Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death Special


VIP Member
Nov 22, 2011
Gimmick: Bin Laden's death

When Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death. I wonder what those high ranking government officials were watching in situation room? Was it just another gimmick to fool people?


Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death Special
Elliott By Elliott Freeman
May 1, 2012 - yesterday in Politics

Pentagon officials recently disclosed to the Associated Press (AP) that they could not find any photo or video evidence to confirm that Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed in the Navy Seal raid in Pakistan a year ago.

AP has submitted more than 20 requests for information surrounding the raid on Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound to the U.S. Government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

In response to the request for visual evidence of Bin Laden’s death, the Pentagon stated that it could not find any pictures or video footage of the raid itself or of Bin Laden’s dead body. It also told AP it could not locate any images of Bin Laden’s body that were taken on the U.S.S. Carl Vinson, the Navy aircraft carrier that reportedly lowered him into the sea after his death.

In addition, the Pentagon admitted that it could not find an autopsy report, death certificate or results of a DNA identification test for Bin Laden, in spite of claims made by President Obama and reported by CBC News that a DNA test was performed.

Read more: Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death (Includes interview)
In addition, the Pentagon admitted that it could not find an autopsy report, death certificate or results of a DNA identification test for Bin Laden, in spite of claims made by President Obama and reported by CBC News that a DNA test was performed.
The Pentagon admits to what we "Conspiracy Theorists" have said all along.
If it's really true that they don't have any sort of documentation, that is more than disturbing...I mean even pics of lowering him into the sea could have easily been faked just so that they could show "proof". I guess I never really considered too seriously that it wasn't true, because how would they pull something like that off. However, true or not, I do think that there is something to be said for the Obama admin fueling conspiracy theories on the basis that it makes people uncomfortable to buy into them, and so they tend to reject them. Clever either way.
maybe the requests are going to the wrong people, as well as I would think that it would be considered classified.
I always thought feeding him to the fishes was strange. Wouldn't an alive Bin Laden been more of a coup? But with the new book, it sounds like the easy way was taken, just kill him, but dumping him in the ocean?
I always thought feeding him to the fishes was strange. Wouldn't an alive Bin Laden been more of a coup? But with the new book, it sounds like the easy way was taken, just kill him, but dumping him in the ocean?

Best outcome for bin Laden

No Martyrdom
The Pentagon doesn't have the photos, because the CIA ran the raid, not the Pentagon.

The CIA has the photos, and they're not sharing them.
A Navy SEAL who was there was just on 60 Minutes

He said he personally took pictures and that blood and saliva samples were taken
First off, they are not supposed to have any evidence and they certainly are not going to share it. The entire point of taking care of the body and raid the way they did was to end this issue without pictures or anything else that can be used as a recruiting piece or to martyr him. Clean, quick and done. The administration handled this very well. I can’t stand Obama BUT that does not mean there is nothing that he has done well. I can’t think of any way whatsoever that he could have done better here. This is exactly as it should be.

Your link is also extremely suspect. The following is pulled from it:
Some organizations contend that the cover-up extends beyond the Bin Laden raid, including Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a group of over 1,600 technical professionals that is calling for a new 9/11 investigation. "The raid is not the only part of the Bin Laden narrative that doesn't add up," said founder Richard Gage, AIA. "It's also highly unlikely that Bin Laden and Al Qaeda had access to plant the explosives that brought down the Twin Towers and Building 7."
Yes, These are wild conspiracy theories.

I always thought feeding him to the fishes was strange. Wouldn't an alive Bin Laden been more of a coup? But with the new book, it sounds like the easy way was taken, just kill him, but dumping him in the ocean?
And the reasoning has been given. It is sound reasoning too. Some people can be MORE effective in death than they were in life. Doing anything else with hid body would have given something to martyr, a place to go or a symbol to uphold. Now there is simply nothing.

What would you have done with his body?
While none of these sightings and other reports can be confirmed, it is essential in a world in which any and every unchecked rumor is reported on MSM so as to appear fair and balanced, that these too be reported.

"The Villages in Florida have a compound where Osama bin Laden lives today.
Osama bin Laden was seen weeks ago ordering a vegetarian salad at MacDonald's in Abu Dhabi.
Osama bin Laden worked with government in the fifties to put fluoride in your drinking water, no one knows why yet.
Osama bin Laden appears in a picture on the grassy knoll.
Osama bin Laden signed Grover Norquist no tax pledge, no one is sure why.
Osama bin Laden had Michael Jackson drugged so he could perform in England.
Enron hired Osama bin Laden to help with media releases.
Osama bin Laden was seen at Area 51.
It is claimed a picture of Osama bin Laden riding Nessie is in the Fox picture collection.
It has been reported Osama bin Laden was the real D. B. Cooper.
Hollywood hired Osama bin Laden to help with their Moon landing video.
Osama bin Laden was seen frequently in New York in September 2001.
Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh consult with Osama bin Laden for news tips.
Timothy McVeigh had a portrait of Osama bin Laden in his living room.
Honey Boo Boo was a show idea of Osama bin Laden.
Ann Coulter is secretly married to Osama bin Laden.
Fox claims Osama bin Laden was delivered in a UFO.
Clint Eastwood is going to play Osama bin Laden in an upcoming movie 'Misunderstood.'
Osama bin Laden is gay and has a big crush on Bill O'Reilly.
Osama bin Laden writes for Cracked."

While these items cannot be verified, it doesn't really matter today.

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If bin Laden was really the terrorist mastermind, why announce the raid at all? Did it end the war? no! Did we get intel from him? no

So besides giving Obama a thing to campaign on, what was the point?
If it's really true that they don't have any sort of documentation, that is more than disturbing...I mean even pics of lowering him into the sea could have easily been faked just so that they could show "proof". I guess I never really considered too seriously that it wasn't true, because how would they pull something like that off. However, true or not, I do think that there is something to be said for the Obama admin fueling conspiracy theories on the basis that it makes people uncomfortable to buy into them, and so they tend to reject them. Clever either way.

I never considered it seriously that Osama wasn't dead. But I did consider it a slap in the face that Obama refused to show us the evidence. Thousands of brave men died for that photo. I hope President Romney releases it.
If bin Laden was really the terrorist mastermind, why announce the raid at all? Did it end the war? no! Did we get intel from him? no

So besides giving Obama a thing to campaign on, what was the point?
Bingo! That WAS the whole point!

The point is we killed the Son of a Bitch who ordered the killing of 3000 Americans
Even if bin Laden was taken to trial, found guilty and held under lock and key in a Supermax with round the clock video surveillance of him rotting in his cell through a live feed, there'd still be millions of paranoid wankers around the world claiming it's all a hoax.
News just in: bin Laden was spotted stacking shelves in the Kwik-E-Mart on The Simpsons last night!
If bin Laden was really the terrorist mastermind, why announce the raid at all? Did it end the war? no! Did we get intel from him? no

So besides giving Obama a thing to campaign on, what was the point?

Are you serious here? What would you do? Leave him alive? Not pursue him at all? Kill him and keep it totally silent?

Really, what is the need to ding Obama for this? OBL is dead. He should be dead. We should have hunted him down and ended his terror regime. We should have announced AND it was handled perfectly. What is the problem here…

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