people call Christians Stupid for what they believe but they believe some whoppers

So you accept the points made by frigidweirdo?

That a fetus is like a mole? No. My point refutes his claim. We kill babies now right up to the time of birth. Why not just throw them off a cliff or into a volcano? Sacrifice them to the woman's rights goddess...
Enough for the macabre to come up with the idea of death rooms. You can sit and rock your little one for as long as it takes for the infant to suffocate after having it's neck slit. Pictures, wine, little death certificates. How woke is that!

Ask yourself how many premies live at 6 months and how many we kill after 6 months. All those vaccines we are pumping out world wide? Thank all the babies crushed in the womb for them.
It is a booming business those baby pieces...

Here are some statistics about when abortions take place.

"In 2018, 78% of all U.S. abortions occurred prior to the 10th week of gestation; 92% occurred prior to 14 weeks’ gestation (CDC)."

1.8% took place between the 18th and 20th week.
1% took place after the 21st week.

Probably most of these abortions after the 18th week happened because of medical complications.

"1.14% are done to save the life or physical health of the mother."

"1.28% to preserve the mental health of the mother."

"0.69% for fetal birth defects, or eugenics."

"3.50% for all the hard cases combined."

So you have about 3.5% of abortions, according to this, that are done for logical reasons. And yet you have 2.8% that take place after the 18th week.

Here is another which comes from a study in 1987

71% of post 16 week abortions were for a "Woman [who] did not recognize she was pregnant or misjudged gestation"

48% "Woman had found it hard to make arrangements for an earlier abortion"

33% "Woman was afraid to tell her partner or parents"

So, a lot of these issues are ones which either happened because the woman didn't know, which happens, or because of society making it hard for them to get the abortion earlier.
Now you are biblical!
Psalms 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
Do you know the point of that saying? This point comes up more than once in the Old Testament. Too often (feeling proud of ourselves) we tolerate a little evil in our midst. We often convince ourselves a little evil is even good. While the verse has always made everyone gasp in horror, the point is made. Happy are those who don't welcome even a little evil into their lives. Perhaps a better way of putting it, is how happy would you be if your spouse announced that a little adultery was tolerable, even good, in a marriage. How about being faithful ninety percent of the time? What about child abuse? What about a philosophy of, a good parent is one who only abuses their child ten percent of the time?

Anyway, each time we see this passage, we should reflect on the little evils that remain in our own lives. Scripture tells us we will be happy if dash even these little evils against a stone. Try it some time.

As for society: Aborting a growing child in the womb at the three month stage is one of the little evils we tolerate--some even convince themselves this little evil is actually a good thing. You know, in the 1860s, only one in five people in the South indulged in that little evil we call slavery. Four/fifths of the population did not own slaves. Wasn't that little bit of slavery worth dashing against a stone? Aren't we happy that we did so?
Do you know the point of that saying? This point comes up more than once in the Old Testament. Too often (feeling proud of ourselves) we tolerate a little evil in our midst. We often convince ourselves a little evil is even good. While the verse has always made everyone gasp in horror, the point is made. Happy are those who don't welcome even a little evil into their lives. Perhaps a better way of putting it, is how happy would you be if your spouse announced that a little adultery was tolerable, even good, in a marriage. How about being faithful ninety percent of the time? What about child abuse? What about a philosophy of, a good parent is one who only abuses their child ten percent of the time?

Anyway, each time we see this passage, we should reflect on the little evils that remain in our own lives. Scripture tells us we will be happy if dash even these little evils against a stone. Try it some time.

As for society: Aborting a growing child in the womb at the three month stage is one of the little evils we tolerate--some even convince themselves this little evil is actually a good thing. You know, in the 1860s, only one in five people in the South indulged in that little evil we call slavery. Four/fifths of the population did not own slaves. Wasn't that little bit of slavery worth dashing against a stone? Aren't we happy that we did so?
As you well know, the context of that verse is about killing the infant children of your enemies, and not the BULLSHIT you posted.
And of course, as usual, you cannot present one.
that video actually makes me start to like that old buzzard..

I mean, he was speaking truth, for cryingg out loud.. saying the dims have a vast vote fraud organization

the only time I have liked that guy... only time

go figure... strange stuff
Believing is believing. It is accepting something without knowing whether it's true or not.

Life at conception is not an easy topic because there are so many things to consider. First and foremost is that most of what our bodies are, are not part of the life we are.

"More than half your body is not human"

"Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count. The rest are microscopic colonists."

What is "life"? When a baby is a fetus, it's like a mole on your face. It's potentially so connected with the body it's in, because a fetus of 2 days old cannot survive on its own. So is it independent? And if it's not independent, is it it's own life?

And if life is so damn important, then why are you not a vegetarian?
rationalizing murder
LIbErals also believe that a man can be a woman.

Modern LIbEralism is a mental disease.
it's the worst mental disease known to man

it is defiance of reality (much less God)

i can kinda understand someone who doesn't know God rejecting God.. but to reject reality itself... I mean, that's as sick as it gets... and rejecting reality IS rejecting God.. whether the person knows it or not
Believing is believing. It is accepting something without knowing whether it's true or not.

Life at conception is not an easy topic because there are so many things to consider. First and foremost is that most of what our bodies are, are not part of the life we are.

"More than half your body is not human"

"Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count. The rest are microscopic colonists."

What is "life"? When a baby is a fetus, it's like a mole on your face. It's potentially so connected with the body it's in, because a fetus of 2 days old cannot survive on its own. So is it independent? And if it's not independent, is it it's own life?

And if life is so damn important, then why are you not a vegetarian?
a baby 3 month after birth cant survive on its own and is not independent,, whats your point??
The bible says life begins with the first breath, so thank you for admitting the bible is wrong.
bible says all kinds of stuff and i never heard this one... have read the whole thing

not to mention that

all truth cannot be stuffed into a book

God is huge

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