter rolls. Those nameless ones are protected by several layers of the state bureaucracy. The voter roll names mysteriously disappear after the election, as proven by independent canvassers in several states

The list of names is truly overwhelming. Most of the names are fictitious names inserted into the voter rolls by nameless people who control the software companies that control voter rolls. Those nameless ones are protected by several layers of the state bureaucracy. The voter roll names mysteriously disappear after the election, as proven by independent canvassers in several states. This we have proven and can prove beyond any reasonable doubt. Your request for a "court" investigation is baseless because the courts have no jurisdiction, let alone investigative capacity, in this civil matter. Only the legislatures who appointed the software companies, to begin with, have the jurisdiction to delve into this matter. No legislature would be stupid enough to incriminate themselves to that level.

The "facts" I was referring to have nothing to do with this. What I was talking about was your misquoting of Pennsylvania's Act 77 in your earlier post. You're too lazy to read what that bill actually says, but instead, make some outlandish claim that the bill somehow makes fraudulent voter roll manipulation and ballot harvesting ok. The majority of the act was clearly intended to tighten security and increase voting integrity. The one thing they got wrong was to expand mail-in voting, as evidenced by the court's decision that the Act violated the Pennsylvania constitution, which may have invalidated the election:

Instead of pretending that a propaganda website is remotely credible, please list all the legal challenges by rabid Trump worshipers in any courts or legislative bodies that have not been discredited and dismissed.

Unlike propaganda websites, America's legal system demands credible evidence and, presumably, there is no shortage of disgruntled losers who would eagerly bring such actions to dispute Pennsylvania's certification of election results if they had any chance of surviving judicial scrutiny. Of course, paranoid delusion is an option whenever one's ideological dogma is not accommodated by the facts.

Airy-fairy, fantasies are not actionable. We are a nation of laws, not of

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"2020 election was most secure in US history...

The secretaries of state in Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania, as well officials in Wisconsin, all worked overtime to ensure there was a paper trail that could be audited or recounted by hand, independent of any allegedly hacked software or hardware.”
Trump's Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the United States Department of Homeland Security


Instead of pretending that a propaganda website is remotely credible, please list all the legal challenges by rabid Trump worshipers in any courts or legislative bodies that have not been discredited and dismissed.
Ok, but first, explain why Hillary Clinton is already accusing the GOP of cheating in the 2024 election before this year's election is even over. Elections are "Safe and Secure", so how could the GOP cheat?

Verify what?

Mail in ballots have a bar code traceable to each registered voter

All you have to verify is that the ballots in the Drop Box are from registered voters.

Cops have better things to do
You don't need cops but clearly you need video surveillance since we already have evidence of thousands of paid individuals dumping dozens of ballots at multiple ballot box locations.
You are free to talk to anyone about an election
You cannot force anyone how to vote by mail in

There were no reports by any of the 60 million that claims that happened


Looks like you've been duped?

Fact check: Biden campaign staffer not arrested for voter fraud; allegations lack evidence and petition was denied​

By Reuters Staff

Posts shared on social media claim that Dallas Jones, the Biden campaign’s Texas political director, was arrested for harvesting ballots in a voter fraud scheme. This claim is false.



Where are your indictments?
Where are your convictions?

More bogus affidavits, hearsay and I know a guy

More lies and misinformation from the right
Have you no shame?

Verify what?

Mail in ballots have a bar code traceable to each registered voter

All you have to verify is that the ballots in the Drop Box are from registered voters.

Cops have better things to do
Are all the video camera's too busy as well? Seriously what's the argument against video recording the drop box?
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Looks like you've been duped?

Fact check: Biden campaign staffer not arrested for voter fraud; allegations lack evidence and petition was denied​

By Reuters Staff

Posts shared on social media claim that Dallas Jones, the Biden campaign’s Texas political director, was arrested for harvesting ballots in a voter fraud scheme. This claim is false.

Nice try. But every single link in that "fact check" article is a bogus link to non-existent information.

VERDICT: Your "fact check" website is a hoax designed to make weak-minded people like you believe in communist propaganda.

In fact, that story was published on several media sources, based on true information.

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