"People are not even investing in West Africa because of Ebola" - says CDC Rep


Senior Member
May 4, 2014
Today at the news conference, the CDC representative by the name of Tom Frieden stated that, "people are even pulling out investments from Africa because of the or an over exaggeration of Ebola." Does anyone else find this a tad bit strange?!

I found this strange for so many reasons - that economic / investments were somehow grooming and dictating the messaging for ebola. Who were they trying to assure?

(a) Investors, maybe?
(b) Irate Americans, certainly - but please see point A.

The other issue that we should be alarmed about is this, do you know that there were even some reports that asprin was given to west africans - to mask ebola? We really need to be serious here!

Let me give you a little background on myself before you guys rant on and tell me that I am some paranoid republican.

I am a 43 white male. I was raised with a liberal mom a repub father. I have moderate views, and when my party is wrong, I admit it. I own my own company and I also invest, from a middle income family. The issue is not whether or not we shouldnt invest in Africa or not. The issue is the safety of all Americans. And before you pull the race card, I am also not some irate racist, I have employed African Americans and have 3 Afr. American employees. I played university football and was one of the few white men on an all black college football team ..so, please dont go there.

My concern is the messaging that was pitched to us today; the primary reason for this press release is not to just alleviate our fears about Duncan's death, hell we knew he was a goner when they mentioned respirator - we should be alarmed about the CDCs his desire to place political diplomacy over human safety that has me alarmed and has had me alarmed since Duncan has arrived. And I do blame the Obama administration for this, as well as my party's inability to really push back - and push back hard on these key issues. Immigration reform should be our number one issue - not just for Central Americans but really Africa too - see Isis recruits if you think that I am exaggerating here.

As I mentioned early, I am a business man - 1 billion potential customers - I get it. But, as I sat there and watched the African Summit, I realized that this is going to be a third world country soon if we dont get a grasp on our own infrastructure. I am not a Keynesian, I believe in good old Adam Smith. However, I do think that our blind ferocious desire to be competitive with China is clouding our sensibilities at this point - one being practicality - especially when it comes to human safety. Hell, we have a few more years to fight China. Has anyone looked at Africa lately? It is a total mess. It will take years and years for infrastructure to be built up.

You cant tell me that we shouldnt be able to do the following:

(a) 21 incubation period - 21 delay. Ground potential fliers from that area for 21 days. Why cant the individuals that want to come here be stationed at an army base and evaluated for at the very least 21 days? And after evaluation, they can board the plane under strict protocols? If not, hold them in Belgium where they connect - if Belgium wants to be the transporter - at least make them responsible for some of the burden.
(b) Special Clearance flights. Health care workers and Aid workers should be the only ones that are allowed clearance. Special training should be given to the aid/health workers and they should board the plane with our army officials so that they can be monitored. I dont think they should be out there willy nilly.

Check out the following, whether you are liberal, independent or republican - we should all be concerned for so many reasons, you dont have to like me or us after you get involved but at least take a look. Dont let my political affiliation dissuade you at our peril, for this we should all be united, if you are an American CITIZEN you should join this fight: CDC Online Newsroom - Home - Currently, the link isnt up it goes up a day later. But I am sure someone can come in here and vouch for me.


1. Here is the petition, I signed. I am not the creator - but we need to stand behind this.
Have the FAA ban all incoming and outgoing flights to ebola-stricken countries until the ebola outbreak is contained We the People Your Voice in Our Government

2. Contact your local health department. You simply type in whatever your local county's name is type that in and type in health department and have that number on hand. For example if your county is Rockcity type in rockcity county health department.

Below is the US department of health - to report any cases.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
Toll Free: 1-877-696-6775

3. FAA commissioner Michael P. Huerta ndash Administrator

4. Contact your local DA department and suggest criminal prosecution for anyone flying from those areas that are entering in the US, knowing they are in infected areas. We need prisons just for that, if need be.

5. Contact the airlines that are flying these people here.
United Airlines - suggest that you wont fly.
Delta - suggest that you wont fly, it is going to kill me - I love Delta, but I am going to suggest to them that if they dont halt flights I wont be flying with them.

6. We need to evaluate the CDC in the future, create policies - they should be in an advisory capacity but they shouldnt decide what is a security risk.

7. Start your own petition.

8. Find out your schools best practice/ security measures is for grandchildren and children. My oldest is 20 - had him young, my youngest is in elementary school <- that is a problem. I dont live around a lot of immigrants, but the United States is a very connected society. In fact, I think they have a better chance at containing the virus in a rural area because it is remote.

Add on.

Policy issues: Libs you might want to leave me at this point, hehe

(1) Immigration reform should be evaluated again. Imagine India getting this outbreak. Has anyone been there? I have. There are slums just like in West Africa. We need a flight policy for viruses.

(2) CDC needs to be evaluated. Their role should be advisory.

(3) Foreign AID needs to be evaluated. We have projects right here, I guarantee you that we could be building upon and making a better America.

Thanks for your time.

Foreign AID is done by liberals and conservatives...so i see no relation to separation by party....will Congress allow the CDC to have it's funding restored that was sequestered by dems and repubs alike?

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