Pentagon 9/11 Analyzed in Depth.

Terral is like the energizer bunny of bullshit; he just keeps going and going and going.

Shock waves travel in a cone. The narrow end of the cone is closest to the source.

The light poles as the missile supposedly passed are about 100 feet apart and were supposedly disloged by the missile, sent careening down the freeway, and then the missile wasn't able to disloge a trailer or a wooden set of steps outside of as it passed with two or three feet making a gigantic dent in the uppper corner of the trailer.

He just keeps going and going and going.
Hi Mr. Fizz:

Let's see: Mr. Fizz is supposed to be proving that this wall ...

no. i am here to show what a dumb fucking idiotic hoax your entire scenario is so we can all get to the truth of what really happened on 9/11.:cuckoo:

so explain to us all, mr retard, how you "bow shockwave from a hypersonic missile" was able to knock over light poles dozens if not hundreds of feet away from its trajectory yet it travels in between these fence posts without knocking any over except the ones it physically hits and also manages to leave this flimsy wooden staircase along with its flimsy handrail standing? :lol:




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Your supposition that the Hypersonic Raytheon Missile Bow Shockwave 'did nothing' is impossible to prove, as if we have photographs of the position before 'and' after the attacks. Again, the "missile" (Donald Rumsfeld Testimony) 'exploded INSIDE' the Pentagon! There was 'no fire' outside the Pentagon after the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike and I am not going to repeat myself to this DoD Stooge in every post. The corner of the generator fence is the very location where the Hypersonic Missile passed on the way to striking the CL-14 Location directly behind those Cable Spools.


This is a picture of the aftermath of the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike 'and' the 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet Crash 'after' the fire was put out 'and' before the E-ring Roof collapsed at 10:15 AM (my Pentagon Timeline).



so let me get this straight... your official explanation of what happened is that first a missile flew across the highway full of rush hour traffic and through a construction site and nobody saw it.

then minutes later a military A-3 airplane crashes into the pentagon and blows it up a second time. its wings impact along over 100 feet of the pentagon yet the wingspan of an A-3 is is about 72 feet.

then...just for fun, i guess..... demolitions are used to blow up the building a third time.

yet not one person says there was more than one explosion. (well, except you. but you are a fucking idiot).

and you expect experienced aviation professionals to mistake one of these...

for one of these....

so where is your technical data proving that a missile can produce a shock wave strong enough to knock over light poles which appear to be over 100 feet apart?

where is your evidence of any missile at all?

where is your A-3 wreckage?

where are your missile witnesses?

where are your A-3 witnesses?

where is your radar data showing an A-3 or any aircraft in position to fire a missile towards the pentagon?

your hoax has so many holes in it you could use it to grate cheese.
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Hi Mr. Fizz:

i'll curse as much as i fucking want and the more you complain about me doing it the more i will bring to everyone's attention what a complete fucking moronic asshole you are ...


GL (#7-#10),



two explosions

please tell us, who witnessed two explosions five minutes apart?

well, i was looking through his posts for a graphic on his non-existent missile trajectory. i came across a post of his that claims explosives collapsed the pentagon.

so that makes 3 explosions. not two.

for a team of people that planned every detail of 9/11 so precise it seems kinda stupid to blow something up 3 times in front of witnesses and then claim it was only hit by one aircraft. :cuckoo:
Hi Ollie:

Explain to us again how the hole in the first floor was made by an A3 but is twice the length that would have made so it doesn't was still an A3.........:cuckoo:

The masonry walls between the 21-inch columns on the first floor of the Pentagon were blown 'out' by the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike to also receive damage (CL-10 through CL-14) from the 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet crash:


However, the E-ring Roof 'wedged' itself against the north side of the intact CL-11 Control Joint on the left:


Note how the windows on the right side of CL-11 are one-foot lower, because the entire wall section (CL-11 through 18) has fallen to wedge this entire section tightly. The DoD Inside-Job Murderers then began setting off 'demolition charges' between 9:32 AM and 10:15 AM (my Pentagon Timeline) to include this very large explosion:

[ame=""]9:45 Pentagon Explosion[/ame]

Look very carefully at the short video clip images to realize this explosion is coming from directly behind CL-9!!!! That is the very reason that CL-9 (above pic) is blown out in 'our direction' in the first place! Ollie's problem is that he is assuming the Pentagon was attacked 'just once,' when in truth we are looking at 'three' (3) separate attacks that include:

1. 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike (my Blog Entry).
2. 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet Strike (my What Happened Topic).
3. 9:42 AM - 10:15 AM Controlled Demolition Of The E-ring Roof.


There is no reason for anyone here to try and prove that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, because NOTHING like that came out the back side of the C-ring Wall ...


... (on left) that is only 220 feet away from the outer E-ring Wall (diagram)! All of these experts agree:

[ame=""]The Bottom Line Is ...[/ame]

Your silly Govt Conspiracy Theory says a 100-ton Jetliner disappeared into thin air in the .39 seconds it took to travel through the rear C-ring wall (never happened) at 530 miles per cotton-picking hour! That is 'your' Official Cover Story LIE that makes 'you' guilty of running diversion for Inside-Job Murderers of Innocent Americans (my new What Happened Topic).


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Hi Corn:

Shock waves travel in a cone. The narrow end of the cone is closest to the source.

Bow Shockwaves (Wiki) follow the laws taught by 'Fluid Dynamics' (Wiki) that are 'far' more complicated than Mr. Corn currently realizes. Bow Shockwaves attach, detach (article) and reattach, grow, shrink and grow again, when coming in contact with obstructions in the environment. The DoD geniuses who developed this "Pentagon Attack" failed to realize the ramifications of the bow shockwave force created by their Hypersonic-class Raytheon Missile ...

The light poles as the missile supposedly passed are about 100 feet apart and were supposedly disloged by the missile ...

All five light poles are on this tight flight path (pic), but the A-3 Jet accounted for the clipping of 'only' Pole #2. The Raytheon Missile Bow Shockwave uprooted Pole #1 and took out Pole #3 - #5. Therefore, these five poles were taken down by a 'combination' of the A-3 Jet 'and' the Raytheon Missile, during the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike. Here is Candy's problem that she will never address:


These construction trailers all stand in the way of the starboard wing of any 100-ton Jetliner crashing into the first floor 'and' look at all of the light poles that 'are' still standing directly in the way! We are looking at the 45-degree angle flight path of the Official Cover Story, but only five light poles were taken down; because they were taken down by the Raytheon Missile 'and' the starboard wing of a smaller A-3 Jet ...

... sent careening down the freeway, and then the missile wasn't able to disloge a trailer or a wooden set of steps outside of as it passed with two or three feet making a gigantic dent in the uppper corner of the trailer.

The Rayteon Missile Bow Shockwave 'was' strong enough to uproot and twist 'breakaway light poles,' but NOT nearly strong enough to move any construction trailer. Remember again that any missile bow shockwave 'attaches' itself to the nose and 'detaches' when contacting an obstruction to then reattach at some point down the line. The missile can pass right by an object, but if the bow shockwave is momentarily 'detached,' then that object is 'not' affected one way or the other. However, your 100-ton Jetliner should have taken down ALL of the light poles from the Route 47 (Washington Blvd) cloverleaf/overpass on that flight path 'and' that .... never .... happened ....

He just keeps going and going and going.

Yes! I do! Because I know more about what really happened on 9/11 at the Pentagon than all of you Official Cover Story Stooges combined (BY FAR). There is only one (1) 911Truth and everything else is a LIE. Period.


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Hi Mr. Fizz:

no. i am here to show what a dumb fucking idiotic hoax your entire scenario is so we can all get to the truth of what really happened on 9/11 ...

Run your silly mouth all day long in direct support of Official Govt LIES if that blows air up your skirt ...

[ame=]What A Moron![/ame]

My 911Truth Presentations are made for the benefit of the 'unbiased' third-party reader. If anyone is impressed by this Fizzle idiot, then thank you for helping to prove my hypothesis (#7-10).


Hi Trojan:


two explosions

please tell us, who witnessed two explosions five minutes apart?

Lots of people experienced multiple explosions at the Pentagon on 9/11. A good example is Lloyde England the famous Taxi Driver (story) who saw the A-3 Jet pass directly in front of his taxi, during the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike (explosion #1 = top pic).


Lloyde saw black smoke rising from the single impact hole and the 'inside-the-building fires' (Barbara Honegger's Paper) from the original 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike. THEN, he was wrestling with Pole #1, with the help of a man from the white van, until they both experienced the "Big Boom" that became Terry Cohen's "Terrible Explosion" from this video:

[ame=]Key Pentagon Witness[/ame]

Yes. Terry Cohen thinks this 'Terrible Explosion' happened some 15 minutes later, but the time differential is caused by the 'shock' and the 9/11 Pentagon Chaos ...


Hi Ollie:

Explain to us again how the hole in the first floor was made by an A3 but is twice the length that would have made so it doesn't was still an A3.........:cuckoo:

The masonry walls between the 21-inch columns on the first floor of the Pentagon were blown 'out' by the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike to also receive damage (CL-10 through CL-14) from the 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet crash:


However, the E-ring Roof 'wedged' itself against the north side of the intact CL-11 Control Joint on the left:


Note how the windows on the right side of CL-11 are one-foot lower, because the entire wall section (CL-11 through 18) has fallen to wedge this entire section tightly. The DoD Inside-Job Murderers then began setting off 'demolition charges' between 9:32 AM and 10:15 AM (my Pentagon Timeline) to include this very large explosion:

[ame=""]9:45 Pentagon Explosion[/ame]

Look very carefully at the short video clip images to realize this explosion is coming from directly behind CL-9!!!! That is the very reason that CL-9 (above pic) is blown out in 'our direction' in the first place! Ollie's problem is that he is assuming the Pentagon was attacked 'just once,' when in truth we are looking at 'three' (3) separate attacks that include:

1. 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike (my Blog Entry).
2. 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet Strike (my What Happened Topic).
3. 9:42 AM - 10:15 AM Controlled Demolition Of The E-ring Roof.


There is no reason for anyone here to try and prove that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, because NOTHING like that came out the back side of the C-ring Wall ...


... (on left) that is only 220 feet away from the outer E-ring Wall (diagram)! All of these experts agree:

[ame=""]The Bottom Line Is ...[/ame]

Your silly Govt Conspiracy Theory says a 100-ton Jetliner disappeared into thin air in the .39 seconds it took to travel through the rear C-ring wall (never happened) at 530 miles per cotton-picking hour! That is 'your' Official Cover Story LIE that makes 'you' guilty of running diversion for Inside-Job Murderers of Innocent Americans (my new What Happened Topic).



That explosion could have been dozens of different things. I want to hear from the guy who saw all three of your explosions at the times you claim. Then I want him to explain why no one else heard or saw them.
Hi Trojan:


two explosions

please tell us, who witnessed two explosions five minutes apart?

Lots of people experienced multiple explosions at the Pentagon on 9/11. A good example is Lloyde England the famous Taxi Driver (story) who saw the A-3 Jet pass directly in front of his taxi, during the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike (explosion #1 = top pic).


Lloyde saw black smoke rising from the single impact hole and the 'inside-the-building fires' (Barbara Honegger's Paper) from the original 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike. THEN, he was wrestling with Pole #1, with the help of a man from the white van, until they both experienced the "Big Boom" that became Terry Cohen's "Terrible Explosion" from this video:

[ame=]Key Pentagon Witness[/ame]

Yes. Terry Cohen thinks this 'Terrible Explosion' happened some 15 minutes later, but the time differential is caused by the 'shock' and the 9/11 Pentagon Chaos ...



Her terrible explosion 15 minutes later was probably the transformer that blew up in your other video. She definitely says the first thing she heard turned out to be the plane as reported to her by eyewitnesses. Your own videos disprove your theories.
Hi Ollie:

Explain to us again how the hole in the first floor was made by an A3 but is twice the length that would have made so it doesn't was still an A3.........:cuckoo:

The masonry walls between the 21-inch columns on the first floor of the Pentagon were blown 'out' by the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike to also receive damage (CL-10 through CL-14) from the 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet crash:


so if the explosion from the missile happened INSIDE the pentagon and the walls of the first floor were BLOWN OUT then you would have all the debris from the first floor out on the pentagon lawn. you have pictures of this, right?!! :cuckoo:

However, the E-ring Roof 'wedged' itself against the north side of the intact CL-11 Control Joint on the left:


Note how the windows on the right side of CL-11 are one-foot lower, because the entire wall section (CL-11 through 18) has fallen to wedge this entire section tightly. The DoD Inside-Job Murderers then began setting off 'demolition charges' between 9:32 AM and 10:15 AM (my Pentagon Timeline) to include this very large explosion:

9:45 Pentagon Explosion

Look very carefully at the short video clip images to realize this explosion is coming from directly behind CL-9!!!! That is the very reason that CL-9 (above pic) is blown out in 'our direction' in the first place! Ollie's problem is that he is assuming the Pentagon was attacked 'just once,' when in truth we are looking at 'three' (3) separate attacks that include:
holy fuck, you are a moron!!!

so now building demolitions CREATE FIREBALLS?!!!

1. 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike (my Blog Entry).
2. 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet Strike (my What Happened Topic).
3. 9:42 AM - 10:15 AM Controlled Demolition Of The E-ring Roof.


There is no reason for anyone here to try and prove that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, because NOTHING like that came out the back side of the C-ring Wall ...


... (on left) that is only 220 feet away from the outer E-ring Wall (diagram)! All of these experts agree:

The Bottom Line Is ...

Your silly Govt Conspiracy Theory says a 100-ton Jetliner disappeared into thin air in the .39 seconds it took to travel through the rear C-ring wall (never happened) at 530 miles per cotton-picking hour! That is 'your' Official Cover Story LIE that makes 'you' guilty of running diversion for Inside-Job Murderers of Innocent Americans (my new What Happened Topic).



where are your A-3 remains?!! you are going to complain that there is no 757 yet you provide absolutely no evidence of an A-3 having crashed there. again, you have this stupid double standard that none of your moronic hoaxes need to have any proof or any evidence yet you insist on evidence of a 757. (which has been provided).

quit being a dumbfuck and if you are going to complain that there are no airplane part then show us airplane parts from YOUR airplane!!

your entire hoax makes no sense what-so-ever.

first, lets fly a missile into a building that we already control and could much more easily just explode from inside. then.... just in case the missile didnt work....

lets steal a 757 loaded with passengers and hide it someplace..... but lets not crash that into the pentagon... lets paint an A-3 like a 757 and crash that into the pentagon instead. the prupose of that is....well...... there is no reason to really crash an A-3 into the pentagon instead of a 757 other than we think it sounds like a really cool idea.....

then let's set of explosive demolitions insode the building... (why did we fly this missile into the building again?)

this is the dumbest fucking plan i have ever heard of.

and all this makes sense to you, you dumb fucking moron? :cuckoo:

and the funniest part of all your claims is that everyone that disagrees with you is a government agent. you do realize how insane that is, right :cuckoo:
Hi Mr. Fizz:


holy fuck, you are a moron!!! ...




so now you surrender and admit that you have no reply for any of this post other than to laugh at being a fucking idiotic moron!!! :lol:

where are your A-3 remains?!! you are going to complain that there is no 757 yet you provide absolutely no evidence of an A-3 having crashed there. again, you have this stupid double standard that none of your moronic hoaxes need to have any proof or any evidence yet you insist on evidence of a 757. (which has been provided).

quit being a dumbfuck and if you are going to complain that there are no airplane part then show us airplane parts from YOUR airplane!!

your entire hoax makes no sense what-so-ever.

first, lets fly a missile into a building that we already control and could much more easily just explode from inside. then.... just in case the missile didnt work....

lets steal a 757 loaded with passengers and hide it someplace..... but lets not crash that into the pentagon... lets paint an A-3 like a 757 and crash that into the pentagon instead. the prupose of that is....well...... there is no reason to really crash an A-3 into the pentagon instead of a 757 other than we think it sounds like a really cool idea.....

then let's set of explosive demolitions insode the building... (why did we fly this missile into the building again?)

this is the dumbest fucking plan i have ever heard of.

and all this makes sense to you, you dumb fucking moron? :cuckoo:

and the funniest part of all your claims is that everyone that disagrees with you is a government agent. you do realize how insane that is, right :cuckoo:
Hi Mr. Fizz:

so now you surrender and admit that you have no reply for any of this post other than to laugh at being a fucking idiotic moron!!!

No sir. We already know that Mr. Fizz cannot control his temper and his swearing, when outmatched in any real 911Truth Debate. There is NOTHING in your moronic posts to threaten a single component of my Pentagon Explanations of the facts told by the evidence. Ask all the questions you wish 'and' if anyone really believes this idiot has made any "Official Cover Story" Case (#8), then congratulations!


Here is the deal with Gam, Mr. Fizz and their DoD Disinfo (How To Spot) Stupidity: These DoD-sent Official Cover Story LIARS cannot debate me on these related 911Truth Topics, which is the reason I have been banned from LooseChange, LetsRoll, PilotsForTruth and many other DoD-run Boards (more info). They cannot ever win a real debate with me, so their only chance is to send these bottom-of-the-barrel idiots to wave their arms and throw a ton of dust into the air using every underhanded debating tactic in the book. The bottom line is that "I" am doing all of the work in these 911Truth deliberations and these guys are throwing stones. They 'can' whine and cry with the best of them, but they cannot even begin to place any 100-ton Jetliner in the Empty Shanksville Field, nor at the Pentagon ... and WTC-7 Was Definitely Brought Down Using Controlled Demolition ...

This Is What Really Happened On 911 'and' these guys cannot 'debunk' (idiots) a single word ...


Hi Mr. Fizz:

so now you surrender and admit that you have no reply for any of this post other than to laugh at being a fucking idiotic moron!!!

No sir. We already know that Mr. Fizz cannot control his temper and his swearing, when outmatched in any real 911Truth Debate. There is NOTHING in your moronic posts to threaten a single component of my Pentagon Explanations of the facts told by the evidence. Ask all the questions you wish 'and' if anyone really believes this idiot has made any "Official Cover Story" Case (#8), then congratulations!


Here is the deal with Gam, Mr. Fizz and their DoD Disinfo (How To Spot) Stupidity: These DoD-sent Official Cover Story LIARS cannot debate me on these related 911Truth Topics, which is the reason I have been banned from LooseChange, LetsRoll, PilotsForTruth and many other DoD-run Boards (more info). They cannot ever win a real debate with me, so their only chance is to send these bottom-of-the-barrel idiots to wave their arms and throw a ton of dust into the air using every underhanded debating tactic in the book. The bottom line is that "I" am doing all of the work in these 911Truth deliberations and these guys are throwing stones. They 'can' whine and cry with the best of them, but they cannot even begin to place any 100-ton Jetliner in the Empty Shanksville Field, nor at the Pentagon ... and WTC-7 Was Definitely Brought Down Using Controlled Demolition ...

This Is What Really Happened On 911 'and' these guys cannot 'debunk' (idiots) a single word ...



debunk? whats to debunk? you tell a fictitious story with absolutely no facts to back up anything except stupid graphics that draw illogical conclusions. when asked where your evidence is you reply that anyone that disagrees with you is a government agent and still dont show any evidence.

i have exactly the same amount of evidence that the pentagon was hit by a train that you have that the pentagon was hit by a missile, an A-3 and then blown up with explosive demolitions that create fireballs.

you are a fucking moronic, paranoid lunatic!! :lol:

(i'm not angry. i'm laughing my ass off!!)
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Hi Mr. Fizz:

so now you surrender and admit that you have no reply for any of this post other than to laugh at being a fucking idiotic moron!!!

No sir. We already know that Mr. Fizz cannot control his temper and his swearing, when outmatched in any real 911Truth Debate. There is NOTHING in your moronic posts to threaten a single component of my Pentagon Explanations of the facts told by the evidence. Ask all the questions you wish 'and' if anyone really believes this idiot has made any "Official Cover Story" Case (#8), then congratulations!


Here is the deal with Gam, Mr. Fizz and their DoD Disinfo (How To Spot) Stupidity: These DoD-sent Official Cover Story LIARS cannot debate me on these related 911Truth Topics, which is the reason I have been banned from LooseChange, LetsRoll, PilotsForTruth and many other DoD-run Boards (more info). They cannot ever win a real debate with me, so their only chance is to send these bottom-of-the-barrel idiots to wave their arms and throw a ton of dust into the air using every underhanded debating tactic in the book. The bottom line is that "I" am doing all of the work in these 911Truth deliberations and these guys are throwing stones. They 'can' whine and cry with the best of them, but they cannot even begin to place any 100-ton Jetliner in the Empty Shanksville Field, nor at the Pentagon ... and WTC-7 Was Definitely Brought Down Using Controlled Demolition ...

This Is What Really Happened On 911 'and' these guys cannot 'debunk' (idiots) a single word ...



Yet Mr Terral cannot point out one paragraph in the 911 commissions report that addresses a major point and tell us that it is wrong, while giving actual physical evidence as to why it is wrong. Why? Because he has zero physical evidence.

The 911 Commissions Report was and still is correct on all major issues.
Hi Mr. Fizz:

debunk? whats to debunk? you tell a fictitious story with absolutely no facts to back up anything except stupid graphics that draw illogical conclusions ...

Once again this DoD Crybaby sends me an empty post (no links to anything) with third-party support for NOTHING.


Hi Ollie:

Yet Mr Terral cannot point out one paragraph in the 911 commissions report that addresses a major point and tell us that it is wrong, while giving actual physical evidence as to why it is wrong. Why? Because he has zero physical evidence.

The 911 Commissions Report was and still is correct on all major issues.

That is some really great "Pentagon Case Analysis!" :cuckoo: No sir. The 911CR does 'not' even use the term 'explosions' one time like the corrupt ACAAR (#10). The error-filled 911CR does NOT even mention WTC-7 once.

The Govt Document 'Proves' A 9/11 Inside Job
(my Topic). Period. Bump one of those Topics and start 'debunking' ...



Hi Ollie:

Yet Mr Terral cannot point out one paragraph in the 911 commissions report that addresses a major point and tell us that it is wrong, while giving actual physical evidence as to why it is wrong. Why? Because he has zero physical evidence.

The 911 Commissions Report was and still is correct on all major issues.

That is some really great "Pentagon Case Analysis!" :No sir. The 911CR does 'not' even use the term 'explosions' one time like the corrupt ACAAR (#10). The error-filled 911CR does NOT even mention WTC-7 once.

The Govt Document 'Proves' A 9/11 Inside Job
(my Topic). Period. Bump one of those Topics and start 'debunking' ...




I think you're giving Ollie a superiority complex. He's beating the shit out of you.


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