People Are 'Sick of Politics, They Want Us to Get Something Done’

A significant majority of the nation doesn't want the Republicans to get anything done, because that majority hates Republican policies.

Crying at us because conservative tyranny-of-the-minority tactics are being blocked isn't going to convince us to stop blocking them. Quite the contrary. The fact that the tyrants are crying shows that we're hurting them, and that we should keep up our successful strategy.

So basically, after pulling out of your ass what the significant majority (read: your echo chamber) wants, you proceeded to completely contradict the OP.

Here is what the "significant majority" looks like (in blue):


Conservatism! Believing in the vote of dirt since 1865!

Conservatives believe in vote of the dirt?


They don't vote democrat.

So you didn't understand what I said and you post a fake picture to make a fake point.

Trump has the support of millions of acres of soil. Just look at his inauguration photos.

His inauguration? Thanks for pointing out, he is indeed the president that the US people elected.

The God-Emperor is shockingly popular. There is a reason why the hard leftists want him dead.

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My tears? ROFLMAO!!! Please point out to such thing! I am enjoying the situation thoroughly. You can't imagine the smile on the face.

We've seen you have such a smile every time you post of photo of your sexual obsession. It's kind of creepy, but whatever floats yer boat.

Anyways, let's get back, again, to the point of the thread, which you're doing a tearful snowflake-retreat from.

What Trump policy in particular to you think the liberals should "compromise" (read: "cave completely") on? And why should they do so?

Since you're such a fan of compromise, what compromises should the Republicans offer?
My tears? ROFLMAO!!! Please point out to such thing! I am enjoying the situation thoroughly. You can't imagine the smile on the face.

We've seen you have such a smile every time you post of photo of your sexual obsession. It's kind of creepy, but whatever floats yer boat.

Anyways, let's get back, again, to the point of the thread, which you're doing a tearful snowflake-retreat from.

What Trump policy in particular to you think the liberals should "compromise" (read: "cave completely") on? And why should they do so?

Since you're such a fan of compromise, what compromises should the Republicans offer?

My sexual obsession? You just never end the projection do you?

What compromises should Republicans make... Let's see, they control the government, that has been the will of the people, so why should they make any compromises?
My sexual obsession?

You loooooooove her, don't you?

Don't be ashamed. We can't help who we're attracted to. You're clearly attracted to the screaming woman.

What compromises should Republicans make... Let's see, they control the government, that has been the will of the people, so why should they make any compromises?

Then why is your side now crying about the awful Democrats who won't compromise? You need to get together with the other snowflakes to make some more consistent talking points.

You will have to compromise.. Due to the crazy people on the Republican side of congress, the Republicans can't pass a budget bill without Democratic support. Thus, the Democrats and Republicans in congress will compromise. Our side doesn't see that as a problem. As usual, moral high ground to Democrats.
My sexual obsession?

You loooooooove her, don't you?

Don't be ashamed. We can't help who we're attracted to. You're clearly attracted to the screaming woman.

What compromises should Republicans make... Let's see, they control the government, that has been the will of the people, so why should they make any compromises?

Then why is your side now crying about the awful Democrats who won't compromise? You need to get together with the other snowflakes to make some more consistent talking points.

You will have to compromise.. Due to the crazy people on the Republican side of congress, the Republicans can't pass a budget bill without Democratic support. Thus, the Democrats and Republicans in congress will compromise. Our side doesn't see that as a problem. As usual, moral high ground to Democrats.

If you want to be taken seriously in any way, you need to stop projecting:

Everyone knows you are talking about these folks and projecting their features on the Trump supporters. Everyone also knows you would most likely have a sexual relationship with a can of tuna - and are projecting that as well. Finally, the Democrat message has been that of republicans being uncompromising. Project! Project! Project!

"Our side" thanks for admitting you are a partisan hack, it shows.
My tears? ROFLMAO!!! Please point out to such thing! I am enjoying the situation thoroughly. You can't imagine the smile on the face.

We've seen you have such a smile every time you post of photo of your sexual obsession. It's kind of creepy, but whatever floats yer boat.

Anyways, let's get back, again, to the point of the thread, which you're doing a tearful snowflake-retreat from.

What Trump policy in particular to you think the liberals should "compromise" (read: "cave completely") on? And why should they do so?

Since you're such a fan of compromise, what compromises should the Republicans offer?

They offered too much as it is. The better question would be what have the Democrats offered?

Trump didn't start the wall because of Democrats. Trump didn't get his immigration order processed because of liberal activist judges. Same holds true of sanctuary cities. And so it seems, the Republicans are not putting up much of a fight. Planned Parenthood is still funded, so is NPR, so is PBS and so on.
This comes from – gasp! - A Democrat Representative on – gasp! - CNN.

Of course Rep Tom Suozzi (D-NY) had to take a jab at the president for Tweeting. (Why does the left and the media hate this so much?)

Suozzi said the president and the Congress should focus on trying to work together to accomplish things. “People are sick of politicians, they’re sick of politics, they want us to get something done.”

When did Obama ever sit down with the Republicans to actually talk about policies. Every time he claimed to do so was no more than him preaching at them to do things his way or else. It appears that President Trump is actually DISCUSSING things with Democrat lawmakers. Even when we all know they will do everything in the power to thwart his policy initiatives.

This story can be found @ Democrat Lawmaker: People Are 'Sick of Politics, They Want Us to Get Something Done’

So Trump is sitting down with Democrats in between Tweeting and golfing and signing executive orders that get thrown out by federal judges? Fascinating!

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