People are saying there is a possibility this could get bloody and this is one reason why

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Some politican out in Arizona asking if people would be willing to die to keep Trump in office. Now a prominent voice in right wing wacko politics is adding to it..oh he claims he was just repeating what he heard, not advocating it..BS.. he was blowing his dog whistle loud and clear. There are some really wacked out right wingers that want to start Civil War Part II..Rush Limbaugh Goes Viral for Talk of Secession, Now Claims It Wasn’t His Idea

Stay scared snookums.

The shiny side of the tinfoil needs to be on the outside.
Nobody wins wars by dying for someone.. You win them by making the other fuckers die.
Some politican out in Arizona asking if people would be willing to die to keep Trump in office. Now a prominent voice in right wing wacko politics is adding to it..oh he calims he was just repeating what he heard, not advocating it..BS.. he was blowing his dog whistle loud and clear. There are some really wacked out right wingers that want to start Civil War Part II..Rush Limbaugh Goes Viral for Talk of Secession, Now Claims It Wasn’t His Idea

Let them dumbass Trumpbots bring it on. Cowards, all of them. There is not a damn one of them with the balls to waltz down this private dirt road and tangle with me. They are all hat and no cattle. I fear the raccoons more than them.

Some politican out in Arizona asking if people would be willing to die to keep Trump in office. Now a prominent voice in right wing wacko politics is adding to it..oh he calims he was just repeating what he heard, not advocating it..BS.. he was blowing his dog whistle loud and clear. There are some really wacked out right wingers that want to start Civil War Part II..Rush Limbaugh Goes Viral for Talk of Secession, Now Claims It Wasn’t His Idea

Do you mean like wacked out left-wingers who shoot sheriffs in the face and burn loot and murder?
No, I mean like crazy Trump toadies who can't accept the fact the country got tired of their Orange Leader who suddenly got bone spurs when the draft started for the war in Vietnam.

"Biden received five student draft deferments during this period, with the first coming in late 1963 and the last in early 1968, at the peak of the Vietnam War. In April 1968, he was reclassified by the Selective Service System as not available for service due to having had asthma as a teenager. Biden was not a part of the anti-Vietnam War movement; he would later say that at the time he was preoccupied with marriage and law school, and that he "wore sports coats ... not tie-dyed"."

Joe Biden
No, I mean like crazy Trump toadies who can't accept the fact the country got tired of their Orange Leader who suddenly got bone spurs when the draft started for the war in Vietnam.

What country OTHER THAN CHINA got tired of Trump?

Oh right....the countries who were having all their share for NATO paid by the US and Trump stopped it.....those
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